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    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from NeedaBreak4Me in "Sugar Free"   
    Wow so that leaves a whole lotta nothing to eat! I suspect my reply may be a bit controversial, but for one thing I avoid anything that says fat free or low fat, unless that is naturally the case. Otherwise it usually means added carbs and fillers.
    I have adjusted my own diet to what has worked best for me in the past and that is.. a low carb, HIGH FAT diet. Yes really, high fat. I eat real butter, real mayo, bacon, sausage, whole milk yogurt, and the like. I know this is going to freak some people out (OMG THE RULES!) but know what happened when I got off the low fat bandwagon? I broke my 3 week stall immediately and dropped about 7 pounds in one week. I also experienced a great reduction in hunger! I did this at about the 2 month mark. Today is my 3 month surgiversary.
    So anyway I confessed my rebellious diet switcharoo to my nutritionist yesterday and she didn't have much to say about it other than maybe by eating more fat I was bumping myself out of starvation mode and needed the extra calories to break my stall. She may be partly right but I can't agree entirely because I am, as I keep saying, A Professional Dieter. I know my body better than anyone and how it reacts to various percentages of macronutrients. Doing Low Carb/High Fat in the past was by far the most successful plan for me. I was able to drop 50 pounds in 5 months, without surgery and reached my ideal weight in maybe 7 or 8 months. (How did I gain it back? I ate carbs again.)
    I guess my point is, in the end we should all do whatever works best for us. I learned pretty early that I was in no danger of dumping, I also learned pretty early, that carbs such as crackers, fruit, and even vegetables were causing me to stall, but that didn't surprise me because it's not the first time.
    Early on you should just do whatever your team tells you to do (there's not much chance of sticking to low fat, low sugar, and low salt tho - good luck with that) Once you are more "on your own", you can choose to continue following their rules if they are working for you, or make your own if that works better. I make sure my team knows what I'm doing, and as long as I'm getting such great results, I will continue doing what works.
    Ok go easy on me.
  2. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from KristenLe in Thin crust pizza   
    I skip the crust entirely. I had my first pizza at about 9 weeks out, but went with toppings only. The crust is really unimportant and takes up valuable space you need for the nurtrient richer tasty stuff! I ate the toppings off of one and half slices of pepperoni, mushroom, onion, and hamburger with extra cheese. It was awesome awesome and I even dropped a pound the day after Had I eaten the crust, I probably would have stalled or gained. My friend ate the rest of the pizza
  3. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from killerqueen in Is your surgery a secret?   
    I'm really sorry to hear that you don't feel responsible for your own success. Yes the surgery is an important catalyst, but the surgery isn't choosing what you put in your mouth or when and how often you eat, it's not taking your Vitamins for you nor is it building muscle, burning fat, or raising your metabolism. I do suspect you aren't eating the same crap you used to eat, or you wouldn't be as successful as you've been in your weight loss. So recognize that you yourself are the success in this, don't give all the credit to the surgery. If you aren't exercising, that's your choice of course, and I'm sure many have been successful without exercise, although I personally am enjoying great rewards from my time at the gym and my much more active lifestyle. I maintain that the surgery is secondary to how we as thinking human beings choose to use it. Yes it is greatly helpful for getting us on track and helping us stay on track, but it's not HOW we are losing weight. We are all losing weight by eating less and making better choices. In the end this is all up to us. If the surgery was how I was losing weight, I would be eating gooey pizza, crust and all, right this very second. Maybe followed by some nice sugary ice cream. But since that would cause me to gain weight, despite the surgery, I will instead have some lovely piece of Protein and no dessert. And that's MY decision. Choosing not to tell someone about the surgery is *not* lying. Saying you didn't have surgery when you did, that would be lying. And if anyone asks me that question, I will likely lie because it's none of their business. Meanwhile anyone who feels comfortable telling everyone about their surgery should go for it. Anyone who feels uncomfortable sharing that info, should keep it to themselves. No one should have to feel bad whether they choose to tell or not tell.
  4. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from sweesee in Is your surgery a secret?   
    I was worried about this also, but so far it's been easy, I was even able to keep it from a best friend of 23+ years. (Just to see if could get away with it. He was the one person I finally told.)
