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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to CowgirlJane in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    My advice is to take a deep breathe, get a cup of Water and read success stories and cruise through before and after photos. Every one of those success stories had doubts too...and just look at us now.
  2. Like
    BackSpin81 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    Thank you all!! So much. I had stopped crying, then laughed and cried when I read your comments. A friend/co-worker came over to visit me so I had to straighten up and not show her my tears. And my dad called as well. So your feedback, my friend, and my father have kept my emotions at bay! THANK YOU!! This goes to show that I need all the support I can get when I feel down like this. Unfortunately, I don't have a constant local support system here. I'm from Boston but live alone in Colorado. My family and friends are so far away. I have a few friends here, but we're not that close (emotionally) for me to cry on their shoulders. And they have no idea that I have had the sleeve surgery.
    I definitely need a support network :-(. Just talking (crying and typing) it out to you and reading your responses made me feel good and that these feelings are not abnormal. I WILL be reaching out to you when I need help! I appreciate you all
  3. Like
    BackSpin81 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    Thank you all!! So much. I had stopped crying, then laughed and cried when I read your comments. A friend/co-worker came over to visit me so I had to straighten up and not show her my tears. And my dad called as well. So your feedback, my friend, and my father have kept my emotions at bay! THANK YOU!! This goes to show that I need all the support I can get when I feel down like this. Unfortunately, I don't have a constant local support system here. I'm from Boston but live alone in Colorado. My family and friends are so far away. I have a few friends here, but we're not that close (emotionally) for me to cry on their shoulders. And they have no idea that I have had the sleeve surgery.
    I definitely need a support network :-(. Just talking (crying and typing) it out to you and reading your responses made me feel good and that these feelings are not abnormal. I WILL be reaching out to you when I need help! I appreciate you all
  4. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to Miss Mac in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    Being on the far side of post-menopause, I did not have the emotional surge, either, but I did have significant issues with anxiety - enough that my surgeon double my anxiety/depression meds. I just recently (after my first year) was able to come off that one. At fifteen months, I am off seven pre-op meds I was taking (and have two blood pressure meds reduced) and am just having my daily supplements.
  5. Like
    BackSpin81 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    I'm going to my first support group next Thursday and I will definitely bring up the mood thing to the group and the staff at my doc's office. I truly was not expecting to cry as much as I did and have so far. I've never been the most emotional person in the world but when all of that doubt, stress, worry, lack of support hit you all at one time it sucks. It just came out of nowhere
  6. Like
    BackSpin81 got a reaction from lovelytrl in African American vsgers!   
    Hey all! I was sleeved on 3/30/15. Pre-surgery I weighed in at 288, home scale this morning said 279. No nausea, minor cramping, the BLUES in excess, itchy sutures, but that's about it. I'm finally tracking my Water and Protein via MyFitnessPal. I just bought a "Jawbone UP" to help me kick my fitness up a notch. So I'm getting it together!
  7. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to bikrchk in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    Check with some of the surgical weight loss programs in your area. Most have support groups that are open to anyone. These are a great place to meet others going through what you are in person and make some new friends for support. And yes, the post-op "crazies" are a thing. I cried a the drop of a hat for months, (mine were happy tears, but still NOT normal for me). I'm usually pretty stoic and losing control like that was very disconcerting! It passes!
  8. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to Babbs in So tell me how you REALLY feel...   
    Hubby lost over 100lbs with a bypass almost 9 years ago, and his loose skin didn't bother me one bit. I know mine doesn't bother him too much, but when I am in a "certain" position for sexy time, I can hear and feel the loose skin on my stomach flapping away. And let's not even DISCUSS the boobs. I could kill myself with the sheer trajectory. Or at least blacken my eyes. Bothers me more than it does him.
