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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    bookworm1983 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in How did you decide on your goal weight?!   
    How did you decide on your "goal weight"? Was it something that you talked to your surgeon about? How many of you took your BMI into account? I am hitting non-scale milestones (smaller clothes, able to walk fast and further, etc.) but I still focus on the scale since that is what I have done my whole life. Trying to get away from it but it is hard. I'm 5'9 and was 419 at my heaviest and around 355 on surgery day 12/28. I'm down to 278 as of this morning so I am making great progress. I was thinking of setting my goal weight around 190. I want to get under 200 and 190 seems like a weight where I would be happy. I know that I will never be "skinny" but I just want to be healthy.
  2. Like
    bookworm1983 got a reaction from Jrob66 in When do sleevers go back to work?   
    I was sleeved on 12/28. I was off work for 2 weeks and I needed every minute! I had a good amount of pain from drinking anything (finally went away after 2 months) and ended up in the ER after a few days home. Take the time that that you need and don't push yourself. A trip to the ER can really set you back physically and mentally.
    My husband was sleeved on 12/4 and had pretty much no pain after the first day home and breezed through recovery with almost no issues (a few incisions ot infected but that's it).
  3. Like
    bookworm1983 got a reaction from logicwand in So cold!   
    I ended up in the ER becuase I could not get warm (teeth chattering cold) and was having stomach pain. They gave me fluids and sent me home. I had layers on a so many blankets! It took a few days to get used to the change but my body finally adjusted. I've always been the one who is cold so at least I'm used to always having a blanket nearby.
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    bookworm1983 got a reaction from Jade5 in December Sleevers Check In!   
    Down 43 since I was sleeved on 12/28 and 86 since my first appointment June 6th!

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    bookworm1983 got a reaction from cdealdec in December Sleevers Check In!   
    I am usually fine on Protein (2 shakes a day) but I struggle with the water

  6. Like
    bookworm1983 got a reaction from logicwand in Does your stomach feel normal?   
    I can't seem to eat slow enough! I get pain in my stomach and burp a lot. Any tips from anyone that helps?
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    bookworm1983 got a reaction from cdealdec in December Sleevers Check In!   
    I am usually fine on Protein (2 shakes a day) but I struggle with the water

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    bookworm1983 got a reaction from cdealdec in December Sleevers Check In!   
    Best way I get mine in is a Protein Shake and a shot or two of espresso over ice. My nutritionist said as long as I limit it to a few times a week and don’t add any flavoring/sweeteners then I should be fine

  9. Like
    bookworm1983 got a reaction from Jade5 in December Sleevers Check In!   
    Down 43 since I was sleeved on 12/28 and 86 since my first appointment June 6th!

  10. Like
    bookworm1983 reacted to kaydo in December Sleevers Check In!   
    Sleeved 12/28, down 43.5 lbs total.
    Things slowed down around weeks 5-6 (I wasn't exercising, and I also went on vacation) but I've started exercising more and the scale is dropping again now. Yay.
  11. Like
    bookworm1983 reacted to Creekimp13 in First Period in 15 months... now it won't stop   
    I'm glad you're getting it checked out at the obgyn. I had some issues with "the period that never ended"...spotting on and on... and had an endometrial cancer scare. Luckily, my biopsies were clean, some meds got the eternal period to go away, and the next one was more normal. Perimenopause sucks! It's enough to freak you out.
    I know the blood thinner shots can play havoc with perimenopause, particularly if you have fibroids.
    I wouldn't be overly alarmed, because what you're describing does happen.
    But, I would definitely stay on top of it with your doctor.
  12. Like
    bookworm1983 got a reaction from Jade5 in December Sleevers Check In!   
    Down 43 since I was sleeved on 12/28 and 86 since my first appointment June 6th!

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    bookworm1983 reacted to HorrorAuthor in Married people....8 out of ten of us will get divorced within 2 years   
    I had a lap band placed 11 years ago (and removed 2 days ago!!) but back then my husband voiced his concern that I might lose weight and leave him for someone else (an irrational fear he's always had). My own fear with my upcoming sleeve is that when I lose weight he'll no longer be attracted to me. He's never known me at a healthy weight.

    We've been married for almost 16 years. Alcoholism, interfering family, lost jobs, bankruptcy, foreclosure, a baby in the NICU, having 3 babies 3 and under at one point, a move across the country and back again 10 months later that was intended to be permanent, health issues for us both, and a child who has fought a brain tumor for almost 4 years...we've made it through all of that, so I pray we can make it through this one too.
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    bookworm1983 reacted to fruitandveggies in Married people....8 out of ten of us will get divorced within 2 years   
    This is really interesting to me, I've never had a better relationship with my hubby than I do now! Me being obese was a huge strain on our marriage. BED and my lack of self esteem was my major focus in life, not him or us. Now I'm feeling so much better and he's loving it too. I think @momin2005 was right on this one. People get married for so many wrong reasons, especially people who are obese.
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    bookworm1983 got a reaction from FluffyChix in Married people....8 out of ten of us will get divorced within 2 years   
    Both my husband and I had WLS in December (him, early December, me late December). The whole journey has strengthened our marriage. We have opened up to eachother like never before. We are also there to support eachother as no one really knows what we are going thru unless they have had WLS themselves. We are happier as individuals so our marriage is better.
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    bookworm1983 reacted to Danny Paul in Married people....8 out of ten of us will get divorced within 2 years   
    Happened to me with my first marriage. My first wife although a beautiful woman was very jealous. After losing 50 pounds due to heart by pass surgery she started to feel that I was now looking to meet someone else. Never mind that we always spent all of our none working time together with our kids. It got to a point where she just made it impossible for us to be together. Imagine, I didn't lose the weight on purpose, it was a result of an operation to save my life. Side Note: The weight stayed off for four years after that I gained the 50 pounds and then some back. Today, my current wife is happy that I had WLS for my health and doesn't feel threatened at all. One of my friends told her that she should be careful that the other ladies in the complex don't start looking to get me. My wife told him, "hope they run fast because this guy is always running chasing me around.". It all depends on where you are in your marriage and who you're with. This time I hope to keep the wife and lose the pounds permanently.
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    bookworm1983 reacted to _Rebecca_ in Married people....8 out of ten of us will get divorced within 2 years   
    My husband and I are also both going through this process together, though we are at a much earlier stage and our surgeries will likely not be that close together. But so far, it has been nice being able to discuss it so openly with him. We've talked about different things we find in our research and about lifestyle changes we need to make. We've been enablers for each other to not eat healthy, so its time for us to support each other through this change.
  18. Thanks
    bookworm1983 reacted to KatFight in Physical Intimacy?   
    Hi. Because of my weight and specifically due to my large stomach, my husband and I have not been physically intimate in a very long time. Even creative positioning doesn't help and becomes embarrassing because of my size. Has anyone else experienced weight as a barrier? I'm hoping we can get back on track as I lose weight but then I think I'll have loose skin that may affect intimacy. Is there hope?
  19. Like
    bookworm1983 reacted to DaleAnn in Late December Sleevers?   
    Not exactly at a standstill but not.as fast as I like. Guess I need to take a longer view. The reason I am not losing isn't because I eat too much that's for sure. I know I am being healthy and active so I will just stay away from the scale. It isn't my friend at the moment. So why put myself through it.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

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    bookworm1983 got a reaction from jess9395 in Fatty Liver Pain Sucks!   
    No gallbladder and no appendix. I have not seen a specialist but that is something that I will look into. Thanks!

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