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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    biginjapan reacted to lbugher in Forced to do Bypass   
    My wife's grandfather died from esophageal cancer and it was heartbreaking. Get the bypass. It's much, much better than cancer. I won't do VSG after hearing the GERD horror stories and bypass has been done for decades now. It's plenty safe, much more so than a cancer diagnosis. Plus I'm sure it will make you feel better immediately! That has to be worth something too!
  2. Like
    biginjapan reacted to GreenTealael in Forced to do Bypass   
    Sorry for the rough news but honestly the greater fear may be Cancer...
    Returning GERD or the sudden onset of GERD is a known risk of VSG. This revision surgery is about preventing a malicious disease from developing and improving your quality of life.
    Good Luck 💚
  3. Like
    biginjapan reacted to Losingit2018 in Forced to do Bypass   
    I just revised from sleeve to bypass 8 weeks ago. Like you I was afraid if the. Bypass. I got the sleeve early 2018 ended up with large hernia and gerd.
    now that I have the bypass, I am very happy with it. As long as you keep up with having bloodwork checked, take your Vitamins and eat healthy, there is nothing to fear from the bypass.
    you have to do this or deal with cancer. There is no other option.
    Please make peace with it so that you can get healthy. You will be glad that you did it I once it is behind you. My only regret is that I did not start out with bypass and avoid having surgery twice.
    hang in there and come here for support. Please keep us updated as well. You got this.
  4. Like
    biginjapan reacted to catwoman7 in Forced to do Bypass   
    there are slightly more potential complications with the bypass, but complications on either surgery aren't common, and most are minor and easily "fixable". Many of us have never had any complications at all. It was the gold standard for a long time, and there's a ton of long-term research on it. Surgical techniques have improved greatly over the years, so problems they used to have years ago rarely occur anymore. As long as you're diligent about your Vitamins (even moreso than with the sleeve), you'll likely be fine. A lot of people are afraid of it because they move your small intestine - but cutting out 80% of your stomach and throwing it in the trash is pretty radical, too. Since you have acid reflux, I would definitely go for it. Uncontrolled, severe reflux can be VERY dangerous. You're likely dealing with a more dangerous complication now than you would by getting a bypass.
  5. Like
    biginjapan reacted to Hop_Scotch in Any upcoming March 2020 Sleevers out there??   
    Had my surgery 18 March, two nights in hospital, one night in hotel accommodation and I flew home today.
    Gas pain hasn't been too bad for me, I was up walking not long after I was taken to the ward, and I walked three laps every hour during the days, did the occasional laps when I couldn't sleep at night. Tenderness and inflammation around the incision points has improved greatly too.
    I started on ice chips the first evening, then clear fluids by lunchtime the next day. Before I left the hopsital they wanted me to try full liquids so at Breakfast time I had a small bit of ensure plus and lunch time strained cream of chicken Soup. I was pretty impressed with the hospital it had a bariatic menu of clear and full liquids which included apple juice, broths, Protein waters, protein enriched drinks, strained Soups, vast range of milks, teas (and interestingly coffee) etc .
    At first taking any liquid triggered an instant spasm which lasted only a very short period of time. This no longer happens.
    I am just having my first full liquid since I left the hospital, I didn't want to risk it at the hotel or airport in case it didn't go down well. So far so good. i am being mindful of the volume of liquid being consumed, I don't want to be dehydrated.
    I have a phone call with the dietician on Friday and may be allowed to progress to purees at that stage if I am tolerating full liquids well.
    I am in state govt mandated self isolatin / quarantine for two weeks as I wasn't able to return to my home state by last night, thank goodness for a treadmill which will allow for some walking when I am up to it.
    I haven't weighed myself yet, think I will give myself a week or so (if I last that long)- I had four 1ltr bags of IV at the hospital, I can only imagine how much Fluid retention there currently is.
  6. Like
    biginjapan reacted to JLynnY in March 2020 Surgery Folks Come On in!   
    My surgery went as planned! I feel great. Just ready to get home now.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

