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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to Kfohiotime4change in 2 week liquid pre-op diet   
    Two week preop is difficult...everyone says it gets better and it does. After about four days, that icky taste in your mouth that the old you knew how to get rid of with food goes away and the hunger lessons. Now it's a good couple hours in the morning before I'm thinking of "breakfast" and a small cup of warm boullion at nite before bed really helps as well. Today is day 13 for me; tomorrow starts Clear Liquids only before sleeve surgery on Monday morning. It has been the biggest challenge of my life but I am convinced it is the only way to get my life back and free myself of everything being about food rather than contentment! TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME you...we....can do this! ????
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to TXMissy in 2 week liquid pre-op diet   
    I can honestly say that the preop diet was the worst of this journey. I really struggled with it. At one point I remember thinking, I can't go through with it, the surgery won't be worth it. I can say that the last few days of it I wasn't hungry any more. I do believe it gave me extra stamina those first few days post op. I lost 20 lbs pre op. So struggling is not a bad thing and it becomes mental challenge at times. If you can get through it you can get through surgery.
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to freelee in 2 week liquid pre-op diet   
    I know most of us go through some Protein liquid diet and the length varies. Mine is 2 weeks. I am 4 days into it and haven't strayed. Luckily, I'm okay with the Bariatric Advantage Protein. I'm allowed some chicken broth which has helped the last 2 nights. I still have 10 days to go. I'm sure I can do it, but the weakness and headaches and hunger pains don't make it any easier. Will the hunger start to fade? I wonder if this is harder than those first few weeks post-surgery pain? I'd like to think so, but suspect not.
    Just hoping for a little encouragement and/or tips for this stage. I've got 10 more days before surgery. Looking back, how was your experience with this challenge?
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to shellyd88 in Less than a week what if stage   
    Hi I have to say the surgical pain wasn't bad no bs I was sleeved had a few very small incisions wasn't much pain now the gas pain that was uncomfortable for sure and the nausea however it passes ask for meds if u need them they do not want u nauseas or throwing up trust me walk walk walk drink when u can as much as u can I had three bad days but not intolerable by any means try not to overthink it u will stress yourself out good luck
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to slvarltx in Less than a week what if stage   
    This is one of those short term pain, long term gain situations. The first week post-op is not a lot of fun, but after a week my recovery was very rapid. I am now 4 weeks out and my only lingering symptom that annoys me from my surgery is that I need more sleep. I am told this passes too as you your body needs 3-6 months to fully recover.
    What I have now is significant weight loss (I started trying to live the Protein diet at Christmas of 14, but really kicked it in 3 weeks before surgery). I no longer take blood pressure medication. My waist is down from a 48 to a 40. I am averaging 6 pounds a week, and it is fat. I can wear clothes that have been in the back of my closet for 15 years. My back no longer hurts. My knees no longer hurt. I walk at least 4 miles per day. The seatbelt on the airplane is loose! I could go on and on.
    So for me, one week of discomfort was well with the rewards! I was worried about it too, and couldn't think about anything else. So far I have no regrets.
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to a~new~me~in15 in Omg! My surgery is in a few days June 10th !   
    I too am having mine on the 10th and am on a roller coaster of emotions. But, for different reasons. Biggest being.... Im doing it in Mexico! I hate flying and I have 2 flights there and 2 home! I have been on a liquid diet for 10 days now and though i have not cheated, its one of the hardest things i done! One minute I am so ready for this, the next Im scared to death. Not really of the surgery but of failing at it. What if I dont lose enough or it all comes back?? I am a self pay and feel bad for spending this money and taking it away from my family's finances. Especially if I gain it back!
    I think you will be fine. Today is a new day. Try to stay on plan and do the best you can. Our day is coming! Its so close! We got this!
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to Idonails74 in 3 days post op and feel GREAT!   
    Had my surgery on 6/2 ... The day after things were going down a little rough ..... But after that I am doing totally fine . No pain meds anymore and I have moving about just fine . Have some soreness on my right side but other than that so happy that I feel so good ! I hope everyone has had just as good of luck
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to Essence46 in Almost one year out... Pics enclosed   
    June 18 will be a year that I had my surgery. I have lost around 60 pounds and have 25 more to go to reach my goal. I will be honest and admit that I have been very frustrated many times with my slow weight loss. I figured I would have been at goal by now especially with me working out like a mad woman. But I have realized something…so what it takes me a little longer to get to my goal than it does others. What's the hurry? This is a lifetime thing. I am happy and I feel great, like a completely new person so I will keep trucking along and doing what I'm doing. I will get there.
