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    ReneK reacted to FrankyG in Scared because I cheated   
    The reason you feel so hungry after eating is not getting in your Protein. Protein is needed because it is essential to make sure your body has enough to maintain muscles and basic function (hair, nails, skin, muscles... all need lots of protein to function well). Protein makes you feel full and satisfied longer as well.
    SO skipping your protein because you don't like the drinks is really bad - you risk losing muscle mass, your hair will start falling out faster, your skin and nails will look like crap and you will feel bad because losing muscle mass just makes you weaker. and you'll start feeling vunerable to eating crap again - it is a bad cycle to get caught in.. so stop doing that!
    Find protein drinks that you can tolerate. Go buy a few different types at the grocery store, and check out the recommendations on these boards for others available online. You will find one that tastes okay eventually.
    Most grocery stores carry a type of low lactose/sugar high protein milk. I am lucky to live where they have one that tastes wonderful - Mootopia (in TX HEB stores) - but there are others like Fairlife I think that are going to be great for a high protein low sugar drink. If you added some Protein powder to that, it probably could be just as good as a regular Protein Drink.
    Start reading labels and find things at the store that could work out for you at each stage of your diet. Kroger makes a decent yogurt called Carbmaster that has only 60 calories and 4 grams of carbs, but 9 grams protein and they taste pretty good.
    I know when I was finally cleared to eat things like eggs I still couldn't because I threw it up (and continued to throw them up until almost 4 months out). You don't want to rush things food-wise not only because you are trying to relearn how and what to eat, but because your stomach might not be ready for them either... you might not have had that happen yet, but believe me, I'd rather have waited and never experienced the egg intolerance!
    In the mean time, work on eating what you're supposed to be eating. Cheating is bound to happen and what you did isn't going to hurt your staples or stretch your stomach, but you have to realize that the only person you're cheating on is yourself. We all end up doing dumb things every once in a while, but don't dwell on them - just resign yourself to getting back on track and recommit to sticking to the program. Get psyched up - you are going to be happy and healthy and rock this sleeve!!!
  2. Like
    ReneK reacted to Sharon1964 in LOOK LOOK LOOK! I'M IN THE TWO'S   
    Look at my sig! Look! I'm in the two's now!
  3. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from Cervidae in Christmas Day - pre op clear liquid diet day 3   
    Today is Day 3 of my clear liquid diet. I actually have done really well. Christmas dinner didn't give me any problems. The only people there who know were my husband's parents, my hubby and my kids. I fixed an powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup Protein and took it with me. I fixed myself a small plate, which my husband casually ate. Nobody had the faintest idea that I didn't eat anything!
    I've felt pretty good. If I get hungry in between Protein shake 'meals', I have a cup of broth or some herbal tea. It has worked pretty well. The only real issue I've had is headaches, but they seem to respond to Tylenol. Tonight I'm very, very tired but that may just be from the holiday! Eleven days to go!
  4. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from Cervidae in Christmas Day - pre op clear liquid diet day 3   
    Today is Day 3 of my clear liquid diet. I actually have done really well. Christmas dinner didn't give me any problems. The only people there who know were my husband's parents, my hubby and my kids. I fixed an powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup Protein and took it with me. I fixed myself a small plate, which my husband casually ate. Nobody had the faintest idea that I didn't eat anything!
    I've felt pretty good. If I get hungry in between Protein shake 'meals', I have a cup of broth or some herbal tea. It has worked pretty well. The only real issue I've had is headaches, but they seem to respond to Tylenol. Tonight I'm very, very tired but that may just be from the holiday! Eleven days to go!
  5. Like
    ReneK reacted to jEnNiFeR_lYnN in January Surgery Dates!   
    I am a January 6th surgery, too!!!!
  6. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from Cervidae in So annoyed and I need to get over it!   
    Before I start, let me say that my husband has been wonderfully supportive in this entire process.. But he also doesn't really understand my desire for privacy.
    I agreed to tell his parents because I knew they'd be supportive and it seemed like the right thing to do. (I've only told them, a couple friends, my boss, our kids and my brothers) I've been stressed the past few days trying to figure out how I'm going to handle Christmas. My all-liquid pre-op diet starts on the 23rd. We always do Christmas Day at my in-laws house. Usually, it's not a huge meal. I intend just to take a Protein shake and some broth with Protein in it for the time over there. I've been a little stressed about it because I don't want to have to be answering a bunch of questions from nosy nieces and nephews (not inquisitive - nosy!). But, I'll figure it out.
    So, my hubby, in his "i must tell my mother everything" mode, tells his mom that I'm anxious. Her solution is to volunteer to tell my sisters-in-law but tell them that I want it kept quiet. Now I love my sisters-in-law. But one of them is completely incapable of not spilling the Beans. I don't want to talk to them about it. I don't even want them to know about it. It's personal and private.
