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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Malin reacted to LipstickLady in Feel like such a failure...   
    You can do this. I believe in you. YOU have to believe in you, too.
  2. Like
    Malin reacted to LipstickLady in Halo Top ice cream   
    I am 3.5 years out and have been in maintenance for over 2.5 years. I've heard of Halo ice cream but I've not tried it, nor do I really plan to. I was never a huge sweets person, but if I did indulge, ice cream was definitely my dessert of choice. Life is already filled with temptation at every turn, I see no need to purposefully bring another into my life.
    In reading this thread, I have two "issues" for lack of better word. First and foremost, I am not sure why one would even consider buying ice cream of any sort at only two weeks out. I applaud your thought process of talking to your surgeon before eating it but just the fact that you brought it home gives you license to eat it regardless of that conversation when you hit a weak moment. Why have that little carton of yum whispering to you in the freezer when you should be concentrating on changing your habits? Along with that, you now have all this "validation" that it's OK for you when really, it is NOT AT ALL IDEAL at your stage in the game. You have people telling you how delicious it is and even one telling you that "most people cheat" so you can too. (Insert HUGE eyeroll here.) Later maybe, but not now.
    My second "issue" is that fact that there is still the thought process that food is a "treat". That's a road directly back to Fatty Mcfatpants, a place I never want to revisit. A treat is a concert tickets and fitting comfortably through the crowd and in your seat. A treat is a new pair of skinny jeans in the single digit sizes. A treat is newly found collar bones and hip bones. A treat is fresh flowers on the kitchen table or a new trashy novel to enjoy on the next rainy day. A treat is a session on treadmill or a hike up a mountain without losing your breath immediately.
    You aren't a dog. food is no longer a "treat" and what exactly is it "rewarding"?
  3. Like
    Malin reacted to Dairymary in So many biased one sided opinions on here...   
    Actually it was my "gut" instincts that got me into so much trouble with my weight in the first place . It was trusting my surgeon, doctor's and therapist's advice that got me where I am today. That, along with the comraderie and encouragement (not medical advice) from my support group.
  4. Like
    Malin reacted to alicephipps@gmail.com in Will I be broken forever?   
    I am only 5 days out of surgery and am on the other end of your spectrum.
    No complaints, no real issues and seeing your post makes me feel guilty for feeling so good.
    Having said that, please pet your dog that will give you and the dog comfort, walk around your house or outside if you an it will help you get out of the downwards funk you are feeling.. good luck with your journey!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Like
    Malin reacted to Clarevoyant in Will I be broken forever?   
    For me, it was definitely harder than I had planned for. Things do get much better day by day. The benefits I see now far outweigh the struggles I had the first month or so. Yesterday I was sightseeing on a trip to Dublin and walked 22k steps! Would have keeled over before surgery!
    Good luck!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Malin reacted to kjkashmaniac in Will I be broken forever?   
    I decided to go to work tomorrow. I sit at a desk all day and won't be doing anything of real importance. I feel like maybe if I rejoin the world it will feel better. Thank you for taking the time to reply. You have no idea what it means.
    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App
    Thank you. Thank you for replying, I appreciate it so much. Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App
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    Malin reacted to dobert in Will I be broken forever?   
    I don't think that I could have put it in words any better. You described my post op experience to a T. I was sleeved 10/12. I am JUST now starting to feel like a real person again. Today is the first day that I haven't cried. I even went outside with my toddlers for a while. This time last week I was convinced that it would be easier if I just rolled over and never got back up.
    I absolutely promise you that it does get better. You WILL start feeling human again. Push through, go find a support group (I went to an over eaters anonymous group last night for the first time and loved it), tell your family that you are not ok right now and let them help you.
    This will all be worth it. For now, find something small to Celebrate every day and remember that you're not alone.
    HW 427 SW 358
    sleeved 10/12/16
    I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.
  8. Like
    Malin got a reaction from rebelchelz in Tomorrow is the big day!   
    Good luck!!!!
  9. Like
    Malin reacted to rwashington in 3rd SouthEast WLS Conferencerd   
    The 3rd SouthEast Weight Loss Surgery Regional Conference which will be held in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Mach 10-12th, 2017 is for all pre and post bariatric patients (no matter which surgery you’ve had). It will help you and those who support you, find or maintain your motivation, inspiration, get some education and meet new friends who are on the same journey as you. We’ll have world renown speakers, cooking demonstrations, raffles, door prizes, support group meetings, fitness activities, vendors, free samples, Mardi Gras themed banquet and so much more. Early Bird Tickets are now on sale through November 5, 2016. Visit www.southeastvsg.com for more info. Share this information with all your Facebook groups and any family or friends who may be interested. Join the conference page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1198584220206378/
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    Malin reacted to newjerseygirl60 in 7days before surgery and now scared   
    All I have to say is AMEN PEOPLE wonderful responses!
