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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to Cari Dickenson in Told my Mother I was having surgery and her repsonse is.........   
    I am lucky my family was supportive including my 5 kids. although my oldest son says I look funny after losing so much. You are doing this for you... not them and in the end what you think is what truly maters. you can do this... and we will support you here as well as their are usually support groups you can join and go to for additional support. it's a hard decision to make but in the end you do what you need to do to be healthy.... maybe mom just doesn't understand for some losing weight on your own is so very difficult. and if she has never been overweight.... well she couldn't possibly understand... Good luck on your journey you can do this
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to Lindsey Skinner Abbott in May 24 Surgery Day   
    I am so tired of Protein drinks! I am ready to eat eggs and beans! Lord help me through the next week so I don't go crazy!
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to yescres07 in May 24 Surgery Day   
    Yeah I actually put my foot down with my doctor he kept telling I was just anxious and I said no something is wrong so I am very grateful....thank you all for your well wishes
    Sent from my iPhone using BariatricPal
  4. Like
    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from swinglifeaway in I GOT MY SURGERY DATE!   
    So, today was my consultation with my surgeon. I was so nervous because I was supposed to lose 25 pounds and I've only lost 22. BUT everything went well. We discussed which surgery was right for me and he agreed with me when I said I wanted bypass surgery. I'm a sugar freak and he agreed that the bypass was the better choice. He explained a few things I already knew, I asked all the questions I needed to ask. My number one concern was... When can I go to Disneyland? Lol. He said right after but please please please remember to drink drink drink or you'll end up in the hospital the next day for dehydration.
    Anyway, my surgery date is May 24, but I am on the cancellation list. Who knows maybe I can get surgery earlier. It's finally real to me. It's finally happening and I am so excited.
    Just wanted to express my happiness.

  5. Like
    LoveMyBypass reacted to yescres07 in May 24 Surgery Day   
    Hello ladies sorry I've been sleeping on and off due to pain meds yes I had a cat scan that showed one in upper abdominal n one by spleen....the pains I had yesterday were all due to this that's why I couldn't stand, lay no matter what I did I was in pain and nauseous....I also was short of breath still in pain today can barely tolerate liquids so I'm being given liquids and blood thinners with hopes to reduce them....they say they don't know why but this can happen with wls surgery I guess I just got "lucky/unlucky"
    Sent from my iPhone using BariatricPal
  6. Like
    LoveMyBypass reacted to KristenLe in May 24 Surgery Day   
    @@yescres07 It was good that you pushed to find the cause. One of the reasons it's so important to not rely on others experience and seeking medical attention.
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    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from lilopapa@gmail.com in May 24 Surgery Day   
    So excited and nervous! Is anyone else having surgery on my date? I would like us all in one thread to give our own experiences. It'll be great! We will all be in pain at the same time. [emoji1]
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    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from Lana R. in May 24 Surgery Day   
    She was having chest pain.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to Lindsey Skinner Abbott in May 24 Surgery Day   
    Oh no! @@yescres07 that is so scary! I am glad you were persistent with the doc. Keep us updated on how you are doing.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to KristenLe in May 24 Surgery Day   
    @@yescres07 Praying you are better soon!
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to summerset in May 24 Surgery Day   
    Wow that's bad news here... did they do a CAT scan?
    I hope you will be alright soon.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to summerset in May 24 Surgery Day   
    I also had my MGB on 24/05.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to CrazyB in May 24 Surgery Day   
    I about to get to week 2 of free fluids. No vomiting or nausea so far. I did try a little bit of plain greek yoghurt - found I can handle about 3-4 dessert spoons and thats it. I am using up my supply of Optifast at the moment - takes me around an hour to drink 200-250ml of it at the moment. Taking a couple of chewable vitamins a day as well. Getting in a bit of exercise too which is good. I'm down 14lbs since surgery on 24th May.
  14. Like
    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from Read2016 in May 24 Surgery Day   
    Dear Refried Beans,
    When I bought you, I couldn't wait to taste you. I feared you might be too chunky, so that is why I put you in my juice blender. Once you were done, I put you in a 1/2 cup Glade tupperware. I then wanted you to be warm, so I put you in the microwave. You were so hot, the flavor so delicious and spicy. I enjoyed several small spoons of you. Then, the worst happened. I became full but my head was not. I wanted to keep eating you, but I just could not. Please understand, it's not you, it's me.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to macdonaldkelly in May 24 Surgery Day   
    Love it!!
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    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from macdonaldkelly in May 24 Surgery Day   
    That's terrible @@macdonaldkelly but at the same time... just the smell of delicious food brings salivating joy. Be strong!
    I haven't had to cook since the day before surgery. Since I haven't been able to drive, my sister has been getting my nephew from school. Today, I'm back on my regular schedule. As soon as we get home, "Auntie Monica, I'm hungry!!" I can already hear him. We'll see how strong my will is after that. ????
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to macdonaldkelly in May 24 Surgery Day   
    I haven't had much problems with not eating "normal" food, but tonight my husband is making homemade baked chicken fingers. The house smells so good. Wish I could just have 1/2 of one finger, but since I just added scrambled eggs 2 days ago, probably not a good idea! :-(
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to Pup in May 24 Surgery Day   
    Yes, I'm out of the hospital....still have a brick in me to pass lol. I go in to see the surgeon tomorrow for my checkup and barium swallow...... we will talk about the poop situation also.
    By far this Constipation has been the worst part of this whole thing, everything else has been easy.
    Everything goes good tomorrow I get my drain out, which will be nice and I'm so excited about when I get to start pureed food
    Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from gina171 in May 24 Surgery Day   
    I learned today that my body is NOT ready for a bra. The heavy weight of my breasts made my chest hurt. I just want to lie on my bed for the rest of the day!
    My first post op is tomorrow and I bought cottage cheese because that is what I want to eat first. Also, mashed potatoes.. but I'll find out tomorrow what I can eat. I'm looking forward to having cottage cheese.< /p>
  20. Like
    LoveMyBypass got a reaction from gina171 in May 24 Surgery Day   
    I have successfully eaten 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes. It took me an hour. IT WAS SO GOOD!
    Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    LoveMyBypass reacted to moni5855 in May 24 Surgery Day   
    I'm May 26th... Feeling much better today. feelings are still on the over the place. Start weight 227 surgery date was 183. I got the RNY
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to yescres07 in May 24 Surgery Day   
    @ did you ever figure out those chest pains? I'm having some today n I am just miserable
    Sent from my iPhone using BariatricPal
  23. Like
    LoveMyBypass reacted to Lindsey Skinner Abbott in May 24 Surgery Day   
    I am so jealous! I have another week before I can start eating sod food. I am looking forward to cottage cheese. I have been back at work and feel a little weak but not terrible. Someone brought in Krispy Creme doughnuts. It was easier than I thought to not want to eat one! I was shocked.
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    LoveMyBypass reacted to macdonaldkelly in May 24 Surgery Day   
    My doctor doesn't even start me on phase 1 till 2 weeks out (Monday)! I'm still on liquids, although I have tried some pudding and some scrambled egg and it set pretty well. Good luck steppin' up!
  25. Like
    LoveMyBypass reacted to sarahb309 in May 24 Surgery Day   
    20.2lbs from my start weight!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