    I told my husband that I didn't want his mom to say anything to anyone. He said "well, then we just won't be able to go to Christmas". I told him that was ridiculous and if anyone asked why I wasn't eating, I'd just say I don't feel good. Now he's all upset.
    I am irritated beyond belief! I'm supposed to let his mom tell blabbermouth so that she and my husband feel ok about it. HELL NO!!
    I haven't figure out yet what containers I'm going to take with my protein in it but I'll figure it out.
    Sorry for venting. I'm nervous and anxious and everybody is getting on my last nerve!
  7. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from 4MRB4PHOTO in So annoyed and I need to get over it!   
    I can just see their faces now!
  8. Like
    ReneK reacted to Nina marie in January Surgery Dates!   
    January 11th, very excited and nervous !
  9. Like
    ReneK reacted to ladybunny in January Surgery Dates!   
    I received my insurance approval on the 11th of december and the surgeon's office called me this morning with my date. i meet with my surgeon January 14th and will be having my surgery on January 19th and i start my pre-op diet Jaunary 5th. I am so excited that i cant wait. This will be a whole new chapter in my life that i cant wait to begin.
  10. Like
    ReneK reacted to 4MRB4PHOTO in So annoyed and I need to get over it!   
    If anyone asks why you aren't eating, just say your stomach is bothering you. If they are persistent to find out more details, tell them you had explosive diarrhea; that'll stop them from asking any further questions about why you aren't eating.
  11. Like
    ReneK reacted to James Marusek in So annoyed and I need to get over it!   
    In the longer scheme of things, as time goes on you will become more capable of dealing with the holidays. Your food volume will go up and you will feel less like it is a burden and appreciate the marvelous changes that are taking place due to the lost weight.
  12. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from Cervidae in So annoyed and I need to get over it!   
    Before I start, let me say that my husband has been wonderfully supportive in this entire process.. But he also doesn't really understand my desire for privacy.
    I agreed to tell his parents because I knew they'd be supportive and it seemed like the right thing to do. (I've only told them, a couple friends, my boss, our kids and my brothers) I've been stressed the past few days trying to figure out how I'm going to handle Christmas. My all-liquid pre-op diet starts on the 23rd. We always do Christmas Day at my in-laws house. Usually, it's not a huge meal. I intend just to take a Protein shake and some broth with Protein in it for the time over there. I've been a little stressed about it because I don't want to have to be answering a bunch of questions from nosy nieces and nephews (not inquisitive - nosy!). But, I'll figure it out.
    So, my hubby, in his "i must tell my mother everything" mode, tells his mom that I'm anxious. Her solution is to volunteer to tell my sisters-in-law but tell them that I want it kept quiet. Now I love my sisters-in-law. But one of them is completely incapable of not spilling the Beans. I don't want to talk to them about it. I don't even want them to know about it. It's personal and private.
    I told my husband that I didn't want his mom to say anything to anyone. He said "well, then we just won't be able to go to Christmas". I told him that was ridiculous and if anyone asked why I wasn't eating, I'd just say I don't feel good. Now he's all upset.
    I am irritated beyond belief! I'm supposed to let his mom tell blabbermouth so that she and my husband feel ok about it. HELL NO!!
    I haven't figure out yet what containers I'm going to take with my protein in it but I'll figure it out.
    Sorry for venting. I'm nervous and anxious and everybody is getting on my last nerve!
  13. Like
    ReneK reacted to TristanNicole in So annoyed and I need to get over it!   
    If you are okay with people knowing that you are trying to lose wt (not have surgery but just lose wt) you could just tell them that you are dieting and broth and shakes are on your diet, and that its important to you and you are committed to losing weight.
    But no, it is not his business to tell and if you don't want certain people to know he should respect that. I had a similar issue going into surgery, my mom likes to talk to people about me, tell them my life story really... i suppose its because she is proud of me but i'm pretty modest and it makes me uncomfortable when she tells people stuff about me. So anyway, I was sure that she would tell everyone, so I had to have a serious discussion with her that I wasn't ready to let the whole world know and asked she didn't tell anyone unless I said it was okay. She honestly has done a pretty good job, better than I expected but she did tell my aunt which I was okay with as she is very supportive. I've found that the further out from surgery I get the less I care that people know. There are quite a few people now that know and everyone has been supportive, but I completely understanding why you are uncomfortable, you should be able to tell people when you are ready.
  14. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from Cervidae in So annoyed and I need to get over it!   
    Before I start, let me say that my husband has been wonderfully supportive in this entire process.. But he also doesn't really understand my desire for privacy.
