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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to WLSResources/ClothingExch in What if I can't do it?   
    @@DirtyyMelodies, I just realized that you may think I'm making light of your breakup. Not at all. It is a major event and you are hurting deeply. Just for those reasons it's crucial that you act in your best interests in all ways. Losing a boyfriend is bad enough without losing yourself and everything you do that makes you yourself.
    If you're a student, your studies are a path to whatever is next for you. Let your work suffer and your sense of who you are will diminish with it. If you're working, the most important thing is not to jeopardize your income. It's bad enough to be hurting, but worse to be hurting while sleeping on a park bench.
    You'd begun the surgery process before he broke up with you the other day. The plan for surgery is another part of who you are.
    ONe of the worse mistakes you can make is to give up your self. You'll be needing her forever and she shouldn't be someone who could even conceive of bailing out on you. This may be the last thing you want to hear now, but that's how it is.
  2. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from WLSResources/ClothingExch in What if I can't do it?   
    You're adorable. Reading your post made me smile. Thank you. <3
  3. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from WLSResources/ClothingExch in What if I can't do it?   
    You're adorable. Reading your post made me smile. Thank you. <3
  4. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from Monie717 in It's happening!   
    I am! It feels weird knowing that the "fat" part of my life is almost over. I've been overweight most of my life, I have no idea how it feels to be healthy. I've been humiliated and frustrated by my size countless times. I can't wait for my life to actually BEGIN.
    I can't believe how many great comments I've seen about OCC. I was really paranoid at first, so I researched like crazy, and they really seem top notch!
    Congrats on losing 100+lbs! That's INSANE! How did you find the experience? How was the transition to a new lifestyle?
  5. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to mizzzzzzT in It's happening!   
    Yep its all a learning curve hun don't let one slip get you down cuz there will probably be 5 more before your journey is over you are learning and adjusting to a whole new life so get up dust yourself off and get back on track no pain no gain
  6. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in I need to do this, no matter what   
    Welcome, Mico.
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Am I allowed to at least send a virtual hug?
    I hope you are able to recover well from your pneumonia. Going into surgery as healthy as possible is the best way to avoid any major complications.
    I was sleeved April 20, 2015 (am coming up on my 1 year Surgiversary). I can honestly say this was the best decision for me and that it has saved my life. I was one fall and one "diet" away from being bedbound.
    I have a long way to go still but I am already getting my life back.
    I wish you all the best with your surgery. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  7. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to 4MRB4PHOTO in You know you lost weight when   
    Your talking scale no longer says "Only one person at a time, please!".
  8. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to JamieLogical in Considering Mexico Bariatric Center? Yikes!   
    The positive stories VASTLY outnumber the negative ones. Most of the horror stories you hear are urban legends or can be attributed to singular surgeons. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. There are MANY excellent surgeons in Mexico, just like in any other country. I've heard plenty of "horror stories" about botched surgeries in the US too. Should I hold those against ALL of the surgeons here? Of course not.
    If you do your research, examine credentials, ask lots of questions, and talk to past patients, there is no reason you can't find a safe and reputable surgeon. My bariatric surgeon was named one of the top 15 in the world. My plastic surgeon is one of the top rated on RealSelf which is the go to site for researching and sharing plastic surgery outcomes.
  9. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to JamieLogical in Considering Mexico Bariatric Center? Yikes!   
    I'm sorry that you had negative experiences with your after-care in Mexico. I hate that certain surgeons and programs give Mexican surgery a bad rep. Definitely one of the reasons to fully research your surgeon and the surgical center prior to surgery. I have been very fortunate to have had excellent post-op care in Mexico after both of my surgeries there (plastics in 2011 and VSG in 2014). Hopefully your post will serve to better inform future potential patients so they can make the best decision for themselves.
  10. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to jane13 in It's happening!   
    @@DirtyyMelodies - what a loser! breaks up with you on FB?
    Consider HIM your first NSV (Non scale Victory) - you just LOST 180lbs (guessing) of useless weight!
    Focus on you!
    welcome little sister to the BP Sleeve family ((((hug))))
  11. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to kamitch8491 in It's happening!   
