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    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to Raynetta in Checking in tomorrow and starting to get really scared   
    I totally understand and feel where you are coming from. I check in tomorrow at 11AM for my surgery that will be perform at 1pm. I'm a nervous wreck! I'm so nervous I almost want to cry! LOL, but i know it will be worth it. It's been a long 7 months and I still can't believe it's finally here. We got this! We just gotta think happy thoughts and how amazing we are going to look after. [emoji846]

  2. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to shan0520 in Checking in tomorrow and starting to get really scared   
    I am tomorrow. Checking in at 845. I am nervous too. Like I researched and feel prepared but honestly feel like I can't expect it until I go through with it.
    But we got this. We are stronger than our food addiction. We deserve a new and better life.

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    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to vsg2266 in Checking in tomorrow and starting to get really scared   
    Getting to the hospital at 11 tomorrow. I'm so so nervous. It hasn't hit me until RIGHT NOW. I've felt horrible on this liquid diet, I've had such anxiety in general, and just getting over being sick, still have a cough and stuffed up nose. I'm terrified of coughing tomorrow and the pain I'll feel in my stomach when I do ): I'm not having second thoughts or anything, I think I'm more anxious like I just wanna freaking start this new life already. But I'm so worried to find out if it's gonna turn out bad or good that I'm starting to panic. I have a pretty severe paranoia disorder so my mind goes to the worst. I don't have a lot of friends who support me. I really need you guys right now. This is probably the most scared I've been in my life ):
  4. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to deflationinprogress in Getting cold feet all of a sudden   
    So my surgery is in 5 days....I'm having gastric bypass and out of nowhere I'm having second thoughts. I've looked up every horror story possible so I'm freaking out because of that. I keep looking up malnutrition and wondering if I should've chose the sleeve to prevent dying from that. Not sure if I should go through the with this. I'm 380lbs as of today, started at 405 a couple months ago (my process was fast as my insurance had no 3 or 6 month requirements) I have pcos and I'm 30. Nothing else wrong but I know I'm headed there. Not sure what to do....any happy thoughts to share?
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    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to Sleeve1stFitNext in Ten days post op   
    Congratulations!!!! I will be there soon.
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    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to jfcajr in Ten days post op   
    Feeling really good. No pain, lost 26 pounds including pre op diet. My only complaint is I'm tired, a little cranky at times and dealing with head hunger. Still would do it again.
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    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to Pam_2-06-2017 in Self pay?   
    I did self pay. Same bmi. I paid $11,500 in Texas. I understand that some go to Mexico for much cheaper but I was a bit nervous about that.

  8. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to OutsideMatchInside in 361 Days Later: My Story   
    This is going to be long so if you don’t care about the story part, skip to the bottom for the numbers.
    I never thought I would be here, post-op from WLS surgery, especially a surgery that removed most of my stomach but here I am, and I am thrilled to be here.
    I grew up in a healthy, athletic family, really athletic, at the Professional level. We had healthy food and some not so healthy comfort food, but always real food in the house. I was always athletic, but slightly overweight growing up. Then in college, I started to yo-yo. My weight would change between 20 and 40 pounds. Then I had a baby, BOOM. I gained 70 pounds with the pregnancy and never lost it. I started working with Tech Startups in the dot com era and we had all the perks. Free food, free alcohol, all day every day. I moved up the ladder and with all the five star hotels came high calorie free meals. Extensive business travel meant eating out 5-6 days a week 3 times a day. On the days at home the eating out continued because I was so exhausted from the work week.
    I was healthy with low to normal blood pressure and not diabetic most of this time. I was a healthy fat person for a long time until I wasn’t. I was active. I exercised, I could walk circles around even my thin friends in a mall. Then 10 years ago, diabetes. It was easily managed with pills and diet, so it didn’t create drastic changes. I never took it very seriously because I was never really extreme in my high sugars. Then about 4 years ago it seemed like things took a turn, I could never lose more than 20 or 30 pounds. My ability to exercise and be active seemed to diminish. Carrying all that weight was finally catching up to me and my body was breaking down and suffering. Then last year, high blood pressure came. After taking high blood pressure meds for 2 weeks that made me sleepy and made it almost impossible to run my business. I decided to have WLS.
    I had researched and looked at WLS for years. I read WLS forums and talked to people, but always talked myself out of it. I finally decided that even if I died on the table that was better than dying slowly. So I knew I was ready. I went through the process very quickly. Almost not trusting myself to drag it out and I felt a real necessity to get the weight off quickly. I went from my first visit with the surgeon to surgery in 8 weeks. BCBSIL was wonderful and the whole process was fast and easy for insurance approval.
    Another deciding factor that WLS would work for me, was because the post-op diet was something I was already familiar with. Low carbing? Sign me up. I had been an avid low carber off and on with varying levels of success for years. I realize now that the reason I was never successful was I gave up in stalls, but with the sleeve there is no giving up during a stall. I have always enjoyed low carbing because for me it makes my mind sharper, it is like doing coke or Adderall (no, I have never done either but I have been told the experience in great detail multiple times from multiple people). I have never viewed it as a punishment but a perk.
    My issue prior to surgery has always been Portion Control. I skipped meals, focused on work and then would be ravenously hungry, and consume a whole days plus worth of calories all at once, or maybe in 2 meals. Even low carbing and eating healthy I would eat huge amounts. A 12 to 16 ounce ribeye is 900-1300 calories.
    I was lucky to have an uneventful, rapid and easy recovery. I had very little pain, went back to work as soon as I came home (I work for myself), and stopped taking the pain meds within 36 hours of surgery. I met my Protein goals after the 2nd day. I eat all of the foods I enjoy, just in small quantities. I was lucky in the sense I never ate or liked a lot of the things that people have issues with giving up post-op. So I don’t have issues with avoiding them. I gave up sugar years ago to try and control my diabetes. I gave up alcohol for the same reason. I was already years out from either of these things when I had surgery so I didn’t have to give them up post-op.
    Okay that is by backstory and how I got to the point surgery and why I felt it would work for me. This is where I am now.
    The weight I have on here is the weight when I first went to the Dr. It is not my actual highest weight.
    HW 377
    SW 358
    CW 231
    Total weight lost 146, 134 since first surgeon visit, and 127 since surgery.
    Inches lost
    Measurements in Inches
    Bust (fullest part of bust):
    Pecs (just above the bust line):
    Ribs (top of rib cage just below the bust) :
    Right Upper Thigh:
    Right Lower Thigh:
    Left Upper Thigh:
    Left Lower Thigh:
    Right Calf:
    Left Calf:
    Right Upper Arm:
    Left Upper Arm:
    Total 172.75
    I wore a tight size US Womens size 28 plus and a comfortable size US Womens size 30 plus. Now I wear a Misses 14/16 I am almost to a 12.
    I have boundless energy to match my personality. I am so active in my everyday life in big and small ways. I don’t hurt all over anymore at the end of the day like I did before. I thought that was natural, because I had been so heavy for so long, I didn’t think there was a different way to feel, I thought that was norm. Now I know the difference. I feel like I have taken 20 years off my age.
    So that is my story, if you read it all, thanks. I hope it can help someone. Obviously I am still not done. I need to lose at least another 50 pounds and once I get there I am going to evaluate and see if I want to lose another 20 or 30. I never thought that would be an option, to get my weight that low, but I think now it is a possibility.
  9. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to OutsideMatchInside in New to site and considering surgery   
    Make sure you really have your eating disorder in check before you have surgery. WLS makes it very easy to fall into eating disorders or have old issues resurface.
    I suggest you start working with a counselor and continue to do so through the whole process and for up to 2 years post op.
    WLS is basically a person with an eating disorder dream. You can go hours and even days without eating or feeling hungry and you can make yourself vomit very easily.
    If you feel depressed and worthless now, the hormone dump from rapid fast loss and the rapid changes to your body will only make you more depressed.