    Luckily the weight loss bit is one thing you wont be able to keep to yourself. That's going to be blatantly visible. (yay!) So the fact that you are on a "diet" is sort of a "duh" answer. It's also enough of an explanation for how you are eating, not drinking booze, and no one notices that I don't touch my Water at the dinner table. The "diet" I am on, as I would tell anyone, is low carb, really small portions, and no alcohol. (That last bit is gonna change, but will remain minimal. Alcohol has always stalled my diet efforts.) You can also say you are eating 6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones and it's working. Take those leftovers with you. You will want them later
    Surgery or no surgery, weight loss results are achieved through our own efforts and actions. The fact is that anyone can eat around their surgery and completely blow it, not to mention the effects of the surgery will wear thin eventually. The bulk of this is on us. We're just learning all the right moves for getting it off and more importantly, keeping it off.
  5. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from nawar in Is your surgery a secret?   
    You don't have to lie about it. The surgery is not HOW you are losing weight. You are losing through diet and exercise. You are eating smaller portions, making healthy choices, and moving more. That is HOW you are losing weight. And that is an absolutely true, acceptable, and appropriate answer. The surgery is just a tool to help you do that, and it's nobody's business. Honestly I'm doing a lot more of the work than the surgery is. I could totally screw this up all on my own and the surgery couldn't stop me.
    I told no one except for my mother who had the lap band, my sister who is a nutritionist and tried to talk me out of it (biatch), and eventually my aunt and only because I needed her to pick me up from the hospital and spend a couple days with me. Even the friend who dropped me off at the hospital at 6am thought she was taking me for an upper GI series Then at 5 weeks in, I told one old friend who came to visit for a weekend. I thought he would call me crazy but to my shock he said he was very proud of me. And that's it. Outside of that tiny handful of people, I'm staying in the closet about this and am totally cool with that. I don't feel the need to share this bit of my life with all my friends and acquaintances, and I certainly wouldn't feel bad about not telling coworkers or strangers.
    Not comfortable talking about your private medical situations with the world? Then don't. It's not their business.
  6. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Will I still be fun?   
    I am way more fun now! So much more fun that I even have fun with myself! (And no I'm not talking about sex you dirty minded pervos!)
  7. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from KristenLe in Thin crust pizza   
    Sounds delish, just note that shrooms (veggies) do have carbs. Better carbs than crust, but still carbs
    I make such a mess with my pizza toppings that it doesn't matter if the shrooms are on the top or the bottom LOL. It all goes in the same place!
  8. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from KristenLe in Thin crust pizza   
    I skip the crust entirely. I had my first pizza at about 9 weeks out, but went with toppings only. The crust is really unimportant and takes up valuable space you need for the nurtrient richer tasty stuff! I ate the toppings off of one and half slices of pepperoni, mushroom, onion, and hamburger with extra cheese. It was awesome awesome and I even dropped a pound the day after Had I eaten the crust, I probably would have stalled or gained. My friend ate the rest of the pizza
  9. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Will I still be fun?   
    I am way more fun now! So much more fun that I even have fun with myself! (And no I'm not talking about sex you dirty minded pervos!)
  10. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from Syl 153 in 7 weeks Post-op FULL OF REGRETS   
    It's not "like that" for most people. I have felt great ever since my surgery. Maybe you are actually sick? Cold? Flu? Something temporary? Take it easy.
  11. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from KristenLe in Thin crust pizza   
    I skip the crust entirely. I had my first pizza at about 9 weeks out, but went with toppings only. The crust is really unimportant and takes up valuable space you need for the nurtrient richer tasty stuff! I ate the toppings off of one and half slices of pepperoni, mushroom, onion, and hamburger with extra cheese. It was awesome awesome and I even dropped a pound the day after Had I eaten the crust, I probably would have stalled or gained. My friend ate the rest of the pizza
  12. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from KristenLe in Thin crust pizza   
    I skip the crust entirely. I had my first pizza at about 9 weeks out, but went with toppings only. The crust is really unimportant and takes up valuable space you need for the nurtrient richer tasty stuff! I ate the toppings off of one and half slices of pepperoni, mushroom, onion, and hamburger with extra cheese. It was awesome awesome and I even dropped a pound the day after Had I eaten the crust, I probably would have stalled or gained. My friend ate the rest of the pizza
  13. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from KristenLe in My surgeon says no protein supplements until week 5. Does this sound right to you?   
