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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    DropWt4Life reacted to elliekay in FH wants to go to a prix fixe restaurant... any experience??   
    I wanted to do that this year but I'm traveling both the weekend before and the weekend after! Which is weird because I never travel.
  2. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from elliekay in FH wants to go to a prix fixe restaurant... any experience??   
    I will normally Celebrate Valentines Day the day/weekend before, because I hate the fixed menus, extra cost, large crowds and long waits. We will go wherever we want, and then either have leftovers on Valentines Day, or I will cook a good meal for us.
    If this isn't an option for you, then I would just order the 5 course feast, eat bites of each course, and then bag up the rest for home. Honestly, everybody is so into doing their own thing, that nobody will notice. Even if they do, who cares? Do your thing.
  3. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from elliekay in FH wants to go to a prix fixe restaurant... any experience??   
    I will normally Celebrate Valentines Day the day/weekend before, because I hate the fixed menus, extra cost, large crowds and long waits. We will go wherever we want, and then either have leftovers on Valentines Day, or I will cook a good meal for us.
    If this isn't an option for you, then I would just order the 5 course feast, eat bites of each course, and then bag up the rest for home. Honestly, everybody is so into doing their own thing, that nobody will notice. Even if they do, who cares? Do your thing.
  4. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from jameeks_cheeks_vsg in Need to get back in it! Start fresh!   
    Yes, you can do this! Get back to basics. Realize that it is all about balance. A bad meal or snack isn't going to hurt you if you have it every once in a while. The danger comes from partaking in these things often. Exercise is great, but not the most important thing. However, it does allow you to be successful with a higher calorie intake.
    Good luck to you. I definitely feel your struggle.
  5. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from Chrisp2018 in This liquid diet is killing me   
    If you are constantly getting some type of Protein in, and Fiber as well, you should not experience hunger. I made sure that every 2 hours or so, I was eating or drinking something. I never got hungry. Before cooking meals, I had a Protein Shake. I then would not be hungry when dinner or breakfast (on weekends) was ready.
    I did a 2 week liquid diet even though I only had to do 1 week. I lost 25 pounds during this time, because I was determined to make it work. My advice would be to get your mind right. This is for you, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You've just got to look for it. We've tried and failed at every diet we've ever tried our entire lives. This tool is worth the trouble and hardships, because it tips the balance in our favor.
    It may sound crazy, but self-talk works wonders. Everyday, wake up and look into the mirror. Tell yourself that you are beautiful...That you will work hard to achieve your goals that day.....That you are worth happiness.....That you are going to SUCCEED!
    It will happen for you. Good luck on your journey!!
  6. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from BlueGirl1920 in Day two postop   
    Congratulations! I am glad to hear that things went well. Good luck on your journey!
  7. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from sandra305 in Exercise   
    I had surgery the same day as you! As I am now 6 weeks post-op, I am starting a weight lifting program today. Light weights only with lots of reps. I will do this 4 days per week, and add this to my 3X weekly walking program. I will not do any ab work for at least another 3-4 weeks, however. This is because I got a sharp pain in my main incision when doing a sit-up (trying to get up from the floor) last week. I don't think I am 100% healed in the stomach, so I am going to give it a bit more time.
    I would advise you to take it slow, because a rowing machine tends to engage the abdominals as well. If you feel pulling or discomfort from standing for long periods of time, your body might be telling you it is not ready for this type of exercise as it is a lot more demanding than standing.
    Anyway, good luck on your journey. I know you are going to be successful.
  8. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from Shesl0singit in Exercising post op   
    Before surgery, I too was very active. I lifted weights 4X weekly, and did cardio 3X weekly. It was hard to stop that level of activity, but of course, I did.
    On day 7 post-op, I started walking 45 minutes every day at a slow-moderate pace. Over the past 5 weeks, I have kept the same routine, but have stepped up the intensity. I started out walking maybe 1-2mph, and now I walk 4mph with a much higher elevation. Next week, I will start light weight training 4days per week, and gradually increase the weight and intensity over time.
    The takeaway is that you have to take it slow. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you are ready. It will also tell you if you are prematurely doing too much. Make sure that you are getting in your liquids to avoid dehydration.

