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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    gwbicster reacted to bettybooping in Omg the soreness in my back!!   
    There might be a reason I was told to do isometric training to help strengthen the core and back muscles. Check this out http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/isometric-exercises-and-their-benefits/?amp=1

    Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    gwbicster reacted to Torriluv87 in Omg the soreness in my back!!   
    After i had my surgery one of the assistants in one of my docs office said physical therapy is needed after stomach surgery sometimes to help rebuild your core. I was told it can cause weakness that your back tries to compensate for. My back was a mess before surgery. 100+lbs down and I'm still in constant chronic pain in my back, hips, hell, everywhere. This was one of few things to NOT change for me unfortunately. Hoping that once i get into a normal bmi range things will get better. Maybe another 15 to 20lbs or so. Fingers crossed[emoji26]

    Sent from my SM-G925T using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from njgal in How much weight did everyone loss within the first month???   
    You're doing great! There's something called the "third week stall" that almost all of us go through- please don't let it get you down. Weight loss is not linear and this is the first of many stalls you will likely encounter.

    Also, try not to compare yourself to others- everyone loses at their own pace, men lose faster than women, very obese people lose faster than lightweights, etc.

    As someone else on here likes to continually point out- when is the last time you lost 23 pounds in a month? Never?

    Congratulations on your success.
  4. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from GeTnBackuP in When does the light shine   
    It gets better, but slowly. I am at week 10 and I still have struggles, but they are less and less. In the meantime, as the payoff for my struggles, I have lost 78 pounds. I can stand up without exhaustion and walk every day on my treadmill and people don't look at me like I'm an alien anymore. So it's worth it.

    Those people who say this is the "easy way out", just don't know. Keep on keeping on!
  5. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from ClauDia1330 in Relationships   
    This surgery changes people. The you that is now is completely different than the old you. You need to embrace that, as do the people you are intimate with. Often times, if they can't, it leads to a split.

    That's not necessarily a bad thing, as painful as it can be.

    Good luck.
  6. Like
    gwbicster reacted to GotProlactinoma in My old life   
    I feel differently. Maybe you're a lot younger than me. It might look like drinking and eating a lot means you're having more fun. But what is fun? To me, fun would be, laughter and banter at the social event, a taste of something yummy, dancing or walking or playing a game. Maybe meeting someone special. That is actually more FUN than stuffing my face with large quantities of food, or feeling sweet alcoholic drinks go down My throat. Think about what REALLY means fun to you, and look to increase your actual fun at social events.
    No one ever ever ever says, the morning after the party, "I wish I had eaten more of that cake / drank more of that vodka."
  7. Like
    gwbicster reacted to FluffyChix in Relationships   
    You know you're drivin' the bus to hell, right? *snort*
  8. Like
    gwbicster reacted to Berry78 in Can you say hypocrite??   
    There is a support group called overeaters anonymous. Check out their website to see if it sounds interesting for you.
    Congrats on trying to get a handle on the behavior aspect.
    I do urge you to think big-picture with your dietary/weight goals.
    The average sleeve patient loses 65% of their excess weight. That would be you at 205lbs. So you actually did a bit better than average. The 10 pound "rebound" is also perfectly typical.
    Congrats on having a successful surgical outcome! Since your weight has been relatively steady for 9 months, you know that you are at or near your new set point.
    Your newly found desire to get back on the wagon is probably due to you being a few pounds above your set point, so you'll find dropping those first pounds almost effortless.
    Now, how does your 200lb set point affect you? Well, as much as you'll WANT to drop another 50lbs, your body won't want to, so you'll have a fight on your hands.
    If you want to fight, that's fine. No problem. But keep in mind that whatever you do to shed more weight, you'll need to keep it up long term. Otherwise it's just another diet like preop and back to the yoyo game.
    By all means.. do your pouch reset for 5 days.. but when you restart your normal diet, you need to have durability in mind.

  9. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from njgal in How much weight did everyone loss within the first month???   
    You're doing great! There's something called the "third week stall" that almost all of us go through- please don't let it get you down. Weight loss is not linear and this is the first of many stalls you will likely encounter.

    Also, try not to compare yourself to others- everyone loses at their own pace, men lose faster than women, very obese people lose faster than lightweights, etc.

    As someone else on here likes to continually point out- when is the last time you lost 23 pounds in a month? Never?

