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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    NickyNes reacted to jess9395 in Do you miss being overweight?   
    So my initial thought was nope never.

    Even after reading the above introspection about losing the invisibility, i can certainly identify with that, but I don’t MISS the invisibility, I enjoy being seen.

    But I thought some more and what I DO miss is the power that came with my substantial body. At almost 300 pounds no one could physically overpower me. I had an amount of strength that came with the size that no amount of yoga and running can replicate. I feel stronger in many ways, don’t get me wrong, but I occasionally miss the power of sheer brute size. For example when running alone on a deserted road and I see a parked car with a man inside. I worry in a way I never did before.

    So yeah. But would I chance it for what I’ve gained? No way!

  2. Like
    NickyNes reacted to BrandiceLeSha in Before and After Pics   
    I started at 234 pounds, and I'm down to 145. So, I've lost right at 90 pound after being sleeved June 28.i went from size 20 to a size 6.Loving my journey[emoji4]

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    NickyNes reacted to emlr in Before and After Pics   
    Sent from my GT-I9505 using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Like
    NickyNes reacted to Creekimp13 in Am so tired of people who ask every ten minutes why they're not losing weight   
    I know...I know....we've all been there. And it's important to be patient with newer folks and to be empathetic to their frustration.
    I'm so wrong for this....but I just want to smack the **** out of them. Which would not be helpful.
    I'm sort of re-evaluating the value of habitually reading this board.
    It's all starting to loop around and around in this anxious cycle of angsty mental health issue driven repetitive slurry.
    I'm starting to identify these stereotypes of posters that repeat over and over....
    The Bird....I will not eat over 500 calories because calories are bad.
    The Protein Addict....Must never eat carbs again or the world will explode.
    The Why Me Whiner....Where's my yellow brick road, Dr. Nowzaradin?
    The Documentarian.... Ate one and three quarters blueberries this morning for a total of 4.37687calories.
    The Rebel without a Clue.....I ate a whole pizza yesterday just to see if I could cram one in there. I could! I want my money back!
    The Pain in the Ass angsty Know It All.....who writes offensive insensitive rants like this one.
    The Research Junkie.....sort of like the pain in the ass angsty know it all...but with more links.
    The Fat Shamer.....let me endlessly describe how much I hated my fat, and by extension how offputting I find other fat people
    The Size Queen.....Can I slip my new pants size into casual conversation?
    The Oblivious Question Asker.....Um, I'm two weeks out, can I have chicken McNuggets and a large coke and fries yet?
    The Lonely Soul.....Hi, We should be besties. I'm going to write 9/10 posts about how cool I think you are.
    The Stuck Veteran....I lost weight ages ago and kept it off, but I still obsess about weight loss daily.
    The Message Board Christian.....Lets slip Christ in there, just for the hell of it. Pray for me!
    Maybe I just have a shitty attitude today. I'm bored. I'm tired of thinking about weight.
    I'm glad I had surgery. A few bumps in the road, but I'm doing really well all things considered. I'm committed to following through.
    But I'm so freaking tired of thinking about this.....and having it consume so much of my life.
    And equally scared of not being vigilant.
    Just kinda....ornery. Sorry.
  5. Like
    NickyNes reacted to etc. etc. etc. in Yes, That Is Normal   
    Hello there!
    You are about to have surgery and it's scaring you to death? You are thinking you made a mistake? Yes, that is normal. You will be okay. There are many threads about that. Have a look.
    You just had your surgery and you feel like crap? It's hard to swallow and you ache all over? You wish you had not done this? Yes, that is normal. You will be okay. There are many threads about that. Have a look.
    You're recovering from surgery, but the restricted diet is driving you up a wall? You'd like some assurances that there are things you can eat that won't make you bored senseless and/or nauseous, and if not, comforting words that this will pass and the next stages are better? Yes, that is normal. You will be okay. There are many threads about that. Have a look.
    It's been a few weeks since surgery and you're worried you're not losing as much weight as other people? Yes, that is normal. You will be okay. There are many threads about that. Have a look.
    It's been two or three weeks since your surgery and you seem to have stopped losing weight entirely? You maybe even gained a few pounds? Yes, that is normal. You will be okay. There are many threads about that. Have a look.

