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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    newrose2427 reacted to Velocity in No Complications   
    That's awesome. Not feeling so alone anymore. I had my 3 month check up with my doc and nut and they said I'm doing great. They actually had me cut back on my Vitamins because everything was coming back high. lol Leave it to me to get everything backwards. I'm down 85 pounds right now and stalling. However, this too shall pass....so not worrying about it. MisforMimi, I'm not sure what the island is called.I think we should have a contest for the name. The winner can be president for a day. ( Of course we have to trade off each day to make it fair...lol)
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    newrose2427 reacted to goodnuff in No Complications   
    Surgery this next week...can I get a pre-surgical invite because i'm realllllly hoping to join your team?
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    newrose2427 reacted to InspirationMySon in No Complications   
    No complications either. Couple foods have given me trouble when I reintroduced them but that's too be expected. I do get "dumping" but not like it was described to me but def enough so that I do not want to eat said food or drink which is fine! I am only 6 months into the process & I am loving my new life, loving how active I am now. Best thing ever!
  4. Like
    newrose2427 reacted to MisforMimi in No Complications   
    I'm coming too!
    By grace, I've had no complications. Everything about this process has been smooth sailing. Fingers crossed. I have to make sure the first few bites of food are slow slow slow otherwise I'm fine. I haven't eaten anything that would cause dumping yet but if it did happen I would consider it a perk not a complication. LOL
    I consider myself very lucky.
    Whatchu calling this island?
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    newrose2427 reacted to Fancie57 in No Complications   
    I don't have any problems. I am almost 2 yrs out in May. Lost 115 lbs, can eat anything just in small amounts. I do dump on fatty/greasy things so I avoid them. But loving life.
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    newrose2427 reacted to angelinnc32 in No Complications   
    That's awesome. I don't care about what others think but I am very nervous. I like it when I look in the mirror and enjoy looking at myself!
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    newrose2427 reacted to Velocity in No Complications   
    I suppose at my age I really don't worry about that stuff. I wear what I want and if people don't like it...that's ok too....lol My island is worry free and I think I have a bathing suit shop to cover anyone the way they want.
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    newrose2427 reacted to angelinnc32 in No Complications   
    I never had any complications! I only dump with greasy/fatty/processed foods. Other than that I've followed the diet for 20months and have lost 196 lbs
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    newrose2427 reacted to angelinnc32 in My story that I think is a success!   
    Sooo update!!! I am officially under 200!!! Yup today I weighed in at 198 on my period and fully clothed!!!! I am so damn proud of me. PLUS I can now wear a size 8 Jean and almost a 6!!!
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    newrose2427 reacted to angelinnc32 in My story that I think is a success!   
    Yeah it hurt me and made me so much more determined to prove her wrong. I've over come losing my young husband, an abusive parent and being told I would never walk again(yet I do) I will show her she's wrong by denying me this surgery at the preop appt.
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    newrose2427 reacted to angelinnc32 in My story that I think is a success!   
    Hi all. I am a 38 yo woman. I am 5'6" HW398, SW 358, CW 202. I think being a size 10 (with my skin roll) is 100% success. My surgeon on the other hand does not. She won't let me have skin removal surgery till I am <200. <200 not 202 not 201, 199 or lower. I set a personal goal of a pant size not a weight because I didn't want to fail myself and I am past it. I wanted to be a 13 yet here I am in a size med waist cincher and 10 jeans that fall off my waist and hug my pelvic bone due to skin. Grrrr  
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    newrose2427 reacted to blacktee92675 in Started 4 week pre-op liquid diet today!   
    Hi, I did just under 3 weeks and lost 22 lbs. 90% of what I consumed mostly Protein shakes for calories and Protein. Low sodium chicken broth was also a friend.
    Some treats made it easier. Italian Ice, sugar free Jello, and low cal Gatorade. My Doc said nothing reddish in color the week prior to surgery. He didn't want anything stuck in my system that could be confused with blood.
    I also worked out 60 minute a day, 5/6 days a week. I was by far the fattest guy at the gym, and felt very self conscious at first, but quickly remembered that I really don't care about jerks who judge.
    My surgery took 45 minute. The Doc said my prep made his job easier. I'm 9 days post op and went for a 13 mile (flat path) bike ride today. I'm pretty sure the pre opp work (losing weight AND working out) helped with my recovery.
    YES, IT SUCKS, Try not to think about it. :-)
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    newrose2427 reacted to Miss Mac in How in the world do you get all your liquid in?   
    Go back to youtube and watch a couple of videos on actual sleeve surgery, to remind yourself what has just happened to your stomach. That will help remind you you of why it is so swollen and easily filled. Just keep your fluids handy and take a small sip every few minutes. At 15 months now I can drink a cup of Fluid in about twenty minutes, so it is easy to get 80-100 ounces of fluids in a day. It just takes time. I think I was at about six weeks before I could get my 64 ounces of Fluid in.
