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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About HeavyE

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/22/1965

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  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Retired / Vehicle Test Driver
  • City
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    New Jersey

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  1. HeavyE

    Protein bars?

    I agree with all the posting on Quest Bars. I've tried others and they are really good. They have a new flavor Birthday Cake that is amazing! There other flavors are good too. Vitamin Shoppe has a sale 2 for $4.00. Good chance to try different flavors.
  2. I'm good, thank you. Had surgery in 7/10, no complications. Down 50 lbs. so far just under 3 months. Only problem I've had are several dumping incidents, and that is since I went regular diet. I'll take that for the progress I've had.
  3. HeavyE

    Progress Pictures

    I too took pictures the day before my surgery and then on my first month surgiversary. I plan on taking them monthly on my surgiversary date to see my progress. Sometimes when you have a stall it's good to SEE your results as a morale booster.
  4. Jersey guy here. Northern Jersey. I had gastric bypass on 7/10/17. Doing really well. Lost 37 lbs. since surgery, 75 lbs. since 2/17. Feeling great, off reflux meds, going to cardiologist to get off BP meds. Good luck to all in this incredible journey that will be well worth it in the long run.
  5. HeavyE

    How much time in the hospital?

    Bypass here, everything went smoothly. Thank god no pain just soreness. Home now, going to walk around the block twice.
  6. HeavyE

    How much time in the hospital?

    I'm getting out today, had surgery Monday. My doctor keeps all his patients in for 2 nights. Other people on my floor left yesterday. Can't wait to get home.
  7. HeavyE

    Wish me luck

    Good luck, I'm with you. Surgery for 7 AM. Nervous, excited, can't wait, all these emotions coming together. But in the long run, it'll be worth with. to minimal pain and great success.
  8. HeavyE

    Liquid Diet starts today!

    I have the same surgery dates as donnad0118 and BgR72 along with the same pre op diet. Good luck to all.
  9. When I first made the decision to get surgery, I told my wife, who attended the seminar with me. I asked her not to tell anyone because I was going to keep it quiet/secret. But the more I thought about it, I said screw it and began telling people, i.e. family, co-workers, friends. And to my surprise, everyone has been supportive, not judgmental, they just have lots of questions. Its a personal decision everyone has to make for themselves.
  10. Thanks crocodoxie, give my bday wishes to your sister.
  11. 51, turn 52 on 5/22. Bypass surgery scheduled for 7/10. Just a waiting game now.
  12. Hey njgal, Nutley here too, crazy!
  13. I am scheduled for surgery on July 10th. Originally was scheduled for April but I had to push it back. I'm done with all of my prerequisites for surgery except a chest Xray and my PCP approval. I have to start my pre-op diet at the end of June, although I've already started watching my diet and have lost 20 lbs. I can't wait, but have waited this long, what are a couple more months. Good luck to all of us! Located in northern NJ.
  14. My doctor recommended bypass over the sleeve because I have such bad gastric reflux, which I agreed with. He said bypass will eliminate the gastric reflux and with the sleeve, it will probably be a problem. I am scheduled for surgery on July 10th.
  15. North Jersey, scheduled for gastric bypass on 7/10.

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