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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    divaxena reacted to Ray92 in REGRETS   
    The band is painful and does not give the same guarantee as the sleeve, at least for me! It is different for every person but I am merely reflecting on my experience. My band was very tight but I could still finish a big mac meal for example provided I ate slow enough. Eating was painful because it was tight and it would give me mad hiccups when I laughed. I am pretty sure that I cannot eat a big mac now and I no longer have to deal with having a foreign object in my body. I used to stay up some nights seriously worrying about the fact that it was inside my body. I am a very anxious person by nature and I get paranoid about everything so the band was not a good choice for me. I just wish I did the sleeve all those years ago.
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    divaxena reacted to MiamiBlue13 in struggling with liquid diet (August 5th surgery)   
    Turns out that that pea Protein turned my vegetable broth to pea Soup. Tastes great, a little salty, but at least it Breaks up the Protein Shake milky sugar rut. It's 7g of protein per cup.
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    divaxena reacted to majorsmama in struggling with liquid diet (August 5th surgery)   
    I can relate completely. I'm on day 7 of my liquid diet and it's brutal. I drink the Syntrax Nectar Proteins as well. They are great mixed with Water and they are not thick and syrupy like the premade shakes. The fuzzy navel and chocolate torte are my favorites. They're light and watery which is what I needed because I hated the consistency and taste of the Premier Protein shakes I was drinking.
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    divaxena reacted to ladivaluz806 in Band to sleeve   
    I am a former lap-bander who revised to the sleeve in April. I had my LB for 9 years and at the end of the day i lost 26 pounds total with it. I did a revision and I am very happy with it. Id do it again in a heartbeat!
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    divaxena reacted to josiek1988 in Band to sleeve   
    Hey I have a question, has anyone here gone from the band to the sleeve? I got the band a year ago and have lost no more weight than I did prior to the surgery. Eating right and going to the gym all the time did nothing!! I'm considering the sleeve but am not sure how to proceed. I have also moved to a new state so I have a different doctor and different insurance. Any suggestions?
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    divaxena reacted to ylluz in Finally got my surgery date! August 17th   
    Margie122 Congrats I didnt get any diet yet and also my weight fluctuates all the time with sucks and that is why I decided on taking this huge life style change I know the surgery is only a tool but It would make it much easier for me to lose the weight. I dont know yet the time I go in but also hoping is early...and I also love apples and Peanut Butter is a great snack!!!!...I gave up sodas..and my addiction chocolate I dont eat it no more because I dont know how to have a piece sucks but is true:(((..
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    divaxena reacted to Margie122 in Finally got my surgery date! August 17th   
    TXTina & ylluz - it is nice to know two other people here on the boards having surgery the same day as me. My office did not give me a "pre-op" diet, but rather told me I needed to lose 15lbs before they would schedule me. Of course I had to do other stuff, psych visit, testing, and meet with the nutritionist. I've met with the nutritionist twice. I've lost a total of 36lbs since starting in April and I am just going to continue to do what I've been doing up until the surgery day. I did decide to GIVE UP Peanut Butter (the natural kind) because I found myself on a slippery slope with it. I love it with apple slices but it is hard to limit myself to the 2 TBSP. I actually have a TBSP measure at work to keep me honest!
    I wish you both the best of luck in the upcoming days! I do all of my pre-op stuff on 8/6. I got the official letter confirming that I am scheduled for 8/17 today and it looks like I am the FIRST SURGERY OF THE DAY for my surgeon! I'm scheduled for 7:30 AM......WOOT WOOT.
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    divaxena reacted to TXTinana in Finally got my surgery date! August 17th   
    Congratulations!!! I am scheduled for the 17th as well
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    divaxena reacted to Margie122 in Finally got my surgery date! August 17th   
    I got a call from the surgical coordinator THIS MORNING who said I do not have to wait to schedule anymore AND she is going to try to schedule the pre-op stuff in the same day as my final NUT appt! I am so HAPPY!!!!!
    I went from waiting to having a surgery date in 19 days! Sooooooo much to do.
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    divaxena reacted to Hello new me in How am I ever going to get thru this liquid diet ?   
    It will get easier. I am 5 days in to my liquid diet with 2 days to go until surgery. I would say the 1st couple of days were the worst, especially when I had to give up the last of my caffeine . Each day gets easier and this part will be behind you before you know. Good Luck!
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    divaxena reacted to ReeseLanden in How am I ever going to get thru this liquid diet ?   
