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    heidikat72 got a reaction from tracey022216 in Reporting from my hospital bed   
    glad to read it all went well! welcome to the rest of your life. Keep on belching! haha
  2. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from 2goldengirl in Reasons given for requesting time off?   
    If it's vacation time, why do you have to tell them what you are doing on vacation? if you were really taking a vacation would you have to provide them with your trip itinerary? and by the way - completely jealous of unlimited vacation time!
  3. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from 2goldengirl in Reasons given for requesting time off?   
    If it's vacation time, why do you have to tell them what you are doing on vacation? if you were really taking a vacation would you have to provide them with your trip itinerary? and by the way - completely jealous of unlimited vacation time!
  4. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Help: 1st Family Gathering Post Op   
    You might also want to check out the blog The World According to Eggface for recipe ideas.
  5. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Djmohr in Cottage Cheese   
    Cottage cheese pancakes are awesome! A bit hard to deal with but delicious! You can pull up the recipe on Pinterest.
    I think I eat cottage cheese 3 times a week for lunch. I use 1% at my nuts request. I eat it plain, with a tiny bit of fruit. I have mixed a small amount of cinnamon in it.
    I have mixed taco seasoning and a little cream cheese with it, added tomatoes, lettuce. High Protein taco dip. Use different veggies for the chips.
    Whatever you like.
  6. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Katnroyal in VSG- A Day in the Life 4 Years out   
    That's great! It's really just getting into a routine! Once you're in it you will feel healthy and energetic. On the weekends I eat more carbs and red meat, not necessarily cheat meals but different ones, and I have found so many healthy recipes so I am not eating the same meals every day and week.
  7. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Katnroyal in Most FAQ's to me:   
    Did it hurt? Yes, it is a surgery plain and simple there is physical recovery time. Just remember everyone has a different pain tolerance and based on any complications that may arise could affect this as well. Did you have any complications? Yes, I had a lot of internal swelling that wouldn't let me sip my liquids so I got very dehydrated and had to stay on an IV two extra days until the swelling went down. How much weight did you lose and how long did it take? I lost 131 lbs in 2 1/2 years. Did you have any stalls? Yes, I had quite a few week to two week long stalls, and I had one three month long stall. The thing to remember with a stall is you are losing inches because your body is catching up. So instead of weighing, measure! How long until you could have sex? For me it was three weeks. It was a little uncomfortable but oh so needed . Have you had plastics? Yes, my tummy and boobs did not perk back up so a year ago I had a Tummy Tuck and breast augmentation to fill back out the skin. Do you have any regrets? Yes, that I didn't do it sooner. What do you eat? See my other post "VSG- A Day in the Life 4 Years Out" Have you gotten more attention? Yes, losing the weight increases your confidence and confidence is sexy, you will notice the looks. Who did you tell about your surgery? I only told my family and close friends. What are your biggest tips? Follow the doctors orders, sip all day, walk walk walk, do not weigh more than once a week, exercise, don't let the surgery change the person on the inside. If you have other questions, please let me know and I will be glad to answer them if I can!
  8. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Miss Mac in I found a good protein!   
    I get my Syntrax nectar from http://www.mybariatricpantry.com My personal favorite is grapefruit because when I mix it with Crystal Lite Lemonade, it tastes just like Fresca soda.
  9. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to LipstickLady in This made me totally laugh out loud...   
    I'm just going to post and repost this every time it's needed on a tense thread. SNORT!
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    heidikat72 reacted to LipstickLady in This made me totally laugh out loud...   

  11. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from RoadToMe in Non-scale victories   
    oh I so look forward to this one! I used to have to travel A LOT for work and hated it. To the point where I actually bought my own seat belt extender to avoid the embarrassment of asking for one or there not being enough in case I wasn't the only obese person on the flight. Although I will say that the vast majority of flight attendants were very courteous and respectful about this (especially the ones on Delta) and I've never been asked to purchase a second seat or gotten booted off a flight (thank goodness since they were all work trips). But it has always been a fear.
  12. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Frustrating Weight loss workup   
    What planet is she on?
    I am really curious to know about her credentials and experience. She sounds like a loon.
  13. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to CowgirlJane in Frustrating Weight loss workup   
    I have never heard this 27 percent thing. Usually they measure percentage of excess weight lost.
    I lost 150# in 14 months - which is about half my starting weight. I am 4 years out, a few pounds under goal, a few pounds over my lowest weight.
    My surgeon didn't give out goal weights because it is absolutely the truth that the heavier you start the less likely you are to maintain at a "normal " weight. They told me they didn't want me to feel like I failed if I lost 100, and not the full 150.
    Either procedure is a good surgery, have an open mind as the risks and issues are different.
    I don't think I would like the way this person communicates and a bit of advice. . You'll never win an argument with her so just let it go. Is this the only center of excellence around? I would rather they talk about which surgery you are best candidate for and why rather than these strange stats.
