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Status Updates posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. This is day #4 of no incoming landline service in my area. At least I can make calls and people can email and text or leave VMs on my cell. #HateYourLocal Utilities. Hating all of them has always been wise anyway. the

    1. highfunctioningfatman


      Unfortunately I have employees that are new enough to have questions so even though I had this last week off, I wasn't really off. I would love to have an honest excuse to be unavailable!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Try "I have a hangnail." It works every time.

    3. Fredbear


      "Sorry, I need to wash and vacuum the cats"

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. Going to see "Hamilton" today. I have a feeling we've got a hit on our hands. No, skip that. I'm so damned excited.

    1. Sai


      omgosh, have a wonderful time!

    2. LipstickLady
    3. gowalking


      Enjoy. I saw 'In The Heights' when it was on Broadway and I'm sure you know it was also a Lin Manuel Miranda musical. I enjoyed it very much and expect to enjoy Hamilton as well when I see it three or four years from now..LOL!


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  3. Dressed up as a beautiful woman for Halloween, curled up w/a Hitchcock marathon. No candy.

    1. thetig


      No Candy! Great job! You can get through all of this!

    2. slimntrimshel


      Yay for your smile!!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks, Shel. It's silly, but getting no comments on my first few status entries made me feel like the kid no one wants to play with. I've been feeling a little fragile around the edges lately.

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  4. I'm an Advanced Member? All it takes is 30 posts or so? Only a week ago I was a Novice or Brownie or whatever it's called. At what count does the Glue Factory category begin? I want to quit before then.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Indeed, Brownie. Next step up is Girl Scout. I wasn't a Brownie, but I still have my GS pin and knife. I should wear the pin some time. Thanks for the idea.

    2. jane13


      me too....now the beginners are called daisies!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Then you're younger than I (who isn't?) and/or the mother of a young girl. Here's Google search's blurb from Wikipedia. I had no idea: "Since 2008, Girl Scouts of the USA have had six age levels: Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador. Girl Scouts move or "bridge" to the next level, usually at the end of the school year they reach the age to advance." The "cadette" heading with its feminine ending is dumb.

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  5. Saw "The Book of Mormon" today, finally. Highly irreverent and juvenile in a frat-boy vein. What else could one expect from the creators of "South Park?" Lots of fun.

    1. suzzzzz


      I have never laughed so hard as when I saw it. Was so outrageous at times, you just can't be offended.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      It was great. @LipstickLady -- judged by people in your area? The bible belt, I think? @suzzzzz -- if no one's offended, the show would have closed long ago. I did wonder, though, whether everyone in the audience knew what they were coming to beyond a hit show. We're still in heavy tourist season here.

    3. LipstickLady


      Bible Belt indeed.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. Having dinner and going to a dance performance with a friend from the past. We lost touch 35 years ago.

    1. Cervidae


      That sounds fun! Enjoy. :)

    2. KristenLe


      Have a great time!!!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      The evening was wonderful, as though no time had passed.

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  7. Bought the most perfect, tasty, luscious cherry tomatoes at the farmers' market today. They turned out to have skins thick enough that they don't chew. There oughta be a law: Drown the food scientists working in the ag industry.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      They'd need to be peeled. The skins really are tough. As I was eating them in my salad of salmon, orange bell pepper, onion and baby spinach with TJ's spicy asian peanut vinaigrette (sooo good), I kept removing the skins and putting them on a napkin. Good thing I was home.

    2. Unbridled


      Knowing your wit, you likely have a plan for those little red tomato skins besides the trash. :)

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      No, my friend. they are long gone. Can one sew tomato skins into a silk purse? If so, shucks, I missed the chance.

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  8. This evening's clothing exchange was one of the best. The highlight? A BP member came! And she brought lots and lots of great clothes! And found lots of clothes! And is terrific, too! And lives a few blocks from where I grew up! If I did that at all!

    1. LipstickLady


      So they advertise the date and location of the sale. For a week before the sale, people come with their clothing items tagged, hung and priced. They are assigned a number that they place on their tags. They get 30 - 40% of the sale price and my friends get the remaining cut. It's a ZOO. The sellers get a pre-sale date to shop before it opens to the public. Anyone who volunteers gets a discount, too. There is a few days of after sale when sellers come collect their clothes or they are donated to a clothes bank. The big work for them is keeping track of who gets what as the clothes sell. It's definitely a lot of work, but the participants are HUGE and bring PILES and PILES of clothes.


