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Status Updates posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. Where's yesterday's topic by someone who seems to have intertrigo? Want to add a tangential, valuable note, but can't find it.

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Is it this one about how to care for the raw areas under the belly flap?


    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch
  2. A most happy 100th, Miss Olivia de Havilland......A glorious Canada Day to all and Dominion Day to some from this closet Canadian.

    1. jane13


      love her!!!!_ Melanie Wilkes!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Yup, and Catherine Sloper of "The Heiress," movie version of the play based on Henry James' "Washington Square." That's a mouthful.

  3. The only explanation for some of tonight's stuff would be poltergeists, but Halloween is still a week off and we're months from April Fools.

    1. highfunctioningfatman


      Hmmm. I must have missed something...

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @High functioning fat man -- Be happy for it. Never look a gift missed-something in the mouth.

  4. Considering how long it's been, today, the 4th of my recommitment, is significant. Even better is feeling confident and eager to continue.

    1. Cervidae


      you've got this. :)

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thank you, my deer one. You've got it all.

  5. Nine consecutive days of eating like a civilized loser of weight. Might this be the restart I've been flailing for?

    1. Unbridled


      That is flippin' awesome! I'm so proud of you.

    2. Daisee68


      Absolutely! Believe it!

  6. Gleefully looking forward to today's MRI's of lumbar and cervical spine. That'll teach me to stand on a crowded NYC bus. The grown-ups amongst us will understand when I say that the driver might have announced "No more on!" oLooking No

    1. ssflbelle


      good luck with those MRI's I am hoping for us both with the additional weight gone they are easier to get through. Let me know the results .

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks, @@ssflbelle. I suppose the good news might be that my weight had nothing to do with falling. Lots of people fell, including the two who fell on me, taking me down with them. Overall, though, of course you're correct about excessive weight not helping most things. The exception is the concussion I sustained, too.

  7. No, not every little thing that happens in the two months post-op is a result of surgery, not even that mosquito bite.

  8. May a woman open a topic in "Male Only?" A brief exchange between two male characters on "The Good Wife" lingers for its interestingness (see the italics?) , humor and surprise element. Would the gentlemen amongst us take part? Let's see what happens.

    1. Proud2BMe


      I would say to respect that the men's forum is for men only. Just like the women's forum is for women only. If you want you can post it to the general discussion forum and ask for guys to chime in.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      That's what I was thinking, but have not yet decided for sure. In either case I hope that only men post. Women can read only in my book.

  9. Taking the Jeopardy online test this eve. Anyone else?

    1. Valentina


      My cousin was a three time winner on Jeopardy. She came home with $36,000.00. Go for it!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      That's fun. Three times isn't bad at all. Thanks.

  10. Charlie Parker Jazz Festival this afternoon. It will be divine.

    1. Cervidae
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Cervidae, get jealouser now: It WAS good. I would have gone Friday also, but the heat and humidity were beyond brutal. Maybe next year I'll get to two or even all three days.

  11. Stupid Thing: You unsubscribe from an email list and then receive an email to confirm that you've been unsubscribed.

    1. ProudGrammy


      LOL - that's the way "they"

      congrats on your great weight loss - keep up the great work - kathy

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Kathy, what "great weight loss?" I' had one of those once upon a time, but have since screwed up royally.

  12. The Psychiatrist Is In - 5¢. I know why the Dubster uses so much space for his posts. There are at least five reasons, not necessarily all in play each time.

    1. emma4884


      I love Dub's posts for many reasons, including content AND spacing!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch
  13. I voted early this morning and am ready to do it again.

    1. highfunctioningfatman


      I voted the day that my ballot came in the mail. What really upsets me is that I live in Oregon and every presidential election has been decided by the time that my vote would count due to the electoral college. I always feel as though my vote was worthless. I would like to see no political parties and popular vote.

    2. Sai


      I did early voting last week. I couldn't wait to vote either.

  14. Went to an info seminar this eve, first step in learning about sleeve in case my band is FUBAR, as I think it may be. Next step, see my surgeon and find out.

    1. jane13


      Keep us posted :D

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks,, Jane. Will do.

  15. "If you get tired, learn to rest, don't quit." -- source unknown

    1. Sai


      Love that. First time I saw that one. Thank you. <3

  16. What's with this new thing, a six-month, pre-surgery "class?" Is it going nation-wide? Who requires and conducts it -- the practice? the insurer? Is it out of pocket for the prospective patient, never to be reimbursed? If so, what's the price tag? Whose big, fat chipmunk cheeks is it filling? From what I've gleaned, the class has merits, but the whiff of greed is sulfurous. Or am I way off?

    1. KristenLe


      Someone is making money from them - either that or they are benefiting from people not going through with it - and end up saving on surgery costs (insurance).


  17. November 22, 1963, my parents' 24th wedding anniversary.

    1. Sai


      :D What an awesome status. *hugs*
  18. Had .2 cc taken from my band today. So nice to be able to drink w/o discomfort while the band still signals me about solid food.

    1. Sai


      It's amazing what 0.1 to 0.2 cc does to the band. :D To be honest, I miss my band. I'd go into details but there are differences that I loved about the band. I walked in with hopes to find another good surgeon who could adjust my band, and walked out with the sleeve lol. It's all good though. Just gotta work the tool to be successful. :D

  19. Q: "Why does the lapband fail?" A: Because it doesn't study. (If you missed it, I'm entertaining myself.)

    1. laceemouse


      bwahahaha, good one :)


  20. Sending hugs and warm wishes to all the Valentines.

    1. Cervidae


      Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  21. BEATRIX POTTER, 150 years today

    1. Daisee68


      I loved that book!

  22. When I was a child, all of us little girls wanted to be just like Debbie Reynolds, Audrey Hepburn and Leslie Caron. The first two are gone along with the sweetness of the wishes.

    1. blizair09


      She was a beautiful woman and an amazing talent. The loss is still inconceivable to me.

  23. The clothing exchange was a success for the participants and very much so for me, having at long last gotten to meet the woman who, after a phone conversation six years ago, made me want to partner with our host organization. Other things made is special, too. One of the best evenings of any type that I've had in a while. I'm charged and ready for the next event.

    1. Christinamo7


      I am glad to hear it


  24. There were signs of a more subtle nature on previous occasions.

    1. Sai


      Did you catch those subtle signs... I never do. Sometimes I need a brick to fall on my head. lol

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