    It is totally cool to ask about all of these things! It's totally cool to worry and want some nice people to give you advice and tell you that you are not alone. Post anything you would like. But you can also take a few minutes and read some of the earlier posts. You should totally do that, too, as a) it will give you more answers to the thing that is bothering/scaring you more quickly and b ) it will help you see that you're not alone and there are nice people here who have had the same or similar problems and they turned out okay. Also, by posting your worries in the pre-existing threads, you will make the top of the forum less scary to other new people, as there won't be a half dozen posts on the same problem, just a few longer ones with lots of support and answers already in place.
    The forum didn't open this morning! Don't discount how much you can learn by reading what's already here. You are going to be okay. Settle in and read stuff. It will help, I promise.
  6. Like
    NickyNes reacted to Margo H in Post Gastric Bypass 25+ years   
    I am now approximately 25 years post-gastric bypass surgery, and even though I was a "pioneer" back in 1994 when I had the surgery done in Birmingham, AL, AND I almost died because of a "leak" that created a huge infection inside my body that led me to a 3 week stay in ICU, I WOULD DO IT ALL AGAIN!. Losing 170 pounds was the best thing that ever happened to me.
    I have read comments from some about "missing" their comfort food. Well, if you had rather have comfort food than be thin, then I would suggest you NOT have the surgery. However, I can assure you that you will be so excited seeing the weight drop off your body that your "comfort food" will not even be a fleeting thought in your mind. As you go from shopping in "plus size" women's clothing to "regular" sizes, you begin to feel normal again.
    The absolute worst part of the whole experience, even to this very day is the GAS that I experience EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Anything with sugar, or starch, or Fiber, will give me GAS. I have to wear a carbon pad (Flat D) every day to work, and sometimes it still passes by the pads. I keep a can of sanitizing spray at my desk (thank God I have my own office), and I sometimes have to spray to keep others from smelling my foul scents.
    I love who I am today. I did not have skin removal surgery, as I could not afford it, and insurance would not cover it. I am tall, and it doesn't look too bad. Now that I am older, it sags more, but what the heck - I am now the size I always wanted to be, and love it. I went from a size 26 to a 14-16. I am almost 6' tall, and am now 68 years old. The picture below is of me and my daughter (who also had gastric sleeve surgery a couple of years back.)
    I say "go for it" and love yourself again!
    Margo H.

  7. Like
    NickyNes reacted to Allie589 in Weight loss for far   
    Yay you! I’m also 60lbs down and 46 more to go! Yay us!!!!!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 197 on 1/3/18 5'7" GW: 150
  8. Like
    NickyNes reacted to naima in Being too sensitive or not?   
    Hi everyone, I was sleeved going on a year ago and am at my desired goal weight 135. Ive lost 75 pounds and am very happy about it. Im a size 8 and am the size I was in high school. Most family and friends give me compliments but some people are starting to tell me now that my face is looking too thin and then they go one to talk about how when they lost weight their faces started to look sickly and sunken in. They have all gained weigh since then.
    I don't really feel that this is the case for me-sunken face-,and quite frankly i can be very critical of myself on my own. It actually hurts my feelings because there is nothing I can do about it. Its not like im going to gain weight just to make them happy! Im so grateful that i had the opportunity for this surgery and that it was a success. Normally when people tell me about my face looking small, I say "if that's the only repercussion to this surgery- Ill take it.!" Theres a part of me tho that wants to get angry and lash out and critize them and their looks, but I do not. Im grown and know better, and respect others.
    I honestly don't like people who think its ok to criticize others on things they cannot change. those are not my kind of people. However , some of these people Im very close with and are family.
    Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do?

    Here are my before and after pics.