  9. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from Shesl0singit in Exercising post op   
    Before surgery, I too was very active. I lifted weights 4X weekly, and did cardio 3X weekly. It was hard to stop that level of activity, but of course, I did.
    On day 7 post-op, I started walking 45 minutes every day at a slow-moderate pace. Over the past 5 weeks, I have kept the same routine, but have stepped up the intensity. I started out walking maybe 1-2mph, and now I walk 4mph with a much higher elevation. Next week, I will start light weight training 4days per week, and gradually increase the weight and intensity over time.
    The takeaway is that you have to take it slow. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you are ready. It will also tell you if you are prematurely doing too much. Make sure that you are getting in your liquids to avoid dehydration.

  10. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from IveGotThePower in Home work-out vs gym   
    I go to the gym, because I lack the equipment at home to get the job done. I do have a stationary bike at home, which gets some use about 2X per week though. As to your question, I would say that do whatever you can keep doing for life. If you generally hate the gym, you probably won't go. If you lack the motivation to workout at home, you probably will find reasons to forgo exercise there as well.
    Involving your family on hikes, sporting events, etc. is an excellent idea. I play volleyball with my daughter on the weekends. We play for about 1-2 hours at a time, and it is a great workout. I don't feel as though I am getting a workout either, so that is a plus.
    Whatever you do, remember that if it isn't sustainable, it won't work.
    Good Luck!
  11. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from ProudGrammy in WTF DID MY HUSBAND JUST SAY?   
    Man, that dude is sad. He really doesn't have your back. How can someone who loves you actually talk like that? Easy way out....You know what is the easy way out?
    Having a friggin metabolism that allows you to stay thin while eating burgers, fries, pizza, candy, etc.
    Never having to look at the scale and decide, I'm only going to have Water instead of the friggin beer that everyone else will be drinking at the party.
    As a matter of fact, the easy way out would be to say, "f** it! I don't care about my health. I don't care about my looks. I am just going to eat what I want, and drink what I want, and everyone can just Kiss My a**!"
    Tell him that the next time he wants to be intimate, you already took the easy way out, and took care of yourself. Then tell him to do the same.
    I'm a guy, and probably breaking man code, but damn!
  12. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from FluffyChix in Carbs   
    I eat carbs, so my answer would be...If your plan allows it, have it. If you are eating low carb, then just account for it in the rest of your day. I try to stay under 100g of Carbs daily, and get most of that from veggies, fruit and ancient grains, but I use Flat-Out Light Wraps every once in a while as well. They contain about 6g Net Carbs each. I make pizzas, tacos, burritos and nachos out of them.
  13. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from sandra305 in Surgery didn’t work?   
    Lacecute, stalls happen, and it sucks big time. I will say, though that you aren't eating nearly enough to jumpstart your weightloss. Your body is probably holding on to each morsel you eat, because you are in starvation mode. I had my surgery a week before you, and I eat a lot more than that. You should be eating 800 calories per day at the very least. What you listed totals about 400 calories.
    Start following your program. Everything is ok with the exception of the chips of course. Eat something every 2-3 hours. Focus on Protein (more), healthy fats (you've got them), and get some Fiber in. You are going to be malnourished and constipated like crazy if you keep eating like that. You need to actually eat something at this point. Some lean protein and vegetables for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. A Premier Protein shake for 1 of your Snacks if you are still lacking in protein. Have the cashews or some fruit (berries) for another snack. If you are still under, add a small salad to finish off your day.
    This is what I ate yesterday.....
    Breakfast: 2 egg whites, 1/4 cup of spinach, 1veggie sausage (116 cals, 3g fat, 2g Net Carbs, 16g Protein)
    AM Snack: 1 Premier Protein Shake (160 cals, 3g fat, 3g Net Carbs, 30g Protein)
    Lunch: kale salad with cubed turkey (195 cals, 15g fat, 1g Net Carbs, 12g Protein)
    Early PM Snack: 1 oz. raw almonds (160 cals, 14g fat, 3g Net Carbs, 6g Protein)
    Dinner: 3 oz. grilled salmon with 1/4 cup chopped broccoli (185 cals, 11g fat, 1g Net Carbs, 19g Protein)
    PM Snack: 2 celery sticks with 2 triangles of laughing cow cheese (85 cals, 3g fat, 1g Net Carbs, 4g Protein)
    Macros: 901 calories, 49g fat, 11g Net Carbs, 87g Protein
    Oh, and stop stressing also. That causes your body to hold on to fat. Cortisol is increased with stress.
  14. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from shsd87 in Not losing weight because I deprived myself?   
    Snacking on processed foods and eating fast food is one of the worst things that you can do while you are actively losing at the beginning. I know it is hard, but that handful of Cheetos is going to turn into several handfuls in the future if you don't try to put an end to it now. It takes just 14 Doritos to equal 140 calories. That is nothing. Saltine crackers are also very bad for you. Try to go without for the time being. When you are a little further along, do searches for Protein pancakes. I will use those for sandwiches. I also use Flatout wraps on occasion.
    Anyway, the other posters advice about logging your food is sound. I use MyFitnessPal. It is tedious as first, but gets super easy in the long run as you already have your foods added. Try to purchase healthy Snacks for the kids as well so that you will be less inclined to snack on bad things.
    Success or failure begins in your head. This surgery is going to help with the overeating, but that is it. It isn't going to stop you from eating junk food or other calorie dense foods. I once took a nutrition course that stated that if you list your main munches (snacking on salty and/or sweet treats, eating fast food, drinking soda etc.), each one of these can contribute between 20-30 pounds to your weight. I agree with that, and think that the weight gain due to the first two items can be lots more than the 30 pound limit.
    It is not too late to turn things around. You've got this, and you know what you must do to be successful. We are here for you. Just know that you deserve better than being overweight or obese. Society at large wants you to fail. Don't let it win!
    Good luck to you!

