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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    TheNewME71 reacted to Bufflehead in weight loss plateau   
    @@TheNewME71 5/2 is eating 5 days a week at maintenance level and 2 days a week at an extreme deficit. So my 10 days typically looks like:
    Saturday maintenance
    Sunday maintenance
    Monday 500 calories max
    Tuesday maintenance
    Thursday 500 calories max
    Friday maintenance
    Saturday maintenance
    Sunday 500 calories max
    Monday maintenance
    Tuesday 500 calories max
    This plan won't work if you don't know your maintenance level of calories and aren't tracking your calorie intake very carefully.
    HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training. It is primarily intended to have cardiovascular benefits, but I have found it great for weight loss. The general idea is that you do a short period of super hard, high intensity working out -- something that really gets your heart racing -- followed by a brief rest period to lower your heart rate, then back to high intensity, and so on. I do low impact versions because my knees and hips are not great. These are the DVD's I use:
  2. Like
    TheNewME71 reacted to Bufflehead in weight loss plateau   
    IMO, three months without weight loss isn't a plateau, it means you have found your maintenance level of calorie intake and exercise.
    So, if you want to reach your goal, that means lowering your calorie intake and/or upping your exercise (and not eating back exercise calories burned).
    It does sound like your loose skin may be impacting what is a realistic or healthy goal. I would suggest getting a body fat percentage test to see where you are at. Your best bet for accurate body fat percentage testing will typically be at a university with a sports medicine department. Just Google your city + body fat measurement (or something similar). Don't use measurements from a scale or skin caliper testing, both are notoriously inaccurate.
    If you don't know how many calories you are taking in, you need to get that information. Start weighing your food and logging it religiously. That will show you where you can cut back. If you do already know precisely how many calories you are taking in, then check your figures and see where you can cut things out.
    A standard maintenance level of calories is your current weight x 10. So for many people at your weight, 1500 calories per day would be maintenance level, and to lose a pound a week, you would want a 500 calorie per day deficit (so eating at 1000 calories per day). These are just estimates and may not be true for you, but they tend to work as a starting point to determine what you might need to eat to lose weight.
    My more general tips:
    --Exercise every day and do not eat back your exercise calories
    --HIIT workouts tend to have me losing weight quickly -- I do low impact HIIT from DVD's at home and it really helps me
    --Eating on a 5/2 plan for 10 days has helped me break stalls before.
    Good luck!
  3. Like
    TheNewME71 reacted to KristenLe in weight loss plateau   
    That's a great loss. It takes more time to lose as you get closer to goal. Try changing things up a bit - exercise more or a different exercise. Just keep sticking with your plan!
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    TheNewME71 reacted to Kindle in Greek yogurt:( yuck !   
    If you don't like it, then don't eat it. You're a grown adult, the nut works for you, and she should help you find other ways to get your Protein in. There are many vegans and lactose intolerant patients that get along just fine without yogurt. I happen to like Greek yogurt, but if someone was telling my I HAD to eat turnips or liver I would tell them to go pound sand.
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    TheNewME71 reacted to slvarltx in Protein protein protein   
    2 carbmaster yogurts with a packet of Unjury chocolate splendor...220 calories and 30+ grams of protein...tastes like ice cream to me if i put it in the freezer for 30 mins
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    TheNewME71 reacted to Mountaingal in getting tired of this stuff need new ideas puree stage   
    Maybe your little gadget would make thinsg more like puree if you added a little more liquid. Good luck with your last week.
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    TheNewME71 reacted to SleevePerry in It works wraps   
    It does not work. It makes you sweat, which gives you a less-puffy appearance, much in the way a sauna would.
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    TheNewME71 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in It works wraps   
    I'd rather spend my money on something beneficial like a massage or a pedicure, but that is just me.
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    TheNewME71 reacted to mystiq in It works wraps   
    they do not work! i have tried them. Also i recently started following people on instagram that have had VSG and all the sudden i am being followed by people the sell IT WORKS! tell me this isn't a scam. It seems like they steel peoples before and after pics from weight loss surgery so that they can use them for their photos claiming IT WORKS!