    Congratulations on your success.
  10. Like
    gwbicster reacted to Marblicious in It starts with Insulin Resistance & ends with a Train Ride with no stops!   
    Hi everyone,
    I just wanted to share my gastric sleeve journey so far and I apologise for the long post I am making here. I'm 53 years old and have battled my weight all my life. In my early 40's I started taking Blood Pressure medication, I was also diagnosed with Graves Disease. My cholesterol and glucose have always been good. Well that was up until 4 months ago. I went to the doctors and for the first time ever my cholesterol shot up and my doctor informed me I was Insulin resistant.
    I was now very scared that at 168.3 kgs, (371 pounds) I wasn't going to make it to 60.
    So after years of badgering me, I finally asked my doctor to refer me to a Weight Loss Surgeon and from the very first visit the train ride has been fast and furious.
    First off, he told me I should have seen him 10 years ago, (I had mentioned I had been thinking about it for 10 years). Then he asked if I was free for surgery in 2 weeks!!! OMG! I scheduled with him for surgery 4 weeks later because I needed to get my head around it all.
    I then kicked off a major food Funeral. I don't deny it, I ate all the things I loved and that were bad for me for 2 weeks. I then started my 2 weeks on Optifast. What joy that turned out to be
    Surgery day arrived and all went well and to my horror I was presented with an A4 sized, colour picture of my stomach after removal and my stitched up insides. PUKE!
    Since then I have been through all the phases, liquid, Puree, Soft and at last normal food. I just had my 3 month checkup with the surgeon and here is where I stand:
    I am no longer Insulin resistant MAJOR YAAAAY My cholesterol is now normal ANOTHER MAJOR YAAAAY My Fatty Liver is resolved and now shows normal results - YAAAAY I can walk for 20 minutes without having to sit down - YIPPEEEEE My asthma is almost completely gone - WOOHOOOOOO I have lost nearly 30 kgs (63 pounds) I had my first proper period in over 8 months (ok not such a major yay but at least it is working properly again) So I can honestly say that the major train ride I have been on in the last 4 months has been very worthwhile and I am feeling so much better, but please can someone help me with how to get rid of the damn pimples!!!!!
    I guess the purpose in my writing this is for any people who may be considering surgery, I won't say it has been easy but it has definitely been worthwhile.
    It's getting better and better

  11. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from njgal in How much weight did everyone loss within the first month???   
    You're doing great! There's something called the "third week stall" that almost all of us go through- please don't let it get you down. Weight loss is not linear and this is the first of many stalls you will likely encounter.

    Also, try not to compare yourself to others- everyone loses at their own pace, men lose faster than women, very obese people lose faster than lightweights, etc.

    As someone else on here likes to continually point out- when is the last time you lost 23 pounds in a month? Never?

    Congratulations on your success.
  12. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from njgal in How much weight did everyone loss within the first month???   
    You're doing great! There's something called the "third week stall" that almost all of us go through- please don't let it get you down. Weight loss is not linear and this is the first of many stalls you will likely encounter.

    Also, try not to compare yourself to others- everyone loses at their own pace, men lose faster than women, very obese people lose faster than lightweights, etc.

    As someone else on here likes to continually point out- when is the last time you lost 23 pounds in a month? Never?

    Congratulations on your success.
  13. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from Missytee in Premier - On the worst of Proteins, list? O.o   
    As Dr. Weiner says, Protein drinks although essential in certain phases of the surgery, are still PROCESSED foods. He advises his patients to get off of them ASAP. I am still using them but much less (I limit to one or two a day).

    I just bought 108 (big sale at costco using my Mom's account). I will be drinking them all. Once they are gone, I hope to be to the point where I don't need them.
  14. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from njgal in How much weight did everyone loss within the first month???   
    You're doing great! There's something called the "third week stall" that almost all of us go through- please don't let it get you down. Weight loss is not linear and this is the first of many stalls you will likely encounter.

    Also, try not to compare yourself to others- everyone loses at their own pace, men lose faster than women, very obese people lose faster than lightweights, etc.

    As someone else on here likes to continually point out- when is the last time you lost 23 pounds in a month? Never?

    Congratulations on your success.
  15. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from browngirl89 in Regret   
    I'm sorry you're having a rough time (at life)- I've been there too... It looks like you've lost a ton of weight and I'm sure your health is better. I would advise you just to stick with it and things will get better. Prayers up for you sister.
  16. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from Belle3endosleeve in Help, Please.   
    I am a vet, and I thought the response was a bit negative sounding. I'm sure Super Dave meant well but, in this case, I found it a little much. Some of us respond to tough love (which isn't always effective with strangers) and some of us need more stroking and encouragement (that's me).

    As for me, my pre-op diet was the hardest thing I've had to deal with so far, so. For me the first day was the worst. I adjusted a bit, but it wasn't easy. It didn't help things that I got fired from my job midway through this!

    I did lose 20 pounds so that helped to encourage me, but I didn't weigh myself outside of a doctor's appointment a week in. If I had been flat I think that would have made me crazy. So I understand and emphasize.

