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Status Updates posted by Cervidae

  1. I truly never, even in my wildest dreams, believed I could get to my goal weight. I truly never even had a glimmer of hope that I could one day have a healthy relationship with food, a healthy self-image, hope for my future. But here I am. How in the world did I get so incredibly, unbelievably lucky?

    1. _Kate_


      Wonderful news!! Well done you :-)

    2. blizair09



    3. axlr8n


      Congrats - that's awesome! I'm so happy for you!!!

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  2. I got some clothes from a friend yesterday, and didn't think they would fit yet. I just tried on her jeans and I was amazed to find that I fit into them, which means I am now SIX sizes smaller than I was at the beginning of the year! I can't even believe it!

    1. goodnuff


      Awesome work!!!

    2. dlappjr


      Nice! Congrats. I was a little shocked the other day to find that I needed a 2xl instead of a 3xl. After wearing 5xl in August.

    3. ProudGrammy


      mom was getting rid of many of her clothes just because... she said this will fit you - i said no way - sweater vest did fit - i was shocked!!! that must be the way you feel - how great are you - keep enjoying all those clothes NSV's =- they are the best!!-keep up the good work - kathy-congrats

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  3. Finally lighter than my boyfriend! SCORE! :P

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      You warned of this the other day. You're sounding more and more competitive. It's sexy. The blood is coursing through your veins.

    2. her1981


      YESS!! Isn't it awesome?

    3. living55


      I know what you mean! Congrats, mine can carry me now ... LOL

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  4. Man, everyone seems to be in a funk or something... is it a full moon?! Where did all this irritability and negativity come from? Lighten up, it's Spring! :)

    1. Christinamo7


      it sure was! and boy howdy, did it live up to it's reputation here in Tennessee. :-)

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      What? Pollyanna had WLS?

    3. her1981


      It's the damn weather. Chicago is having the coldest May since 1894. GRRR!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. 14 months post op today! Down 196 pounds since surgery and 259 overall. At 191 pounds, I'm almost into the 180s! :)

    1. blizair09


      Inspiring! Congratulations!!

    2. KristenLe


      You are an inspiration to so many of us!!! Congrats!

    3. ShelterDog64


      You really are inspiring! Congratulations on all the weight loss and thanks for hanging around and motivating so many of us :)


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  6. It appears that I'm going to stall for 2-3 weeks every month when I get my period. At least my stalls are consistent. :P

    1. Cervidae


      I hope so! Then again, the last two times this happened, it just picked up again eventually. I didn't lose a big chunk of weight or anything. But I've gotten to the point where I don't feel any sense of urgency to get where I need to be. I'm still significantly overweight but I'm just not worried about getting to my goal. I've been too lucky and blessed already to sweat future success. :)

    2. Djmohr


      I stall out about every 5 to 10lbs. No matter what I do only time breaks the stall. The only thing you can do is embrace it and don't put timelines on your goals. That way if you have a stall, it don't ruin your motivation.

    3. jane13


      great attitude @ Cervidae

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  7. I am really going to make myself sick sooner or later if I can't find a way to get my calories and water in while I'm stressed and extremely busy. :/

    1. Valentina


      Try getting overly organized so that you're not sooooo stressed and routine takes over "extremely busy". Easier said than done, but it works.

    2. Cervidae


      My main problem is that I'm at school for 40 hours a week (and that's only a 4 day span...) so friday-sunday, I'm trying to recover and I'm so repulsed by eating right now because of the heat/stress/etc that playing catch-up is really hard. I've been carrying food with me, and a 40 oz. water bottle with ice water in it, but I honestly feel physically sick at the thought of eating food when I'm in this kind of situation.

    3. LipstickLady


      I found that a 50/50 mix of water and Gatorade was a lifesaver. It helped me choke down the fluids and the sugar and electrolytes gave me a bit of energy. OK it your NUT, but it was all I could stomach for awhile along with my daily protein drink.

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  8. Well, today has been a difficult day. However, I am going to focus on the positive. Today marks 13 weeks since surgery (tomorrow is three months exactly) and as of right now I am 60 pounds down since surgery! Knowing how far I've come makes me brave enough to know I can deal with the long road ahead.

