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Paige Dukes

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Paige Dukes

  1. 10 lbs gone!

    1. Djmohr


      Woot woot! Congratulations!

    2. God4me


      Congrats....keep going!

  2. 2 days post op now. Having a hard time making myself eat/drink and also get up and walk. I just want to sleep, which I have been doing a lot of. I have noticed today it is much easier to get up and down and that my appetite has slightly returned. Looking forward to the banded life!

    1. jane13


      try to get off pain meds if you are taking them and do OTC and save the stronger stuff for sleep. Move around as much as possible. Keep/Carry water bottle with you EVERYEHERE and sip!walk outside, check the mail, stay out of the kitchen....good luck!

    2. ShrinkingPeach


      Every day will get better. Remember that you just had major surgery so it is okay to rest a lot for a bit. Def sip all day and increase water intake each day. As you heal you won't be able to drink it all but again every day will get better. Good luck!

  3. After quite some time browsing this site, extensive research, and , meeting with a bariatric surgeon, the decision has been made. All that needs to be done now is to set a date for surgery. I am very excited.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShrinkingPeach


      Congrats! Good luck!

    3. ProudGrammy


      good for you on deciding to have surgery - you will be very happy - congrats on starting your new life kathy

    4. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      Thank you, ladies!


  4. Bought neon pink and blue hot pants today. Fierce! :P

    1. BackSpin81
    2. jane13


      that's brave - I still wear black, grey, blue - always have been my favorite colors...

  5. Coming up on 90 lbs lost. The strange thing is I am kind of having a hard time dealing with it mentally. I still feel like a 300 lbs girl in my head.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OutsideMatchInside


      It is a hard thing to wrap your head around. I can accept my size but there are a lot of changes that come with losing weight that are hard to explain to people and have them understand. Replacing your entire wardrobe in a matter of months, and still constantly needs new and different things isn't easy to accept, even if you like shopping.

    3. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      Thank you all for the reassurance. I wasn't expecting this to all be so hard emotionally. I anticipated missing the old eating habits, but all in all I don't miss my old habits, but I do miss the relative invisibility that came with being so large. People comment quite often on my weight loss and it is beginning to make me uncomfortable. But at the same time, I am incredibly proud of the progress I have made and the hard work I have put in. I think part of the problem is I don't really see much of a difference when I look in the mirror. I can physically feel that I take up less space, but I look at myself and just see 325 lbs. I can recognize I may need some counseling.

    4. OutsideMatchInside


      When I look at myself naked in the full length mirror, I don't see a lot of change. Everything looks the same, maybe a little smaller. When I put clothes on I can really tell the difference. Also sometimes I just randomly see differences. This week I noticed that my neck is much slimmer. I had to look at pictures over the past few months to realize, yes my face is slimmer too. I can't see it in the mirror but comparing pictures I can. I try taking pictures of yourself and see if that helps.

  6. Day 10 pre-op, still losing! When I want to stuff my face I just remind myself how well I'm doing by trying on clothes that are not too big.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      so far, about 14-16 pounds. I've got about 3 weeks left so I hope this number continues to climb!


    3. wascott


      That's the way to do it! Keep up the great work. You'll be that much closer to your goal.

    4. ShrinkingPeach


      That's great!! Way to go!

  7. Did a week of higher calories, not to scale it back again in hopes my weight loss will kick start again. The wait is frustrating.

    1. Mini_me007


      I've heard of others doing this with success. Good luck to you!!

  8. Down from a 26 to a 20. I bought jeans at Old Navy today. So ready to say goodbye to plus size stores!

    1. Djmohr


      Isn't that the greatest! I started with a 24 jeans and a 26slacks. I am now in a size 12!

      It happens rapidly too! Congratulations on your continued success!

  9. First two night back at work went well. I am so very thankful for such a supportive work crew.

  10. First visit with the nutritionist today! Ready to learn!

    1. Djmohr


      Best thing I ever did was start making small changes after meeting with my nut. It helped me get ready for significant lifestyle changes that were coming my way post WLS. I hope you have a great visit and certainly feel free to reach out with questions.

    2. jane13


      take notes and ask questions. write down any question you have so when you meet back up you can get answers.