  9. Like
    NickyNes reacted to BigViffer in 14 months post-op struggling: discipline/motivation/support/energy   
    I am not good at mushy support, so please read everything I say as advice and not "tough love", for that is not my intent.
    You are only lacking in one thing; determination. Support is nice, and motivation makes it easier; but doing something that is hard and something that you don't really want to do takes determination. I get it, you're tired at the end of the day. Or you don't want to get up early in the morning. Or you want to spend lunch time unwinding. You don't want to go to the gym because it is intimidating. Someone might look at you, laugh at you, or think something derogatory. Someone will be better at yoga or there will be a group of friends already there and you will feel excluded.
    All excuses. Make a resolution to do the things that are uncomfortable but necessary. Your boyfriend doesn't want to go? Leave him home. No friends to meet at yoga? Make new ones with the people that are there by showing your determination to do these things.
    I can come up with a laundry list of things that I would/could/should be doing besides exercising. I frequently go to bed at midnight because the time after work is taken up by parents, in-laws, and teenage daughters. But after 20+ years of making excuses led me to poor health. Weigh your food, log your food, make it habit. Make your accountability be its own reward. Don't let the little things distract you from the one thing that is most important. Your health.
  10. Like
    NickyNes reacted to kandieqvt1 in Weight loss for far   
    60pounds down!
    40 more to go!!!
  11. Like
    NickyNes reacted to Allie589 in August Sleevers-How are you doing??   
    Anyone else struggling with missing the ability to eat?? Went to lunch the other day with a couple friends and was so excited for this super yummy place and literally can only eat a few bites, and slowly, before that absolute “have to stop” line is drawn. I kind of envied my, normal sized, friends’ ability to eat more than 3-4 bites. I noticed them looking at my plate as it wasn’t a large lunch to begin with, and tho no one said anything, I felt a little insecure. Tho I love my weight loss and understand this was the tool that I desperately needed, at the same time, I miss the ability to eat. Ugh...

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 197 on 1/3/18 5'7" GW: 150
  12. Like
    NickyNes reacted to Meryline in A success (6 month check up at 7 months) w/pictures   
    So I had my 6 months check up at the hospital on Thursday, 1 day before 7 months.
    I saw my surgeon who could not be more thrilled with me. I have lost 82% of my excess weight. (which is a little strange as I have lost 91% of what will give me a normal BMI) They don't want me to loose too much more weight as I'll start to look sickly. They don't think I'll need any plastics, as I don't have an over hang and my blood results are great (the doctor at my support group will probably disagree. All my values are within range, but some are in the lower end, and since she is a specialist on supplements for bariatrics, she prefers us in the upper range). They also have a score that they calculate, that I don't remember, but it was very high, and she called me a success case. I don't go back until my 1 year check up. (I'll just have blood drawn in 3 months and show my support group doctor)
    They were actually fully booked for the BIA test, but the surgeon wanted med to have one, so she called and asked if they could fit me in, and they could. They are done by the nutritionist.
    She was also very impressed when she saw me, and after the test she could not be happier. I have the values for all 3 tests (1 month pre op, 6 weeks post op and 7 months post op) I managed to gain another 4 lbs before starting my pre op diet, so it wasn't at my very highest.
    The only negative thing was my phase angle. It has dropped. It's a measurement that shows how well your muscles are getting nutrition. That along with my total Protein (from the blood test) she wants me to eat more, and get more protein. Other than that, everything was great and she was so impressed, especially how much muscles I still have. All the working out and walking has helped tremendously.
    I have included pictures from about 6 months and 7 months post up. It's only like 5 lbs between the pictures, but I see several changes.

  13. Like
    NickyNes reacted to sleevedshereen in Progress pic! 6 months post op   
    Hi guys! 6 months post op. Highest weight was 228 a week before surgery, current weight is 175. Before surgery I felt hopeless, I thought, "There is no way I can lose 80+ lbs." I was so unhappy in the body I was living. Couldn't look at myself in the mirror, ashamed of how I let myself go, disgusted by my food addiction. I hated myself. I was at rock bottom and completely depressed at my highest weight. I'm about 52-53 lbs down and think to myself "only 25-30 more lbs to go" that is so much more achievable than 80+lbs was. I feel, hopeful that I can lose the 25+ lbs by July "my surgiversary". I'm just getting happier and happier every day and gaining my confidence back. Here's a progress pic from right before surgery to me currently.

  14. Like
    NickyNes reacted to sammi12 in 4 months out ..   
    4 months out and 91 pounds down #blessed
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Like
    NickyNes reacted to thegoat in Progress Photo - 120 pound difference   
    384 vs 264

  16. Like
    NickyNes reacted to Allie589 in Almost 6 months out!   
    I cannot believe I am posting pictures. Honestly haven’t taken pictures in years so this is stretching a major muscle, and I feel safe with you guys, my fellow sleeved peeps on this site! I am happy to say that I am actually looking in the mirror for the first time in years. Though it hasn’t been the easiest journey at all, or has been worth it, and honestly, the only tool that has ever worked for me. I feel like I have my life back.
    The before picture was taken the night before surgery so I was already down 8 lbs.
    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 197 on 1/3/18 5'7" GW: 150
  17. Like
    NickyNes reacted to bariatricbutterfly in 8 years out and keeping it off |399 - 168   
    It’s been a while since I’ve posted on this app. I just want to say to everyone post wls, you are successful. Take this journey and make it your own. Be selfish. Put yourself and your health first. Hold yourself accountable and trust the process. Surgery doesn’t make the emotional eating goes away. It doesn’t make it bad to eat those things that aren’t healthy. I fell into that trap of thinking I was exempt and could slide by. But I got myself together and I began to focus on healthy living.
    I hope this picture inspires you to go forth and become a more healthier you. Take advantage of this new lease on life. Envision how you want your journey to be and make it happen.
    HW: 399
    SW: 385
    CW: 168