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using BariatricPal
  14. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to JamieLogical in Frustrating Weight loss workup   
    I think that psychologist was a big poopy head, but what she said wasn't wrong. Study after study has proven that long term maintenance of weight loss is almost impossible. Are there people who do it? Yes! Are you likely to be one of those people? The odds are NOT in your favor.
    I was just like you. I'd lost weight many times on my own. The largest amount at once was 90 pounds over the course of a year. But I'd lost 60 here, 40 there, 25 there. You get the idea. My problem was never weight LOSS. I am a pro at weight loss. If weight loss were an Olympic sport, I'd have at least three gold medals! My challenge was always weight maintenance. And that's the true challenge for the VAST majority of obese people. With conventional forms of weight loss (diet and exercise), the problem is, it's always a "diet". It is, by definition, a temporary thing. We set a goal. If we work hard we get to that goal. And then once we are at that goal, we are "done". And even if we do have the discipline to get to that goal and stay there for some period of time, something always happens that throws us off our game. An injury, an illness, a death in the family, real life..... Something gets us off track and we gain a few pounds and we're like "no big deal, I'll get back on track when this crisis is over". Then next thing you know, it's a year later and you are right back where you started!
    In July of 2014, I was back within 10 pounds of my highest weight. I was looking at that long road of diet and exercise to lose the weight once again, but I just KNEW that even if I did lose the weight all over again, it would be the same old tune. I would just gain it back again eventually. So I decided to break the cycle. I researched WLS and I took the plunge in September 2014. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Now I am at goal and I have a tool to get me through all those road blocks that would have sent my weight skyrocketing back up in the past. I've been maintaining for 4 months. In those 4 months, I've sold and moved out of my old house, moved into my new house, hosted people for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's, been sick a few times... You know what? I haven't gained back one single pound! Stress of moving? No problem! Holidays? Easy! Sick and unable to exercise? Oh well!
    With my sleeve, I am never "done" like I would have been on a "diet". When the going gets tough, my sleeve is still there to support me and do its thing. Does it work better when I work with it? Sure! But now I feel like I have this safety net to get me through rough times and give me the chance to get back on track again without having to regain 50+ pounds in the interim.
  15. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Frustrating Weight loss workup   
    I do understand your frustration and anger. I have been there.
    I was 150% opposed to the idea of surgery, even though I was: a lifelong dieter and have been in a battle with my weight since adolescence; have tried everything (including successfully losing a tremendous amount of weight with a medically supervised liquid diet in my 20s); was over 500 pounds; and on disability.
    Being obese, dieting, food addiction, and obsession with food has had a major negative impact on my quality of life, career, and relationships as long as I can remember.
    I had a lot of pre-conceived ideas about weight loss surgery, most of it based on old and incomplete information.
    Fortunately, I was at the end of my rope and I have a very wise PCP. I had given up dieting because it has become impossible to lose even a few pounds due to my lack of mobility and healthy issues and that if I were successful, the next rebound would put me at over 600 pounds. The next diet would surely lead me to be bed bound and death.
    I had always been a "healthy" fat person. That is until I suddenly wasn't.
    My PCP suggested I just make an appointment to talk about the possibility with a bariatric program. I didn't have to decide anything, just learn about options.
    I was so blessed to be referred to an outstanding bariatric team with an awesome and very skilled and knowledgeable surgeon.
    This is a long-winded way of saying from everything I have learned, the psych counselor is absolutely right. I have learned that through my own experience and my surgeon and NUT have been instrumental in helping me understand why and how diets don't work.
    It is a combination of evolution and physiology. Our bodies are designed biologically to efficiently store energy and resist losing weight. We were designed for extremes of feast or famine but not times of extreme abundance. When we lose weight, our bodies remember the starvation part and are programmed to gain back that much weight plus a buffer. Hence the yo-yo dieting leading us to weigh more than when we started the diet. Our set point is raised each time we diet.
    Edited: because I accidentally hit save before I finished.
    I encourage you to keep researching and considering all of your options. You don't have to decide today. It may not be right for you today.
    For me, the right weight loss surgery technique, and right surgeon came along at the right time for me. Even though it would have been great to have this surgery when I was your age, the surgery that was available then was completely different and I probably wouldn't even have been eligible.
    I was sleeved April 20 of this year and couldn't be happier with my progress and results. I had an easy and uneventful surgery and recovery. None of my fears about pain and failure have come to pass. I am regaining my mobility and my life. Most importantly, I am recreating my life and not planning my funeral.
  16. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from MissMac in Denied for lack of effort?   
    do you currently log your food - do it for a couple days and really look at it. like others have said - you'd be amazed how much you can drop in the first month after cutting out sugar and cutting way back on carbs. I dropped 14 lbs in the first month of my pre-op just by cutting out the soda and my starbucks caramel macchiato habit and skipping the mac&cheese and potatoes. Not even adding exercise. It is a shame you doctor didn't mention this sooner but perhaps he did it now to be the push you need. It ain't over til it's over - work for it this next month!