    I am scheduled for surgery on 08/17 as well! My nutritionist had me start my pre-op diet on Friday. Lucky you! Oh man has it been tough! I'm not going to lie! Today is day 4 and overall it's better. Days 1 and 2 were awful and I cried. My nurse had me do a bucket list of the things I want to do as a skinnier and healthier me and while I was crying to my husband, he had me pull out the list and we went over it. That actually helped. I'm still hungry here and there and crave something to bite into, besides Jello or a popsicle. LOL I do notice that the shakes take away the hunger better now. I have had to take Tylenol twice for headaches, but my biggest issue has been the emotions. I feel like crying when I see people eat. I know this is temporary, so like others have said previously, I'm taking it one shake at a time. I've seriously thought of cheating, but remind myself that this is to help the Doctor be more successful with surgery and that helps a little. Days 1 and 2 are the worst, but it does get better! STAY STRONG! YOU CAN DO THIS! Oh and the plus side is I am down 10 pounds as of this morning!
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    divaxena reacted to Riz2006 in How am I ever going to get thru this liquid diet ?   
    Hang in there, you can do it! Not easy but it does get easier! Think of the end prize! The sleeve is one of the best decisions I have ever made!
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    divaxena reacted to RJ'S/beginning in How am I ever going to get thru this liquid diet ?   
    Just drink one meal at a time. Don't look at it as a whole. One meal at a time. Stay away from being around food as much as you can. The third or fourth days are the worst. Then after that it seems to get easier.
    This gives you a great start to the process of WLS. The shrinking of your liver makes it easier for them to do the surgery and gives you a better chance of success.
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    divaxena reacted to endlesssacrifice in I cheated on my liquid diet   
    @@AngelaWilliamsMD phew, thank goodness. Ill keep on track from here on out.
    @@Elode i promise! ????
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    divaxena reacted to belaby18 in Any 2015 August Sleevers in Tijuana?   
    This girl right here, well kind of. I'm scheduled to get it August 17th in Tijuana. Just started my pre op diet
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    divaxena reacted to LipstickLady in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    F^ck 'em if they don't support you. Seriously. This is NOT their journey, NOT their health, NOT their life. If they can't handle it, it's not YOUR problem. They can suck it when you are thinner, healthier, more comfortable.

    Their opinion of what you are doing is NONE of your business unless they are supporting you.
    That's just me, though.
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    divaxena reacted to lealor in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    omg. I told one of my best friends today and she was very aloof and said..... I hope it works for you!" im like o.....ok? she is struggling with her weight and I think she is jealous or that I am taking the easy way out. I am using all my savings and going through 2 countries to get the surgery. Wow, I felt very sad.
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    divaxena reacted to Susan66 in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    Thank you everyone, these were all great responses. I know I will use many of them.
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    divaxena reacted to jane13 in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    @@dhrguru - I have gotten the same comment a couple of times about eating "good". Some from people who know about the WLS and some from people who have no idea. I am not going to sit at home and avoid an event (birthday party, wedding, etc) just because I am eating "good" I will do just like you and pick the right food and ignore the idiot.
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    divaxena reacted to Nickkibear24 in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    Please re read my original post. Like I said I'm prior military. I have a hard time being polite to people who are being jackasses. So if you have nothing nice to say feel free to go be rude by yourself
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    divaxena reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    I don't see dodging the fact you aren't eat much as an issue. Over the years I have been on so many diets, no one will think anything about it. I have been a low carber off and on for years if I say I am eating low carb, no one will care.
    Most people with any home training are not rude enough to continue to ask questions.
    The one thing I learned from reading forums over and over is that you cannot un-tell people and you can never really know what a persons response is. This won't help the OP but maybe it will help someone else. Only tell the one person you need with you at surgery. Limit the people you tell, even the people you think will be supportive. The more people you have asking you questions the more pressure you have, even if they are positive. This is a big time consuming life style change with enough stresses, people just add more.
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    divaxena reacted to BarrySue in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    "Sorry, on my period right now and I feel so gross and bloated, ugh."
    If it's a woman, they'll sympathize.
    If it's a man, they'll shut up immediately.
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    divaxena reacted to ASUgrad in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    I think most of us only tell people who we think are going to be supportive, and like me, are surprised to learn that they actually aren't. My brother for example, struggled with his weight all his life, yet still does not support my decision. Yes, I was shocked. I would never tell anyone who is knowingly unsupportive, and I'm sure no one else would either. Please don't assume.
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    divaxena reacted to cindyw41 in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    We have a few people that we know that have had a wls and have gained all their weight plus back. So in my husbands eyes "it just didn't work". I tried to tell him that everyone has the surgery to lose weight but some do see it as a fix all and they don't want to change their life style. He had used the phrase "the easy way out". How is having major surgery the easy way out? I brought my 19 year old daughter with me to the seminar. The surgeon and nurses explained everything and opened her eyes to what it really is. A tool to aide me in losing the weight. I know what is being asked of me. I have to do the work because if I don't...I'll find myself in this shape again..and hear that "I told you so"
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    divaxena reacted to Nickkibear24 in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    Its Aug 6th. Dont be ashamed its very obviously not the easy way out. Nothin about this process is easy. plus alot of us on here are emotional eaters so dont let those feeling drive you back into eating.

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