      I have never participated but the $$ flow is great for all interested. Because the seller prices their own stuff, it's up to them how much they potentially earn. It's a great concept all around.

    2. LipstickLady


      The venue size is HUGE. Clothes, toys, handbags, shoes, maternity... HUGE for Virginia is about 10,000 square feet of empty store front. It's a cool process and a brilliant idea.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @LipstickLady. You're fast. As you see, I deleted my reply to your first note and sent it to you via BPmail. Now I shall see if I can print out this info. Thanks so much.

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  9. Super Chanukah and Christmas to all. Given a choice between red & green, sparkly cookies and old-fashioned, fried jelly dougnuts (so unlike chain-store offerings), I'll pounce on the latter. Yeah!! More cookies for you!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @OzRoo -- Funnybones. All the best to you especially!

    2. OzRoo


      And you too, WLSR xxx !

    3. Sai


      Happy Holidays to you too! ^^

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  10. Hear ye! An important NSV that has never been mentioned is not having to spend on shipping charges because local stores have puny selections of plus and big & tall sizes.

    1. jane13
    2. borg/assimilated
    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks for this NSV awareness go to Inner Surfer Girl, who yesterday mentioned the savings in a topic about being able to shop anywhere.

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  11. When one who arguably is the worst candidate ever for WLS comes along, does one respond gently yet clearly or does one run as fast and as far as one's little legs will take her?

    1. ShelterDog64


      I pop popcorn and watch.


    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @High functioning fat man -- not exactly "help," but the usual "opinions" and, even better, something akin to "I don't understand myself, so YOU explain me to me and tell me what to do."

      @ShelterDog64 -- I wasn't quite up on just how wicked you are. I'm in love.

    3. ShelterDog64
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. @Alex Brecher -- you're just an ol' update-locker. Knock it off. It's far more concerning that the First Amendment is on the eve of being eviscerated.

    1. Sai


      hehe... I think he hates me now. He probably thinks I'm a troublemaker. :P

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Sai -- Piffle. He wishes he could be like you.

    3. Sai


      haha :). I missed most of it, but I got to read it after. It was pretty wild. lol

  13. "You know it was a good day if you didn't hit or bite anyone." --Nathan, age 4, and moi

    1. OzRoo


      Not even Gefilte fish ???

      He, he .... :)


    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I suppose you think you're cute, Missy? Well, you are.

    3. OzRoo


      But of course .... :)

  14. Bob Dylan, hot diggity.

    1. ProudGrammy


      he got some award or something recognizing his musical history? think i heard something - luv him - kathy

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @proudgrammy, the Nobel Prize for literature. It's a big deal.

    3. ProudGrammy


      OMG, yeah i'd say that's a big deal!!! - thanx for straightening me out LOL

  15. After sustaining a concussion back in May and still having some effects, I chose a driving eval for safety's sake. I wow'd the evaluator, who was also aware I hadn't driven in 18 years -- for no particular reason. I'm back in the saddle, so take cover!

    1. songsmith


      That's great news!

    2. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Let me know if you are coming to Chicago and I will hide in the basement!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks, SONGSMITH. I'm stoked. People have always said that driving is like breathing and it turns out to be true.

      MISS MAC, you can run, but you can't hide. I've driven into basements in better places than Chicago, whatever that means. In truth, there are plenty of things in Chicago I'd like to visit. I've been there only once, but that was a thousand years ago and for less than an hour as a break from I80.

  16. In the middle of nearly three weeks of non-stop, RUQ pain, I've seen the gastroenterologist, had blood work and a CT scan of abdomen and pelvis. The blood work indicates inflammation (I coulda told 'em that), but the CT scan was clean. Next is a visit to a cardiologist for clearance for endoscopy on Thursday. Endoscopy should be declared unconstitutional, but it makes more sense than other options (upper GI series, whatever that is).. I'd rather have low level, cheesy men dance for me.

    1. OzRoo


      Sorry to hear that! Hope you feel better soon! What does the blood work indicate?

      Could be the gallbladder, if you still have one.

      I had mine out years ago, as the pain was unbearable. Good luck! xxx

    2. Dub


      Gallstones ???? Very sorry you are hurting.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Dub, where'd you get gallstones? Not in my abdomen you didn't. Did you read the entire post? Nothing familiar?

  17. Just saw it for the first time ever and was surprised by my reaction: It's tacky to park one's butt on a website such as this to hawk one's pyramid-scheme products. And I'm just a disinterested user of the site.