  11. Five pounds lighter AFTER vacation? I'll take it!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      It was definitely difficult when the rest of the family would order the delicious looking fried seafood platter or heavily sweetened mixed drinks, but I stuck to my guns and only ordered grilled or steamed items. I also used it as an excuse to get more active and try activities I wouldn't have before.

    3. Djmohr


      I love the fact that we can go on vacation and lose weight in the process. I think it is because we are much more active now in addition to following good eating habits.

    4. mykdzmom


      What an awesome bonus!

  12. Gained 4 pounds of fluid over night. Got to stop forgetting to take my meds. :/

    1. NikkiDoc


      I had to set a daily recurring alarm to remember to take my PM meds. I am good M-F for my morning meds. But I am bad about remembering my PM meds and my weekend AM meds. Not that I am on many meds anymore just vitamins and Celebrex.

    2. StephBtoo


      LOL setting an alarm sounds like a fantastic idea... I already have trouble remembering things like this -- before surgery, I doubt I'll magically get better after surgery!!! Thanks

    3. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I made sure to take my meds correctly and monitored my sodium intake and the 4 pounds already came back off. I figured it was just water weight because my ankles were huge after work and it dawned on me I forgot to take my BP meds. I've set up a new routine now to help me remember.


  13. Got a surgery date! July 14th. I am ready to start this journey.

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      Congrats! Will be here before you know it!

  14. Got my first fill today. Definitely feeling a difference.

    1. SelyGee


      Really? I get my first fill today too but not until this afternoon. What do you feel?

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I'm fuller quicker with high protein foods. Definitely satiated earlier and stay fuller longer. It's not a MAJOR difference but it's something. I think my sweet spot may be with one more fill but I am going to give this a couple of months or so before I contact my surgeon again.

  15. Had a really emotional night. Haven't slept in a while. This makes me realize there are a lot more issues going on than basic overeating.

    1. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Dont know what problems you have, but hang in there ! A sleep study showed I had sleep apnea, but a few months after being banded the sleep apnea went away, but I still would wake up 3:30 every morn . Trazadone helps some, maybe talk to your Dr, ? Good luck !!

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      Just a lot of frustration and anger and fear culminated into one big cry fest. Really helped to get it all out, but still can't sleep. just can't shut my brain off.

      I think part of my problem may be I am used to working 12 night shifts and when I go to sleep I crash and sleep like a brick. I have been off for 12 days for the surgery and I think my sleep cycle isn't used to the time off.

    3. lealor


      yikes paige....its ok to have a cry fest, you've been through a lot and yes there is so much more to all of our lives other than just the weight. I use 1mg of Ativan, it helps but not for every one. Sleep deprivation on top of everything is so hard on us ( im not a good sleeper), your body ad mind is out of wack. It will be better soon. xoxox

  16. Have had a hell of a week. Had to cut short the New Orleans trip due to mouth pain. Ended up gaining 5 pounds due to poor food choices, and then lost it again after having to have this bastard of a tooth pulled. I have never experienced pain like that. I now have a busted smile but at least the pain has diminished greatly. NOW TO GET BACK ON TRACK!

    1. Mountaingal


      Sorry you went through this. I have read your other posts and I KNOW you can get back on track.

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I had figured I would gain weight on the NOLA trip because of all of the delicious, rich foods. I was so upset when we had to cut it short, though. I'm out so much money for the hotel. I think I could tolerate it all better if my mouth didn't hurt so bad.

  17. Have had a really rough couple of days. Developed a tooth abscess that is currently making me miserable. The antibiotics and pain medications have made me incredibly nauseous. All of this and I have surgery on Monday. My surgeon is aware I need a root canal and that I am on abx, and he said he is going to call me on Monday to see how I feel, but I am so worried that this is going to get worse and the surgery will need to be post poned. I can't change this date I already jumped through hoops to get the time off I needed. According to the surgeons assistant it shouldn't be canceled unless I run a fever, which I haven't, but my stress level is through the roof. All of this and it is my turn to be nurse coordinator all weekend for an entire psychiatric hospital. This is going to be a trying 4 days.

