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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Congrats!
    GizzlyKitten got a reaction from mommytina in October 2018 Sleevers   
    They asked me to lose 5 and I lost 9 and am still going down. Might lose another 1-2lbs before the my surgery date on the 22nd.
  2. Like
    GizzlyKitten got a reaction from GirlShrinking in October 2018 Sleevers   
    Im very fortunate, they aren't making me do a pre-op liquid diet because I lost enough weight already they are fine with just liquids the day before surgery only. but starting to get nervous and trying to tell the negative voices in my head to back off.
  3. Haha
    GizzlyKitten reacted to GirlShrinking in Just got approval!! Any October sleevers out there?   
    *waving* to all my fellow October surgery buddies. I am scheduled for the 24th of October myself :)

    Excited to join you guys and gals on the loser’s bench! Xox
  4. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to SallyH in The wait is killing me!   
    Just got a call down the insurance company that the surgery was approved!!!!

  5. Like
    GizzlyKitten got a reaction from soph504 in Surgery   
    What did your surgeon say regarding wait time?
  6. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to Briswife15 in Surgery   
    I would go with what your personal surgeon says, not what you've read, or someone else's surgeon. Yours knows you best. Good luck whatever you choose.

    HW 246
    SW ??
    CW 238
    Planning on gastric bypass

  7. Like
    GizzlyKitten got a reaction from FluffyChix in Let's Talk Dying By Your Own Hand!   
    If you want brighter grays use a purple tinted conditioner. It will tone the to a bright white. I color my own hair, bleaching the roots and coloring it whatever color catches my eye that week/month currently its purple and pink.
  8. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to DaleCruse in 6 months of fear and self doubt   
    Take this time to address your anxiety. Therapists, meditation, articles, books, possibly medication.
    Your profile says you life in California, like I do. Marijuana is legal here & has helped with my anxiety & PTSD tremendously. I don't want to make this a post about pot - I'm just pointing out you have options.
    Good luck. You are not alone.
  9. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to Yo-yo girl in Weightloss surgery won’t work for me   
    Anyone else has this illogical fear that they’ll be the one this surgery doesn’t work for? It’s hard for me to picture a day when I’ll be full with little sips. All the reading, researching and success stories can’t keep me from feeling like what if. Anyone else felt this way?
    Yo-Yo Girl from New York City
  10. Like
    GizzlyKitten got a reaction from FluffyChix in Let's Talk Dying By Your Own Hand!   
    Here is one but there are a ton of brands.

  11. Like
    GizzlyKitten got a reaction from FluffyChix in Let's Talk Dying By Your Own Hand!   
    If you want brighter grays use a purple tinted conditioner. It will tone the to a bright white. I color my own hair, bleaching the roots and coloring it whatever color catches my eye that week/month currently its purple and pink.
  12. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to Apple203 in Let's Talk Dying By Your Own Hand!   
    I say embrace the gray -- its popular these days. After decades of highlights/color ($$$$), I let it grow out with a little assistance from my hairdresser-- or should I say gray out, LOL?
  13. Like
    GizzlyKitten got a reaction from GINAGINA317 in 1st Visit   
    PM me next week and let me know how it went!!
  14. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to Creekimp13 in Broccoli slaw is the devil!   
    I love brocoslaw...and hate it...for the same reasons. I make mine with turkey bacon, sunflower seeds and raisins:)
    Light candles.
  15. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to SIPS in Seattle in Broccoli slaw is the devil!   
    I’m dying over here. Tonight I made broccoli slaw and it was delicious. Totally didn’t think about the after effects of consuming raw broccoli. The whole house stinks...the poor ozone layer is being depleted and I thank the baby Jesus that I’m currently single.
    Note to self... lay off the raw broccoli! 🥦 =
  16. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to Mhy12784 in Questioning everything   
    I'm also a dieting "pro". My bmi was 35.
    This has made it a million times easier to lose weight without hunger pains or needing to cheat or anything I'm only roughly 6 months out but I went from 5'10 245 to 166 in that time period. By the end of May I'll be the lightest I've been since I was a teenager.
    Could I have lost the weight, yes totally I've done it before (although soon I'll be in uncharted waters). Could I have kept it off? Almost certainly not. And would I constantly have been hungry miserable and forced to cheat or turn to weight loss products probably.
    The surgery has turned my cycle of horrible yoyoing into something long term and sustainable while allowing me to enjoy my quality of life instead of being miserable and hungry.
  17. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to Over and Out in Dr. Atkins, pioneer of the ketogenic diet   
    Hate to add to the anthropology rant. But great apes are not our ancestors. We share a common ancestor that lived 5 to 11 million years ago.
  18. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to allwet in Post op diet help   
    please read thru I'm starving post about 6-7 post under this one.
    I know it seems impossible but it really is a small part of the rest of your life.
    most everything post op is a mental game. the sleeve will do its part and you need these weeks to learn your part. It sucks it really does and eating was always so much of our lives and now a huge hole in our 24 hour day that needs filling. distract, distract, distract. try to stay busy and stay away for T.V. to many food reminders.
    start a new hobby, binge watch everything on netflix (except cooking shows lol) just keep occupied till its over.
    and every surgeon uses a different plan and a different timeline and every person reacts differently to the stages as they progress it is very different for each person.
    We all do this together but at a slightly different pace.
  19. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to Healthy_life2 in Baking for others   
    If it's not a temptation for you to eat the baked goods, then I see no issue. If you find yourself drooling and eating them...Find another creative outlet...lol
  20. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to swimbikerun in Baking for others   
    I know my batters, so I don't taste test. I go by smell also - if I cant smell butter/vanilla/almond or whatever, its not good. LOL.
    I still do it but not like I used to. Too many other active persuits going on.

  21. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to Sedica in Any other Chefs/Sues/Cooks out there who have had the surgery? How did it effect your work?   
    So, I am preparing for surgery on the 31st and thru this whole process I have wondered how much this will affect my work as a Chef. I would love any insight that others in the same field can pass along to a fellow Chef
  22. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to pharlow in Feeling emotional   
    I worried about how family get together’s would work out. They so often center around food. One thing that really helps is to remember the rules. 1) no drinking with your meal. When eating out, I order a large class of unsweetened tea and sip it while the other folks have appetizers(our NUT advised stopping fluids 5 minuets before meal- some are different),I usually need the fluids anyway. 2 Chew your food thoroughly, put your fork down between bites. Nobody will notice if you aren’t eating that way. Especially if you are the life of the party, keeping conversation going. 3. Order grilled meat/seafood and veggies. Eat your Protein first, then your vegetables. You may fall off the wagon occasionally, but not very fall and nothing you can’t recover from.

  23. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to MsTipps in So this happened today....   
    Had surgery on 12th Jan and weighed 262 that day... Today this happened!!! I'm so happy!! Excuse the feet...

  24. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to jackiesays in Just starting the process??   
    So I just got back from my Options orientation at Kaiser and will be starting 5/7, which puts my finish date at 7/30! We just filled out a questionnaire on our health, mental health etc and a brief history. Then one of the bariatric surgeons, Dr. Zane, gave a short presentation and q&a session. He is SO nice! Everyone is right about him. Then at the end we had a choice of three tracks to join. Hope this helps!

  25. Like
    GizzlyKitten reacted to ChynaDollMUA in Just starting the process??   
    You and me both

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