  9. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to NewgirlfromMd in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    I'm sorry you are feeling this way. As stated above it is most likely the hormone changes. It's too early to think that way. I think we all have that fear of " will this work for me, and will I finally succeed at getting this weight off?" When you have been trying & failing to lose weight for a long time reaching your goals can feel like a fairy tale, something you want but can't believe will ever really happen. I speak for myself, but I know I'm not alone in that. Just follow your plan & remember why you chose to do this. It will work if we make good choices & follow the plan. Keep your head up & have faith in yourself that you can do this!
  10. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to JamieLogical in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    @@ssourgirl That was one of the things I really struggled with in the early months. Not being able to turn to food when I was down or upset. I found it incredibly frustrating and, of course, that just made me more upset. The good news is, I did eventually realize that I was just not going to get comfort from food the way I had in the past and I stopped trying. It's a process.
  11. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to ssourgirl in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    My daughter had her surgery on 3/26 and about a week later had a complete meltdown as well. She is prone to depression but this a heavy one. She had many of the same feelings as you do and also made an observation that her old go to would have been comfort food and she doesn't even have that anymore. In a way I think she was also grieving. It hit her like a ton of bricks - the reality of what she'd done and it was scary. She had done alot of research, talked to a therapist, surgeons, doctors etc about this but none had warned her of how hard it might actually hit her. I agree with CanyonBaby that this should be included in pre-op information.
  12. Like
    BackSpin81 got a reaction from lovelytrl in African American vsgers!   
    Hey all! I was sleeved on 3/30/15. Pre-surgery I weighed in at 288, home scale this morning said 279. No nausea, minor cramping, the BLUES in excess, itchy sutures, but that's about it. I'm finally tracking my Water and Protein via MyFitnessPal. I just bought a "Jawbone UP" to help me kick my fitness up a notch. So I'm getting it together!
  13. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to lovelytrl in African American vsgers!   
    Please feel free to add me on MFP Lovelytrl
  14. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to BryBro63 in African American vsgers!   
    Unsure if you're welcoming the male perspective, but I topped out at 316 when I first started, and from the time I started seeing my nutritionist until now, I lost 136 lbs. Actually I could have gone even lower, but chose not to...I got to a comfortable weight that I and my primary doctor thought was healthy, then I started doing a little weight training just to gain a little muscle. I had my first appointment with the surgeon/nutritionist in September of 2013, had my surgery in January of 2014, and reached my goal weight in August 2014.
    Hope this helps....wish you the best success!!! Please keep us posted on what you decide and how you're doing!!
  15. Like
    BackSpin81 got a reaction from lovelytrl in African American vsgers!   
    Hey all! I was sleeved on 3/30/15. Pre-surgery I weighed in at 288, home scale this morning said 279. No nausea, minor cramping, the BLUES in excess, itchy sutures, but that's about it. I'm finally tracking my Water and Protein via MyFitnessPal. I just bought a "Jawbone UP" to help me kick my fitness up a notch. So I'm getting it together!
  16. Like
    BackSpin81 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    Thank you all!! So much. I had stopped crying, then laughed and cried when I read your comments. A friend/co-worker came over to visit me so I had to straighten up and not show her my tears. And my dad called as well. So your feedback, my friend, and my father have kept my emotions at bay! THANK YOU!! This goes to show that I need all the support I can get when I feel down like this. Unfortunately, I don't have a constant local support system here. I'm from Boston but live alone in Colorado. My family and friends are so far away. I have a few friends here, but we're not that close (emotionally) for me to cry on their shoulders. And they have no idea that I have had the sleeve surgery.
    I definitely need a support network :-(. Just talking (crying and typing) it out to you and reading your responses made me feel good and that these feelings are not abnormal. I WILL be reaching out to you when I need help! I appreciate you all
  17. Like
    BackSpin81 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    Thank you all!! So much. I had stopped crying, then laughed and cried when I read your comments. A friend/co-worker came over to visit me so I had to straighten up and not show her my tears. And my dad called as well. So your feedback, my friend, and my father have kept my emotions at bay! THANK YOU!! This goes to show that I need all the support I can get when I feel down like this. Unfortunately, I don't have a constant local support system here. I'm from Boston but live alone in Colorado. My family and friends are so far away. I have a few friends here, but we're not that close (emotionally) for me to cry on their shoulders. And they have no idea that I have had the sleeve surgery.
