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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About krandall

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  1. it could be my sugar intake and I have to exercise more even though its a tool you have to stay on top of it and watch everything that goes in your mouth I will go back to the basic and see what happens
  2. I am 80 pounds down my surgery date was 8/24 but I just cant get the last 20 pounds off is there something more I should be doing getting kind of annoyed I want to shed these last 20 pounds any ideas or suggestions?
  3. you all are doing such n amazing job WTG!!!!
  4. Great you are on your way good job!!!!
  5. oh ok REset!!!! that always work
  6. Anyone else sleeved 8/24 and whats your pounds lost?
  7. krandall

    Any Jersey sleevers??

    GM the surgery went well I have lost 41 pounds thus far its been five weeks yes its has been a lot to get use to but im making it lol
  8. krandall

    Any Jersey sleevers??

  9. krandall

    Any Jersey sleevers??

    that's cool im 5 weeks post op and everything is going well good luck and we could share ideas and stories :}
  10. krandall

    Any Jersey sleevers??

    im in Bergen County
  11. Sleeved 8/24 got a iud put in and I'm starving but can't anything is anyone else going threw this?
  12. Has anyone started exercising? Besides walking
  13. Hello I just got sleeved 8/24 and I am also an emotional eater I am still on liquids and find myself wanting and craving food at that point I get an ice pop(sugar free) and just eat it if that doesn't work I go for a walk drink water and it really helps please continue to see the therapist because the surgeon only fixes your stomach not your addiction the struggle can be real
  14. I'm post op day 12 should I be taking vitamins
  15. krandall

    So excited

    You. Look awesome [emoji1437][emoji1437][emoji1437]

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