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    Malin reacted to VSG_Brandnewkindame in 7days before surgery and now scared   
    As a single mother, I understand why it is SO hard to accept help... but life & health = the best kind of wealth one could have!! & you will be able to return the favor 10 fold... & be a better mother & companion all for making this choice. Trust the process - for you. Good luck!!
  12. Like
    Malin reacted to cherierenae in Getting Sleeved in November?   
    Come join our Facebook support group! Search "2016 November Sleevers" and share your story!
  13. Like
    Malin reacted to Tara2000 in Nobody Thinks I Need Weight Loss Surgery   
    I weighted 209 the highest and bmi 37 and I felt I needed the surgery cause I was on yoyo and after my pregnancies gained a lot and was almost impossible to lose the extra weight! I tried all the different diets, exercise, different dietitians, juicing, running, diets pills and what ever you imagine, I tried and lost few pounds and regained doubles! When I decided to do the gastric bypass my Gp supported me at 100% and ive got accepted by the hospital within 6 months of my application! I am a Canadian and did it in Canada, i didn't loose as much or as fast as others loosing here but up to know which is 18 months, I lost 55 pounds and presently at 155 and still need to lose another 20lb and working really hard on it and getting there slowly! I am vey happy of my decision and enjoying my new life style and I look great and feel great! If you feel you want to do it, do it no matter what! It's your life and you are in control! Be brave and Good luck!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    Malin reacted to willdamanager in Sleeved yesterday!   
    Every thing came out great!!!!!! Moments after the surgery sucked!!!! But you start to feel better quick. Yesterday i was in and out of sleep. Today i been walking around. I still have some pain real slight pain tho. As far as gas, as of right now I've been burping all day. But so far so good. Dranks some gatorate g2 they gave me i also had a tiny bit of Jello. Now i will try some Soup. They are giving me so far taking everything well.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Like
    Malin reacted to drkdhuffman in Experiences with Phentermine?   
    Hello group, this is Dr. Kevin Huffman. I'm board certified in obesity medicine and have worked with bariatric surgical patients for nearly 25 years now. I thought I'd give you my insight into the use of anorectic medications such as phentermine, Tenuate, Bontril, Qysmia among others.
    I'm a firm believer in using all available tools to combat this chronic disease. Of course I'm a big fan of bariatric surgery and believe it the most effective tool we currently have in treating those with BMI of 35 and above (maybe even 30 and above when associated with co morbid diseases such as diabetes), but bariatric surgery isn't a cure, its just a very effective tool that when used with alteration in macro and micro nutrients, increase physical activity, behavior modification and even medications in some cases it can help you and your physician manage your disease for life.
    When I first joined the ASMBS 15 years ago, I took a lot of heat for suggesting that anorectic medications had a role in postoperative bariatric surgical care, but as time has passed many of my bariatric surgeons acknowledge that anorectic medications may in fact play a limited role in some postoperative patient care plans.
    We know that postoperatively those undergoing gastric sleeve and gastric bypass show reduced levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. We suspect that is in part why our postoperative patients sense less hunger after surgery. However at about 18-24 months postoperatively many patients complain that their hunger levels return to preoperative levels. This may be a function of 1) a return to hunger stimulating foods e.g. carbs, 2) return to old habits or 3) maybe a compensatory mechanism in the GI tract ramping up ghrelin products. In any case getting patients back into high Protein diets with adequate hydration and exercise along with the most important tool SUPPORT GROUP, may be all that is necessary to help reduce hunger, however in some limited cases I have found anoretic medications in low dosages for limited period of time can be an effective tool to getting 'BACK ON TRACK'
    Hope this helps some of you and if my comments can be of use, please let me know I'll jump in from time to time to give you my perspective.
    Thank you
    Dr. Kevin Huffman
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    Malin reacted to evanslaura79 in Experiences with Phentermine?   
    I have also tried Phentermine. It works great for a while, then suddenly not so well. It will curb your appetite and make you clean the heck out of your house . I lost all my excess weight with it, though not in a healthy manner. When I stopped taking it, the appetite and the weight i'd lost returned with a vengence, AND brought 30 pounds extra along for the ride.
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    Malin reacted to PrettyThick1 in Experiences with Phentermine?   