  17. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Valentina in Denied for lack of effort?   
    You wrote that you have a month to go before your file is submitted. A month is a worthy amount of time to kick it up and prove that you are in it to win it!!!
    Get going!
    You can do this!
  18. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to OKCPirate in What is your barometer for reaching goal ? May have found mine........   
    @@Katnroyal - thank you and all the others who paid for it. I think I accomplished my mission...the commies were a problem, and after 12 years of service, the Soviet Empire crumbled, so I was done
  19. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Katnroyal in Protein shakes after sleeve   
    They were not mentioned by my nutritionist either, when I found them I sent her the link and she approved and said they would be good. Everyone and every nutritionist is different. I have to drink the brands that are palatable or I won't drink them at all. Which that is the most important part, getting your Protein. I am almost 4 years post op and still drink a Protein shake every week day.
  20. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to LipstickLady in Dumped on Valentine's Day   
    Why think you did something wrong? Sounds like you dodged a bullet before things got to be too deep. Move on! You are so worth it. <3
  21. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from RoadToMe in Non-scale victories   
    oh I so look forward to this one! I used to have to travel A LOT for work and hated it. To the point where I actually bought my own seat belt extender to avoid the embarrassment of asking for one or there not being enough in case I wasn't the only obese person on the flight. Although I will say that the vast majority of flight attendants were very courteous and respectful about this (especially the ones on Delta) and I've never been asked to purchase a second seat or gotten booted off a flight (thank goodness since they were all work trips). But it has always been a fear.
  22. Like
    heidikat72 got a reaction from VanessaVSGforme in Progress Pictures ☺   
    wow! so impressive! congrats on all the hard work you've put in.
  23. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Kathy812 in What can I do with...Brussels Sprouts?   
    Our favorite recipe: cook a few strips of bacon-cut into bite size pieces and set aside. season the brussels sprouts with your favorite seasoning, we usually use garlic pepper only, since the remaining ingredients are filled w/sodium.
    Use a little of the bacon grease &sautee the Brussels sprouts.
    Then we add low sodium chicken broth, just enough to wet the bottom of the skillet (I'd guess1/3rd cup). Add back your bacon pieces & simmer for about 5-10 minutes till your desired tenderness.
    We also make the same recipe w/o bacon & just sautee in evoo & add the chicken broth.
  24. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Non-scale victories   
    Congratulations! This is awesome. They will keep coming.
    My latest? I can see my ankles.
  25. Like
    heidikat72 reacted to FrankyG in Can't stop "cheating"   
    There are so many points where you could stop yourself from going out to buy fast food - before you stand up and walk to your car keys, as you are gathering your wallet, stepping out the door and locking it, getting into your car... at every point, you have an opportunity to tell yourself HELL NO and go do something else.
    I could even understand one time (because many of us have cheated once on a pre op diet) ... but if you are doing this over and over again, then you are definitely not ready because you are sabotaging yourself.
    You have to distract yourself from this sort of eating. And you really aren't even eating real food - all that fast food crap is fat, sodium and carbs. Nothing at those places is good for you and it is hurting you every time you put it in your mouth. I'd even try picturing eating broken, dirty glass every time I craved that stuff if it was me to reframe how you think about it. It is not healthy food; you're craving it because you're addicted to fat/carbs/sodium and you use food to comfort/reward yourself.
    You need to speak with your doctor/nutritionist before surgery if you can't get this stopped ASAP, because if you go into your surgery eating that crap right up until time (I'm assuming at some point they'll have put you on a pre-op diet) then your liver is going to be a very possible cause to cancel your surgery due to it being too large or fatty to perform it safely. That could mean you make it to the operating table and they cut you open and get in there and see your liver is too poor a shape to continue.
    You could have serious, life threatening complications if your liver is damaged during surgery, and that is why they want you eating healthy, low fat foods (or even a liquid diet) before surgery to shrink your liver to make it easier to move around (it overlaps your stomach and they have to move it with the laproscopic tools). It is not about losing a ton of weight before surgery, it is to make sure your liver is as small as possible.
    If this is scary sounding I mean it to be, because sometimes it takes scaring someone to finally get through to them - USE THAT FEAR. Every time you get up to go out the door to buy fast food... tell yourself that you may end up very sick, or have your surgery cancelled, or injure your liver if you step a foot out that door!
    And I would not lie about your eating to them either, because all you'd be doing is risking your life and health to hide the fact that you have an addiction to food - which they already know since you're having this surgery.
    You need to commit to doing your absolute best - this surgery will change your life and you will be so very, very happy if you can make it through successfully. It is only a few weeks and anyone can be strong for that short of time if they work hard enough.
    Tell yourself that you are worth the work. You ARE going to be awesome and in control and you don't need some nasty fast food crud to make you feel better. Taco Bell and all those nasty sandwich shops are NOT your friends and you're dumping them right now. You have better things to do with your time and energy - and you deserve to have a super outcome. You can do this!!

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