    Right, wrong or indifferent, all surgeons have their own idea of what's best. Yours does go against the norm and excellence or not, I think you are right to question her plan. Having been through a Protein rich recovery and doing really well, I know I would. Unless you are planning to travel back and forth to Mexico, you need a surgeon closer to home to work with you post-op anyway. Personally I would consult with that one.
    My surgery was done at a Center of Excellence. I was drinking Protein shakes the day after surgery (they wouldnt let me leave the hospital otherwise) and sent home on a full liquid diet which included 3 Protein Shakes a day, along with yogurt, pudding, Jello, cream Soups, Water, crystal light, sf popsicles. That was the first 2 weeks post op, then on to puree for weeks 3 & 4, then ground meats for weeks 4 through 7, then cleared for all foods. It has all been pretty easy overall and has worked a charm for me. Just bought a pair of size 6 denim shorts today. And they fit
    Good luck!!
    Edit: I want to add that how you feel is really the most telling thing. If Protein shakes make you feel better, then you should have protein shakes. My .02 but I think it's as important as like.. .05 You don't want to feel weak when your body needs strength to repair itself.
  14. Like
    Shaydi.Laine reacted to BigViffer in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    I don't know if I am considered a vet or long time member yet, but I can relate to some of them. I have only been a member of this board for a little over a year. The number 1 thing I see that brings out the negative comments from veteran members though is newbies asking questions that have obvious answers that could be answered by either looking at a few threads only a couple of weeks old or using the search feature. Threads like:
    Soda/Pop consumption Stalls at only X weeks out Can I eat pizza? Can I drink beer? I've eaten half a deer carcass and I don't feel full I don't want to read the literature my surgeon gave me and I am too lazy to call them so I will ask the question here just like a hundred other people that have done the same. Drama queens/kings and pity partiers that don't want to change and are only looking for justification for not changing their lifestyle. In those cases, when you see them over and over and over, it's hard to either take them seriously or not be jaded. Then there are the people that create profiles merely to spam or cause uproars. Me personally, I just avoid posting for the most part. I did not join for support rather I joined for information. I have made friends with a couple and as a consequence found support, but that was a lucky result of my contribution to the forums.
    My advice, get what you need and ignore the rest.
  15. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from nawar in Is your surgery a secret?   
    You don't have to lie about it. The surgery is not HOW you are losing weight. You are losing through diet and exercise. You are eating smaller portions, making healthy choices, and moving more. That is HOW you are losing weight. And that is an absolutely true, acceptable, and appropriate answer. The surgery is just a tool to help you do that, and it's nobody's business. Honestly I'm doing a lot more of the work than the surgery is. I could totally screw this up all on my own and the surgery couldn't stop me.
    I told no one except for my mother who had the lap band, my sister who is a nutritionist and tried to talk me out of it (biatch), and eventually my aunt and only because I needed her to pick me up from the hospital and spend a couple days with me. Even the friend who dropped me off at the hospital at 6am thought she was taking me for an upper GI series Then at 5 weeks in, I told one old friend who came to visit for a weekend. I thought he would call me crazy but to my shock he said he was very proud of me. And that's it. Outside of that tiny handful of people, I'm staying in the closet about this and am totally cool with that. I don't feel the need to share this bit of my life with all my friends and acquaintances, and I certainly wouldn't feel bad about not telling coworkers or strangers.
    Not comfortable talking about your private medical situations with the world? Then don't. It's not their business.
  16. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from melissajoi in What did I do to myself?   
    Hmm.. my first night was awesome. I got a lot of exercise pushing the pain med button and sleeping in between.
  17. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from Bluesky1 in I'd rather not eat   
    I was at the same presurgery weight as you. I was sleeved March 16, nearly a month before you. Today I weigh 176. The speed of your weight loss was shocking when I read it, but made a lot more sense when you said you are only getting 600 calories in. I disagree that 600 calories at this stage is ok. 600 calories is starvation. You are starving your body. This is not a healthy rate of weight loss for your size. And since you aren't getting your fluids either, you are not only at risk of malnutrition, but dehydration as well.