    Hello Everyone! I am so glad that I stumbled across this app. It feels good to know that I'm not alone on this sleeve journey. Like some of you, I've struggled with my weight pretty much all of my life. Currently, I am the biggest that I've ever been, 340lbs Yikes ! I decided to do the surgery after I managed to gain an additional 40lbs, after losing 30lbs. It has been a losing battle for me when it comes to weight loss. I know the surgery is not a solution for weight loss, but more of an aid to a healthier and happier lifestyle. My surgery isn't scheduled until September :-/ because of my insurance I have to wait 6months before having it done. It's good in a sense to get me better prepared for a complete lifestyle change, however, I am super anxious to get it done. I can't wait to have a normal life where I can tie my shoe laces again lol. Oh the little things!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to JamieLogical in It's happening!   
    It sounds like the break-up is a good thing. Who breaks up on Facebook after FIVE YEARS together? Jeez!
    I agree that a clean slate is what you need. You have a whole new life ahead of you now post-VSG. It sounds like you have a supportive family with your mom coming with you. So you have all you need to be successful and now you are going to be free of just your excess body weight. You are going to be free of the dead weight of your ex!
  13. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from GibbsGirl in It's happening!   
    Soooo I just got my confirmation e-mail from my surgeon's office. Kinda freaking out right now, in an extremely good way. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, I have hope again. I had been so depressed for the past year, I had given up on myself; everytime I attempted a new diet, I'd lose 20 pounds and gain back 30-40. Since January 2015, I ballooned up from 2220-230lbs to nearly 275lbs. I stopped going out (except to work), gave up on my appearance (except for makeup; I used to be a makeup artist, so it's my creative outlet).
    Anyway... I got approved for the surgery date I picked, guys! I asked for April 4th. Since 4 is my lucky number, I thought 4/4/16 was pretty much a sign from above that it's meant to be!
    I picked Dr Ariel Ortiz at the Obesity Control Center in Tijuana as my surgeon. I had a phone consultation with him last week, seems like a great guy. Excited to meet him in 3 weeks!
    I could bounce off the walls right now! STOKED!!!!!!
  14. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to JamieLogical in It's happening!   
    I didn't use the Vitaleph shakes, just the multi-Vitamins. I still use the Vitamins, actually. I don't do their Calcium or B12 or probiotic (I use other brands for those), just the multi-vitmain. I buy the 4-bottle package once every few months. As for the shakes, I had the nutritionist email me some guidelines for calories, carbs, Protein, etc. so I could buy shakes locally or make my own.
  15. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from GibbsGirl in It's happening!   
    Soooo I just got my confirmation e-mail from my surgeon's office. Kinda freaking out right now, in an extremely good way. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, I have hope again. I had been so depressed for the past year, I had given up on myself; everytime I attempted a new diet, I'd lose 20 pounds and gain back 30-40. Since January 2015, I ballooned up from 2220-230lbs to nearly 275lbs. I stopped going out (except to work), gave up on my appearance (except for makeup; I used to be a makeup artist, so it's my creative outlet).
    Anyway... I got approved for the surgery date I picked, guys! I asked for April 4th. Since 4 is my lucky number, I thought 4/4/16 was pretty much a sign from above that it's meant to be!
    I picked Dr Ariel Ortiz at the Obesity Control Center in Tijuana as my surgeon. I had a phone consultation with him last week, seems like a great guy. Excited to meet him in 3 weeks!
    I could bounce off the walls right now! STOKED!!!!!!
  16. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to breezy25 in It's happening!   
    That's my date too! And I too ballooned from 230-ish to 277 in a years time. I'm so ready to be trim and fit!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from Monie717 in It's happening!   
    I am! It feels weird knowing that the "fat" part of my life is almost over. I've been overweight most of my life, I have no idea how it feels to be healthy. I've been humiliated and frustrated by my size countless times. I can't wait for my life to actually BEGIN.
    I can't believe how many great comments I've seen about OCC. I was really paranoid at first, so I researched like crazy, and they really seem top notch!
    Congrats on losing 100+lbs! That's INSANE! How did you find the experience? How was the transition to a new lifestyle?
  18. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from GibbsGirl in It's happening!   
    Soooo I just got my confirmation e-mail from my surgeon's office. Kinda freaking out right now, in an extremely good way. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, I have hope again. I had been so depressed for the past year, I had given up on myself; everytime I attempted a new diet, I'd lose 20 pounds and gain back 30-40. Since January 2015, I ballooned up from 2220-230lbs to nearly 275lbs. I stopped going out (except to work), gave up on my appearance (except for makeup; I used to be a makeup artist, so it's my creative outlet).
