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Mrs. Rob

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Mrs. Rob

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 09/03/1971

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  • City
    Newport News
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  1. I had my surgery on May 22 2018 and lost 113 pounds with in 9 months.
  2. Mrs. Rob

    2014 and still down 100+

    Congratulations.... Nice job. keep it up.
  3. I lost over 100 pounds within 8 months and I'm now 4 pounds away from reaching my all time goal. I just stayed active at the gym and watched my carbs. The weight came off pretty fast, but now I have to try to keep it off
  4. I weigh myself every other day in the morning before breakfast. This helps me to stay on track.
  5. I am so HAPPY TODAY.... I am just 4 pounds away from my all time GOAL.  I reached my goal within 8 MONTHS!!!!!  GOING FROM 245 TO 135... YES!!!!!:D:1299_raised_hands_tone5:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ProudGrammy


      110 lbs GOAL, holy moly girlfriend!! you are aces!! congrats - kathy

    3. Wanda247


      That's awesome...Congratulations!!;)

    4. Mrs. Rob

      Mrs. Rob

      Thank you so much :D

  6. I am so happy today.  I finally got into a size 8 pants in 5 months, I went from a size 18 to a size 8.  (WOW) I never thought that would be possible.....YESSSSSS😁

    1. ProudGrammy


      Anything and everything is possible!! keep up the good work - you are aces - congrats kathy

    2. Wanda247


      Congratulations...That is awesome!! 👍

    3. Mrs. Rob

      Mrs. Rob

      Thank you so much for the Congrats, I'm working out 4 days a week and watching what I eat....It's hard but worth it... 😀

  7. Mrs. Rob

    May Sleevers

    Personally I don’t look at my calorie count, I just make sure that I am eating enough healthy foods to feel satisfied. And I count my carbs.
  8. I weighed 245 prior to my Surgery and I’m 178.4 now. I’m a little over 3 months post op. I lose about 2 to 3 pounds a week.
  9. Mrs. Rob

    May Sleevers progress

    I was sleeved on May 22. As of today I'm down 50 pounds. I went through a stall for about a week. I just bumped up my protein and my walking, and that help the stall to break.
  10. Mrs. Rob

    waist trainer/compression

    It helps with holding your stomach in place and tight. It also help me when I'm working out doing crunches.
  11. Mrs. Rob

    waist trainer/compression

    I wear a waist trainer. It really helps.
  12. Mrs. Rob


    The only regret that I have is not doing this sooner...
  13. Out of my stall and down 3 more pounds....I'm So Happy:D

    1. Chrisb428



  14. Mrs. Rob

    How are the May sleevers doing?

    I was sleeved May 22nd. I am on regular diet now, and I am also exercising. I feel great, just waiting for more numbers on the scale to come down. So far I have lost 40 pounds.

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