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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    SusanB55 reacted to Christinamo7 in Will WLS work if the problem isn't overeating?   
    I promise we are trying to help you sort it all out.
    If I were in your shoes I'd go for it and give it all I have to try to be successful. perhaps getting weight off might help your issues, as we know that fat is hormonaly active in the body.
    with thyroid issues your progress may well be hindered, but what else can you do? right?
    I figure I will loose what I can, and keep it off as long as I can, there is always the chance that I will loose all the excess and keep it off - but if it buys me even 10 more years to watch grandchildren grow then it will be worth it all.
  2. Like
    SusanB55 reacted to Syl 153 in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    I to would like to find another group. Please let me know yur new group. Talk with you there. to nice people. Sent from my SM-G930T1 using the BariatricPal App
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    SusanB55 reacted to KristenLe in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    Please tell her the name of the other group!!!!
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    SusanB55 reacted to kmorri in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    As the original poster I’d like to say I’m honestly sorry I ever posted this topic…..Never did I think it would cause such an uproar. Yes, I expected it to cause a “little” banter, but right at the top of the screen when you enter the Rant and Rave section it says this “Want debate? Get it here. Gripe, complain, moan, fight, rant and rave. Enter at your own risk!” So I thought it would be appropriate to post my rant here...……but several times I’ve been accused of just being a trouble maker by posting this. Trouble making was certainly not my intent.
    My point was simply based on an observation that I had while reading posts and seemed to come across several that were sarcastic and or snarky…..and happened to be from vets…….. There was even a pretty good example in this post, and she even mentioned she thought she may be banned for her post……those were the type of posts I was referring to…..being rude, sarcastic, or name calling is never necessary from a vet, a newbie, or anyone!
    My observation had nothing to do with thinking someone needed to be coddled for doing something or eating something dangerous to their health…..and quite frankly the coddling and sugary responses are not good for anyone in my opinion…. I simply think that responding in a way that provides information in a way that does not belittle someone is the best approach, and if you read a post and don’t feel like you can respond that way, simply don’t respond.
    I will add that since my original post I’ve also seen newbies being rude…. Really Rude! (I actually think this person must have been a troll…I have no idea!!)…..but I’ve also seen a couple of others that in my opinion received good advice from a vet and for some unknown reason took it the wrong way and responded in a very rude way without asking for clarification. So yes it does go both ways. It is very difficult to determine someone’s intent by reading ……but there are also ways of wording statements that can help it come across the right way. Will that work every time? No!......But if you start to respond to someone, whether you’re a vet, a newbie, or something in-between, and the first thing you type is “Are you kidding me?”…….chances are, you need to step back and put a little more thought in your response, or just move on to the next post and let someone else respond.
    Again, I apologize for ruffling feathers…….
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    SusanB55 reacted to KindaFamiliar in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    The "Fuzzy Cuddle Lounge" doesn't sound like my kinda thing...
    But if there's a "Smooth Something-or-other Lounge" then I'm all over that sh*t!!!!!
    Smooth Something-or-other...
    Oh how my mouth waters...
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    SusanB55 got a reaction from Syl 153 in Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?   
    What is the other group? Maybe I'll join that one!
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    SusanB55 reacted to Miss Mac in Partner's opinions on loose skin?   
    After two failed marriages (23 years and ten years), I was starting to think that all men were alike. My first hubby told me I was too ugly to live because I had gained weight. My second hubby not only mistook me for a punching bag, he said he was sick and tired of looking at my ugly face. Granted, I am no beauty queen, but my face won't scare children either.

    I took a two year break after divorce #2 to give myself some time to emotionally regroup. As far as I was concerned all the men in the world could just tie it in a knot. Then, I met a gentleman from the Mediterranean island of Malta. I am 5'3" and weighed 185 at the time. He is 6'2" tall and thin as a stick. Together we looked like a pencil and an apple. Because of surgeries and orthopedic problems, I gained another 50 pounds and he was allright with that and even made comments that indicated he was probably a chubby chaser.
    As my overall health deteriorated and I had a stroke due to high blood pressure, I just had to deal with the necessity of having bariatric surgery. We talked about it a lot, and about how thin is too thin. We both agreed that I did not need to be a size 2 with my bones sticking out, but at least 70-80 pounds had to go.
    It is interesting that now that I am close to goal, he is ok with the saggy parts and has let it be known that it makes no difference to him about floppy bits. Both of us are concerned about the brutality of skin removal and whether it is even worth the trouble at the age of 64. If I were 20, I would be more willing, but the older I get, the less I care about impressing anyone at all.
    If your man says he is more concerned about your health than your jiggle, take his word for it. The man loves you and sounds like he is a gift from God like my man is. They are not all alike any more than women are all alike. Buy a good girdle for when you are on a trampoline and don't worry about it.
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    SusanB55 reacted to Christinamo7 in Partner's opinions on loose skin?   
    *everyone* I think is scared when they are getting ready for surgery, I hope that helps. I was!
    and in terms of attractiveness my husband has NEVER dated small women. all of his former girlfriends I would say were voluptuous. overweight by not obese. and right now I am just about 15 pounds from being at the perfect weight as far as attractiveness for him. but I plan and will get smaller. However, I've lost quite a bit of weight and we did just fine when I was heavy and somehow we will do just fine when I am smaller. Hopefully he will find out normal size women can be sexy too but I'll let y'all know.