    I realize that rapid weight loss can make you giddy and suddenly food doesn't matter one bit while watching that scale fly downward. However, I have done starvation diets and know the consequences all too well. Your joy is going to be short lived if you don't start getting more calories in and slowing this down. For one thing, you won't be happy when your hair starts falling out in clumps, that is coming, I'd guarantee it. You are also destroying your metabolism. But more than that, at some point you will go from feeling fantastic to feeling lethargic and drained with 0 energy to the point of being unable to stand up for long. I know, I have been there. I was super sexy in my size 5 juniors mini skirt. But I couldn't get out of bed to show it off. When I did make it out, I only had the energy to sit. It was horrible. Furthermore, the second you do start eating again, you will start gaining rapidly.
    While lower numbers on the scale may seem like the most important thing in the world right now, it's not. This is about total health. If you are truly unable to get more calories and fluids in and get to a safer rate of weight loss, please talk to your doctor and nutritionist. This is not a race. Slow and steady is the way to win this game.
  18. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from jintycb in The great straw debate!   
    I'm not sure who invented the no straw rule but I suspect whoever it was, never had bariatric surgery.
    I have found since day 1 that drinking through a straw makes drinking easier and helps me drink more. I have never burped up mountains of air after drinking through a straw. I have an insulated plastic mason jar cup with a lid and a big straw. I use it every night and can easily get down 32 oz of Water in the evening that way. If I just use a regular glass, I don't drink enough.
    I think the no straws rule is bunk and silly and unnecessary and I plan to tell my surgeon and nut that at my next appointments. Fight the battles that make sense, leave the poor straws alone.
    And just wait till they hear my thoughts on eating fat. Thank god for real butter and real mayo! (I will be elaborating on this in more detail when I share my successful stall busting stories.)
  19. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from nawar in Is your surgery a secret?   
    You don't have to lie about it. The surgery is not HOW you are losing weight. You are losing through diet and exercise. You are eating smaller portions, making healthy choices, and moving more. That is HOW you are losing weight. And that is an absolutely true, acceptable, and appropriate answer. The surgery is just a tool to help you do that, and it's nobody's business. Honestly I'm doing a lot more of the work than the surgery is. I could totally screw this up all on my own and the surgery couldn't stop me.
    I told no one except for my mother who had the lap band, my sister who is a nutritionist and tried to talk me out of it (biatch), and eventually my aunt and only because I needed her to pick me up from the hospital and spend a couple days with me. Even the friend who dropped me off at the hospital at 6am thought she was taking me for an upper GI series Then at 5 weeks in, I told one old friend who came to visit for a weekend. I thought he would call me crazy but to my shock he said he was very proud of me. And that's it. Outside of that tiny handful of people, I'm staying in the closet about this and am totally cool with that. I don't feel the need to share this bit of my life with all my friends and acquaintances, and I certainly wouldn't feel bad about not telling coworkers or strangers.
    Not comfortable talking about your private medical situations with the world? Then don't. It's not their business.
  20. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from snokb04 in Shira Taki noodles?   
    I have tried and tried again. I have rinsed them, dried them in a pan, tried different brands, with different sauces, watched countless you tube videos on preparing them, I so wanted to like them. But I can't. I just can't do it. To me the texture is just downright disgusting. Chewy and gross, no matter what I tried. Gelatinous worms. I gave up.
    Personal taste. Everyone should give them a try. If they work for you, I'm jealous. Me, I am OK with the occasional Atkins frozen Pasta meals and if I get the urge to actually cook Pasta, a tiny portion of Dreamfields will hit the spot. I have also done just fine with the noodles in Progresso Soups. I don't eat those often, but what I have had has not halted my progress.
    Good luck
  21. Like
    Shaydi.Laine reacted to LipstickLady in The great straw debate!   
    My super hero talent must be the ability to exhale through my nose while sucking in liquid through my straw. No excess air has ever hit my tummy from the use of one to date.