    Don't worry so much about the weight loss. The diet is to reduce the size and fat deposits around your liver. The liver covers the stomach and the doctor's have to pull it back to operate. As long as the liver is losing weight, it's not so important you are. That will happen AFTER! (YAY!)
  17. Like
    gwbicster reacted to JoyandLight in Anyone smoke weed before or after surgery?   
    As long as she's not high at work, I'm perfectly comfortable with it. She won't have a hang over like she would if she drank alcohol.

  18. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from Belle3endosleeve in Help, Please.   
    I am a vet, and I thought the response was a bit negative sounding. I'm sure Super Dave meant well but, in this case, I found it a little much. Some of us respond to tough love (which isn't always effective with strangers) and some of us need more stroking and encouragement (that's me).

    As for me, my pre-op diet was the hardest thing I've had to deal with so far, so. For me the first day was the worst. I adjusted a bit, but it wasn't easy. It didn't help things that I got fired from my job midway through this!

    I did lose 20 pounds so that helped to encourage me, but I didn't weigh myself outside of a doctor's appointment a week in. If I had been flat I think that would have made me crazy. So I understand and emphasize.

    Don't worry so much about the weight loss. The diet is to reduce the size and fat deposits around your liver. The liver covers the stomach and the doctor's have to pull it back to operate. As long as the liver is losing weight, it's not so important you are. That will happen AFTER! (YAY!)
  19. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from Deleted Account in Help, Please.   
    Oh yeah I found a much better job, went from part-time to full-time. And to be clear, the firing didn't have anything to do with me being grouchy from my diet or anything, it was a long time coming. I got a new boss, and she didn't like me from the first day of the school year.
  20. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from Deleted Account in Help, Please.   
    Oh yeah I found a much better job, went from part-time to full-time. And to be clear, the firing didn't have anything to do with me being grouchy from my diet or anything, it was a long time coming. I got a new boss, and she didn't like me from the first day of the school year.
  21. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from Belle3endosleeve in Help, Please.   
    I am a vet, and I thought the response was a bit negative sounding. I'm sure Super Dave meant well but, in this case, I found it a little much. Some of us respond to tough love (which isn't always effective with strangers) and some of us need more stroking and encouragement (that's me).

    As for me, my pre-op diet was the hardest thing I've had to deal with so far, so. For me the first day was the worst. I adjusted a bit, but it wasn't easy. It didn't help things that I got fired from my job midway through this!

    I did lose 20 pounds so that helped to encourage me, but I didn't weigh myself outside of a doctor's appointment a week in. If I had been flat I think that would have made me crazy. So I understand and emphasize.

    Don't worry so much about the weight loss. The diet is to reduce the size and fat deposits around your liver. The liver covers the stomach and the doctor's have to pull it back to operate. As long as the liver is losing weight, it's not so important you are. That will happen AFTER! (YAY!)
  22. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from Belle3endosleeve in Help, Please.   
    I am a vet, and I thought the response was a bit negative sounding. I'm sure Super Dave meant well but, in this case, I found it a little much. Some of us respond to tough love (which isn't always effective with strangers) and some of us need more stroking and encouragement (that's me).

    As for me, my pre-op diet was the hardest thing I've had to deal with so far, so. For me the first day was the worst. I adjusted a bit, but it wasn't easy. It didn't help things that I got fired from my job midway through this!

    I did lose 20 pounds so that helped to encourage me, but I didn't weigh myself outside of a doctor's appointment a week in. If I had been flat I think that would have made me crazy. So I understand and emphasize.

    Don't worry so much about the weight loss. The diet is to reduce the size and fat deposits around your liver. The liver covers the stomach and the doctor's have to pull it back to operate. As long as the liver is losing weight, it's not so important you are. That will happen AFTER! (YAY!)
  23. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from greygoosecytosis in Dr. Kahlil Shillingford & Dr. Wizman & Dr.Taggar in South Florida   

    This is a lady who flew down from up north and had her sleeve performed by Dr. S. Same procedure, same hospital, same self-pay as me. Watching this before really helped me to know exactly what to expect.

    Good luck!
  24. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from greygoosecytosis in Dr. Kahlil Shillingford & Dr. Wizman & Dr.Taggar in South Florida   
    I can give Dr. Shillingford my highest recommendation. I was also a self-pay. Their staff is great, he is honest and realistic and did a great job with me. You can't do better.
  25. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from Deleted Account in Help, Please.   
    Oh yeah I found a much better job, went from part-time to full-time. And to be clear, the firing didn't have anything to do with me being grouchy from my diet or anything, it was a long time coming. I got a new boss, and she didn't like me from the first day of the school year.

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