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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from duckydoom in Regretting the sleeve so much and afraid I will die or have serious problems down the road   
    You've really got yourself tied up in knots over all this. I'm sorry you're feeling so out of control.
    You are not going to die because you're having a tough time in the early days. I couldn't keep anything at all down until I was a week postop, and nothing but Clear Liquids after that for another 10 days after that. I'm halfway between five and six weeks and I'm meeting Protein, Fluid, and calorie goals. Really.
    You are not going to "die young after having so many complications from getting 70% of my stomach removed and losing all those important hormones." All what important hormones? The only hormone you're losing is ghrelin, the hormone that can lead to overeating.
    Buyer's remorse is very, very, VERY common in the first month after surgery, especially for people who have a rougher time than others. I've observed from reading these boards that it's also very common in younger individuals with less life experience who may also have less understanding of how our bodies work. Lack of knowledge can really contribute to fear of the "what if's".
    Don't let that derail you. If you haven't already been in touch with your surgeon about the trouble you're having, call. Now. I don't care if it's the weekend, there is always someone on call 24/7.
    Hang in there. You can do this!
  2. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from hillgirly in Stalled for months   
    From what you describe, you likely aren't eating enough to keep losing. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but you need to eat enough to lose.
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    2goldengirl reacted to Babbs in Tips and advice for our newbies   
    Awesome, AWESOME list!
    As someone who is in maintenence mode, I would just add one more:
    Once you get to your goal weight, the hard work shouldn't end. There will be different challenges. Never become complacent and always remember the basic "rules" of WLS and you'll have a great chance of keeping the weight off.
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    2goldengirl reacted to heather5565 in Tips and advice for our newbies   
    Thank you my good friend ???? And I agree about the stalls.
    Take them as they are. Your body is saying it needs a break from this whirlwind. It will adjust. But while it is - change it up. Eat something different. Eat more. eat less.
    Change up the exercise. Try giving your body a mini break from exercise. (Maybe it's being pushed too hard too many days in a row - idk)
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    2goldengirl reacted to 4MRB4PHOTO in Post Your Silly Rant   
    Getting stuck behind a person for a few minutes because they do not have their transaction ready when they go to a drive up ATM (or even a walk up), even though they were on line behind 1 or two other people and then instead of pulling up so the next person can use the ATM, be stuck on line longer while they put away their money, bank card, fix their hair, adjust the mirrors, etc.
    Some people you don't know what the hell they are doing and why it is taking so long. It is as if they are trying to do a hostile bank takeover via the ATM or never saw a keypad or touch screen before.
    HELLO, they had ATMs for decades now, they still work about the same way!
    Rant over (microphone drop).
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    2goldengirl reacted to Blue1213 in Post Your Silly Rant   
    People who don't turn off the volume on their cell phones when they are in a doctor's waiting room.
    I don't want to listen to your phone conversation or your 50 text message notifications or your keyboard clicking or your Rolling Stones ring tone.
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    2goldengirl got a reaction from Lynne5767 in Long Term Results of Sleeve Gastrectomy   
    Actually, you can hope for much better results than that. The mean is the average - all participants in the study with their results, even the ones with poor results for whatever reason.
    I don't know about you, but I don't plan to be average
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    2goldengirl got a reaction from Lynne5767 in The 6 Things You Can Do To Minimize Loose Skin After Weight Loss   
    In my hospital days, I asked one of our plastic surgeons how long following a weight loss someone ought to wait before considering plastics. He said that after about a year, someone would have benefited as much as they could from their skin's own elasticity. He also said that sometimes someone with a significant weight loss has some up and down as they settle into maintenance.
    So I'm thinking that's what I'll do, wait til a year after goal. I know for sure I want a boob lift, heck, I need one NOW.
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    2goldengirl got a reaction from Lynne5767 in Bariatric Realities – Medical Professionals’ Guidelines about Alcohol Use & WLS   
    Speaking only for myself, I'd prefer an occasional glass of wine to an occasional four Cookies, hands down.
    I'm an adult. I'm educated and capable of educating myself about the pros and cons of alcohol intake now that I'm sleeved.
