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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Malin got a reaction from tlewis2005 in So depressed   
    It's too early for the scale!! Give yourself time to recuperate. I didn't lose anything the first week either.
  2. Like
    Malin got a reaction from TammyLee66 in Where is everyone from City & State   
    Rocket City, USA Huntsville, AL
  3. Like
    Malin got a reaction from tlewis2005 in So depressed   
    It's too early for the scale!! Give yourself time to recuperate. I didn't lose anything the first week either.
  4. Like
    Malin reacted to 50yearoldme in Where is everyone from City & State   
    Savannah. Ga!
    50 year old me!!
  5. Like
    Malin reacted to almost40ish in Where is everyone from City & State   
    Atlanta, GA
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  6. Like
    Malin reacted to KendraLynne in ***ONE WEEK POST OP*** ITS MY B-DAY!***   
    ****OFFICALLY WEIGHED IN AT THE SMALLEST WEIGHT I'VE EVER BEEN MY ADULT LIFE!!!**** I had to all caps that because one its super exciting and two.. Its my birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! I'm 25 today. I always told myself I would be where I wanted to be in life before 25 but go figure.. Didnt happen but I'm feeling wonderful and I have a wonderful life! Before surgery I weighed 276. When I went home 3 days later I weighed 286. Also.. today I'm 1 week post op!! Ive learned not to be ashamed of the numbers on the scale because it doesn't defined me as a person. I'm working towards new things and couldn't be more HAPPY!! Sorry if I'm over excited but my birthday is always a good one and all this excitement together is too much goodness. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!! I post everything and all updates on my Instagram if you want to follow my story!!
    Instagram: Bariatric_babee
    Sent from my LG-H918 using the BariatricPal App
  7. Like
    Malin reacted to sleevingbeauty321 in Post Op Recovery Problems   
    Thank you, I was nervous when they wanted to take me off the morphine because of how much pain I was in but I do feel slightly better today and I'm able to stay awake today thankfully
  8. Like
    Malin reacted to sleevingbeauty321 in Post Op Recovery Problems   
    Thank you! I appreciate your input I've been really nervous that I haven't been taking this well
    Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App
  9. Like
    Malin reacted to Jackson53 in Changing personality   
    I find those kinds of comments "I'm afraid you will change" to be a bit insulting and frustrating. My mother said that and went on to tell me how she was afraid that I wouldn't be as "jolly" as I was at the time. What, am I Santa Claus? I think a couple things are happening here.
    1) She's afraid for me, but not able to just come out and say the idea of me having such drastic surgery is scary.
    2) There is this cultural sterotype of obese people that we are a lot of things: Lazy, "fat and happy", warm, cuddly, etc... that I think are associated to our physical being...and maybe an obsession with Santa....
    3) People will be negative about your surgery and more importantly your success if they have any jealosy related to the journey you are about to go on
    At the end of the day, this is supposed to change me. I wanted to be healthier, happier, more active and just around for a lot longer time. I have grumpy days and long tired days, just the same before I had surgery. The only thing I have lost are some pounds and a lot of stress and anxiety related to the potential of failing health.
    Sharing that with my friends and family who were concerned usually helped them understand and even gave them some relief, because it's perspective you can't expect them to have unless they have a similar challenge.
  10. Like
    Malin reacted to MowryRocks in Changing personality   
    I'm not saying this is the same thing as what you are experiencing at all, but this is my experience. As I am losing weight there are a good many people who would say that I have changed for the worse because I no longer tolerate the way they treat me. I will not allow people to marginalize me or make me feel a certain kind of way because they have bad attitudes. I have mouth shut for many years about rude things that people have said to me or implied because I "didn't want to rock the boat". With those people...I have changed into a total monster.
    With all the others, quite the opposite. I'm more outgoing. I've always been friendly, but I'm not as apprehensive about asking them about their lives and experiences. I'm less shy and I am always up for a fun time.
    I am different, but I like this different.
  11. Like
    Malin reacted to clc9 in Changing personality   
    That kind of criticism is often misdirected anger toward things the criticizer doesn't like in themselves. She sees her overweight self in you and likely never learned to love or like herself regardless of her size. Since she's no longer heavy that anger gets directed at you and others who are heavy, which is absolutely not fair.