    Be jelly.
  22. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from nawar in Is your surgery a secret?   
    You don't have to lie about it. The surgery is not HOW you are losing weight. You are losing through diet and exercise. You are eating smaller portions, making healthy choices, and moving more. That is HOW you are losing weight. And that is an absolutely true, acceptable, and appropriate answer. The surgery is just a tool to help you do that, and it's nobody's business. Honestly I'm doing a lot more of the work than the surgery is. I could totally screw this up all on my own and the surgery couldn't stop me.
    I told no one except for my mother who had the lap band, my sister who is a nutritionist and tried to talk me out of it (biatch), and eventually my aunt and only because I needed her to pick me up from the hospital and spend a couple days with me. Even the friend who dropped me off at the hospital at 6am thought she was taking me for an upper GI series Then at 5 weeks in, I told one old friend who came to visit for a weekend. I thought he would call me crazy but to my shock he said he was very proud of me. And that's it. Outside of that tiny handful of people, I'm staying in the closet about this and am totally cool with that. I don't feel the need to share this bit of my life with all my friends and acquaintances, and I certainly wouldn't feel bad about not telling coworkers or strangers.
    Not comfortable talking about your private medical situations with the world? Then don't. It's not their business.
  23. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from nawar in Is your surgery a secret?   
    You don't have to lie about it. The surgery is not HOW you are losing weight. You are losing through diet and exercise. You are eating smaller portions, making healthy choices, and moving more. That is HOW you are losing weight. And that is an absolutely true, acceptable, and appropriate answer. The surgery is just a tool to help you do that, and it's nobody's business. Honestly I'm doing a lot more of the work than the surgery is. I could totally screw this up all on my own and the surgery couldn't stop me.
    I told no one except for my mother who had the lap band, my sister who is a nutritionist and tried to talk me out of it (biatch), and eventually my aunt and only because I needed her to pick me up from the hospital and spend a couple days with me. Even the friend who dropped me off at the hospital at 6am thought she was taking me for an upper GI series Then at 5 weeks in, I told one old friend who came to visit for a weekend. I thought he would call me crazy but to my shock he said he was very proud of me. And that's it. Outside of that tiny handful of people, I'm staying in the closet about this and am totally cool with that. I don't feel the need to share this bit of my life with all my friends and acquaintances, and I certainly wouldn't feel bad about not telling coworkers or strangers.
    Not comfortable talking about your private medical situations with the world? Then don't. It's not their business.
  24. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from killerqueen in Is your surgery a secret?   
    I'm really sorry to hear that you don't feel responsible for your own success. Yes the surgery is an important catalyst, but the surgery isn't choosing what you put in your mouth or when and how often you eat, it's not taking your Vitamins for you nor is it building muscle, burning fat, or raising your metabolism. I do suspect you aren't eating the same crap you used to eat, or you wouldn't be as successful as you've been in your weight loss. So recognize that you yourself are the success in this, don't give all the credit to the surgery. If you aren't exercising, that's your choice of course, and I'm sure many have been successful without exercise, although I personally am enjoying great rewards from my time at the gym and my much more active lifestyle. I maintain that the surgery is secondary to how we as thinking human beings choose to use it. Yes it is greatly helpful for getting us on track and helping us stay on track, but it's not HOW we are losing weight. We are all losing weight by eating less and making better choices. In the end this is all up to us. If the surgery was how I was losing weight, I would be eating gooey pizza, crust and all, right this very second. Maybe followed by some nice sugary ice cream. But since that would cause me to gain weight, despite the surgery, I will instead have some lovely piece of Protein and no dessert. And that's MY decision. Choosing not to tell someone about the surgery is *not* lying. Saying you didn't have surgery when you did, that would be lying. And if anyone asks me that question, I will likely lie because it's none of their business. Meanwhile anyone who feels comfortable telling everyone about their surgery should go for it. Anyone who feels uncomfortable sharing that info, should keep it to themselves. No one should have to feel bad whether they choose to tell or not tell.
  25. Like
    Shaydi.Laine got a reaction from Dub in Is your surgery a secret?   
    This thread has gotten silly. Way too much drama over nothing. Moving on...

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