    1. goodnuff


      You are strong and brave, take one step at a time.


    2. Happyfrog4u


      Just remember that yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised so you need to live today and keep looking at the progress you have made and how much better your health is getting. Taking care of YOU is so important. Have a blessed day.


    3. her1981


      Keep up the good work!

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  9. Goodbye 230s, hello 220s! :)

    1. Valentina


      !Great job! Feels wonderful, doesn't it.--and it will only get better. :)

    2. ProudGrammy


      good for you - down another 10 lbs!!! i'm sure this has been a very exciting period.-

      keep up the good job - raising my glass to the next 10 lbs and more!! kathy

    3. BiggiSmalls


      My 1st goal weight is to get down to what I was when I got married. I was still overweight, but I'm looking forward to it. Congratulations!

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  10. Well, I buckled down and got the Mirena... these cramps are absolutely horrid, but supposedly won't last more than a couple days. In the mean time, I have to sit back and cross my fingers that the weight gain and skin issues many people report don't happen to me... :( Sometimes I really, really hate having PCOS.

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      I have a copper one. I love it. The first 6 months was a little uncomfortable but now I don't even know it is there


    2. CHM


      I got my first Mirena 5 months ago, and the cramps didn't last terribly long for me. While the first few days truly sucked, they progressively improved over about 2 weeks (please note that I am an absolute gynecological baby). Haven't noticed it since. It has, however, seemingly caused regular cycles to resume, which I'm hating. I miss my 1-2 super-light cycles per year...

    3. Mountaingal


      Gets so much better over time. Hang in there.

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  11. My anxiety is completely out of control. I feel like I'm going nuts. I'm so stressed that I've had two panic attacks today, and when I try to eat or drink something I get intense nausea, and I know it's not physical. I guess this is just one of those days when I can't deal with life.

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      Can you get some Xanax? Weed? There is no reason to suffer.

    2. Cervidae


      @WLSResources/ClothingExch I tried a lot of things, but the only thing that really helped me was, as @OutsideMatchInside suggested, some good weed and a ctr+alt+delete sleep. It was another bad day today, but a little less than yesterday. Anxiety disorders really, really suck.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      By all means I defer to @@OutsideMatchInside. I liked her suggestion when I read it earlier.

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  12. Yesterday, I stepped on the scale and was chagrined to find that I was still 1 pound away from a big milestone, as I had been for the past almost 2 weeks. Today I woke up and I lost two pounds overnight, which officially puts me 101 pounds less than my heaviest weight ever. It's a surreal feeling, mainly because I still have such a looong way to go, and I can hardly remember what it felt like to be a hundred pounds heavier than this. This time last year, I felt hopeless, worthless, and like I would never feel good about myself again. I was prepared, at age 22, to die young and humiliated because I felt like I had no control over my body whatsoever. I was seeing a nutritionist and a PCOS specialist and they were at a loss for how to help me. Now, 1 year later, 101 pounds are simply... gone. What an amazing life this is!

    1. jane13


      rock the -101 lbs! keep kicking them to the curb!

    2. rejeannern


      encouraging words!


    3. Lexigurl82


      keep up the good work

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  13. Yesterday I ate the amount of calories that my nutritionist keeps telling me I should be eating... and I gained a pound overnight. :/ Is it possible I just have lower calorie needs than what they think I should be eating?

    1. Mountaingal


      I often think that type of overnight gain (I have them too) is due to extra water weight if the foods involve more salt and then the extra residue in the digestive system from more food. It disappears in a day or two. Long term yes I believe many of us need less calories than others. My girlfriend and I weight about the same have about the same activity level, do most of our exercise together but she eats about twice what I do. Seems unfair as I see her eat every day but that's life. So has your pound disappeared yet?

    2. Cervidae


      @Mountaingal nope, still working off .8 pounds of whatever it was, perhaps water. It's not really a big deal for me, it just makes me think that I probably just have lower calorie needs than I'm being told to eat. I've followed every rule down to the letter but in this case, i think I'm going to need to tailor my diet to my body, and that includes some fats and generally less calories than is expected.