  15. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from FluffyChix in I have a leak!   
    I am sorry for the predicament that you are in. Strangely enough, I still consider you one of the lucky ones as this could have been a lot worse. Keep your head up, and you will be home in no time. Good luck in the remainder of your journey.
  16. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from gingergypsy in How many days off for weight loss surgery?   
    I took 2 weeks off, but could have realistically returned to work after 1. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the time to relax, but I was fine after a few days really. Everyone is different though. Some are sick for up to a month. One of my sleeve buddies was up and walking around without an IV, and ready to be discharged the day after surgery. She had already had 2 kids naturally, so the pain and discomfort was nothing to her so she said.
    Anyway, it would be smart to give yourself the 2 weeks off or at least get pre-approved for more time off just in case you need it.
    You will be going through a lot both physically and mentally, and you don't know in advance how your body is going to handle surgery.
    Good luck to you.
  17. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from Toolman82 in What are you treating yourself to once you hit your goal weight???   
    I actually rode the Scream, which is a ride that goes up maybe 80-100 feet in the air and then drops you to the ground. The shoulder restraint came down and I had to hunch down for the seat belt to be applied. As the ride started lifting us into the air, my seatbelt popped open, and the shoulder restraint lifted up. At 12 feet in the air, I tried to jump so that I didn't fall out at the height of the ride. Everyone was screaming.
    Needless to say, they stopped the ride and brought us back down. I dodged a bullet that time, and have refused to even try to ride if the seatbelt didn't EASILY fit in the future. I had taken the walk of shame a few times before, but this was my last straw.
    That was 4 years ago.
    I hope you and your daughter enjoy many memories of tackling the biggest and best coasters ever!
  18. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from gingergypsy in How many days off for weight loss surgery?   
    I took 2 weeks off, but could have realistically returned to work after 1. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the time to relax, but I was fine after a few days really. Everyone is different though. Some are sick for up to a month. One of my sleeve buddies was up and walking around without an IV, and ready to be discharged the day after surgery. She had already had 2 kids naturally, so the pain and discomfort was nothing to her so she said.
    Anyway, it would be smart to give yourself the 2 weeks off or at least get pre-approved for more time off just in case you need it.
    You will be going through a lot both physically and mentally, and you don't know in advance how your body is going to handle surgery.
    Good luck to you.
  19. Like
    DropWt4Life reacted to Creekimp13 in Not losing weight because I deprived myself?   
    Snacks are so sneaky. They can add hundreds of calories in a blink that you didn't even realize you ate.
    food journaling is a really good idea. It's a pain in the butt....but it keeps you honest with yourself, and helps point out the trouble spots.
    One thing we should all keep in mind about our kids...is that they share our genetics. Working on healthier eating habits could be a family project. (Not saying kids shouldn't get some treats along the way....but the basic everyday diet really doesn't have to include so much overly processed salty sugary stuff).
    My daughter was a skinny kid and teen...just like I was. Then, predictably, hit the same pattern I did in her early 20's of gaining weight.
    She's been my biggest advocate for weight loss surgery. We email each other recipes, new products we've found that we like, and try to cook really healthy when she visits, go on walks, swim at the Y, and support each other's fitness goals.
    It's making a difference for her. Whereas my weight got really out of control by my late 20's....hers is improving and her eating habits are a lot better. We're always going to struggle with our weight....one of my bigger regrets is not working on changing our home diet when she was younger.