  7. Like
    biginjapan reacted to CammyC in How long till you farted after surgery?   
    We’ve got to laugh to keep from crying about it! A little humor goes a long way in this process. 😁
  8. Haha
    biginjapan got a reaction from CammyC in How long till you farted after surgery?   
    Haha! This has been an issue for me every since I had the sleeve three years ago. I've learned to only let a little bit of fart out to see if it's actually gas, or something worse! Luckily I've only been caught out at home (a few times I'll admit), but I have extra undies and clothes to wear at work just in case the worse happens.
  9. Like
    biginjapan got a reaction from CammyC in Am I eating too much?   
    It was. But over time I was able to eat around it. You can't really stretch the sleeve, despite what many people (and doctors say), but you can find ways to eat more. Slider foods (simple carbs) go down real easy so it's a slippery slope once on it. There's a reason why not everyone loses everything they need to lose, there's a reason why people regain. Hunger does return. After your stomach heals, it can deal with more food, and even being stuffed. That's why I'm much more conscious of bad habits and most importantly, Portion Control. One thing I did until recently was eat until I had the "full" feeling. I realised after awhile that this was a comforting feeling and something I needed to feel satisfied. But when I was losing on the sleeve I was much more aware of always being just slightly hungry (without the hunger, if that makes sense). Once I learned what that feeling was, I was okay with it, realising I had more energy. But of course over time the pleasure of being full overtook it. Think of being obese as like being an alcoholic - they are both diseases based on addiction, and once you recover (i.e. surgery/weight loss), you'll have to deal with your addiction for the rest of your life. So many people ask, oh, when can I eat cake again, or Cookies, or a pizza, or chocolate...but from my experience I think there are some things that I will always have to avoid, because the chance of falling off the wagon again is too great.
  10. Like
    biginjapan reacted to catwoman7 in So mad at myself for regain   
    figure out how many calories you're averaging a day, and cut it by 100 or so. If nothing happens within a couple of weeks, cut it by 100 more. Rinse and repeat. It's hard to lower your calories, but you do get used to the lower amount after a few days. And cutting by 100 at a time is do-able.
  11. Like
    biginjapan reacted to FluffyChix in So mad at myself for regain   
    No truer words!!!

  12. Sad
    biginjapan reacted to Debbieduck4 in So mad at myself for regain   
    I can't believe I'm in this place again! I was sleeved in December 2014 and lost 101 pounds. I was thrilled and kept the weight off for 5 years. Then slowly but surely I began to gain... I have been eating whatever I want, not exercising, and basically just being a slug. I finally got the courage up to weigh myself and see the damage, and I've gained 40 pounds!! I have tried to return to the basics but feel constant hunger. I am depressed and pretty hard on myself. I don't like the way I look and I feel like a loser (not a weight loss loser either). I guess I'm just looking for advice, encouragement, and tips to get this weight back off. Thanks community
  13. Like
    biginjapan reacted to Sophie7713 in Saggy Sophie no more. Plastic surgery to the rescue!   
    Eight weeks post op
    Very thankful to have the physical stamina and healthier lifestyle now in place to face these unprecedented times. It almost seems trite to talk about myself or my plastics in this current climate our nation now faces. I am beginning to experiment with foundations weaning away from the compression garments. Purchasing fitted clothing has become a rewarding and most satisfying experience after plastics. My favorite aspect is the new 28" waistline that works perfectly with an array of new belts. I have lost a total of eight pounds since January 21 surgery date - five were Excess skin removal. Now on lock down and home bound mode - I have the time to explore new recipes and cook books. The chia pudding recipes are especially delicious and highly nutritious, as well as permissible comfort food. Also, have been enjoying PBS Masterpiece Theatre - Vienna Blood. An excellent mystery production and worthy diversion.