    Anyway... I got approved for the surgery date I picked, guys! I asked for April 4th. Since 4 is my lucky number, I thought 4/4/16 was pretty much a sign from above that it's meant to be!
    I picked Dr Ariel Ortiz at the Obesity Control Center in Tijuana as my surgeon. I had a phone consultation with him last week, seems like a great guy. Excited to meet him in 3 weeks!
    I could bounce off the walls right now! STOKED!!!!!!
  19. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from GibbsGirl in It's happening!   
    Soooo I just got my confirmation e-mail from my surgeon's office. Kinda freaking out right now, in an extremely good way. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, I have hope again. I had been so depressed for the past year, I had given up on myself; everytime I attempted a new diet, I'd lose 20 pounds and gain back 30-40. Since January 2015, I ballooned up from 2220-230lbs to nearly 275lbs. I stopped going out (except to work), gave up on my appearance (except for makeup; I used to be a makeup artist, so it's my creative outlet).
    Anyway... I got approved for the surgery date I picked, guys! I asked for April 4th. Since 4 is my lucky number, I thought 4/4/16 was pretty much a sign from above that it's meant to be!
    I picked Dr Ariel Ortiz at the Obesity Control Center in Tijuana as my surgeon. I had a phone consultation with him last week, seems like a great guy. Excited to meet him in 3 weeks!
    I could bounce off the walls right now! STOKED!!!!!!
  20. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to JamieLogical in It's happening!   
    I went to OCC too and had a great experience! Congrats for making this decision to turn your life around. I think a lot of us can relate to having just completely given up for a while. The good news is, you didn't stay there and wallow. You found and committed to a solution and you are going to have your life back!
  21. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from GibbsGirl in It's happening!   
    Soooo I just got my confirmation e-mail from my surgeon's office. Kinda freaking out right now, in an extremely good way. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, I have hope again. I had been so depressed for the past year, I had given up on myself; everytime I attempted a new diet, I'd lose 20 pounds and gain back 30-40. Since January 2015, I ballooned up from 2220-230lbs to nearly 275lbs. I stopped going out (except to work), gave up on my appearance (except for makeup; I used to be a makeup artist, so it's my creative outlet).
    Anyway... I got approved for the surgery date I picked, guys! I asked for April 4th. Since 4 is my lucky number, I thought 4/4/16 was pretty much a sign from above that it's meant to be!
    I picked Dr Ariel Ortiz at the Obesity Control Center in Tijuana as my surgeon. I had a phone consultation with him last week, seems like a great guy. Excited to meet him in 3 weeks!
    I could bounce off the walls right now! STOKED!!!!!!
  22. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from GibbsGirl in It's happening!   
    Soooo I just got my confirmation e-mail from my surgeon's office. Kinda freaking out right now, in an extremely good way. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, I have hope again. I had been so depressed for the past year, I had given up on myself; everytime I attempted a new diet, I'd lose 20 pounds and gain back 30-40. Since January 2015, I ballooned up from 2220-230lbs to nearly 275lbs. I stopped going out (except to work), gave up on my appearance (except for makeup; I used to be a makeup artist, so it's my creative outlet).
    Anyway... I got approved for the surgery date I picked, guys! I asked for April 4th. Since 4 is my lucky number, I thought 4/4/16 was pretty much a sign from above that it's meant to be!
    I picked Dr Ariel Ortiz at the Obesity Control Center in Tijuana as my surgeon. I had a phone consultation with him last week, seems like a great guy. Excited to meet him in 3 weeks!
    I could bounce off the walls right now! STOKED!!!!!!
  23. Like
    DirtyyMelodies reacted to livsmom in Anyone having surgery in April 2016 in Tijuana Mexico?   
    Yay!!! So excited for you! It's only day 2 of pre-op diet for me so it's not bad. ???? Let's keep in touch and support each other on our journey. I bet you are on cloud nine!
  24. Like
    DirtyyMelodies got a reaction from Monie717 in Anyone having surgery in April 2016 in Tijuana Mexico?   
    I GOT APPROVED, you guys! I'm going to Mexico! I'm getting a fresh start!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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