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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Knitchic reacted to beachgal2935 in I feel like I'm doing this whole thing wrong ...   
    I agree with what everyone has said. Here's a great Protein Water I recently found and tried. It's called Protein2-0, like H2-0. It has "HydroLean which is a proprietary Protein blend that has been clinically formulated to help rebuild lean muscle and strength. The protein molecules have been simplified to improve digestion and minimize waste. This process allows for faster absorption by the body when compared to other proteins" according to their website. I love it because it tastes great. Helps me get my Water in and keeps me hydrated. When I need a lil extra flavor, I add a few drops of flavored liquid Stevia. Hope things improve for you soon. Please keep us posted!

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    Knitchic got a reaction from beachgal2935 in Pumpkin Pie Anyone?   
    I can't wait to try this!
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    Knitchic reacted to beachgal2935 in Pumpkin Pie Anyone?   
    It's that wonderful time of year when there are pumpkins everywhere. I'd like to share my Protein packed crustless pumpkin pie recipe for those who'd like to try it. It's simple and delicious, especially for only 77 calories and 9g of protein!!!
    Crustless Protein Pumpkin Pie

    1 - 15 oz can pumpkin (not pie filling)
    ½ cup egg whites
    1½ cups Premier Protein vanilla shake
    ¾ cup Splenda
    ½ tsp salt
    2 Tbs pumpkin pie spice

    Preheat oven 400°. Beat all ingredients together until smooth and creamy. Pour in pie pan sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Bake at 400° for 15 minutes, then turn down to 375° and bake for 45 minutes or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean. You can also pour into 16 (sprayed with non-stick cooking spray) cupcake tins. I like using silicone inserts.

    It is best served cold and can even be frozen. Serving size is 3 minis or 1/6 slice of pie. Sometimes I'll top a slice with Greek yogurt (pic) but Nutrition info is for pie only.
    Nutrition Facts
    Servings: 6
    Calories 77
    Fat 1g
    Carbs 10g
    Sugars 6g
    Fiber 4g
    Protein 9g

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    Knitchic reacted to LoseItKacy in Is it possible to lose too much?   
    So update: I'm one week post op today and I weigh 224.5. So 10.5 pound loss in a week. I need to start moving more. I just cramp up really bad after a bit. I'm happy about how fast I'm losing because I really wasn't expecting this since i started at a smaller bmi. I start purée foods tomorrow and switch to only eating three times a day with Protein Shakes in between. It's going to be interesting to see how this effects my rate of weight loss.
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    Knitchic reacted to LoggedOutForGood in Pro Yo   
    The only thing that stops me from picking these up at my local store is the sugar is 13g, which is higher than what I was recommended.
    Unfortunately I don't see a place where they can be ordered online, but I do see that you can submit a request to your local store or Amazon.com and ask that they stock these items. Worth a shot maybe!? :/
    If it makes you feel any better, you're not alone..I'm having a hard time getting my Protein in myself. I can't stomach most Protein drinks because they make me nauseous. Good luck and hang in there!
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    Knitchic reacted to jess9395 in Tools/Items for Portion Control   
    I got 1/2 C Pyrex with plastic lids. They have grooves all the way up the sides like stripes and I know which line is 1/4 C and which is 1/2 C I think they are technically maybe 6 oz not half a cup bc 1/2 c still has some "headroom."
    I still use them now at 20 months out!
    Early out disposable plastic baby spoons were awesome too! And I now have the whole family eating off salad plates instead of dinner ones. The dinner ones look HUGE to me now!
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    Knitchic reacted to vcarrillo88 in Gastric bypass   
    Starting Weight 249
    6 months post op 151
    Goal 135 ????