    Been there did that for a year, had great success until it stopped working...which it eventually will. When it does your clinic will start coming up with new "cocktails" to try to achieve similar results. My experience with those "cocktails"
    Irregular menstrual cycle
    Suicidal thoughts
    Other self-destructive patterns including bulimia
    My advice would be to avoid taking them. Phentermine was the mildest of what they gave me, but it still affected me in ways I didn't realize. I lost 60lbs, but when it stopped working I started gaining again. The "cocktails" helped me maintain the loss, but I simply got tired of taking so many pills everyday and wondered what the long term side effects would be, especially with the side effects I was already getting from them. Long story short, when I stopped pill popping I gained those 60 pounds back and they brought along 22 of their friends. Who wants to take pills for the rest of their lives? Not me! Heck, I take liquid Vitamins now because they are more like a treat for me with the band more than anything else. The only benefit I got out of the whole experience is that I wasn't required to do a supervised weight loss program before getting my band since I had gone through that ordeal. Good luck, but RUN!
  18. Like
    Malin reacted to Diva Taunia in Preteen with growing weight problem   
    How is a forum full of (primarily) untrained medical professionals a resource? (No offense, guys. I count myself in there as well.) I just don't get it.
    Overweight children are under constant scrutiny with their weight. CONSTANT. I'm actually pretty shocked to read a lot of the comments here, because as I read them, I remember being a young child and constantly being talked to about my weight. It was always dressed up as "concern," but really, even as a child I knew that the subtext was always, "YOU'RE FAT."

    This whole thread just really breaks my heart for that little girl. Think she's not aware of her weight? Watch this. Every overweight child knows.

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    Malin reacted to Babbs in Preteen with growing weight problem   
    And this was the other concern. I certainly believe in making sure there isn't a medical reason why the child is gaining weight, but then after that, leading by example is all you can do. No amount of criticizing, cajoling, begging, or chastising will make someone lose weight. And when people who are obese or have been obese bring up 'concern' for a loved one about their weight, it's really almost hypocritical in my eyes. We know how hard it is, and we also know that we didn't do anything about it until we were darn good and ready to, either. I mean, nothing like making the kids weight this front and center issue to make her feel like she's completely not good enough. A loving talk about your concern and a visit to a doctor is about all you can do other than leading by example and encouraging them to exercise with you and cook them healthy meals.
    My opinion. And this comes from experience.
  20. Like
    Malin reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Preteen with growing weight problem   
    I'm glad i stumbled on this one. My granddaughter is 8 fixing to be 9 and in the past couple years she has put on a lot of weight. She is at 95lbs. She also has scoliosis really band and had back surgery in June (doing great). But she is still gaining. Her mom, (DIL) and my son are both RN's and are at there wits about what to do. She is very active playing soccer, and dancing classes. Im going to share this with them... She already goes to Children s for her back... hopefully they can recommend her to what you suggested.
  21. Like
    Malin reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Preteen with growing weight problem   
    "I'm, Like, SO Fat!": Helping Your Teen Make Healthy Choices about Eating and Exercise in a Weight-Obsessed World https://www.amazon.com/dp/1572309806/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Ork7xb72D2AHV
  22. Like
    Malin reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Preteen with growing weight problem   
    I haven't read this but the reviews look good and it might be a good resource for your friend.
    Healthy Transitions for Girls: ~The Essential Prevention Tool for Girls Ages 8 to 14~ A Strength-Based Curriculum to Promote Positive Body Image for Parents, Mentors, & Professionals https://www.amazon.com/dp/0615727557/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_2mk7xbCF4EYRA
  23. Like
    Malin reacted to WLSResources/ClothingExch in Cheated 5 days after my sleeve   
    @@jenniferbook902, you did not cheat. You made a choice. If you can understand that, you'll have a new tool in your toolbox.
  24. Like
    Malin reacted to laguerr13 in A patient died after surgery with Dr. Elias Ortiz at A Lighter Me!   
    I thought this joke I learned from my teacher may help calm your fears:
    " there was a young man who was sailor, while on leave he upset a gypsy who cursed him and said that on his 50th he would die by the hands of an Elephant, he went on to marry, have 2 wonderful kids and a very successful career, then on his 50th he remembered the curse, he called in to work since the circus was in town, a friend called and asked him to go fishing, he declined since the circus was camped by the lake, his wife asked him to go outside with the kids and have a picnic since there was a parade, he once again declined because the Elephants were leading the Parade, at 11:59pm he asked his wife to get the champagne and as he popped the cork he began to countdown, 10,9,8,..... He pooped the cork, it hit the blind, bounced off the couch, brushed a lamp and hit a an ivory 5lb Elephant on the curio cabinet, it fell and hit him on the head killing him him instantly at 50 yrs old"
    You can spend your time locked in your world of safety, but it is a world you create and not what life really is!!!!
  25. Like
    Malin reacted to purpleapple in Self Payer in Florida   
    Thank you for all of the replies. I have since found a doctor in South FL. Dr. Shillingford has an all inclusive plan for 10,500. Includes 2 nights in the hospital, anesthesia, follow ups, and pre op labs. =)

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