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Status Replies posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. Officially a WLS success as of today. Not stopping though, want to reach my personal goal :)

  2. Goldfinches at the feeders and in the bird bath... such a simple pleasure.

  3. Felling excited! I got an email from my plastic surgeon today. They took before and after pics of my Brachioplasty. After she and her assistant took a look at them they were so thrilled with the results that they want to use them on their website, in their office and in any presentations she does. I knew they looked great but I am thrilled she is feeling great about them. Yesterday I saw my dermotologist in MN and he wanted to see them as he used to do plastic surgery as well. He was blown away by how great they look and he was especially excited about my scars and how perfect they look. Then I found out they are going to give me a free ultrasonic facial and Botox session just for booking my surgery with them. It was a good day for me!

  4. My thighs are sore... I couldn't figure out why? Oh thats right... I rode a horse yesterday ; )

  5. Just saw it for the first time ever and was surprised by my reaction: It's tacky to park one's butt on a website such as this to hawk one's pyramid-scheme products. And I'm just a disinterested user of the site.

  6. Finding it difficult to watch people in self-destruct mode and are unwilling to listen to advice that might help them.

  7. 44 hours and counting...

  8. Start the pre-op liquid diet the day after tomorrow. Bring on the runny meals! Wooo hooo!

  9. Had a bit of a scare this morning. Woke up and immediately could tell my sugars were low. Checked it - 41. I have never seen it do that before. 3 glucose tablets later and I was back up to 80. I was completely freaked out over it. My doctor is out of town for at least another week so hopefully I can find someone in the office tomorrow.

  10. My toes are almost touching Onederland! The scale stubbornly balanced at 200.0 today. I moved it all around the bathroom to try to get it to tip but it refused!

  11. Ok I'm so flippin tired of summer! It's hot enough already. UGH.

  12. Ok I'm so flippin tired of summer! It's hot enough already. UGH.

  13. So last night I didn't get to go to the packer game but hubby brought me a present. It was a tiny little packer jacket that has tiny little arm holes. 4 weeks ago there is no way I would have gotten my big arms into that thing. Today, I slid my new beautiful arms in and there was even room. Hubby said, I knew you would have no problem with this! He got a big hug and kiss from me. What a nice surprise.

  14. Hi all. I'm new here and scheduled for RNY on 8/25. Your posts have been so encouraging and helpful. Starting to get a bit overwhelmed and just ready to get it done with already. LOL.

  15. Bought the most perfect, tasty, luscious cherry tomatoes at the farmers' market today. They turned out to have skins thick enough that they don't chew. There oughta be a law: Drown the food scientists working in the ag industry.

  16. Hoo boy...maybe I'm a little hangry? My button was clearly pushed!

  17. Bought the most perfect, tasty, luscious cherry tomatoes at the farmers' market today. They turned out to have skins thick enough that they don't chew. There oughta be a law: Drown the food scientists working in the ag industry.

  18. Off for some cottage cheese tonight for dinner. Hubby is at the Packer game and his best friend is sitting in my seat. So I will drown my sorrows in cottage cheese with a fresh nectarine. Boo Hoo......

  19. Home for skin surgery with four drains, powerful narcotics and more pain than I thought was possible. Was it worth it? Time will tell. I want to thank you all for the good wishes and prayers. I am humbled by your concern and compassion. God Bless you ALL.

  20. YaaaaaHoooo! I’m down 60.6 pounds as of this morning, with 51.4 more to go! Surgery was 5/16/16. Now I’m ready to get out of the 190’s……Hopefully I’ll see a 18X sometime over the weekend.

  21. Deleted my status so I don't get in trouble by the BP Gods! ;-) But seriously - enough is enough!

  22. Burnt the cowboy shit outa my left arm while grilling.........hair is gone. Should I go ahead and trim the hair off both arms to match ????

  23. cheese makes the world go round.

  24. Very frustrated with the fact that I weigh the same as others and am the same height and I am not wearing the size 16 & 18 that they are wearing. I am not even close to that size yet. Why are our bodies so different and when will I be out of the X's ?

  25. Officially 200 lbs lost!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
