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Status Updates posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. To the "I lost only" gritchers, this is your speed: “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” -- the wisdom of Winnie the Pooh. Just do what needs doing.

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    2. Kathy812


      Wish there was a love button -)

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      If you want to love Winnie the Pooh's philosophy of life and have no button to express it, why not reread the book? That's LOVE.

    4. Kathy812


      Great suggestion!


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  2. I've lost 23 lbs since restarting my band three months ago. I'll take it. This month is my seventh surgery anniversary and I'm working not to be down on myself for having messed up so badly. I'm the one who messed up and I'm the one who will tidy up.

    1. OzRoo


      Awesome loss and Congratulations on restart!

      Wishing you continuing great success!

    2. Sai


      I love you too (but you already know that too hehe) @WLSResources/ClothingExch

    3. blizair09
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  3. What do you do when there's no "there" there?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Agreed on the reaction to his reply. Whether it was surreal or lunatic, it made me want to inhale.

    3. OKCPirate


      Yeah, I think I'm going to have to roll a fatty on election night.

    4. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I may take a page from your book -- a fatty or, if necessary, a midnight training goin' anywhere...beyond U.S. borders. North.

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  4. Jeopardy taught me something this evening -- that bourbon is made from corn. I like bourbon, but never knew its origins and it wasn't until the quiz that I realized I'd never even wondered. Isn't moonshine made from corn? Does that mean that bourbon is a fine version of the likker that's made beyond the eyes of the revenooers?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. OKCPirate


      I had work in KY. Great history and legends in the industry. Its also huge in Ireland and Scotland I love visiting wineries too. My visits to Napa were great. In NY there is this one. http://www.tuthilltown.com/ Nice heavy rye bourbon

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Gardiner is only about 2 hours up the Hudson, a nice area. Hmm... It might happen. I had no idea there's production in NYS other than the wineries. P.S. Because you mentioned jazz in Djmohr's status on wine, I mentioned a film that might be of interest to you.

    4. OKCPirate


      Thanks for letting me know about

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  5. Bob Dylan, hot diggity.

    1. ProudGrammy


      he got some award or something recognizing his musical history? think i heard something - luv him - kathy

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @proudgrammy, the Nobel Prize for literature. It's a big deal.

    3. ProudGrammy


      OMG, yeah i'd say that's a big deal!!! - thanx for straightening me out LOL

  6. "You know it was a good day if you didn't hit or bite anyone." --Nathan, age 4, and moi

    1. OzRoo


      Not even Gefilte fish ???

      He, he .... :)


    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I suppose you think you're cute, Missy? Well, you are.

    3. OzRoo


      But of course .... :)

  7. I'm in a good mood. Take cover.

    1. Sai


      I'll hide and take cover, but I'm glad you are in a good mood. If you warn us when you're in a good mood, I'm terrified of your bad moods hehe. :)

    2. LipstickLady


      I **AM** always in a good mood. That doesn't mean I have to spread it.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Sai, I'll give you fair warning. You'll be safe....@LipstickLady, are you doing what's called splitting splinters? )I just made that up and have no idea what it means.)

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  8. @Alex Brecher, that survey? Go to your room without any supper, you're grounded.

  9. Slap me silly. I thought I'd hit a plateau, but no-o-o, I simply slowed by loss by several days of bad eating. Isn't it funny that smart eating works? Maybe I needed the goof because I feel reenergized to do this right.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      "Snacking?" What's that? Never heard of it. Never ever.

    3. Cervidae


      It was the pumpkin tortilla chips from Trader Joe's that finally got me... :'(

    4. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Early in my lapband career I was able to measure out 1/2 ounce or a full ounce of chips as I planned meals. Then something changed and I couldn't stop, so I stopped buying them for the rest of the time that I stayed with the plan. I don't know if I'd be able to control it now, so I won't take the chance on buying chips yet.

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  10. I much prefer the illegal kind.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Golly gee, I wonder why that is?

    2. LipstickLady


      NO CLUE. I'm innocent.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Mark Twain, one of the writers who can/could have had me, wrote "Innocents Abroad." I shall borrow from him -- "Innocence: A Broad."

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  11. Q: "Why does the lapband fail?" A: Because it doesn't study. (If you missed it, I'm entertaining myself.)

    1. laceemouse


      bwahahaha, good one :)


  12. This evening's clothing exchange was one of the best. The highlight? A BP member came! And she brought lots and lots of great clothes! And found lots of clothes! And is terrific, too! And lives a few blocks from where I grew up! If I did that at all!

    1. LipstickLady


      So they advertise the date and location of the sale. For a week before the sale, people come with their clothing items tagged, hung and priced. They are assigned a number that they place on their tags. They get 30 - 40% of the sale price and my friends get the remaining cut. It's a ZOO. The sellers get a pre-sale date to shop before it opens to the public. Anyone who volunteers gets a discount, too. There is a few days of after sale when sellers come collect their clothes or they are donated to a clothes bank. The big work for them is keeping track of who gets what as the clothes sell. It's definitely a lot of work, but the participants are HUGE and bring PILES and PILES of clothes.


      I have never participated but the $$ flow is great for all interested. Because the seller prices their own stuff, it's up to them how much they potentially earn. It's a great concept all around.

    2. LipstickLady


      The venue size is HUGE. Clothes, toys, handbags, shoes, maternity... HUGE for Virginia is about 10,000 square feet of empty store front. It's a cool process and a brilliant idea.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @LipstickLady. You're fast. As you see, I deleted my reply to your first note and sent it to you via BPmail. Now I shall see if I can print out this info. Thanks so much.