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    SusanB55 reacted to dhrguru in Partner's opinions on loose skin?   
    One-- you CAN be thin-- don't doubt that for a minute, but seek a goal that works for you!
    My starting weight was 337, and I'm at 210 now. The worst of my excess skin is my wings (arms). I have skin on my stomach of course, but it doesn't 'hang' or otherwise protrude horribly/awkwardly. I can easily live with my stomach. I've gone from a 46dd to a 38D. Mine haven't take on the 'tube socks with rocks in them' look I've heard other describe. They hung before , just seem a bit deflated now. Nicely hidden in clothes/bras etc. like you, I'll never be able to afford plastics. Even if I did have a financial windfall, I'd hesitate in plastics. Arms would be my hands down must do-- anything else ehh.
    My husband hasn't complained. He actually hasn't said a single word about my weight loss at all, so if he said anything at all- it'd be a pretty big deal. I can't say I've noticed anything flopping around.... But maybe I'm just focused on other things
  10. Like
    SusanB55 reacted to Christinamo7 in Partner's opinions on loose skin?   
    so far "Saint David" as I like to call him has found me attractive at any weight, and before when I was expecting - he is in love with me. as I hope your man is with you. Healthy is sexy, and I hope that if you have loose skin that being healthy will make things better for both of you including this aspect of your relationship.
    However, I did make him promise that if I sit on or step on my nipples we would find the money for getting them put back where they belong, even if it means taking out a loan.
    the truth is he was more worried about me dying from a condition that could have been prevented than he was about my skin, after all - he plans to still be with me when I am 80 - and I haven't seen many 80 year olds I expect would look good naked.
  11. Like
    SusanB55 reacted to AvaFern in How do I tell my surgeon he screwed up?   
    How about you confirm he screwed up before accusing him of doing so? Did you have a bariatric swallow test? If not, go get one done- you can clearly see the size of your stomach and compare it to others to determine if your surgeon did indeed do something out of the ordinary. Next, request your patient files- they're yours, they have to give them to you. See what size bougie he used and then compare this to the norm for a patient that is comparable to you.
    Much as I am completely fine with calling out a surgeon for being incompetent, I like to make sure that I have documentation that he actually did something wrong before I make myself look stupid for nothing.
  12. Like
    SusanB55 reacted to Read2016 in What do you buy at Costco?   
    I get Mediterranean chicken skewers, in the cold/ deli section... Shrimp..
    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"
  13. Like
    SusanB55 got a reaction from Thumper58 in Down 108 pds   
    That's amazing! You look fabulous! Wish I had your good fortune. At the rate I'm going, It will take me a couple years to lose my weight.
  14. Like
    SusanB55 got a reaction from Thumper58 in Down 108 pds   
    That's amazing! You look fabulous! Wish I had your good fortune. At the rate I'm going, It will take me a couple years to lose my weight.
  15. Like
    SusanB55 reacted to missblonde20 in Surgeon said revision's 50/50 failure!?   
    Thanks guys! He couldn't explain to me why people apparently cannot lose anything with the sleeve - he said it's a mystery basically. He says at conferences that he attends, other surgeons have the same experience with the 50/50 failure.
    I just cannot imagine having so much of my stomach removed and failing to lose weight? I eat a high Protein diet and love clean eating, plus I enjoy exercise! I would never just sit here and gorge on bad food with a sleeve!!
  16. Like
    SusanB55 got a reaction from pammieanne in Soft food phase   
    I would like ideas too, especially for non seafood foods. I am on soft foods now, just started Thursday. So far my main go to foods are refried Beans and cottage cheese. Scrambled egg for Breakfast. Our NUT gave us a list of items but i don't care for too many of the items. They include canned tuna, salmon and chicken, baked tofu, ricotta cheese, eggs or egg whites, greek yogurt, oatmeal, mashed bananas etc.
    I just can't stand the canned chicken. I've tried it with lite mayo but it doesn't help much when you are used to full fat mayo! I just looked at my NUTs menu suggestions and one thing that sounds good is a boiled egg, throw out the yolk and fill with hummus instead. Another is super thin deli turkey rolled hummus and 1/8 avocado. We are supposed to get 80g Protein per day so things without Protein seem like a waste to eat oatmeal or applettuce etc.
  17. Like
    SusanB55 reacted to heather5565 in Tips and advice for our newbies   
    *follow your eating plan
    *eat your Protein
    *take your Vitamins
    *drink your Water
    *go low carb
    *low to no sugar
    *as you lose weight & get into better shape - keep revamping your exercise, don't sweat it if you don't lose every day or every week - it's gonna come off so don't dwell on it
    *enjoy the journey because it goes fast
    *don't obsess over losing the weight
    (try not to anyways)
    *enjoy other things going on in your life
    *Celebrate weight loss with non-food things
    *if you do go out to eat at a restaurant - don't get too anxious; you're gonna have healthier options but even if you do choose unhealthy you're only going to have a small portion so it's not gonna hurt your progress (just don't make it an everyday habit)
    *stay away from your trigger food(s) - they can get you into trouble... mine is popcorn. (Or aka crackcorn)
    *enjoy the compliments - don't turn around with a negative comment like "yeah but I have loose skin or I still have X amount of weight to lose"
    *just smile and say thank you - you know you deserved that compliment and know how hard you worked to get to where you are...