  18. Like
    NickyNes reacted to sassy683 in 2 and half months difference pre/post surgery   

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  19. Like
    NickyNes reacted to Iscarelys in From 289.7LBS to 138LBS ☺❤   
    I feel like crying guys! What an amazing journey of discovering myself and learning how to love me again [emoji173]

  20. Like
    NickyNes reacted to Creekimp13 in Naughty days?   
    Someday, if I ever reach my goal weight...I hope I have better things to do than to monitor weight loss message boards for naughty adult people who need to be told they've been bad.
    I have big plans. Making condescending posts on message boards post goal-weight...is not a part of them. Cause...ya know...I have a life. LOL:)
    If I'm still here telling other people how it's done and scolding them when I'm thin......someone please shoot me.
    Thank you.

  21. Like
    NickyNes reacted to CdrIvanova in August Sleevers-How are you doing??   
    Happy New Year, August Sleevers! I hope 2018 brings you much joy and happiness.
    Monday is my normal weigh-in day and today I actually weigh what's written on my driver's license, LOL! That's a first since college many, many years ago. The other day I went into a store that I would never have gone into before (a little specialty boutique in my neighborhood) and actually bought some fun dresses there. I was shocked they fit! Here are a before/after picture. I had already lost about 15-20 pounds in my before picture. I'm the one on the left. The after picture is trying on one of the dresses I bought at that boutique.
    Getting sleeved was the best thing I've ever done!