    1. KristenLe


      There were quite a few threads from her selling the product(s).

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Today was my first time seeing her. When I noted the date she joined, though, I expected that she'd started others.

    3. ssflbelle


      Yea 15 days worth probably. When we see crap like that we need to report it. Doing it at 1 am in the morning thinking no one will see it.

  18. I had body composition analysis done today for the first time. Yipes, I've got plenty more work to do. It was a surprise, though, to be told that I'd still lose if I were to eat 500 more calories than I do. No way will I up my maximum, but had no idea about the higher number.

    1. Sai


      Great :D. That's awesome to hear that you have that leeway (i.e. 500 cal more). Scales are so one dimensional, I really should get tests done, I think it'd be really helpful to know at least my RMR.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Sai, in my book I do not have 500 calories leeway, not that I want to use, anyway. My goal for my daily range is 950-1150. On a day when I may lose myself and overeat, it'll be good to know I haven't done damage, I suppose, but I don't want to slip into that. Staying within my range is also a way I know that I can follow through on my choices.

    3. Sai


      I completely understand. :D.

  19. Two days of all-day rain and I'm ready to pull on a pair of fishnets, place loads of bracelets on each wrist and play Miss Sadie Thompson on Pago Pago.

    1. Sai


      hehe :) That would be a sight. ^^

    2. OzRoo


      Photos please! ;)

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I hope you babes know the movie, especially Sadie's entrance.


    1. songsmith


      Name of the Rose?

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Yes, and countless others. He died yesterday.

    3. songsmith


      Oh, no! I hadn't heard about him. I wondered when I scrolled down and saw Harper Lee. Too many people this winter.

  21. Made a new friend today while waiting for the 2nd Ave. bus. We talked, rode together and stopped in for coffee upon alighting. Exchanged numbers, too. Who knows?

    1. Cervidae


      sounds like a "meet-cute" :D

    2. gowalking


      What a nice NYC story. I've had some nice conversations with strangers as well while on public transportation. It's harder these days though with everyone plugged into their phones.


    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I should have been clearer. It was a woman, not a potential date for me, and she's 83. Smart as hell, witty, aware, open-minded, spirited, etc. We had a very long wait for the bus and conversation flowed in many directions. The bus ran slowly, so more time to talk. We live only 3 blocks apart, so got off together. WE had so much fun that I had an instant's thought of suggesting number exchange, something I've never done. I kept quiet, but she made the suggestion. That gave me the bit of chutzpah to suggest the coffee. Y'know, people always have the intentions, but the follow-up fizzles. If we don't get in touch, I still had a terrific encounter that made the day nicer. It really was wonderful.

  22. Lapband as plaything or, in a sense, condom? Interesting.

    1. OzRoo


      Ha Ha! Too funny :)

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @krakow57, I didn't mean to be "ha ha" funny. It was an observation on a post that I chose not to respond to.

    3. OzRoo


      Fair enough. Just that it seemed funny to me, not knowing what it was all about. Now it is interesting .....

      Yes, some posts are best left alone.

  23. It's monumentally unhealthy to make a career of a moment that should have slipped into history after a day or so. That is to say that it's unhealthy to make a monument of a piddling incident.

    1. Sai
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Sai -- Thank you, thank you. You are a woman of great wisdom and depth.

    3. Sai


      <3 I love the thoughts in your head... At least the ones you share. hehe

  24. The ones who get bent out of shape when they ask after the fact about their bad, potentially dangerous actions and get hard facts in return are the same ones who get bent out of shape about coddling, tiptoeing responses, claiming that they're being spoken down to. Then there are the ones who get grumpy when they omit pertinent info and get responses based only on what they have included. They want to be coddled and have their minds read at the same time. Sorry, I can't read blank pages.

    1. ShelterDog64


      I feel like sometimes, they just need their mom.

    2. jane13


      I already have 5 kids....

  25. Kill, BLUE! Maim, HUSKERS! Mutilate, PIRATES! Grrr, DAWGS! Who's that, Nebraska Prairie Dogs or sumpin? What did I walk into here? It's okay as long as you're all feeling ferocious.

    1. ShelterDog64


      Haha, my husband is from South Dakota, their mascots are Coyotes and Jackrabbits. Terrifying, right?

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @ShelterDog64, I'm from Brooklyn where had squirrels and sparrows year-round and, in season, jackalopes.

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