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    Knitchic reacted to Daisee68 in Advice about "fullness"   
    ​Ok, so I see lots of people say they can eat only 4 or 5 bites and be full. That seems crazy to me as I don't know how you could get your Protein in 4 or 5 bites - well at least the way I am eating. I use a timer to eat so here is my confusion though:
    I do feel some sort of "fullness" at a few bites in maybe 5 to 7 minutes in to eating) but if I wait about 2 minutes, then I feel like it goes down and I find I can eat again. I am not eating over 30 minutes and am still staying in the 1/2 cup portion range, so is it ok that I keep eating after those first few bites? I don't think I am really full after only 5 minutes. I think my stomach is just adjusting to the introduction of food. (This doesn't happen at every meal but does happen at least 1 meal a day.)
    Due to a stricture, I wasn't eating very much but now I can eat so much more, so I guess I am just a little worried that I am going to eat too much. I am still losing and I am still staying in the calorie range my NUT recommended (600-700 calories). I want to be sure that I am learning to stop at fullness during this honeymoon period so I am learning good habits for future and not just eating past full because the portion size and calories are reasonable. I ate WAY past full a couple of nights ago and I was miserable, so I am trying to slow down and listen to my stomach better.
    By the way, I am 4 months post-op tomorrow. Because of the stricture, I really am running a little more like 4 to 6 weeks behind the normal schedule.
    Appreciate any insight!
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    Knitchic reacted to Daisee68 in First Week....recovery....emotional.... I need some support please...   
    Oh you poor thing! I promise it does get better!! It's perfectly normal to be emotional about it at this point. I remember end of week 2 crying at EVERYTHING and nothing. Just hang in there. Promise you will look back on this post someday and understand!​ Get some rest. Take your pain med on schedule for a couple of days. And if it is too bad, don't be afraid to go to the ER (as you have already done). It is major surgery so it could be something more than the "normal" pain. Next week will be better
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    Knitchic reacted to Veronica_mm in First Week....recovery....emotional.... I need some support please...   
    It gets better sweetie. I was in excruciating pain for 2 weeks. Once the 3rd week hit, pain was GONE. hang in there
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    Knitchic reacted to Ashlegal in First Week....recovery....emotional.... I need some support please...   
    It does get better. I didn't think it would and it did!
    I am almost a month post-op and I still have some emotional roller coaster rides but all in all it is much better than it was two days ago, a week ago, two weeks ago, three weeks ago and tomorrow it will be better than it was today.
    Take deep breaths, stay hydrated and remember this, "this too shall pass and when it does I will be unstoppable!"
    I have discovered listening to a few uplifting songs (and humming/singing along) boost my spirits and help me reflect why I had surgery in the first place.
    Here are some suggestions (don't laugh just listen):
  12. Like
    Knitchic reacted to jess9395 in I learned something yesterday regarding Breast Augmentation   
    I have under the muscle implants as well... Though technically my surgeon said they are "biplane" I think that's what he called them. I asked him (as I did all my consults) whether he did under or over and he said about 3/4 is under and the last 1/4 is over which gives a more realistic shape.
    Anyhow yeah no back problems at all and I run a lot so I challenge them daily!
    I wish I had D cups though... They can't guarantee size with implants and typically chose what's most proportional by placing sizers while you are out and seeing what looks proportional... I do agree they look proportional and I would never have believed it looking at them, but because of my small band size (32) they are actually a DDD! They don't seem that big and really fit my body well, and I still wear a S/M top, but bras are not easy to find and pricey!
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    Knitchic reacted to toasty in Taking time off work   
    I took off 4 weeks myself, which is what my doctor advised. I thought it might be too long, but I was wrong. Although I was out of pain by day 5 after surgery, learning to eat and drink was very time consuming. And the fatigue! I have never had to take naps before, but I find that by 2pm I become so fatigued that I have to take a nap. And all I am really doing is light housework and sitting around (I walk in the morning and evenings).
    I have started week 3, and I now see why my doctor recommended 4 weeks. 3 weeks might have been ok, but anything less than 3 weeks would have been bad. And some people have pain or other problems 3 and 4 weeks after surgery.
    Remember that this is major surgery, not some minor outpatient procedure, so you need to account for the time and energy your body needs to recover. Also remember your calorie intake is very low, especially early on when your pouch is swollen and you can eat so little. This affects your energy levels too.
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    Knitchic reacted to Cervidae in Big Secret   
    I have not told many people either. Now, 6 weeks post op and about 30 pounds down, if anyone in my life notices I tell them I've been exercising and being very careful with food. Which I was doing anyway before surgery, only now I'm actually losing weight. XD You have no responsibility to tell anyone you don't want to tell. It's no one's business besides yours and your significant other, and even then, it's WAY more about you. You do what you feel is the right thing and everyone else can either support you or learn to deal with the fact that it's not their body and not their choice. :-)
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    Knitchic reacted to cendella170 in Big Secret   
    I'm like you, I kept my circle very small of people I've told. I don't want to hear the same things; you're not that big, just eat less, yadda yadda yadda. Remember that you're doing this for you. It's not a lie, this is your life and you have the right to keep some things private. I plan on telling people if everything goes well and I am approved.
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    Knitchic reacted to Djmohr in Big Secret   
    I am totally with you! It is none of their business anyway and you don't need that added pressure.
    I told my husband and children.
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    Knitchic reacted to ambrosia916 in Big Secret   
    So I haven't told anyone except my husband and a co-worker that I am going to have surgery. It's so hard not to be able to tell my friends and family but I know what they will say..... "You don't need that, just eat less" "you just need to exercise more". "Just be happy the way you are" "You're not THAT big". I don't want to hear any of it. They will try to talk me out of it. I feel like I'm living a big lie. I will have to tell them at some point but I think I will do it right before the surgery. Anyone else have similar situations?