    I definitely need a support network :-(. Just talking (crying and typing) it out to you and reading your responses made me feel good and that these feelings are not abnormal. I WILL be reaching out to you when I need help! I appreciate you all
  18. Like
    BackSpin81 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    Thank you all!! So much. I had stopped crying, then laughed and cried when I read your comments. A friend/co-worker came over to visit me so I had to straighten up and not show her my tears. And my dad called as well. So your feedback, my friend, and my father have kept my emotions at bay! THANK YOU!! This goes to show that I need all the support I can get when I feel down like this. Unfortunately, I don't have a constant local support system here. I'm from Boston but live alone in Colorado. My family and friends are so far away. I have a few friends here, but we're not that close (emotionally) for me to cry on their shoulders. And they have no idea that I have had the sleeve surgery.
    I definitely need a support network :-(. Just talking (crying and typing) it out to you and reading your responses made me feel good and that these feelings are not abnormal. I WILL be reaching out to you when I need help! I appreciate you all
  19. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to CanyonBaby in Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette   
    And as for the grammar-thing, I think most people are just in a hurry, and can't be bothered with grammar. So are we to be proper in all areas before we get a response, let alone a kind one? Education, or lack thereof, plays a large role here, as well. Not to mention the fact that this particular site tends to omit letters, punctuation, and sometimes complete WORDS. I can forgive that, who am I to judge? And if I am going to judge something so small, I fear for myself in all the REALLY bad things I do, say and think..... Yes, I deliberately did not put a period there, for emphasis' sake! Onto important things, now, like cat litter-box cleaning..........
  20. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to LipstickLady in Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette   
    Aaaaannnnd I am going to jump in. (I am sure I am going to regret this.)
    I am a total grammar queen. Nothing makes me crazier than the wrong your/you're, to/two/too, etc. except maybe text talk. Loose/lose, sale/sell. their/they're/there...GAHHHHHH!!! I don't even allow my kids to use bad grammar/text talk when texting.
    That said, when it comes to public forums, I have to put my biases away. I have to realize that I am very fortunate to have had a good education, teachers who forced me to use good grammar and the knowledge to know the difference. Some people are completely ignorant of their errors. It makes me crazy and I do judge them in my head, but I would never do so out loud. To me, that's just mean. I may criticize your thought process and I may criticize your tone and manner of speaking, but I have no right to judge your lack of ability to communicate to my standards.
    This is not a college class, this is not a business forum, this is not a a job interview. I care much more about how one treats another being more than I care about the words they use when doing so.
    Now if you want to rant about that cursive font, I'm all over that.
  21. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to LipstickLady in Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette   
    <~~~~~~~~tiptoes out quietly.
  22. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to emma4884 in Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette   
    Yes, it is easier to read a post with good grammar. However some people have not had the opportunity to learn good grammar. They should feel comfortable here anyway. This isn't Harvard Law Review.
    Perhaps you could consider blocking posts from members whose grammar continually offends you.
    I think most folks here have already experienced enough criticism and are here looking for a safe place to become more informed.
  23. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to Babbs in Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette   
    I have the same beefs, but guess what? It's not going to change things. People will still continue to be...ahem....people.
    Good rant, though
  24. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to wildGoose in I am a week out from my Bypass, I want to hear from you all, HONESTLY , do any of you regret doing this? I know how I feel BUT.....   
    Like many others, my only regret is that I did not have it sooner. But you have to be ready. It isn't really like I got my life BACK. it is more like I've got it for the first time! Since I'm 61, that's saying a lot. I wake up happy every day. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. It isn't easy. There is so much to learn. This is so much that is new. I am so grateful. I think that's the key. Also, drink your Water and go to support group!
  25. Like
    BackSpin81 reacted to blacktee92675 in Silly question   
    I tell people the total amount since I started my focus on weight loss. It all counts, don't short change yourself.

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