    I neither want or need anything beyond education on the matter from my bariatric team. Like every bite I put in my mouth and every step I take toward improved fitness, these are my responsibilities for my life, and my lifetime. I neither want nor need draconian edicts in an attempt to scare me into adherence into what anyone thinks I "must" do, or not. It's paternalistic, patronizing, and unwelcome.
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    2goldengirl got a reaction from 4MRB4PHOTO in The misconceptions about WLS from people who have not had it are hysterical, but...   
    Honestly, everyone, WLS patient or not, needs a basic course in human anatomy and physiology. We buy many cars in our lifetimes, but only get one body. It's important to know how it works. Though if we all had a better understanding how our bodies work, there would be a much smaller internet audience for the kind of hogwash that masquerades as fact these days. Don't get me started!
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    2goldengirl got a reaction from Christinamo7 in Am I losing enough weight post-op?   
    It's different for everyone. It isn't a race. it isn't about how much you can lose in X amount of time. Especially for the rift month to six weeks. your body has one overriding goal - healing from the trauma of surgery. Weight loss is secondary to that as far as your body is concerned. Follow your postop instructions, and you will be successful!
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    2goldengirl reacted to KristenLe in Am I losing enough weight post-op?   
    I don't understand why some people have such high expectations. 17lbs in 2 weeks is incredible! How much were you expecting to lose?
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    2goldengirl reacted to LipstickLady in Am I losing enough weight post-op?   
    Seventeen pounds in two weeks. Yup. You're definitely a slow loser.
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    2goldengirl got a reaction from Christinamo7 in Am I losing enough weight post-op?   
    It's different for everyone. It isn't a race. it isn't about how much you can lose in X amount of time. Especially for the rift month to six weeks. your body has one overriding goal - healing from the trauma of surgery. Weight loss is secondary to that as far as your body is concerned. Follow your postop instructions, and you will be successful!
  15. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from Christinamo7 in Am I losing enough weight post-op?   
    It's different for everyone. It isn't a race. it isn't about how much you can lose in X amount of time. Especially for the rift month to six weeks. your body has one overriding goal - healing from the trauma of surgery. Weight loss is secondary to that as far as your body is concerned. Follow your postop instructions, and you will be successful!
  16. Like
    2goldengirl got a reaction from CelesteMarie in Lets talk sausage....   
    Not sure whether it's available at your local grocery, but we get Turkey Store Italian -seasoned ground turkey and have used it in place of Italian sausage for years.
  17. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to LipstickLady in Family totally against my surgery   
    You are having surgery for YOU, not for her. I'm sorry she's not bring supportive but she is not your problem, your health is.
    That said, surgery will NOT solve the issues above. I hope you have a counselor to help you through the mental aspect of addiction and binging.
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    2goldengirl reacted to LipstickLady in To those who are new(ish) to Internet public forums, plus a wish.   
    I never mind when people disagree! What do you disagree with?
    I do agree that it's sad that reminders like this need to be posted from time to time, but they do. It helps prevent BHS, aka butt hurt syndrome.
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    2goldengirl reacted to Cujucuyo in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    "You can lead a horse to Water, but you can't make it drink" the old saying goes.
    This forum is all about help, these people have experienced the surgery and are providing their knowledge which you asked for, no one is treating you like an idiot as you bluntly and rudely put it, if that's how you react to proper advise I'd hate to see you react to actual snarky criticism; this isn't Tumblr either where everyone is holding each others hand on every single misstep and never criticize, when the people here sound "snarky" to you they're being direct as what you were doing was foolish so out of concern they're being stern in their responses, there's no way to sugarcoat these types of things.
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    2goldengirl reacted to NeedaBreak4Me in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    This is exactly why people are being "negative" ...its from experience... we have either been there ourselves or have seen it happen to someone else .. if we see something that is wrong or potentially dangerous should we not warn the person?
    I personally will not be an enabler and tap you on the shoulder and encourage you if you are doing something harmful to yourself, that would not sit right with me.
    Yes, some people need to choose their words more carefully, but i think most of the time it does come from a good place.
    Then again, sometimes you can be warned a million times about something but won't stick until you learn your lesson... eg someone says dont touch the wet paint.. but you touch it anyway lol...
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    2goldengirl reacted to NeedaBreak4Me in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    @@Aimee-Belle There is no need to be like that... she has taken the time out her life to respond to you, yes you might not like what she said, but there is no need to become nasty... we are all this together to support and inform each other.
