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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Missy161 reacted to msmedi8tor in Anyone out there cycling? Help please...   
    Thank you all for your wonderful advice and thoughts. It always helps me to hear what another bariatric patient is going through, or when they have found something that works. It's encouraging. All the best to those of you about to have surgery. I can only speak for myself, but even with the issues I've had, I have no regrets and would do it again. I am going to try the advice, see what works best for me. Even though I've had my band over six years, every day is a new day as far as what I can intake. I know hydration is key. So I have learned to go with the flow. My non bariatric cyclists friends tell me they feel what I experienced was heat exhaustion..not sure I can do anything about that during the summer months, and I'm sure not going to stop biking. Bike on!!
  2. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Mike LaVelle in Anyone out there cycling? Help please...   
    Thank you so much for this post.... last year I bought an 18 pound road bike that at 247 I felt like I was to heavy to ride... but my surgery is in 3 weeks..... and I can't wait to get at it.

  3. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Deb L in Anyone out there cycling? Help please...   
    Hi.. I joined this group several months ago and have lurking ever since. I'm still going through the pre-op process and hope to have my sleeve done in November/December.
    My road bike is my happy place and I'll do anything to ride as often as I can which is usually about five days a week. Not being able to drink and eat as often as I need to on a longer ride is very concerning to me as well. I rarely eat at the rest stops anymore unless there's some fruit or Peanut Butter sandwiches, otherwise I bring my own food. Even though I haven't had the surgery yet, I'm trying hard to already start living the lifestyle as someone who has. For the past couple of months, I've been taking a couple pouches of Gerber baby foods (usually the banana flavor) with me.. they're easy to keep in your jersey pocket and don't require refrigeration. There's no sugar added either. As for Protein, I'll bring some peanut butter or beef Jerky too.
    I'm so looking forward to being a lighter rider!!
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    Missy161 reacted to Berry78 in Anyone out there cycling? Help please...   
    The fruit, if eaten alone, will bottom you out. The Protein bars have protein and carbs, so it helps keep things even. (That's the idea of sandwiches.. protein and carbs together). The Native Americans ate Pemmican.. (meat, fat, and fruit, mixed together). Hikers' staple is gorp (Good Old Raisins and Peanuts). The fat and protein in the peanuts offsets the sugar rush of the raisins. Drinkable yogurts could work if they have enough protein. I think you're looking for about a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio, carbs to protein+fat. Not 30:1
    I don't know if you are riding hard and fast, or at a moderate pace. If you're breathless, protein and fat won't digest, and you'll be hurting. I assume if there are sandwiches, everyone is taking a little break...

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    Missy161 reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Anyone out there cycling? Help please...   
    Higher calorie Protein Bars?


    I use these when I am burning a ton of calories because there is no way I can consume enough calories otherwise.
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    Missy161 reacted to msmedi8tor in Anyone out there cycling? Help please...   
    Hi everyone. I had a lap band put in in 2011. I've lost 100 pounds. I've stayed active since then, at the gym pretty much 5-7 days a week, or doing something active every day. I got a bike about 4 months ago and ride steady every day or few days, averaging 50 miles a week. I did my first group bike ride a few weeks ago and did great, finished 35 miles. I did a ride yesterday and my goal was 40. I bottomed out at 33.73 and had to be driven in the rest of the route. The issue I ran into was keeping my body fueled. Not too much problem keeping hydrated, but getting my food in during the ride, well, that seems to be an issue. I rode an hour and a half yesterday and burned 2100 calories. Rest stops provide fresh fruit and other things like sandwiches and other high carb (which i need on the ride) items my band doesn't like. So, my question is, are there any bariatric cyclists out there who have dealt with these issues and have suggestions? Not getting my 40 miles in yesterday was pretty devastating and I am determined to keep biking. So any help or suggestions is much appreciated.

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    Missy161 reacted to key12 in Would appreciate advice   
    I am scheduled for my sleeve this week. I am excited and nervous. My bmi is 33 and a half, but it was 37 and half about 4 months ago. However, I have high blood pressure and borderline diabetes. Even though I have lost some weight, about 30 pounds, my story is loose weight and gain more back. My highest weight was 216. With health issues starting to play a role, I believe the sleeve is my best option for getting and staying healthy. Has anyone been in this situation?
    Thank you.
  8. Like
    Missy161 reacted to jaminator in Protein bars?   
    need to watch the sugar and processed crap in a lot of bars. My research led me to Kind 15 gram bars and simply Protein. Fewest ingredients and sugars and lots of protein.
  9. Like
    Missy161 reacted to ryan_86 in What are you telling people?   
    I can handle people being afraid for their loved ones, but when someone calls it the easy way out I have this strange urge to spray them with a garden hose.

    They don't know anything about it, and if they feel the need to judge, well, to hell with them.

