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Status Updates posted by GreenTealael

  1. I recently had avocado and nuts in yogurt and was definitely getting side eye from people ... 


    1. abefroman329
    2. GreenTealael


      The chicken was delicious by all standards, made with Olive and macadamia oil. I just want nuts 😥

      The yogurt was amazing Abe, give it a try! It may just surprise you

    3. abefroman329


      I’m currently giving you the side eye.

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  2. I wonder if I'll be dissatisfied when I get to goal?

    1. ChaosUnlimited


      This is a thought provoking question. It makes me think back to my younger, thinner days when even then I was never happy with the way my body looked - if only I knew that it was all down hill from there! And now that I have worked from being morbidly obese to reaching my goal, I am wondering if I should lose more because maybe a size 6 will be better than a size 8. I think many of us, especially women, need to explore our body image issues a little deeper. What does it take to feel satisfied with being you? Does the weight loss make us happy, or do we need to focus on our inner happiness and just being happy with who we are? Difficult questions I think.

    2. Sosewsue61


      I am sure all my lumps and bumps will not look anything like what my mind pictures! My mind just lies all the time to me anyway...lol

      BUT I am already pretty happy with being able to FEEL lighter on my feet, fit into smaller clothes, etc. I think I will be satisfied, and especially after some 'nip/tuck', more like 'slash/extract/add/stretch/stitch' lol but anyway even that will not make all the internal parts 18 again, so any improvement will be just fine.

    3. sillykitty


      I've recently been thinking the same thing. I'm 30 lbs away from goal, so it is feeling more real. Will I be happy at 140? Will that be too high or too low? Where are these additional 30 lbs come from? I want to keep my butt, but lose my tummy, but what if the opposite happens?

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  3. I'm currently reading Elevation by Stephen King. Such a quirky little tale which for the WLS community is oddly apropos

  4. Im absolutely terrified to buy underwear these days 😢, I realized I don't know my real size in anything anymore.

    1. sillykitty


      I know the feeling. I did some major online shopping with all the sales around black friday. In tops I wear anywhere between a S-L. In pants from 6-10. But I must own the world's most elastic panties, because -100+ lbs, I still wear the same undies! :lol:

    1. summerset



      I think it's a good example for the pendulum coming to the middle after having swayed into the opposite direction first (obese - skinny).

      I see so many people on here giving the impression of being down right obsessed.

  5. Join us for an easy challenge!


  6. Just saw a YouTube vid about Beyonce's health routine to prep for Coachella: She was 175 lbs. I now know where I need to stay under... the Beyonce weight limit 😂

  7. Major NSV 

    Went to the movies with my children and refilled the popcorn bucket for them multi times and didn't touch a drop!

    I stuck with coffee 

    1. nibble


      BRAVO!! Taking your power and turning your back on the stuff. Love those NSVs.

  8. May is half way through... Time just flies

  9. My friend from Brazil sent me photos of our trip to Naples from 2 years ago... I was 4 months post op



    1. GreenTealael


      Mine was a vegetarian Napoletana, friend's idk


      My Team ok'd pizza because I was on Holiday. Not something to eat while at home 😌

    2. november11


      so disappointed ...I crave pizza every I mean every Friday I was hoping there was hope. it's my one weakness...

    3. GreenTealael


      I know! But I didn't want to give anyone false hope that results will be similar to my journey ...


      Look up fathead pizza ! This may be an alternative you are looking for ❤

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  10. My hair is back to normal! It's been a year of low manipulation no dyeing, couple months of LLysine regime, etc. I'm happy I feel like I'm out of the woods

    1. GreenTealael


      I left the research in sillykittys hair loss threads

      A bunch of different ones

    2. FluffyChix


      Yayayay!! TY!!! Now will you also go post your turmeric paste recipe and method again please in the IF thread? I couldn't remember how far back to keep looking for it! I got my match and want to make golden tea tomorrow!! Wooohooo! You're making a clean girl outta me! (At least for today...hehe)

    3. llhill


      This is a good tip. I didn't know about LLysine. I am adding it to my list of items to buy. Thanks!

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  11. My Primary Physician just called me paper thin 😳

    1. GreenTealael


      Very true

    2. justmetj


      I would love it if someone called me paper thin 🤣

    3. GastricGal


      Me too...Congrats!!!

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  12. New phone back in business!!!


  13. Not a before and after,

    A during and still going...

    Same dress, tailored



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GreenTealael


      I cut the dress so short, You could see my childhood memories...

    3. FluffyChix


      Oh come on! Why not? :D "It'll be fun," they said! "It's great cardio," they said!

      LOLOL on "childhood memories"!

      I think it/them AND most especially you, look adorable and hot all at the same time and I don't even bat from that side of the plate (not that there's anything wrong with that). :D Flaunt it girlie! Cuz you've got it!

    4. GreenTealael


      Hmmmmm Maybe I'll go tightless in the spring & summer!

    5. Show next comments  12 more
  14. NSV: needed a shirt pronto someone was at the door or something and I grabbed a camisole, when I checked later it belongs to my 13yr old (and she  is not husky sized lol) score !

    1. Apple203


      I needed a raincoat yesterday and my husband grabbed one of my son's old ones. Score.............

    2. GreenTealael


      Crazy right!

    3. sillykitty


      I just had to order new layering cami's, because my old ones were too baggy. Size, medium! Crazy!

    4. Show next comments  12 more

    1. GreenTealael


      Same, I'd likely be doing a world tour


    2. TomCruzMomShoes


      Ran across this on Instagram. It's a WLS surgery related meetup. Website on the photo/flyer. Apparently it's pretty big, they just did one in Orlando. Not sure if you knew about it.


    3. GreenTealael


      Thanks! I didn't know about that, likely because I'm not a WLS page in the gram. I used to follow for a while but i got bored by it 😂

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  16. Oh i cannot wait for thr weather to commit to being warm...

    1. abefroman329


      Me too! So sick of wearing a winter coat that’s three sizes too big. Supposed to be 80 degrees on Monday.

    2. ProudGrammy


      warm/hot weather = no trouble drinking more kathy


  18. People who haven't seen me in a while are clearly startled by my appearance and always casually finds a way to ask me if I'm "ok"...

    Especially if *heaven forbids* I'm not dressed to the nines and go without makeup


    1. FluffyChix


      Hahaaha. Good day sunshine!! Good day sunshine! Good day sunshine!!! :)

  19. Prayers up for safe surgery and recovery ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  20. Protein bars are evil.  I've been on the go so much that it's been my go to meals lately so when I finally sit down with dense proteins and vegetables tonight (eggs beans cottage cheese kale bowl)  my restriction is crazy tight because I forgot about it. Lol no more slider bars for me 

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Is that how it works? I eat protein bars most mornings. One of the few solid foods I can eat. Are you saying they're really sliders?

    2. GreenTealael


      For me they appear to be, I wasn't big on them until recently so that may be a factor, but Im counting them amoung my high calories low restriction food groups and I want to monitor how often I eat these items.

    3. Orchids&Dragons


      Oh, ok. I only eat one a day and always count the calories. I'm really not a breakfast person, so they let me hit the ground running.

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