      @OutsideMatchInside my nut is telling me to eat between 1000-1200 cals a day, which sounds perfectly reasonable. For one, it's pretty hard for me to get in that much food unless I eat something like peanut butter to get them up there. And then of course this has happened multiple times, I either stop losing abruptly or gain when I go over 700-800 calories. I get the comment about "neo-anorexia" - I've had an eating disorder all my life and it's now a huge struggle for me to know if it's the disorder lying to me or the scale, or myself. Part of the process, I suppose.

    3. her1981


      I don't bother with my nutritionist anymore... she's affiliated with my bariatric program, but her advice always conflicts with the surgeon's advice and I never lose when I follow her plan. So annoying! I have to constantly tweak my macros until I get to a point of losing - which means VERY low carb (like less than 25 per day). I've also noticed that (and I think I've mentioned this before) I only lose like 10 days out of the month. So I stall for about 3 weeks, then I lose a pound a day for the 10 days before my cycle.


      All this to say... I'm not an expert, but I've learned my body and its patterns... what works, and what doesn't. I've been quite diligent about tracking everything so that it's easy to recognize where I am at any given time. I wouldn't worry much about a 1 lb "gain", but keep an eye out for more gains (obviously) and then you'll know if it's really too much.

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  14. Hello BP pals! I'm finally home from my three week vacation in San Diego. I somehow managed to lose 9 pounds while I was there, despite really relaxing and eating a lot of naughty foods (nothing too naughty!). How is everyone doing? :)

    1. jane13


      that's cool, go on vacation and leave 9lbs in San Diego! I feel bad for SD ;]

    2. crazygoose


      Welcome back!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Doing much better now that you're back, but it feels as though you started vacation a couple of months ago. I'm thrilled for your nine pound loss.

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  15. Now that the holidays are over, I may actually have a chance to eat, sleep, and shower. Maybe I'll even have a few moments to surf the internet and see how you BPers are doing. :) In the meantime, I made a side by side by side comparison of 2.5 years ago vs. last year this time vs. tonight, for anyone who would like to see what 450 pounds--->300 pounds--->180 pounds looks like. :) Here it is! http://imgur.com/a/dKzJG I am now 16.5 months post RNY. Who knows what 2017 will bring?!

    1. ProudGrammy


      amazing, wonderful, not enough synonyms to describe your success - congrats - please start a new thread and talk about your travels - kathy

    2. Montana Gal

      Montana Gal

      Amazing job, congratulations!

    3. highfunctioningfatman


      Awesome! One thing I really found interesting is that the spread of the wings on your tattoo is obviously narrowed. Congrats on your journey!

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  16. Today is 6 months post-RNY! I'm 110 pounds down from surgery and 165 pounds down since my highest!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch
    2. gpmed
    3. NYLux12


      That is amazing! Get yourself a non-food present, girlie!

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  17. Today, I am 10 months post-RNY. I'm down 162 pounds since surgery and 217 overall. In 4 pounds, I will have lost HALF MY WEIGHT! :D

    1. kmorri


      That's amazing! Way to go!

    2. ssflbelle


      Wow!! Congratulations on having lost 79% of your excess body weight. That is a fantastic accomplishment and I am sure you are feeling terrific. At the rate you are losing you will be at goal real soon. Keep going strong!!!

    3. OzRoo


      Awesome! Well Done and Mega Congrats :)

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  18. http://imgur.com/fWK2zPV New ink to celebrate being almost a year post op and losing almost 220 pounds! I drew it myself, and I couldn't be happier! :'D
    1. Montana Gal

      Montana Gal

      What's the meaning behind the turtles? If it isn't too personal.....

    2. Sparkles!!


      That is fantastic work!

    3. KristenLe


      Wow - you're very talented!

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  19. I'm pretty sure it's only water weight, but I've been stalled for almost two weeks and this morning I saw that I have gained almost two pounds. This upsets me more than I want it to, and is making me wonder if I am perhaps becoming slightly obsessed with losing weight. I've also noticed that eating more than 600 calories makes me feel like I'm overeating, even though I'm supposed to be trying to get in 900-1000 calories a day. Enjoying food (which has only recently started happening again) makes me feel super guilty. Am I developing an eating disorder?!