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    Missy161 reacted to shericrazylady in Compression stockings in hospital   
    Those injections hurt like a b***h the burn OMG lucky I only had 2 of them in hospital one in belly and one in leg dam

    Sent from my A1601 using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Like
    Missy161 reacted to SharonKaye in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    Congrats on your achievement. I'm getting ready to have my sleeve on Tuesday the 18th. I hope mine goes as smoothly. Can you give me any advice on post-op? I'm so excited. I'll be off work for 6 weeks and I'm looking forward to concentrating on myself and moving into this newest stage of my life.
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    Missy161 reacted to Apple1 in Finding out the hard way!   
    I have veggie spiral tool that makes them. It is super easy and they taste great as a replacement for pasta in almost any dish. I even slice zucchini thinly and layer it for a lasagna dish.
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    Missy161 got a reaction from AK_Bookworm in Stitched Muscle Pain- How long did it last?   
    My incisions still occasionally hurt 3.5 weeks out. Yesterday they were really bugging me. I'm thinking I'll put some lotion on my abdomen- maybe just neosporin to be cautious - they're pretty healed but still itch and peel like they're pulling a bit.

    Hw 223, SW 217 CW 200 GW 135
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    Missy161 reacted to KDBgo4happy in Energy levels after VSG?   
    I had my vsg on 6.22, and I felt great from the end of week 1. I found it hard to sit still at home, and ended up organizing closets and drawers and things to keep busy. I took naps daily for the first 2 weeks, so I was grateful to have been given 3 weeks off work. I am not quite a month out, and I feel normal, but with more energy!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Berry78 in Stitched Muscle Pain- How long did it last?   
    I have mild abdominal muscle discomfort (almost 4 months out). Not from near the incisions, higher around my ribs. Comes on with movement, but I wouldn't ever call it intense. I actually think mine is from the shrinking fatty layer under the muscles is creating this discomfort. About the time the muscles are adjusting to my new shape, I've lost more, so it's a lingering strange sensation that I never had preop.
    It's good to ask your surgeon, in case there is something unexpected happening, especially if it's more than mild discomfort.
  16. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Cassie111 in Please allow me to vent.......   
    I thank you so much for the reply, and I will take your advice on both the coconut and argon oil. You have done an amazing job in a really short time. Congrats and forge ahead!!
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    Missy161 reacted to glitter eyes in Please allow me to vent.......   
    I completely understand how you feel!! I too am so grateful for my weight loss and the fact that I have maintained it (over two years post op).
    I love myself and have a wonderful fulfilling life, yet I don't really like clothes shopping because nothing ever fits quite right and I have to look for things to disguise my "hump"- which is the name I have given my lower belly. It does get frustrating.
    I have tried a million creams, oils, exercises and nothing makes a difference for me.
    I feel like you, that I am not "finished" until I get my stomach fixed. Hoping next year to try and fund plastics- this year we had to have a new roof and our pool redone.
    I think that part of the problem is I was normal size a good portion of my life and like you it's kind of a shock see our bodies look the way they do.
    I know seeing a therapist would not help me. I don't have body issues or feel bad about myself. I just want my stomach gone. Hopefully we will both find a way to get our plastic surgery done!!
  18. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Healthy_life2 in Please allow me to vent.......   
    I just looked at your before and after photo. You look amazing. I know there is nothing I can say to change the way you feel about yourself.
    What is it that will make you happy?
    Some things to think about:
    (1) If you had plastics are you still going to find more faults in your appearance? When you turn 80. Will you need more plastics to be happy?
    (2) Its a shock to have physical changes that happen so quickly. Have you thought about a counselor to get past body image issues?
    (3) plastics are expensive. If you have documented rashes with your Dr. some insurance companies will cover a portion of plastics.
    (4)There is no such thing as a perfect body. Even models In magazines are air brushed.
    I hope with time you can accept how beautiful you are.
  19. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Please allow me to vent.......   
    You can gripe all you want, but YOU REACHED YOUR GOAL! How awesome is that?
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    Missy161 reacted to #9grammy in Please allow me to vent.......   
    You look wonderful!!!
    Amazing isn't it how it sags I too have this problem. I'm not as brave as you are to post a before and after picture. I still hate my photo taken for anything! I have lost 64 pounds and down to 158, My legs used to be my best asset! I have long legs that look good in a pair of size 8 skinny jeans. But as you go up I have the flat tire now, even a flat butt, flat boobs, but my husband loves all of me. Wish I did, would love a Tummy Tuck ahhh! Then a butt and thigh lift oh and the boobs! Yes wish there was insurance that went with the after. Guess I'll just enjoy life as it comes
  21. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Cassie111 in Please allow me to vent.......   
    Hello to my friends in their 50's! I hit my goal weight today (160 down from 287, in 14 months) and I have so many thoughts running through my head that I would love to be able to share, if you'll indulge me.
    Let me start by saying, I AM NOT COMPLAINING!!!!! I couldn't be happier about this much weight loss, which I never dreamed would happen. Wearing clothes that I never expected to wear again in my life. The road has not always been easy, as you well know. But I am not sorry I started this journey.