  20. Like
    DropWt4Life reacted to kjnelson in Not losing weight because I deprived myself?   
    We can go through stalls occasionally but you I think you should evaluate your eating habits. I would recommend you journal every bite of food you eat. If you eat 4 cheetohs, 5 pita chips and a couple handfuls of popcorn then write it down. You maybe surprised at how many extra calories you are eating. If these Snacks are too much temptation then find different snacks for your kids that don’t tempt you. I think the hardest part of our weight loss journey is the head game. We need to redefine our relationship with food and for some of us it may mean counseling to help us deal with our food issues. Best wishes for your success.

  21. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Help I’m confused Is Dr. Illan the only surgeon?   
    Dr. Illan is an excellent choice. Inexpensive, but the best part is you will be completely taken care of. I went with him, because I couldn't find any past patients that had experienced major complications. It was a great decision. I spent two nights in the hospital, and 1 night in a nice hotel along with a companion. All was included. I was even visited at the hotel by a doctor the night before I left home. It was safe, and honestly I have never received better care in the states. I didn't ever have to ask for pain killers, nausea medicines or anything else, because the nurses were in my room to add the medications to my IV every few hours. I would go back in a heartbeat if I needed to. Do your due diligence, but just know you will definitely be in great hands if you go with Dr. Illan.
  22. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from nina0891 in HOLIDAY CHALLENGE TIME!! LET'S DO THIS!   
    CW: 229.7
    Killed it this week! Was in the gym everyday. I am now 9 pounds from my goal weight. Don’t know if I can reach it by my 6 month mark, but I am definitely going to get close.
    Thanks for all of the work that you put into this challenge! We appreciate you.

  23. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from nina0891 in HOLIDAY CHALLENGE TIME!! LET'S DO THIS!   
    CW: 229.7
    Killed it this week! Was in the gym everyday. I am now 9 pounds from my goal weight. Don’t know if I can reach it by my 6 month mark, but I am definitely going to get close.
    Thanks for all of the work that you put into this challenge! We appreciate you.

  24. Like
    DropWt4Life reacted to Stella S in To tell or not to tell your work about WLS   
    No way. If anyone had asked I.panned to say genital implants My work has boundaries and is not tolerant of knowing specifics. I took medical leave. Did the same for plastics 2 years later.

  25. Like
    DropWt4Life got a reaction from Mattymatt in Surgery today   
    Good luck! Don't worry. Everything will be fine!

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