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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from DaisyChainOz in Confessional - Lets post our cheats/confessions/etc so others can see that we are all human   
    I drink Gin and low cal tonic twice (sometimes three times) a week...and boy are we making some lovely gins in Scotland right now! 🍸🍸
  2. Like
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to ARMoma45 in So embarrassed - nearly fainted on a flight yesterday!   
    I'm glad that you are feeling better
  3. Like
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from ARMoma45 in clothing   
    I am in the UK, and I cycled new (to me) clothing through eBay - I bought smaller sizes, then re-sold them as they became too big. Also used charity (thrift) shops.

    It’s become a bit addictive - my ‘new’ wardrobe is mainly made up of eBay and charity shop bargains (and I love it all!)
  4. Like
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Weight-loss funnies   
  5. Haha
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Weight-loss funnies   
  6. Haha
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Weight-loss funnies   
  7. Thanks
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to rs in Non Scale Victories   
    Nice! Congrats!
  8. Like
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from ARMoma45 in Lies to tell people about what surgery I am having   
    I went with a Hiatus Hernia repair - even my parents don’t k ow any different!
  9. Like
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to mrblond in Drinking   
    way I see it, ya have to live your life. We are not all joining a monastery or anything. have a drink if you want, just dont drink the whole bottle and dont do it every day.
    Same goes with food. Looking at my recommended things the Dr wants me to eat, no way. I will have a fat, juicy cheeseburger and fries some time. just not every week...need to have balance in all things..
  10. Like
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to FancyChristine15 in 1/2 the person I used to be   
    As of today's weigh in, I weigh exactly half of what I weighed when I began this journey! I've lost exactly 50% of my starting weight, and I've lost almost 85% of my excess weight! So glad I did this!
  11. Like
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to summerset in TERRIFIED of gaining weight   
    Naturally. One has to find the balance between being too careless on the one side and the scaremongering on the other side.
  12. Like
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to Neversaynever in First all inclusive holiday!   
    Well we managed to get a last minute deal to Egypt, and seeing as it was - 6 in the UK and a lovely hot 27 degrees in Egypt, I didn't hesitate!
    I was a little worried as the only option for the best price, was all inclusive and it's the first one I have been on since my op last May. We have been away a couple of times since my op but we chose self-catering which made sense.
    However! I have been very very good lol and am very proud of myself 😃
    My restriction seems to be very tight here, don't know if it's the heat/ guilt/worry of gaining etc but I'm not complaining at all.
    It seems I have only been able to make one choice at each meal time and that has been to be good and eat Protein, or eat badly, I don't have room to do both unfortunately 🤣
    I have been having eggs in one form or another at Breakfast, meat salads at lunch and then a fish dish at night. The Desserts are to die for but I haven't been able to fit them in!
    I am excited to get weighed when I get home next week as this will be the first time I know I won't have put weight on by going all inclusive 😂
    All hail the wonderful sleeve...

  13. Like
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from BlueCrush in Buddies Group - Surgery Dec 4 to 15, 2017   
    84lbs down - maintaining at 168lbs for last 3 months :) Running, spinning and loving Body Combat!
  14. Like
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to Deleted Account in Buddies Group - Surgery Dec 4 to 15, 2017   
    Extremely happy! Started at 275, and now at 150! And still losing!!!
  15. Like
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to MagnoliaRose in Buddies Group - Surgery Dec 4 to 15, 2017   
    I’ve lost 100 lbs!! I’m very happy with my results! I’ve gone from weighing 274 lbs to 174 lbs!!
  16. Like
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to cajundude in Vsg   
    I have turned to this message board for a while and have gotten great info from a lot of you, so now I want to encourage others. VSG on 3-14-18, have lost 105 since. By far the best thing I could have done for me and my family. 
  17. Like
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from Pearldrop in Non Scale Victories   
    I have been clothes shopping for my upcoming holiday this week - I got in to a ‘medium’ in Gap, and shopped in the regular (not plus ladies) section in TK Maxx (which is the UK version of TJ Maxx) - I still can’t quite get my head around shopping for normal sized clothes - it’s been 23 years and I feel overwhelmed I have so much choice!
  18. Like
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to GreenTealael in Fat Shaming   
    I have no suggestions for your situation as it involves work
    knowing myself I would said
    "I'd rather be mobidly obese than morally bankrupt", flipped the bird and watched the cinders fall...
  19. Congrats!
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from Sleeved36 in Non Scale Victories   
    Ran 5k today without stopping - first time in my life I have ever managed to do this with no stops....in under 40 mins :) training for my first 5k event next month - running in memory of my sister (great motivator!), raising money for the hospice that supported her 💕
  20. Congrats!
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from Sleeved36 in Non Scale Victories   
    Ran 5k today without stopping - first time in my life I have ever managed to do this with no stops....in under 40 mins :) training for my first 5k event next month - running in memory of my sister (great motivator!), raising money for the hospice that supported her 💕
  21. Congrats!
    RosieQueenofScots reacted to Biddy zz 🏳️🌈 in Non Scale Victories   
    Tucking my shirts in! I have never ever done this but now! Flat tummy, no bulges, no bum... feels like a million dollars to do this.

  22. Congrats!
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from Sleeved36 in Non Scale Victories   
    Ran 5k today without stopping - first time in my life I have ever managed to do this with no stops....in under 40 mins :) training for my first 5k event next month - running in memory of my sister (great motivator!), raising money for the hospice that supported her 💕
  23. Congrats!
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from Sleeved36 in Non Scale Victories   
    Ran 5k today without stopping - first time in my life I have ever managed to do this with no stops....in under 40 mins :) training for my first 5k event next month - running in memory of my sister (great motivator!), raising money for the hospice that supported her 💕
  24. Congrats!
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from Sleeved36 in Non Scale Victories   
    Ran 5k today without stopping - first time in my life I have ever managed to do this with no stops....in under 40 mins :) training for my first 5k event next month - running in memory of my sister (great motivator!), raising money for the hospice that supported her 💕
  25. Congrats!
    RosieQueenofScots got a reaction from Sleeved36 in Non Scale Victories   
    Ran 5k today without stopping - first time in my life I have ever managed to do this with no stops....in under 40 mins :) training for my first 5k event next month - running in memory of my sister (great motivator!), raising money for the hospice that supported her 💕

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