    I must speak about the person I see in the mirror everyday. Before surgery, everyone knows all about the extra fat that will remain unless of course you have a cosmetic procedure done. But I was not remotely prepared for what I would look like 14 months after. No, I did not dream of being able to look like I am in my 20's anymore. I'm smarter than that. But when I look in the mirror now, I also didn't expect to see what I see. Of course, my stomach is the worst, but my thighs and arms are very wrinkled and saggy also. I think the arms bother me the most cause I can't/won't wear any of the cute little sleeveless shirts that I COULD fit into now because I would be too embarrassed. If I stood next to a person of the same build, same height, same clothing who was just a "normal" person of 160 lbs, you would never be able to say that I also weighed the same. Yes, there is an incredible difference between my before and after pictures, but I get so frustrated that I have worked so hard, been through so much but still don't look like that other person standing next to me. I get feelings of it being so unfair. I know some one out there has read this to this point and said to themselves, "Why doesn't she shut up and just be happy to have lost that much"? I did say at the beginning, that this is not complaining in the literal term. I just wonder if there are others out there who feel like I do. I have spent so much money on wrinkle "erasers", tightening creams etc. and they are all a joke. (though if you have found a "miracle" one, please pass it along!) Insurance companies should be willing to help people complete their process by just assisting in the costs (not paying 100%) of cosmetic surgery if a person chooses that option. But, we well know insurance companies couldn't care less about our happiness or state of mind. You want the whole process to have a beginning and an end. When I see myself, I don't feel "finished". Like a painting only half complete. Just a few more brush strokes here and there and I could be a work of art (OK, that may be overstating). I try to laugh and say the very deep wrinkles that I now have on my face are lines of wisdom. Again, I AM wise enough to know how untrue that is. I'm hoping these "down" feelings will pass in time. But now, they are with me almost every hour of everyday. It's odd to be joyful and depressed at the same time.
    I thank from the bottom of my heart anyone who took the time to read through this. I do have a helpful, loving husband who tries to understand, but deep down I know he thinks I not only worry about this too much, but also that I am fine just the way I am. God bless him, he's biased. If anyone out there would like to comment or share a similar situation, please don't hesitate to do so. Thanks again.
    Grateful but sad.......
  22. Like
    Missy161 reacted to blizair09 in Struggling day to day   
    I have to agree with @Pam_2-06-2017. You have to find the strength and perseverance within yourself to do what you need to do to reach your goals. It's as simple as that. My partner lost 115 pounds from February 2016 until December 2016. That time period was my six month pre-op diet program and three months of post-op life. He got to his goal of 200 pounds (he's 6'1"). At that time (end of December 2016), I weighed about 250ish, and still had a ways to go to get to my goal. Since then, he has eaten what he wants (and gained some weight back, too). Crap is in the house all of the time. He wants fast food, so we go through a drive-thru. You know what? I buy it at the store for him. I hand him the credit card in the drive-thru line. I hold the ice-cream cone while he gets situated in the car. But I don't eat any of it, because I know that isn't what I am supposed to do.
    The mental part of this game (whether it is pre-op, immediately post-op, or 2 years out) is the hardest part, and where the war is won. I wish you the best as you continue. I'd recommend working with a psychologist and/or a nutritionist to help you get re-started. Having an experienced person to talk to often really helps.
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    Missy161 reacted to BeachBumforlife in Struggling day to day   
    Hi Pam thanks for your thoughts I respect where you are coming from. However, addiction is different for each person as well triggers. Not everyone is as strong as you are. I am very happy you have the strength you do and I hope to find it as well .
  24. Like
    Missy161 reacted to Pam_2-06-2017 in Struggling day to day   
    Why is it that mom's feel guilty if we're even thinking about doing something for ourselves? I have officially gotten over that:-). I am the shopper in my home so what comes in is all up to me. If junk gets through my door it better be eaten quick or it will disappear. Honestly!
    I am nearly 5 months post op so I'm still pretty honeymoon about it. But at this point my family likes the person I've become so appealing to them for understanding is pretty easy. I guess they are also in the honeymoon stage:-/
    i still allow some things as my teen-aged son and husband with ravenous appetites and no weight problems need calories. So I practice resisting. I have introduced a few things back into my home and intentionally resisted. I don't beat myself up about it. Things I'm proud to resist are ice cream, crackers, tortilla chips... that doesn't mean I don't eat it. I resist it. Example: if I think about the ice cream in the fridge I resist. But when my son has a bowl I ask him to serve me a bowl with three tablespoons and savor every spoonful and log it in my journal. I want to build a healthy relationship with food.
    At two years out nobody has to tell you how to eat or how to get over your addiction. You know the plan. You have to find that mojo within yourself that moved you in the direction of WLS. Food addiction sucks but you have a great tool to help you get it under control.
    Take care
  25. Like
    Missy161 reacted to BeachBumforlife in Struggling day to day   
    Well I decided that anyone who brings that crap in the house will not find in the trash can you are right. I cleaned out the cupboards yesterday and my neighbor was one happy camper. From this day forward this is all about me .... thanks for you kind words

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