  22. Like
    NickyNes reacted to Moving Mountains. in 6 months 101 lbs down w/pics   
    Feeling great!

  23. Like
    NickyNes reacted to smiley310 in Finally starting to see the difference!   
    Just wanted to share my first progress pictures. Some days the weight loss seems so slow and I am still dealing with some sadness of only eating small meals..but when I see the difference it’s made I am exited. SW: 240, CW: 195, GW: 145. 
  24. Like
    NickyNes reacted to nurseness in 7 months post RNY. Looking for someone to relate.   
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. Like
    NickyNes reacted to FollowingMyPath in 7 month update...down 103 lbs   
    I meant to post this last month....but during the holidays, time disappears. I’m posting this because before and just after surgery I was ravenous for information. I don’t come to this forum much anymore, as life has adjusted. But I’m hoping this will help anyone like me who wanted to know as much as possible, and from as many people as possible. Please remember....everyone’s journey is different. This is just some notes about mine.
    6 month lessons
    Yup, it’s a long post. Settle in. Lol. So, I just had my 6 month appt. I know all of our experiences are so unique, but I wanted to share mine as a reference of what you may expect. A bit about me. I had gastric sleeve in Las Vegas with Dr Atkinson. In august of last year I had just begun this process and wouldn’t have surgery until April. My HW: was August 2016 at 345, SW: April 2017 was 343, CW: is 240.5, that’s a 103lb loss. Yay me! (Side note, my insurance didn’t require any pre surgery weight loss....and I had almost zero loss. The only rule was I couldn’t gain). My dr was amazing. If you’re near vegas, I completely recommend him. Surgery went perfectly, recovery was difficult (this crap is hard), but I had very minimal incision pain. There was no 2 week pre-op fast, the leak test was performed during surgery so I had liquid/ice chips right away (liquid was no good, but ice chips are perfect after surgery).....I had super glue stuff on my incisions so no pain and no dressing issues.....he’s one of the highest ranked and most experienced gastric surgeons in the country. I could go on....but I think you get it. His skill and his post surgery protocols are awesome. I had zero problems.
    I’ve looked many times on here for how many calories at 7 weeks....how many carbs at 3 months. I couldn’t find anything and now I know why. My surgeon and nutritionist really only care about Protein until 6 months. Unless, of course, there is a specific problem or deficiency. It’s nice to now have some specific nutrient goals, but the focus is still on protein. And even at 6 months, I still struggle to get 90g daily. It’s super important to keep trying!! Get all the protein you can.
    Let’s talk hair. Yup, it’s falling out in chunks. Chunks. It’s more than a little heartbreaking. But, I knew it was coming. Doesn’t help, but it is expected. It started at 4 months. As of now, still going strong. I also know it will stop. But while you’re in the falling out phase....it’s stressful. Which just makes more fall out. So try to keep positive. And take your Vitamins. I swore I’d never fall off of that, but I have periodically. It happens. Just get back on track. Biotin supplements and the hair treatment Nioxin has helped too. (Update...at 7 months this has slowed dramatically. Still losing a bit, but nothing like before. I see the light at the end of the tunnel )
    Skin. Saggy saggy skin. Another thing I knew was coming, but it’s been difficult. I didn’t start working out as early as I wish I had. Now I feel a bit like I’m fighting a losing battle. But....this is a problem with a fix. When I reach goal I will worry about the cosmetic stuff. But trust me when I say....get working out as soon as possible. Weights. Lift some weights.
    Sweets. Stay away for as long as you can. I went 4.5 months without. Then I had some chocolate and it was easy. Not like trying to eat meat. Meat you have to chew to death and if it’s dry, it’s still hard to get down. I can only eat (at most) 2 oz of meat at a time. But chocolate, that went down easy. I had an entire bar in one day. Now, before surgery I’d have 4 bars in a day. But 1 bar is still a lot. So I locked that down and now only allow myself 1 square a day. Now, you might find that that’s too much for you. Again, we’re all different. But if I deny myself entirely....I’ll go nuts and eat until I get sick. Keeping myself honest, and savoring only a small piece is something I can maintain. And maintaining is my ultimate goal.
    Emotions. Hear me.....get a therapist!! You are going to go through so many changes you’re head will spin without you even understanding that is what’s happening. Addiction transference is very very real. I really struggled with this and for a time, behaved completely out of character. You absolutely must deal with your issues. It’s the same as getting protein or taking small bites. In my opinion, it’s a must.
    Emotions part 2. I had a hard time with the expected things. Hair loss, fatigue, heartburn...check check and check. These are struggles I knew about. But there are others that blindsided me. Like how hard it is at 6 months to still be able to only eat 2-2.5 ounces at a time. Frustrating!!!!!!! You have a craving, you make a meal that fits the bill, you take that first wonderful bite....and 2 bites later you’re full. I struggled hard with this. I know....that’s the entire point of surgery. But the actual experience was so much more frustrating and unsatisfying than I imagined. For a brief time, I tried to force the issue. Eating more than I could hold. That hurt. And it scared me, as the very last thing I want to do is stretch my new tiny tummy (not all fears are rational). My advice...be patient with yourself. Let yourself be frustrated or even angry, but keep working on getting adjusted. I still have moments of “can’t I just eat a fricken chicken breast already?!?!?” Lol. But listen to your belly and take it slow. Weird side note, for me....I know I can’t eat another bite when I get hiccups. Happens each meal. I eat slow, plan out the portion. But if I get the hiccups....I stop even if there’s some left. This has helped cut WAY down on feeling sick after eating. Everyone has their own signal....mine is hiccups.
    Finally, once again this procedure is different for everyone. Don’t set too many rules on yourself. Example: I’m hungry roughly every 3 hours. My dr is big on only 3 meals a day. That doesn’t work for me. I still can’t eat enough at any one time to fill me for 4-5 hours. So, I adjusted. I eat a small (1.5-2oz) meal every 3 hours. Mostly really small portions of meat, cheese, sunflower seeds, etc. This works for me. Keep adjusting until you find what works for you.
    I’d like to end with what I think are the most helpful things I’ve learned (in no particular order). Good luck on your journey!! It’s hard, really hard, but the good WAY outweighs the bad See you at 1 year!! I’m hoping I’ll have good news to share.
    1. Drink your fluids
    2. Take your vitamins
    3. Be patient
    4. Expect to be emotionally unsatisfied (if food is emotional for you)
    5. Workout
    6. Log your food
    7. Avoid sweets as long as possible, then adjust until you find the “sweet” spot of what you can handle. And if that’s zero...so be it. You be you.
    8. Talk to someone about what’s happening to you.
    9. Take something for heartburn. Not only is it uncomfortable, it mimics hunger and will make you miserable.
    10. Stick to the no liquid 30 minutes after a meal. It’s a golden rule.

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