    In your mind imagine handing that criticism back to her saying, "Here, I think you meant to give this to yourself..."
    The fact that you recognize what she's doing isn't kind and that you don't want to be like that tells me you're an empathetic person. I don't think you have anything to worry about!
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    Malin reacted to vgsgirl00 in New to this app..   
    Hello everyone! I'm new to this app and the whole WLS process. I am planning to have surgery around August, so I still have a ways to go. I would love to meet new people going through the same process!
    I am 23 and from Pennsylvania. I'm trying to break my bad habit of Tinder lol, but this is different! Feel free to reply if you're interested in making new friends (or more ) and want someone for support and to keep you accountable!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    Malin got a reaction from Redmaxx in It Fits Tips   
    thanks for sharing!
  14. Like
    Malin got a reaction from ashaya02 in New to the group   
    Welcome to BP and good luck on your journey!
  15. Like
    Malin got a reaction from Redmaxx in Saying.... Thanks   
    @bayougirlmrsc Thanks for posting this. I'm sticking around. This place was my "go-to" before my surgery. You were one of the first people to speak to me here on BP. I saw you taking some 'crap' from certain people not too long ago, crap you didn't deserve. I'm glad you didn't leave.
  16. Like
    Malin reacted to Entrise in Haters will always hate   
    I'm a private person and have not told anyone at work about my surgery. Last Friday a co-worker, who is also obese, took the liberty to comment on my weight loss. " You're just wasting away! You look good. But you don't need to loose anymore weight."
    I was so shocked and really wasn't ready for a comment like that. All I could do was laugh it off.
    Fast forward to today. A different co-worker said the same thing to me. " You're wasting away"
    I just responded with "yeah your right."
    All of my co-workers are used to seeing me at 260 pounds . I am now 185. I'm still obese and have no intention to self sabotage my progress because of anyone's ideal of what "Looks good enough."
    My goal is to become healthy and maintain a "normal bmi." I'm sure others will begin to comment even more as time progresses.
    I'm staying on plan and I'm ready for the haters.
    Sent from my Nexus 6P using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    Malin got a reaction from Martinichic in BCBS of Alabama   
    I have AL BC/BS. I was denied. My sleep apnea wasn't bad enough. SO, I paid for my surgery with a loan and using my medical spending account. It was much easier than jumping through so many damn hoops. My BMI wasn't high enough for BC/BS. I didn't want to get any bigger and wait another two years.
  18. Like
    Malin reacted to Ssze1109 in Saying.... Thanks   
    Just because someone is "new" doesn't mean they give bad advice or know nothing.
    Just because someone is a "vet" doesn't mean they know everything and give the right advice.
    There are so many different reasons why people are successful or why they lost weight and kept it off. One size does not fit all.
    For example, many eat low carb and are doing great. While others eat carbs and are successful too.
    My Dr recommends tons of vegetables after the first few months in addition to nuts, seeds, and Beans with no artificial sweeteners and limited dairy (which is a staple for most of us post op)
    For some that would be unheard of.
    Every Dr and every person have different needs and programs.
    While I'm sure many appreciate and welcome successful people's opinions, the world is not coming to an end and there will be others with good, sound advice.
    Give people a chance. Let it go.
    There are still some great vets with great advice around. There are even newbies with great advice!
    Yes there are many that give good and bad advice. Just like many Drs have drastically different plans and advice.
    Just be kind. You never know what that person is going thru.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    Malin reacted to summerset in Saying.... Thanks   
    Deserves a full quote.
  20. Like
    Malin reacted to summerset in Saying.... Thanks   
    DIdn't several people specifically asked to be banned?
  21. Like
    Malin got a reaction from sleevingbeauty321 in Post Op Recovery Problems   
    Don't panic...you're only on day 2 and there's going to be pain. Everyone's pain tolerance is different. I've had a couple of kids pain doesn't frighten me. And honestly, if you've never had any other surgeries, you may not be accustomed to this kind of discomfort. Hang in there. Take your pain meds like clockwork.
  22. Like
    Malin reacted to Treadmillwalker in Tracking helps you be consistent   
    I use My Fitness Pal. Tracking Protein, carbs and calories is helping me lose weight.