    1. Cervidae


      You're absolutely right, of course. I think I'm going to need to talk to a therapist about this. I think it feels so devastating to me because I've come so far and worked so hard to get here and feel so proud, but I also know that I have such a loooong way to go. I've lost over 120 pounds but I'm still over 300. I have this nagging, ridiculous fear that the stall means that my body is done losing weight and I'm just going to be stuck here forever. It's utter nonsense, of course. I'm only 3.5 months out. I think I just spent so many years feeling completely out of control and trying so, so hard to lose weight with minuscule or no results so now during this stall I am confronting that same feeling of "I'm going to fail no matter what I do". And it terrifies me, however illogical.

    2. jane13


      YOU are NOT going to fail, stall yes. Fail no.

      Keep coming here, asking for reassurance.

      Do as @Djmohr suggested. DO NOT GIVE UP!

      YOU got this!

    3. her1981


      I'm with you! I've lost 106 and still have over 100 to lose. It's so daunting and overwhelming that when we don't lose every week we think it's over. But one thing I have learned is just to ride the waves. As long as I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, the weight will come off. Maybe just not as fast as others. Also, food should be enjoyed. We just overeat. Eat till you're satisfied and move on. I have some of the same struggles trying to stay at like 800 calories and stuff, but at 6 months out, 900-100 calories is probably ok.

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  20. 16 weeks post op today. Down 69 pounds since surgery, 84 pounds since the beginning of the program, and 124 pounds since my heaviest last summer. I also believe my stall may be ending. It's a good day. :)

    1. Vickie23
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Sounds like a VERRRY good day, Champ.

    3. Klolojadie


      That is so awesome! WOW! :)

  21. These iron supplements make my pee smell very strange. That's all for today. :P

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch
    2. Cervidae


      I have no idea how to describe it. It's just strong and odd. lol

    3. MrsSugarbabe


      Are you drinking plenty of water/fluids?

  22. 11 weeks post op today, and exactly 50 pounds down. 105 pounds lost since my highest weight ever this time last year. Surreal!

    1. Daisee68


      Amazing! Congrats! Great work!

    2. Djmohr


      Woot woot! Congratulations!

    3. Elode


      Wonderful! Congrats!

  23. Week one of the Mirena is over. Suddenly my month long stall is broken. Hmmm. My skin is being sort of bitchy but it's manageable. Still hoping I may have actually found the best option for me and not another problem! :)

    1. ProudGrammy


      interesting coincidence?? stall is over!!! finally!!!! keep up your amazing weight loss - keep seeing less and less of you sob sob - you've LOST 251 lbs!! - you are the leader of the pack!!! congrats - kathy

    2. KristenLe


      I think the skin issues will resolve. Glad you broke your stall -- I can't imagine how good you feel!!!

    3. Kari1985


      I love my Mirena! Well, the second time around. I got it right after giving birth to my son and HATED it and had it removed 5 months later... but had another put in 6 years later and couldn't be happier. PCOS symptoms drastically went down.. and because I'm not constantly forgetting to take a pill my husband gets lucky more often ;-)

  24. Trying so, so hard to embrace the stall... the month-long stall... *eye twitches*

    1. NYLux12


      mine lasted a damn month too, then I finally started losing again, just when I was seriously starting to wonder WTF was going on! Have faith, your scale will move soon. I'm actually going to put my scale away in the closet so I'm not tempted to get on it so often.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Do as a proper, young, Victorian lady: Lie back and think of England.

    3. her1981


      It is a nightmare...stall, lose, gain, lose. UGH!!!

  25. 8 weeks and 40 pounds gone since surgery!

    1. LoggedOutForGood


      Amazing job!! Keep up the good work :)

    2. jane13


      aren't you excited?

    3. dlappjr


      Congratulations! It feels so amazing to be walking around lighter on your feet. Don't know about you but I feel so much more vibrant. Like if the feeling was a color, it would be more towards yellow or orange, than the old grey color I used to feel!

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