    You need to get to a good place mentally before you are ready for surgery. Losing weight won't solve all your problems, you will just trade them for different problems.
  10. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to strengthin#ers in I'm on my way!!   
    I MADE IT YOU GUYS, thanks for all your prayers and well wishes. God is good, I have NO REGRETS....BUT HURTING LIKE HECK FROM drain spot no gas pains. I'm tired goodnight

  11. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS got a reaction from Finally17 in 9 more days until I'm sleeved   
    I know y'all jealous [emoji13][emoji123][emoji23][emoji7]
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    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Is my sleeve too big   
    You answered your own question. You added mayo and mustard, liquids, to make it mushier and easier to eat. If you add liquids to things making them sliders you will be able to eat large amounts of everything. You are working around your sleeve.
    That aside, being able to eat 2 mushy eggs doesn't mean your sleeve is too big. If anything it means you are healing well.
  13. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to strengthin#ers in 9 more days until I'm sleeved   
    That's going to be the LONGEST 9days ever!!!! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] I know your so excited. Prayers you way for a safe surgery and easy recovery. Feb 20th sleever[emoji322][emoji108][emoji322]

  14. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to hmills653 in 9 more days until I'm sleeved   
    How exciting. Be sure to post photos. That's my favorite part.

  15. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to Navigating the Wilderness in Sleeved 3/14... belly button leaking   
    Yes, call your surgeon ASAP. I had an incision get infected and am still dealing with it. The sooner you get help, the quicker you will be well.
  16. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Sleeved 3/14... belly button leaking   
    Call your Dr. Random people on the internet are not qualified to give you medical advice.

  17. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS got a reaction from Finally17 in 9 more days until I'm sleeved   
    I know y'all jealous [emoji13][emoji123][emoji23][emoji7]
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    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to shadowmountain in Sleeved in 7 hours   
    Good luck tomorrow. I know the anxiousness, my surgery 3/28 - seems like it is taking forever to get here. I'm also in CA. Keep us posted on how you are doing....

  19. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS reacted to Shell ???? in Post Op Depression   
    I know exactly how you feel but this to shall pass at the moment you have made this huge sacrifice and feel miserable and you haven't seen any major results yet have you done the rite thing what have you done to yourself those types of thoughts well I promise it gets better it will take a few more weeks and you will be feeling better less fragile emotionally and physically I'm now almost 1 year out and I couldn't imagine myself slimmer and wondered what the hell I had done
    This shall pass and you will be so happy and you will lose weight just focus on rest and fluids

  20. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS got a reaction from Newme17 in 11 Days until I'm sleeved   
    Can't wait
  21. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS got a reaction from Newme17 in 11 Days until I'm sleeved   
    Can't wait
  22. Like
    FAT TWO FABULOUS got a reaction from Newme17 in 11 Days until I'm sleeved   
    Can't wait
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    FAT TWO FABULOUS got a reaction from 4realaboutit! in 13 more days until I'm sleeved   
    Freaking out
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    FAT TWO FABULOUS got a reaction from 4realaboutit! in 13 more days until I'm sleeved   
    Thanks alot my husband told me I was beating myself up for know reason he told me to relax I've be trying but I can't keep calm

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    FAT TWO FABULOUS got a reaction from 4realaboutit! in 13 more days until I'm sleeved   
    Thanks that helped me out alot

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