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to AussieSam in Being a Big Guy and Dating   
    I could date women but my wife wouldn't like it much but on a serious note go for it mate be yourself don't be shy of who you are or how you were. All the best.
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to BackSpin81 in Being a Big Guy and Dating   
    So here's my 2 cents, if you're ready to date go for it!! I met someone online the week prior to surgery, then went out on a first "date" during my second week post-op. It was not a traditional first date (dinner, drinks, etc.) of course and he knew that I had had surgery on my stomach and wouldn't be able to go out to eat or drink but wanted to hang out anyway. So we did! I carried my Water bottle and we went for a walk.
    I definitely say, go be social!! Go out, go meet people, or get online!!
    Good Luck!
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to jennafah in Being a Big Guy and Dating   
    I don't think my advice will mean much of anything because I have some of the same issues as you. I'm only 3 weeks post op but and I am single as well but I don't really feel the need to date. I would love to be in as relationship but I kinda feel like if I get into a "situationship" right now it'll be for all the wrong reasons (comfort, companionship, affection, intimacy) and right now I want to get to know and love me so that I can meet the right person and not Mr. RIGHT now.
    Plus love makes you gain weight and I need to lose! Lol!
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to mchap25 in My surgery is TOMORROW!   
    Just read my post. Must have been after my pain med because it should have said Zofran and not Frank was my new best friend! Lol
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to MichiganChic in Weight loss can be mentally draining so I...   
    I totally understand about needing a mental break from the effort it takes to stay on track. I also try not make my life about food, but I find it exhausting to stick to my "new" way of living. Old habits die hard, and I'm used to eating what I want, when I want, and in any quantity I want. I can't imagine ever not fighting that battle. Having to fight my natural tendency wears me out some days, and other times, not so much. That's why they say it's hard work.
    Once in a while, I take a little break - for a day or two. But I still track everything I put in my mouth and stay on the scale. The break I'm giving myself is to allow a little grazing, and eat whatever I want, and just know that it's temporary. Then I don't like the way I feel physically, and am happy to go back to the restricted, careful eating plan that is now my life. I guess this my new way - always track, mostly make good choices, and allow myself some flexibility when I need it.
    So I understand what you mean and what you are suggesting, but it is a slippery slope. I worry about two weeks - I'd be off the rails if I did that. What about a meal or day or special event?
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to cantseemytoes in 3 days post op   
    Except for the gas I'm feeling really good, but taking an hour to consume 4 oz is driving me crazy.
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to shani22404 in June Sleevers!   
    I have 3 days left of the prep diet. My surgeon requires 10 days of 3-4 Protein shakes, unlimited Clear liquids and 2 cups of approved veggies per day. I struggled the most the 2nd through the 5th day due to headaches. I've stuck to it and at this point I know I am so close I won't cheat. I've lost 8 pounds so far which is great motivation for me!
    I have never been more ready for this surgery than I am now. My surgery is scheduled for Wednesday June 3rd...so excited to get to the next phase of my journey:-)
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to laguerr13 in June Sleevers!   
    Everyone on here has somewhat of a different regimen I guess depending on surgeon, mine is 14 days pre-op, I started last week, 2 Protein Shakes and one small meal, I chose Breakfast, lunch Protein because of my work schedule, and small dinner which has been great since my wife is an awesome cook, I choose not to snack on things and prefer shaved ice with MIO over the top, i am on a tight budget so I had to do my work and shop around , I saved over $150.00 on my protein and Vitamins, make sure you give yourself variety and allow for as much Water as possible, I got different flavors for my water and I'm not even missing soda pops, the only drawback I had was several moments of lethargy and slight dizzy feeling having to fast for my pre op labs, biggest thing is don't jump into what your surgeon's dietician sells you especially if you notice that they sell most of these things there, there are several websites that offer the same thing for a fraction of the cost, the pretty wrapping is for advertising but the important thing is what is inside!
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to laguerr13 in June Sleevers!   
    Yes, I work in psych and when I started this journey I didn't understand why having a letter from my psychiatrist was so important, but very quickly I realized that my mind was having a harder time with it than my body, I have since changed my mindset and for me I am treating this as a rebirth, literally, willing to learn the right food to eat, time, amount, and most importantly meals are only a small fraction of the day and there are more things to be done than just eating, I know in a normal condition for most families this is a very important time, like people who look forward to Sunday family dinners , but this is self preservation for me, one other thing and I need to be careful of the wording cause I promised someone on here I would not be negative, you have almost absolutely nothing to worry about if you really are committed to everything required of you, I researched it for 2 years before undertaking the process and realized that a large percentage of the horror stories were posted by people who had not done what they were supposed to and tried to use the surgery as an easy quick fix, so good luck you will be ok and lots of these guys on here are great and look out for you, I scheduled on the 10th and excited as heck!