  14. Like
    biginjapan reacted to CammyC in How long till you farted after surgery?   
    Just be careful as the days go on! You can’t trust a fart after Bariatric surgery! I pooped my pants 3 times when I was in the all liquids phase. Horrible, I know. Now I know after a really big one, the next one might be more lol. Happy tootin!! 💩😂🤮
  15. Like
    biginjapan reacted to WhitneyLC84 in How long till you farted after surgery?   
    Ok I have an enema in my medicine cabinet. I'm going to try it. THANK YOU!
  16. Haha
    biginjapan reacted to WhitneyLC84 in How long till you farted after surgery?   
    It happened! I tooted! I cut the cheese. I broke wind. I FARTED! What a relief. Thank you all for the tips.
  17. Like
    biginjapan got a reaction from PuddinJasper in Am I eating too much?   
    I went through the same experience as you as I recovered from the sleeve - I was way ahead of the curve in terms of what, and how much, I could eat. Here's the thing - it takes a long time for your stomach to heal completely - not days, but weeks, even months (it is a major amputation if you think about it). So it may not be sending you the signals you need to stop eating. As someone who's sleeve failed, partly because after 6 months, and especially after a year, I could a proper dinner plate of food again (at least 2 cups), I would say follow your dietary guidelines. If it says half a cup, eat half a cup. How many calories (and other macros) are you allowed in a day? Are you staying within them? Just because you CAN eat more, doesn't mean you SHOULD. The guidelines are there to help us get into the habit of Portion Control, because the honeymoon period of easy weight loss/no hunger only happens for 6-18 months (depending on the person). After that, if you overeat, you may regain, even with healthy foods, as it may encourage you into the same bad habits you had before surgery. Also, how long is it taking you to eat? If it's more than 30 minutes, then you are definitely overeating. When are you drinking liquids? If it's too soon from eating it could make the food slide faster through your stomach making it easier to eat more. I'd also be worried about the asparagus - it seems too early to be eating such a fibrous and low Protein vegetable. They are really hard to digest and can form clumps in your stomach, especially early on.
    In any event, I'm not trying to make you feel bad about this - as I said at the beginning, I went through exactly the same thing after my sleeve, and I had the belief that the surgeon made it too big which is why I could eat so much. However, on my recent revision surgery, my (new) surgeon said that the sleeve was perfect and small, so I know that my weight regain had less to do with my stomach, and more to do with me. Some of us can eat more, and don't feel pain (others are the complete opposite). In that case, you have to be vigilant about what, and how much, you are putting into your body.
  18. Like
    biginjapan got a reaction from CammyC in Am I eating too much?   
    It was. But over time I was able to eat around it. You can't really stretch the sleeve, despite what many people (and doctors say), but you can find ways to eat more. Slider foods (simple carbs) go down real easy so it's a slippery slope once on it. There's a reason why not everyone loses everything they need to lose, there's a reason why people regain. Hunger does return. After your stomach heals, it can deal with more food, and even being stuffed. That's why I'm much more conscious of bad habits and most importantly, Portion Control. One thing I did until recently was eat until I had the "full" feeling. I realised after awhile that this was a comforting feeling and something I needed to feel satisfied. But when I was losing on the sleeve I was much more aware of always being just slightly hungry (without the hunger, if that makes sense). Once I learned what that feeling was, I was okay with it, realising I had more energy. But of course over time the pleasure of being full overtook it. Think of being obese as like being an alcoholic - they are both diseases based on addiction, and once you recover (i.e. surgery/weight loss), you'll have to deal with your addiction for the rest of your life. So many people ask, oh, when can I eat cake again, or Cookies, or a pizza, or chocolate...but from my experience I think there are some things that I will always have to avoid, because the chance of falling off the wagon again is too great.
  19. Haha
    biginjapan got a reaction from CammyC in How long till you farted after surgery?   
    I asked my doctor for an enema. I needed to fart (and do more) but I felt blocked up. The other gas in my body was dissipating from all the walking I was doing, but the back end needed some help. After the enema (which only loosened the stool a little bit) I was able to pass gas/fart much more easily and it felt so good afterwards!
  20. Haha
    biginjapan got a reaction from CammyC in How long till you farted after surgery?   
    I asked my doctor for an enema. I needed to fart (and do more) but I felt blocked up. The other gas in my body was dissipating from all the walking I was doing, but the back end needed some help. After the enema (which only loosened the stool a little bit) I was able to pass gas/fart much more easily and it felt so good afterwards!
  21. Like
    biginjapan reacted to AJ Tylo in upper body aches two weeks after gastric sleeve   
    Yes you body is healing this same post is all over this site, You wracked your body hard and now it is recovering. Let your body tell you when you can go to other foods. shakes do suck, But you need them. Make your own with Protein powders, The only one i like that is store bought is Core Fitness.
    Feel free to join my WLS mix masters club! I can make a mean as Protein Shake and martini!

  22. Like
    biginjapan reacted to AJ Tylo in How long till you farted after surgery?   
    It will come - But get out of bed and Put on your head phones and walk the halls! The more you move the faster you will get the gas out! I was skipping down the hall a few hours after surgery, within 10 hours i had most of the gas out! Now my brother had to get catheterized from the knock out gas, His lower unit stayed asleep!
    Good luck and trust me Move your ass! and welcome to the journey
  23. Like
    biginjapan reacted to AJ Tylo in Stalled   
    Yes switch up your calories and do some short term fasting - Remember this is a long journey and no two weeks will be the same
    Go less calories on day and more the next It will help restart your body

  24. Haha
  25. Like
    biginjapan reacted to FluffyChix in Am I eating too much?   
    At 3 weeks, I was 1/8-1/4cup MAX volume per meal. And on soft foods: soft scrambled eggs, mushy wet tuna/chicken salad, poached white fish, canned green Beans, veggies cooked to the edge of hell and beyond, pureed-ish stoups...

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