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Blog Comments posted by mama3beartn

  1. Thank you - thank you very much - as it's said here in Nashville. :)

    LOL _ Never thought about it like decades. Ha ha ha - thats great! I guess the 270s were my hurdle. I was 264 this morning. Doc was please with how I'm doing so that was good. I've been released from all restrictions (except on food of course) so going to add some weights to help firm up as I go. Don't have too much loosey goosey going on yet, but I knows it will come. Tummy will be the worst.

    Yes the belt rocks. I'm off the normal holes now and onto these rings (decor things). My husband asked if I should get a new one and said nope. This is my measure thing. The rings work. They are about an inch apart so each ring is an inch down. whoop Whoop.

    I walk the miles here at work. Our parking garage from bottom level to top level is exactly 1/2 mile. So I walk up (hardest since it's up hill some) then back down. I do get walking in on weekend when we go to the mall and walk the loop (opry mill mall here is made in a huge circle) I need to my fitness pal it and see how long it is? Hmmmmm<_<

    But I've cut it back to one or two times a day since my hours are all wonky at work now. They got changed this week now. New flex time. Love it but different. I come in at 5am instead of 8am so I don't do dark garages when there are no peoples around ;-) - But I feel the once or twice is doing me good. I try to take the stairs now since I was released from restrictions so that adds more stuff. Wowzers those are rough on this out of shape body. Whew

    Can't wait for our trip to Gatlinburg. We go every year. I just want to enjoy the woods and streams. Cool, quiet and Ahhhhh :D - I hate hate summer so it's like a I survived reward to go up there where its nice and cool.

    Have blessed Day,

    TTYL gater - :251_crocodile:

  2. 17 hours ago, FluffyChix said:

    Congrats on your surgery, girl!! Woot! Yeah, so it sounds like from what everyone says, you are in the dreaded 3week stall. Just keep on, keepin' on! The way I handle quantities is I have a cheap digital scale. So if a serving is 1 cup, they usually have the gram weight for that serving. I just put my serving dish on the scale and tare it (zero it out), the put how much I'm gonna eat on it. Then I enter the actual weight in grams in MFP and it's done in about 2 seconds. Best purchase evs! Hope the scale moves soon!!!

    Thanks so much - that makes sense with the scale. I have a scale, just not real good at using it yet. I actually used it for the first time last night weighing out my fish. I had mentioned that about the calculating because my yogurt said serving size was one container (some crazy 5.2 oz). I took three bites and was done. The other hard thing is my program want me to do three meals a day with no snacks at 20 grams of protein at each meal. I can't eat enough to get that much at one meal. Sometimes the differentiation of programs is so hard on here and at our office. There are three docs at my doc office and each has their own rules. And everyone's program on here is so different. I agree with Aunt B's comment above : While we all want to follow our instructions perfectly, I have to remember that part of this journey is listening to and trusting my own unique body.

    I totally agree. I love this site. Y'all are like the most awesome group. Thanks again for the help. :)

    GrInS..... :D

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