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    TheNewME71 reacted to TealSister in It works wraps   
    I signed up to be a distributor some time ago but haven't sold anything because I am not confident in the products. Since losing about 2/3 of the weight I need to lose, I have contemplated trying the wraps but haven't yet. I have started taking the Greens since I don't have room for veggies and fruits any more. My nut said that was fine. But like the others stated above, I would spend my $$ on something else. Just my two cents
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    TheNewME71 reacted to SleevePerry in It works wraps   
    @@mystiq I'm on Instagram as Sleeve_Perry and I block any friend requests from It Works salespeople. Some of my other IG friends who have had surgery do not and, when they post progress pics of their weight loss, there's always some It Works jackhole leaving a comment to the effect of "Hey! You have SO MUCH loose skin around your thighs and tummy. Buy my amazing product to take care of that. You really need it." It's actually incredibly insulting.

    @@TheNewME71 It doesn't work. I'd advise GIVING them away or THROWING them in the garbage.
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    TheNewME71 reacted to BLERDgirl in what are you eating?   
    I would add a half a scoop of unflavored Protein powder and maybe a tsp of finely shredded cheese. Otherwise it's all carbs.
    I use olive oil and coconut oil almost exclusively. I rarely use salt, but I use loads of other seasoning. However 11 lbs in 4 weeks is not bad. My advice is stay off the scale. This early out your body is still adjusting.
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    TheNewME71 reacted to Soon2BMiniMommy in I Did It The Baked Ricotta!   
    I LIVED on this in my pureed stage.....loved it!! It is soooo good! Now, later on, I add italian sausage or ground beef for even more protein/substance....it's from www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.com. WONDERFUL website for recipes!!
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    TheNewME71 reacted to LEMH in what are you eating?   
    Try pureed cauliflower. It's delicious.
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    TheNewME71 reacted to JamesGz in Best pureed foods   
    More food ideas : Scrambled eggs , deviled eggs , check the recipe forum area of this website there is a lot of meal ideas and pureed ideas that will give you more ideas : )
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    TheNewME71 reacted to JamesGz in Best pureed foods   
    use the lowest fat mayo you can find.. i just finished the pureed stage of my post op diet : )
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    TheNewME71 reacted to anna9/15 in Mentor needed   
    Im just on puree as of yesterday and im terrified to eat
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    TheNewME71 reacted to kranky813 in 3 Weeks post   
    1. Yes you will be able to drink like normal again. I am almost 6 weeks out and I just gulped 4 huge swallows of Water with no problem what so ever. Everyone is a little different but It will get easier and better every day.
    2. I bought some chewable calcium from Walgreens. They aren't the best but they aren't the worst either. Maybe ask the pharmacist what they recommend?
    3. My doctor said only walking until I reach at least 6 weeks out. Then I can start with weight lifting. Start slow and work your way up. If you start too heavy you can be really sore and not want to do it anymore. He was very strict on not doing anything besides walking for the first 6 weeks because of the injuries inside your body. The outside may look healed but the inside takes longer.
    4. Aaahhh, crying. I cried for 8 days straight after surgery. I regretted my decision and hated myself for what I did to my body. LOL What my doc told me is that we carry a lot of hormones in our fat and when we lose that weight we go through this HUGE hormone surge. It makes us a total wreck for a while. I sometimes still get a little teary eyed from time to time but I don't feel like I am going crazy anymore and I DON'T REGRET MY DECISION AT ALL!!!! It will get so much better. I was in a dark dark place for the first 2 weeks. It passes, I promise. You will feel better and get better. It got amazing yesterday when I could start eating real food again. In the grand scheme of things it's such a short time of misery but when you are in it if feels like it will never end. The turning point is between one month and 6 weeks out. You will get there, I promise!
    Let us know if you have any more questions, that is what this place is for.
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    TheNewME71 reacted to CowgirlJane in 3 Weeks post   
    I was a band to sleeve revision so they were very conservative. I was cleared for walking shortly post op, but didn't go to the gym until about 6 weeks. I think you should ask your surgeon on this one.
    On the hydration... sip sip sip... constantly. Eventually this will not be such a chore, but for now, stay hydrated.
    I know nobody wants to hear this, but excess skin happens. I don't know why some people have more, some people have less (for same weight loss) but truth of the matter is you should focus on losing weight now and not borrow trouble from tomorrow.
    I lost over 150# and I promise you being trim with some extra skin was much more attractive than being morbidly obese. Hands down. More importanly, I feel so much better not trying to carry that extra weight. If I woke up tomorrow weighing 300#++ I am not sure I could get out of bed. Seriously, I have no idea how I functioned at that weight. Skin is nothing compared to being free of the obesity gorilla.