  23. Like
    Malin reacted to My Bariatric Life in Zero Weight Regain 2017   
    What makes it so easy to gain weight even after bariatric surgery? Let’s commit to zero weight regain in 2017. You can put these good habits into action right away!

    Zero Weight Regain 2017

    What are your long-term weight loss goals? Likely you have a positive, upbeat vision of a thin and healthy you. Bariatric surgery might be an option you are considering. Or you may have already undergone one of these weight loss procedures.

    Given your dreams and all the hard work you are going through to achieve them, would it be a shock to hear: Many studies show that in the five-years following surgery, patients often gain back most or more of the weight that they had lost.

    What makes it so easy to gain weight even after bariatric surgery Unfortunately, any bariatric surgery fails in the long-term when not married to a maintenance plan.

    Let’s commit to zero weight regain in 2017. Are you with me? Who’s all in? Then let’s get started with some required reading. The following are good habits you can put into action right away!

    Eat Healthy
    The ball is down, Times Square is back to business as usual, and January 1st is bloated with stroke of midnight promises. As we close on January, the month of the year when the most traditional date for personal improvement offers itself up, it’s a good time to check the progress you are making on your resolutions. Among those promises made is the pledge to get fit by eating healthy. If you are among those who share this intention, here are 10 healthy eating resolutions to get you started!
    Read, “10 Healthy Eating Resolutions.”

    Build a Support Network
    Patients voice concerns about the difficulty of establishing a bariatric support network. And they struggle to find the balance needed to address their personal recovery needs in the post-weight loss surgery world. Such concerns are well-founded and not unusual. But many bariatric patients meet that challenge and successfully build a viable, multi-dimensional bariatric support network. There is no reason why any person who has had weight loss surgery cannot construct a reliable and useful post-bariatric support network.
    Read, “ How to Build a Bariatric Support Network.”

    STOP Stress Eating
    Knowing what we need to do can be quickly overturned by what we want to do. Stress demands relief. Harmful and unhealthy choices are often exercised to relieve stress because they are familiar. Emotional eating can provide that relief, but it is a short-lived solution that can have the side effects of overweight or obesity. And if you have had bariatric surgery, you are setting yourself up to regain weight that you have lost.
    Read, “What to Do about Emotional Eating!

    Step-up to Permanent Weight Loss
    So, you’ve had bariatric surgery and think never again will food be a problem. Right? Well, its not quite that simple. Bariatric surgery is a powerful tool that helps you lose weight, but it is not a cure-all. Permanent weight loss requires more than a bariatric surgery. Permanent weight loss requires that we forever change the way we feel, think, and act around food. Follow our steps to turn “bad habits” in “healthy habits.” They’ll set you on a straight course toward permanent weight loss.
    Read, “10 Easy Steps to Permanent Weight Loss!”

    Be Committed!
    Stay on your path to weight loss. It takes dedication. So be dedicated. It takes perseverance. So persevere. The surgery is not a means to an end. It is only the beginning.

    Living larger than ever,
    My Bariatric Life
  24. Like
    Malin reacted to Redmaxx in It Fits Tips   
    Just got this e-mail through work from Medical Weight Loss. I thought I would share it with everyone.
    January is over and if you made a resolution, how is it going? If you are like most people who set big weight loss goals and are finding yourself coming up short, remember the difference between those who fail and those who succeed really has nothing to do with how well you did last month. Real success with healthy changes comes when we realize we still have the next 11 months of possibilities. So, if you did set big goals in January and the last couple of weeks haven't gone as well as you would have hoped, try some of this month's tips to help you get back on track for the rest of the year.
    Getting Back on Track:
    . Make it a daily 'norm' - Eating right should be a permanent lifestyle change. The journey is actually more important than reaching the goal. Why? Because it's the journey that teaches the behaviors and reinforces new habits needed to maintain the goal.
    . Re-examine your WHY - We only commit and do the things that are truly important us. Asking yourself,"What's in it for me?" and "Why do I truly want this?" are great starting point questions to help get you back on track.
    . Overcome the slip-ups - Slip-ups are completely fine (even expected), and there's not a single person on Earth who hasn't stumbled in their path to success. Take some time to design a plan to prevent future slip-ups. Don't ever give up, commit to your plan, and start again.
    . Start tracking your successes - When we let set-backs become the deciding factor, it is too easy to throw in the towel. Change your mindset by focusing only on your successes, no matter how small. It can create the positive energy needed to keep you going.
    "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." Socrates
  25. Like
    Malin reacted to Sleeved_G in 7 days post-op and down 20lbs!   
    I had my 1 week post-op appointment this morning and I am down 20lbs! Couldn't be happier. At first I was worried I had lost too much but my surgeon told me I was doing great.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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