    *don't let anyone get you down with saying shitty things like "I knew of someone that lost all the weight only to gain it back" --- you are not that person they are referring to.
    *really push yourself with exercise (later on) - you won't die even though you may feel like you are.
    See what you're made of!
    You'll feel so good afterwards knowing that "I just did that!"
    It's addicting. You'll want to continue to push your own limits.
    *try new exercises and such
    *your incisions will be tender, red and sore. If they are oozing pus then get them checked out - otherwise they should be fine
    *that left (or sometimes right) shoulder pain is the leftover gas/air they pumped up your stomach with from surgery - it'll go away
    *that extra painful area (left quadrant) on your stomach is where most of the work was done. It will be sore longer. (Bypass patients anyways) - the pain will go away eventually
    *do what your doctor says about eating, drinking, exercise, everything. Follow the rules!
    *Just remember why you had this surgery.
    You want to be healthy and happy.
    ***No food or drink will make you as happy as how that new dress or pair of jeans fit. ***
    - Or when you are able to walk or jog without being so out of breath
    - or when you can fit in an airplane seat comfortably and not need a seat belt extension.
    - or when you don't have to worry if that plastic chair will hold you
    - or you can bend down to pick up that pencil you dropped and get up easily
    - or having that social anxiety anytime you go out in public
    - or looking around a crowded room only to be mortified that you're the biggest one there
    - or taking the elevator up one floor and being ashamed of it because you know what people are thinking
    Don't let the food control you anymore.
    ***Nothing tastes as good as being fit and healthy feels.***
    *Don't think you have to have a certwin food because you'll never have it again; it will always be there. It's not going anywhere. You're just choosing to not have it now - you're in control. McDonald's will still be around 100 years from now, so don't fret.
    *You can do this.
    It's easier than you think. You will have a tough time at first because everything is so new and you're most likely withdrawling from carbs, sugars, junk etc. But once that is out of your system - it does get easier, honest!
    And when the weight starts dropping your priorities and cravings change.
    You'll crave more successful weight loss then you will carbs! You'll think to yourself "that *insert food of choice here* isn't worth it!"
    You'll crave exercise. Your body will anxiously await to move!
    *Weigh and track your food. It helps a lot. I use Myfitnesspal. And I have a fitbit. Friendly competition is motivating
    *Take one day at a time, again, try not to obsess and have your weight loss consume your mind. There are other things to your life right now too.
    *Every few weeks or month - go thru your closet and try on smaller clothes - this is a huge motivator! I forgot to do that so many times and totally bypassed clothes and then never even got to wear them. (Brand new clothes, dammit!)
    Gave them away with the price tags still on them.
    Anyways, you can do this!
    If there's any other questions - just ask
    **if there is anything someone wants to add -- please do!
    Let's all help each other be as successful as we can possibly be!
    Surgery date: September 21 2015
    Starting weight: 273.4
    Current weight 168.4
    Loss of 105 lbs so far.
    18 to go
  18. Like
    SusanB55 got a reaction from BBweightlossjourney in May 9th-13th sleevers   
    Well I feel really crappy after reading these posts lol. I was sleeved May 11 and have lost only 6 stinking pounds. We have higher Protein goals than most it seems: 80 gm per day and 64 oz Water. I haven't cheated at all guess I should get on the elliptical and try and burn calories,.
  19. Like
    SusanB55 got a reaction from Andrea72 in Pedicure Right Now!   
    I got a pedicure 2 days before my surgery and a massage the day before! I had held onto that gift card for over a year!
  20. Like
    SusanB55 got a reaction from Andrea72 in Pedicure Right Now!   
    I got a pedicure 2 days before my surgery and a massage the day before! I had held onto that gift card for over a year!
  21. Like
    SusanB55 got a reaction from lolarose13 in Submitted to Blue Shield of California!   
    Congrats!! Finally you get the answer you were waiting for!
  22. Like
    SusanB55 reacted to lolarose13 in Submitted to Blue Shield of California!   
    So i just called and my insurance said that my revision has been approved!!!!!!!! PTL! I'm still in shock and waiting for the official call from my doctor.!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Like
    SusanB55 got a reaction from Andrea72 in Pedicure Right Now!   
    I got a pedicure 2 days before my surgery and a massage the day before! I had held onto that gift card for over a year!
  24. Like
    SusanB55 got a reaction from Andrea72 in Pedicure Right Now!   
    I got a pedicure 2 days before my surgery and a massage the day before! I had held onto that gift card for over a year!
  25. Like
    SusanB55 got a reaction from Andrea72 in Pedicure Right Now!   
    I got a pedicure 2 days before my surgery and a massage the day before! I had held onto that gift card for over a year!

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