    I agreed to tell his parents because I knew they'd be supportive and it seemed like the right thing to do. (I've only told them, a couple friends, my boss, our kids and my brothers) I've been stressed the past few days trying to figure out how I'm going to handle Christmas. My all-liquid pre-op diet starts on the 23rd. We always do Christmas Day at my in-laws house. Usually, it's not a huge meal. I intend just to take a Protein shake and some broth with Protein in it for the time over there. I've been a little stressed about it because I don't want to have to be answering a bunch of questions from nosy nieces and nephews (not inquisitive - nosy!). But, I'll figure it out.
    So, my hubby, in his "i must tell my mother everything" mode, tells his mom that I'm anxious. Her solution is to volunteer to tell my sisters-in-law but tell them that I want it kept quiet. Now I love my sisters-in-law. But one of them is completely incapable of not spilling the Beans. I don't want to talk to them about it. I don't even want them to know about it. It's personal and private.
    I told my husband that I didn't want his mom to say anything to anyone. He said "well, then we just won't be able to go to Christmas". I told him that was ridiculous and if anyone asked why I wasn't eating, I'd just say I don't feel good. Now he's all upset.
    I am irritated beyond belief! I'm supposed to let his mom tell blabbermouth so that she and my husband feel ok about it. HELL NO!!
    I haven't figure out yet what containers I'm going to take with my protein in it but I'll figure it out.
    Sorry for venting. I'm nervous and anxious and everybody is getting on my last nerve!
  15. Like
    ReneK reacted to glitter eyes in So annoyed and I need to get over it!   
    Hey put your Protein Drink in a fireball whiskey bottle and tell them you are not eating so you can get drunk faster- that should blow their minds. LOL.
    All joking aside, that is a frustrating situation. Like you said the easiest thing to tell people is you are just drinking broth and shakes because you haven't been feeling well.
    Seems like they are trying to make it a big deal. Hang in there it will all be worth it!!
  16. Like
    ReneK reacted to seaniepoohbear in So annoyed and I need to get over it!   
    This. Just this.
    My husband and best(only friend) are the only ones I even told about looking into bariatric surgery( waiting to see about insurance and how much a consult will be) they were both SOOOO VERY UNSUPPORTIVE.....but he tells EVERYONE. It's not his damn business to share!!! "Well they will know something is up if it does happen" ect well that's MY PLACE to deal with not yours!!
    So I come here to talk because nobody else is nice about it
  17. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from LeahRainey in January Surgery Dates!   
    We're surgery date twins! And I hate to wish Christmas away but i am SO ready for this surgery!
  18. Like
    ReneK reacted to LeahRainey in January Surgery Dates!   
    January 6th!!! So excited!! I hate to wish my life away but so ready to be there.
  19. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from Tinasam1016 in January Surgery Dates!   
    I got my date today -- January 6!
  20. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from zsnaani in Where are all the 50 something bypass patients?   
    Hi everyone, I'm glad I found this forum! I am 55 and scheduled to have RNY on 1/6/15. I am very excited and nervous. My doctor says I'm healthy and strong and that this is a great move. I am type 2 diabetic but expect remission for that. I think I got here the same way that many of you did -- realizing that before long, my health was going to be unbearable. My back hurts. My knees hurt. And I couldn't seem to do anything about it. I was going to cut my life short if I didn't do anything. I actually feel like this decision has helped me take control of my life back.
    My husband and my kids are very supportive, although a little nervous.
    @zsnaani Your story made me sad. If you need anyone to talk to, although I'm a newb, I'd be glad to listen. I added you as a friend
    My pre-op diet starts the day before Christmas! Wish me luck!
  21. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from Tinasam1016 in January Surgery Dates!   
    I got my date today -- January 6!
  22. Like
    ReneK reacted to Dar200 in Piggin' out ????   
    . I'm sorry, but I don't even know how to respond to this but feel like I must. Are you serious? This is the most demeaning thing I have ever read on this forum.
  23. Like
    ReneK got a reaction from GBLady41 in Newbie here. Anyone else scared of death?   
    I think it is natural to be scared. I have just finished my 3-month pre op and my file should get submitted to the insurance today. I'm excited and terrified. I seem to be dwelling on what it will be like to come out of anesthesia and have my whole life be different. It's a bit overwhelming. But I've done the research. I will follow my doctors orders to the letter.
    The bottom line for me is that my odds of dying early due to morbid obesity and diabetes far outweigh the odds of complications from the surgery.
    Good luck!
  24. Like
    ReneK reacted to Dar200 in Broth!   
    Your homemade broth sounds fabulous to me.
  25. Like
    ReneK reacted to MonikaMakal in Broth!   
    Preparing the homemade broth is excellent idea. In Poland, where I live, we usually do like this. You can even hardy find a ready made broth in a store, except broth cubes full of artificial ingredients.
    I usually make like 5 liter of my own broth from the whole chicken and piece of beef. Then cool it and skim (take out the fat).
    Then in the 0,5 liter plastic boxes I just just freeze them. Every time I need the broth I have it on hand.

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