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    Knitchic reacted to ange117 in UTI after gastric bypass   
    I second the pyridium, if you can take it. The cranberry pills work 'in theory' because they contain an ingredient that keeps bacteria from sticking to the bladder and urethra lining. However, as you mentioned, several studies have found that cranberry juice and cranberry pills don't contain nearly enough of this ingredient to be effective. There's a lot of anecdotal evidence for cranberry, but the science just isn't behind it.
    Pyridium (generically known as phenazopyridine hydrochloride--the active ingredient in Azo that you can find in any US drugstore) is actually an anesthetic that coats your bladder to relieve pain. It also turns your pee neon orange, a normal and expected side effect. It is a very small pill with no capsule, so if you're allowed to take pills at this point, I don't imagine swallowing it would be a problem. Is there an on-call nurse that you can reach through your program to see if you would be allowed to take this over the weekend until you can be seen? The box will tell you not to take it any longer than two days--this is because a UTI needs to be treated with antibiotics and you don't want to go that long with an untreated infection.
    Alternatively, they might just recommend that you head up to an urgent care for a urianalysis and antibiotics. If you can't take oral antibiotics, they might give you an injection and call it a day. I'd give them a call, if not tonight, then first thing in the morning. UTIs are no fun.
  19. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Buh Bye in UTI after gastric bypass   
    I developed one as well about 2-3 weeks ago and I'm about 7 weeks post op now.
    Went to my primary care doc and she gave some Cipro (antibiotic). I'm not thrilled about taking those but it's rare for me so I did and cleared right up. I've only had a uti once before and they are not fun. I hope you are feeling better!
  20. Like
    Knitchic reacted to ttdish in Stalling.....looking for some fun healthy recipes   
    Have you looked on Pinterest? I have a ton of low carb, high Protein recipes pinned. Not all of them will be soft foods stage acceptable, but many are. I even have a whole board devoted to Soup. I LOVE Soup. If you want to peek at my boards, my username is Ttdish.
    ~*~ Find me on YouTube: Trisha's Sleeve Story ~*~
  21. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Proud2BMe in Halloween Treat Recipes   
    Okay, so this will be the first year that I won't be able to eat any real sweets on Halloween. Normally the holiday is a major excuse for my prior binge eating. No joke but I literally could consume an entire bag of the individually wrapped Reese's Peanut Butter cups as well as a dozen Halloween cupcakes over the course of a day. My sleeve put an end to that!
    So, Halloween is fast approaching and I thought I would share some good treats we might be able to enjoy. Feel free to post your own!
    1. Atkins candy - You can purchase this at Walmart and other location. I've only tried the peanut butter cups and the fake M&Ms. The fake M&Ms are good, the peanut butter cups, not so much.
    2. sugar free candy
    3. Sugar free cakes, cupcakes and Cookies - Show caution as they still have carbs
    4. sugar-free Jello - molded to form spooky shapes
    5. Nuts of all varieities
    6. Miniature Caramel Apples - See video below. Just make sure to use nuts as a topping and not cookies or candy. Make sure to show self-control. If you eat too many you might as well be eating a regular sized caramel apple.
    Protein. Portion size is one ball around the size of a golf ball.
    8. Miniature Marshmallow Treats - Ditto on not eating too many. Portion size should be around the size of a saltine cracker.
    Remember, these are just to allow us to participate in the holiday and give us a taste of the goodies. What would you recommend?
  22. Like
    Knitchic reacted to Cervidae in UTI after gastric bypass   
    Hello people!
    This isn't a topic I'm super comfortable discussing so publicly, but it's too late to call my doctor at the moment and I'm going insane with this UTI that flared up rather suddenly and I'm just looking for some of your experiences. It's pretty rare that I get UTIs but I've read they are pretty common in the months after surgery for various reasons.
    For any of you out there that have had UTIs after bariatric surgery, what medications/remedies did you use that worked? Were there medications your surgeon forbade you to take based on absorption issues? Were there any methods you used besides medication that helped relieve some of the pain?
    It turns out (based on recent studies) cranberry juice is actually not effective in ending a UTI, though it can prevent them. I don't think my stomach can deal with cranberry juice yet anyway, even watered down.
    Here's hoping some of you can help me even a little bit. This is really, really no fun and extremely uncomfortable.
    Thank you
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    Knitchic got a reaction from Anxious2beme in Pain and bulge under incision site   
    I met with the surgeon this morning. There was infection under that incision. Let's just say it was not a fun process but he removed the stitches and drained a LOT of Fluid packed the wound and I return each day this week to be re-packed. He also prescribed some augmentin twice a day.
    The surgeon was so sorry it happen. He said I was only his 3rd patient with infection in 15 years... Go figure.
    After discussing it with my family to make sure my memory was correct I never reviewed an IV antibiotic prior to surgery. Live and learn. I'm not upset. Just happy to be on the road to recovery.
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    Knitchic reacted to Radar in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    Thanks. I was told if I drink caffeine I have to drink more Water, and I didn't anticipate swallowing Water would ever be this difficult. I'm used to downing a liter of water in a minute or so without really even trying. Now I take the smallest sip possible and immediately start feeling pain.
    I never thought I would be looking forward to flatulence because farts make me feel better and I really never thought my wife would want me to pass gas.
  25. Like
    Knitchic got a reaction from beachgal2935 in New and Alone.   
    Oh my I feel so bad for you reading your post. I had surgery on the 22nd and have a surgery site infection and thought I was struggling until reading this. I think the surgery is so emotional to start with and then to end up with complications is so disheartening. I know I have cried the past two days and can't even explain why I am crying. Are you feeling any relief yet? I know I am frustrated because I can even focus on following the Protein and liquid requirements because I feel so bad and depressed. I try to tell myself that this shall pass.
    Please know you have a family here! Feel free to message me if you want to vent or need a friend. Best wishes. Keep us posted.

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