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  13. When people sniffle over plateaus and stalls, I tell them to hang in and eat properly and give guarantees that everything will catch up again. Now that I've hit my first plateau ever -- this wasn't ever supposed to happen -- I'm sure something's wrong with me. Someone tell me the words. I need to hear the words.

    1. LipstickLady
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      This is your lucky day. I'm too tired and satisfied with the day to snap back at you. Excellent but way busy clothing exchange; a much larger turnout and far more clothes than has happened in a while. You're not so bad for runner up. Ha!

    3. LipstickLady


      Glad you had a great day! <3

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  14. Having dinner and going to a dance performance with a friend from the past. We lost touch 35 years ago.

    1. Cervidae


      That sounds fun! Enjoy. :)

    2. KristenLe


      Have a great time!!!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      The evening was wonderful, as though no time had passed.

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  15. Saw "The Book of Mormon" today, finally. Highly irreverent and juvenile in a frat-boy vein. What else could one expect from the creators of "South Park?" Lots of fun.

    1. suzzzzz


      I have never laughed so hard as when I saw it. Was so outrageous at times, you just can't be offended.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      It was great. @LipstickLady -- judged by people in your area? The bible belt, I think? @suzzzzz -- if no one's offended, the show would have closed long ago. I did wonder, though, whether everyone in the audience knew what they were coming to beyond a hit show. We're still in heavy tourist season here.

    3. LipstickLady


      Bible Belt indeed.

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  16. Kill, BLUE! Maim, HUSKERS! Mutilate, PIRATES! Grrr, DAWGS! Who's that, Nebraska Prairie Dogs or sumpin? What did I walk into here? It's okay as long as you're all feeling ferocious.

    1. ShelterDog64


      Haha, my husband is from South Dakota, their mascots are Coyotes and Jackrabbits. Terrifying, right?

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @ShelterDog64, I'm from Brooklyn where had squirrels and sparrows year-round and, in season, jackalopes.

  17. Lapband as plaything or, in a sense, condom? Interesting.

    1. OzRoo


      Ha Ha! Too funny :)

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @krakow57, I didn't mean to be "ha ha" funny. It was an observation on a post that I chose not to respond to.

    3. OzRoo


      Fair enough. Just that it seemed funny to me, not knowing what it was all about. Now it is interesting .....

      Yes, some posts are best left alone.

  18. What's with all the bitching about not losing 10 lbs. a day? At least three new whines are posted daily. I have come to the conclusion that the psychologists who do evaluations are asking the wrong questions and not paying attention.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Valentina


      It certainly does and is.

    3. heidikat72


      @WLSResources - mine used the word "only" as well. She had asked what my final goal weight was and asked how I would feel if I only got down xxx instead of my goal. I think she specifically chose the word "only" to see what sort of reaction it would trigger in me. I was pretty impressed with her - there were definitely times where she used likely trigger words to gauge my reactions, not because she was being insensitive.

    4. KristenLe


      @heidikat72 I believe that's what mine was doing as well. I don't remember the exact wording she used but it didn't bother me.

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  19. In the middle of nearly three weeks of non-stop, RUQ pain, I've seen the gastroenterologist, had blood work and a CT scan of abdomen and pelvis. The blood work indicates inflammation (I coulda told 'em that), but the CT scan was clean. Next is a visit to a cardiologist for clearance for endoscopy on Thursday. Endoscopy should be declared unconstitutional, but it makes more sense than other options (upper GI series, whatever that is).. I'd rather have low level, cheesy men dance for me.

    1. OzRoo


      Sorry to hear that! Hope you feel better soon! What does the blood work indicate?

      Could be the gallbladder, if you still have one.

      I had mine out years ago, as the pain was unbearable. Good luck! xxx

    2. Dub


      Gallstones ???? Very sorry you are hurting.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Dub, where'd you get gallstones? Not in my abdomen you didn't. Did you read the entire post? Nothing familiar?

  20. Yesterday, after however long of gritching and asking, I discovered by chance how to paste while typing up a new post. "Chance" isn't quite accurate. It was more like an Isaac Newton moment. Damn, I'm good, but with all the times I'd asked, why didn't someone tell me long ago? What a bunch of beauties.

  21. Topic for GREATER NEW YORK...CLOTHING EXCHANGE is now complete. If you're in the vicinity, take a look.

  22. Charlie Parker Jazz Festival this afternoon. It will be divine.

    1. Cervidae
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Cervidae, get jealouser now: It WAS good. I would have gone Friday also, but the heat and humidity were beyond brutal. Maybe next year I'll get to two or even all three days.

  23. I need a double scotch on the rocks. Make that neat.

  24. Flailing, hell. Lost 11 lbs. since July 18 adjustment. I'm hot and I'm in.

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    2. Unbridled


      @OutsideMatchInside... down girl down!

      That's the beauty of forums... you don't have to reveal a single thing about yourself.

      Just be kind and understanding that someone wants to be here for whatever reason.

    3. OzRoo


      Smoking! Congratulations! :)

    4. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks for the cheers, all. @Unbridled, first there was the verb, then there was the gerund - same DNA with a slight mutation. @OutsideMatchInside, nothing devious or nefarious about it. Upon signing on at BP and about to enter the stats, I was interrupted by the phone. It then occurred to me that entering the stats would serve me not. Jotting them in my trusty, little notebook is quicker than electronics. When asked, I reveal. When pertinent, I include the info in my posts. @krakow57, I stopped smoking in 2001! :P

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  25. Nine consecutive days of eating like a civilized loser of weight. Might this be the restart I've been flailing for?

    1. Unbridled


      That is flippin' awesome! I'm so proud of you.

    2. Daisee68


      Absolutely! Believe it!

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