    It is a public forum with diverse views... name calling and directing insults aren't necessary.
    We all have read replies we don't like... its better for your own mental health to move past it... otherwise you will stress yourself out..
    I think it is nice that people take the time to respond, they don't have to offer support.. because deep down experience equals wisdom and ad newbies we need to appreciate it... even if we don't accept it
  23. Like
    2goldengirl reacted to LipstickLady in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    It's MY **OPINION** that every doctor has a slightly different method of surgery, and has seen complications (or fewer/no complications) when patients follow a particular diet progression. I followed **MY SURGEON'S** directions to the letter because I didn't want to put myself at risk. He had only 5 leaks to date with 15 years of experience so having no personal medical training, I felt his words were wisest **FOR ME**.
    Now, that said, when something didn't make sense (straws!!), I questioned it. When things did make sense (strawberry seeds), I didn't. Sometimes he agreed with my questions, sometimes he didn't. In turn, I let his word be the final word for the first year because by that point in time, I knew I was safe from any possible leaks forming. I also felt that going by "my gut" was what got me to 264 pounds and in need of WLS. Why in the world would I put out so much money and then think I knew what was best for me? Twenty years of obesity proved that I didn't.
    As I have said MANY times over the years, I am no expert in anyone but myself. I can only speak from my experiences. What worked for me may not work for you. What my goals are may not be your goals. It's all good. We all have different journeys, hopefully we all end up in the same place.

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    2goldengirl reacted to LipstickLady in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    You may not be too familiar with internet forums so I will give you a bit of friendly insight.
    First, there is no rule that the responses must stop when you feel you got the appropriate answers. There are threads on this board that get bumped after 2-3 years of dormancy, such is the way of internet forums.
    Second, this thread is not YOURS. You posted on a PUBLIC FORUM. You will get answers from the public. Some will be very educated, some will not. Some will be warm and fuzzy, others will be blunt and to the point. And some, like yours, will be overtly hostile.
    Third. You cannot interpret the tone of the author of the post. You can read the words but that does not mean you are clearly interpreting the intent of the message being presented. This thread was a perfect example. Everyone here was very polite, you simply CHOSE to read into the words and take them as unkind. That's on YOU, not on the people responding to the question you asked and the scenario you presented.
    Fourth. Topics will go off course and discussion will ensue even after the initial question seems to be resolved. The topics presented are NOT just for the benefit of the person who initiated it, but also for other forum participants current and future.
    If you CHOOSE to read my comment and tone as b!tchy, that's on you, not me. No skin off my back, quite honestly. You can block me quite easily, it's unlikely that I will change who I am because you choose to read something into my words that is not there.
    I was being neither passive aggressive or patronizing. Anyone here who knows me will tell you that I have no problem telling you exactly how I feel, no passive aggressiveness needed. I simply made the comments here that I did because I remember that I took things (on the internet and in real life) very harshly at your stage of the game. Many people do. Many come back and even say, "Hey! Sorry I was such an idget. I've been really touchy with my family, too." Just like with pregnancy, your hormones are doing crazy things. It causes changes in personality. But that said, if you are insisting that this is your normal personality and you are this cranky all the time...again that's not on me. I was simply trying to be understanding and empathetic.
    As for your opinion that my words "don't support ANYONE"? I didn't realize you spoke for EVERYONE. Cool Beans. I'm quite certain MANY will disagree. As for your opinion on why I am a host here and that I should not be? OK. You got me.
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    2goldengirl reacted to LipstickLady in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    Do you think that most of us have not faced the same mental struggles as you? Do you truly believe that no one but you has had cravings and the desire to eat just a little something off doctor's orders? Of course we have.
    We all got here because we ate too much of the wrong foods. We all chose or are choosing surgery to correct our physical problems but that won't correct our mental problems.
    I just reread all the responses and I stand by the opinion that no one was rude or mean. When you post on a public forum you can't dictate how people respond. You were the only one to use words like idiot and b:tch. You were the only rude one. Blunt does not equate to rude. Big diff.
    That said, I'll mark your name calling and over sensitivity down to hormone fluctuations and being hangry. I can bet almost all of us have been there, too.

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