    1. Djmohr


      Hi Paige! I am so sorry this happened at the last minute. Hopefully they have your antibiotics working and surgery won't get postponed on you.


      Try to do something nice for yourself to help you relax the next few days. Take a long hot bath, listen to some music, read a book. Try some deep breathing exercises which will both help your pain and your anxiety. I promise, I use it all the time and I was a non believer for years.

      I hope everything gets cleared up and wish you the best!

  18. Have had a rough week. Had to put our dog down Wednesday. Not handling it well. On top of that I have been working a lot og overtime and haven't had time to cook. It makes food choices harder but I'm still staying in my calorie allowance, and still dropping weight, at least.

    1. jane13


      sorry to hear about losing your canine family member :(

      stay focused on your goal. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

    2. liannatx


      I am so sorry. I get so attatched to my fuzzy friends... It is literally losing a loved one. Hugs from here also


  19. I actually bought a pair of skinny jeans yesterday!

    1. dlappjr


      Way to go! I bet that felt awesome! Keep up the good work!

  20. I hate having such a problem with fluid retention. I know those 2-3 pounds of weight gain overnight is excess fluid but it is still disheartening to see on the scale.

    1. Djmohr


      I hear ya! I have conditioned myself to expect it always that way I won't be so disappointed.

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I'm trying to get used to the idea that this is how it is going to go as I drop weight. I really gotta stop with the salty foods. I just love strong flavor so much :(.

    3. jane13


      try adding seasonings to foods like pepper, garlic or chili powder. I like strong flavored salty foods too. So I here ya...

  21. I'm so tired of being sick. The meds the doc gave me have my appetite up and down (mostly down) and my energy level is nil. I just want to get back on track. :(

    1. emilyphoenix74


      B12,b12,b12....you can buy it in liquid form so its easy to take.

    2. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I have been considering starting taking b12. I will look into it next time I am grocery shopping.


  22. Last night I went from super excited that my surgery is only two weeks away, to absolutely terrified. It hit me while I was trying to go to sleep. It was almost a complete panic attack. I started thinking about surgery and being under anesthesia. I don't fear the lifestyle change that comes after, my fears are 100% based on this nagging idea that I could be THAT person who has the negative reaction to anesthesia, or throws a clot, or bleeds out, and on and on and on. After finally falling asleep I had nightmares all night related to death. I trust my surgeon 100%, I just all of a sudden got hit with the anxiety surrounding the potential complications. I really hope that when the day finally gets here that I am not a complete wreck.

    1. _Kate_


      I know that feeling ... 23/07 for me and had tummy turning over a couple of times today thnking about it !



    2. Daisee68


      Same thing happened to me! When I made the surgery appt, it was exactly 4 weeks away, then over that weekend, I woke up in a panic thinking "it's only 3 1/2 weeks away!" I don't know why 3 1/2 sounded so much closer than 4! LOL! It will go by fast! And anesthesia is always a little scary. It is always the part I dread for any surgery I have had (which is numerous I am afraid). I have had some not great experiences in the past, but the person I had for my bypass was AMAZING! Easiest going to sleep and waking up and without nausea I have ever had. I was very grateful for him! Try to keep your mind off that part if you can.

  23. Officially dropped from a size 26 to a 16. I hit a lot more stalls lately and they last longer and longer, but I will not let it bring me down. I am proud of the progress I made, and I am only half way to goal!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BLERDgirl


      I'm at an 18 from a size 32. Things are slower, but still moving. Just keep up the good work!

    3. Chrystee


      Me too.. a tight 26 to about a 16 now.. The weight loss is a lot slower with lots of stalls in between.


    4. jane13


      I am right there with you all....from a snug 22/24 to 12/14 and longer stalls...my fault for this one :(

  24. One pound away from 40 gone! I think when I hit 50 I should celebrate with something fun. Maybe a trip!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. justajackie


      When I hit the 50 mark ,I am going out for calamari ! Lol

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      What a great non-food related reward...congrats on the weight loss so far!

    4. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I've got the hotel booked. Going to New Orleans for Halloween. Staying on Decatur. I think it's a reasonable estimate to say I could lose 11 more pounds in a little over two months.

  25. Oooh, girl! 4 more pounds gone!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