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to work2Bskinny in June Sleevers!   
    I was in the same mental state, not really sure who to tell and how to explain the rapid weight loss, and my nutritionist told me that telling people might raise "the stigma" that Im taking "the easy way out", but that pushed me to want to get rid of that stigma. So I started telling people, and talking about the process a bit. If people are going to judge me, I cant stop that, but I can go in knowing that my colleagues and family understand why I am doing it and some have already started supporting me by asking questions about the shakes and if I'm nervous or excited. Some have asked if they can support me through an exercise routine when we return from summer. I don't feel judged, I feel really supported and cared for...what a pleasant surprise!! For those that are teachers, trust your colleagues---throughout the school year we all Celebrate and support each other, why should your personal health decision be any different? I am having the surgery before school is out, because our high deductible insurance plan starts over July 1. I wanted to make sure I didn't have much out of pocket expense. The staff at my school is so supportive and have already been planning end of the year activities so I don't have to scramble to write four days of lesson plans, etc...I was very nervous about telling people, but after seeing my colleagues response, I am very vocal now about my decision and getting as much support as I can!!
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to busymom_of_3 in June Sleevers!   
    I've told most people I care about, but can't bring myself to tell the in-laws. They suggested that I get it done last year, and I was truley offended! Now, I don't want to give them the satisfaction. They don't like me anyway, don't know why I care, they tend to be my biggest stress, even going through this.
    3 days out, picking up my scripts for post op, and get my time to be there, later today. Pre op hasn't been horrible (after day 4)i have adjusted. Wondering if I can include Isopure clear on Sunday (my clear liquid day). Sure they have a chalk like after taste, but I don't want to be hungry either. Anyone know? I will probably ask dr, later today.
    Also been refinishing furniture to stay busy and keep mind off surgery. Sorry about the long post, just a lot on my mind, I guess.
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to Engteacher in June Sleevers!   
    Only my husband and adult children. I'll tell my mother after I recover. Maybe.
    ...My bigger challenge is weaning myself off coffee. I love, love, LOVE coffee and have been drinking it since I was three years old. I'm down to half cup of regular cut with half cup of Decaf for my Breakfast. In a few days, I'll cut out the regular and have just a cup of decaf. By next week, I want to be off coffee completely so I won't have a caffeine withdrawal headache on top of the post-op pain. I've been substituting with herbal teas, just for the pleasure of holding a warm cup in my hands.
    Coffee is a diuretic and can work against us when we're trying to get enough Water into our system post-op. It's also the most lovely beverage ever, and I expect I'll miss it every day for a good six months. Sigh.
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to Drzstephy in June Sleevers!   
    @@theotherfatgirl i have to drink 4 shakes a day and like u i never noticed how much i ate or would miss chewing something (i sound like a dog lol) im on a whey Protein from GNC but damn i thought the worst part of all this was getting all the medical clearances and all the appointments...this diet for 2 weeks is the worst especially when everyone is out bbq'n
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to Bil in June Sleevers!   
    I am scheduled for June 15. I'm excited but nervous. I have told no one. My family is not supportive of the surgery. I have been planning on this for a few years, now.
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to Weighting2BeFree in Regrets   
    Hang in there. It totally gets better. My pain meds didn't work post surgery so I feel ya. It took me two and a half weeks to feel better. My only regret is I didn't do this 10 years ago. You'll come to love your surgery!
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to caligul in It's Time!   
    Welp my fellow June 2015 RNY's.....it's my time (6/2)....and I'm at peace....and ready to get the party started and continue this journey to a lifetime commitment of health. It's been 35 years of indulging in bad food choices. ..now ready to commit the remainder of my life to a healthier life....and indulge in healthy food choices; andddd I wouldn't be mad if a sister became a mother along the way
    Best of luck to all of you along your journey. ..and let's do this.....and knock obesity out the park....NO MORE obesity labels for me!!!
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    ANewBeginning15 reacted to Trayjay33 in You can do it   
    Are you kidding me that was you pre-op? You look so amazing now and to have kept the weight off for so long is so encouraging. You look beautiful and I am glad other things have come together in your life as well. Thanks for sharing it really has helped me a lot. ????

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