    I was one of those people that had trouble with alot of supplements - they made me feel ill to my stomach. I tried lots of different things, I urge you to discuss alternatives with your surgeon/NUT because finding something you can literally stomach will increase the odds of you sticking with them!
    I am not sure why you are feeling regret, but you should know that rapid weight loss floods the system with hormones... and many people go through a hard time emotionally. That gets better too. I spent lots of time looking at the "before and after" pictures to get me through that time. It was inspiring and took my mind off my internal angst and misery.
    Hang in there - it probably took me until abotu 10-12 weeks post op to feel fully human, but it has been upward from there! Best decision ever! My sleeve was almost 4 years ago and I am still very happy with my results!
  20. Like
    TheNewME71 reacted to jane13 in 3 Weeks post   
    I had the buyers remorse when I was home first day and realized that there was no going back. my stomach was in a biohazard container somewhere and therefore gone. then I remembered why I chose the sleeve. a lifelong tool to help me get to a normal weight and hopefully never yo-yo diet again. I never looked back. it's been almost 5 months and I am rarely hungry and my weight is going in the right direction and I feel normal. I am still obese by my BMI but I feel pretty good. I am looking forward to the rest of my life as a normal weight person.
    no regrets!
  21. Like
    TheNewME71 reacted to LoreLu in 3 Weeks post   
    Whatever Vitamin you get, make certain you have calcium citrate, not carbonate. Under normal conditions, your body can only absorb half the Calcium in carbonate, but will absorb all the Citrate.
    Vitamin D - choose D3, not d2. Your body converts d2 to D3, but will readily use D3. You also need D3 to bind calcium in your blood, so make certain you take them together.
  22. Like
    TheNewME71 got a reaction from SleeveMe247 in 3 Weeks post   
    Hello I was wondering about drinking?
    1. Can you drink normal now or and I supposed to sip and wait. I am not getting enough Water in and I want to make sure I have enough fluids so I can try my best to not have a lot of loose skin.
    2. I need to get Calcium pills and I dont know where to get tasty ones. someone told me about some online but forgot where.
    3. I have not really exercised because I was waiting to see the doctor 1st I see him on the 1st. I want to know whats the best to start for arms I want to start asap to avoid loose skin.
    4. I have been feeling like I am regretting this but I know you cant change it so I should just enjoy it but I got really depressed for 6 days straight crying all day everyday it has went away a little bit but sometimes I feel like it again. when does this go away. I cant even enjoy that I have lost a total of 20 since I started the pre liquid diet 2 weeks before the surgery.
    I have some other questions but I cant think of them right now. but I know they will come to me.
    Thanks to all who respond to my worries I am so glad this is here.
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    TheNewME71 reacted to VanessaVSGforme in 3 Weeks post   
    Hello. I'm also a little over 3 weeks post op. I'll try and answer from what I'm experiencing.
    1. Water is a difficult thing. I still sip sip sip but I have noticed my sips have became bigger and more frequent and way easier. It gets easier every day. Sometimes I feel like I'm actually "almost" drinking like a normal person...just not gulp gulp gulping the whole bottle down of course
    2. I bought Celebrate Multivitamin with Iron and also the Calcium tablets. Right after surgery, I tried taking them and got VERY nauseated VERY quick. So per my nutritionist, Flinstones Vitamins for now and I just take 3 a day. Nothing else. Although, I do have a call into my nutritionist because I feel like maybe I should be taking other Vitamins too? But not sure which ones. Be careful taking Multivitamin WITH Iron and calcium together. From my understanding, you need to take calcium a couple hours in between the multivitamin w/ iron.
    3.) I saw my surgeon 2 weeks after surgery and he cleared me to exercise. All I am physically able to do right now is about 15 minutes on a stationary bike. I'm VERY proud of myself because I could hardly even walk before surgery. While on the bike, I just toss my 50 oz filled water bottle back and forth between my arms and try to keep them moving...sometimes even pretend there's a punching bag in front of me and just punch away who cares...no one's watching lol
    4. No regrets! Although it's completely normal (in my opinion) butt the worse part is over! I cried and cried for a good 10 days in a row. Sometimes I cried because my favorite TV show was over. LOL. I think it's hormonal changes!
    Welp, that's all I have for now! Keep on keeping on! Stay off the scale and if you come to a stall, keep following ur diet and EMBRACE it because it will be over before u know it!! xoxo ❤

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