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    newrose2427 reacted to blacktee92675 in How in the world do you get all your liquid in?   
    One sip at a time. :-) I'm on 9 day post sleeve and have no issue getting 60oz Water per day. I'll mix in 1 part low cal Gatorade or Coconut Water with 2 parts water to keep it interesting and help with electrlyts, while not adding to many calories or carbs.
    We all recover at a different pace, so hang in there and sip, sip, sip :-)
  15. Like
    newrose2427 reacted to VonJuke in Everyone is Against This   
    Thanks everyone. He did attend the seminar with me but was very quiet and passive. I asked A MILLION questions.
    As we were talking today he said,"I know you'll do whatever you feel is best. "
    I responded,"Why would you ever think that? I always do what everyone else wants me to do. "
    That was a very telling revelation. I don't do a lot of things I would prefer to do because I let other people influence my choices. Maybe it's time to think about that more closely. Maybe it's time to do this for me.
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    newrose2427 reacted to IcanMakeit in Everyone is Against This   
    You are considering this for yourself, not your family. Let them know that their opinions matter, but they are not the deciders, you are. You are the one who will live with the consequences of your decision. As you probably have read over and over again on this site and have heard from others who have had the surgery: very few people who have the surgery regret it (after the first few weeks -- almost everybody regrets it for at least a few days because of the initial discomfort).
    I agree with the posters above. Take your husband with you to your pre-op appointments and to the pre-surgical seminars. He is probably very frightened about the possible complications. The best cure for that is education. When he learns the actual statistics, he may relax quite a lot. But in the end, this is your decision, not his and not your parents'.
    Good luck no matter what you decide.
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    newrose2427 reacted to blondebomb in Everyone is Against This   
    I feel for you. my hubs goes with me on majority of dr visits period simply bc I have soo many health issues and he was with me when 2 of my specialist sent me to the surgeon. both these dr's ironically talked to me about the sleeve would be best for me the same week and neither of them know each other. they each explained the risk and the benefits and with the health issues I have the weight was just going to continue to go up. I had been 30 some yrs yoyo dieting nothing was helping. I'd lose 30 to 40 end up gaining 50 to 60! up and down all thru my life. the benefits outweigh the risks! I refused to end up 300 pds and stuck on the recliner not having a life. the way it was I was approaching 275. I had had enuff! hashi's was destroying my life. type 2 and insulin resistant and the list goes on. I kept this private from extended family including my parents. my hubs and a few BFF's is all I told I was not going to hear every bodys negative opinions on something that I personally had to do for me and my health. has your spouse went to any appointments with you? I even took my hubs with me thru all the preop classes. he was involved as well. I hope you can work thru this and sometimes a person has to do whats best for them regardless of what other members think and want. keep us posted dear...I didn't read the comments I'm sure you'll get more support! hang in there! I am soo glad I went thru this for ME. I am 8 months postop and over 100 down and its amazing..best thing I ever did for myself!
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    newrose2427 reacted to BLERDgirl in Everyone is Against This   
    Did you husband attend the seminars with you? Honestly, would you be considering surgery of you could have done this on your own? You will keep it off because the surgical changes make it nearly impossible to over eat. You lose because you have to relearn how to eat an nourish your body. The jumpstart from this surgery is far different than any diet will ever be. I honestly did not care what anyone thought. I as doing this for me. It's a serious surgery and comes with the same risk most surgeries come with, but it's a fairly routine procedure. I had an easier time recovering from this than when I had my hysterectomy 10 years ago and when I had my meniscus repair. Take your husband to the appointments. If there are support groups in your area, encourage him to attend with you.
    Now there's a chance that your husband may never be okay with this. The question then becomes if you can do this knowing he's not comfortable with it. That's a decision you have to make for yourself.
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    newrose2427 reacted to JerseyCityGal in 4 weeks out. Depressed and questioning my choice.   
    If the only thing you have or ever will love in life is "fast food", then yeah, you made the wrong choice. Is eating all you ever did? You can still eat all day long, all day, every day and get back up to your pre-surgery weight in no time at all. That way you won't have to keep telling people that your small portions won't be "forever", although I can't imagine why they would care. Eat those "normal" portions that got you up to 269 lbs! It will take you longer to consume, but you can do it!
    Or you could start exercising, read a couple of good books on nutrition, take a healthy cooking class, make plans for the future, get rid of things in your life that aren't working, search the internet for recipes that fit in your surgeon's meal plan, find a new hobby to keep yourself busy, join a gym, take a walk....
    Or think about life at a McDonald's with a kid's meal and pout.
    Your choice.
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    newrose2427 reacted to CanyonBaby in 4 weeks out. Depressed and questioning my choice.   
    If you've haven't been reading the posts of late (or forever, for that matter), start now! There is so much to offer you on your journey. As for a little sunshine in a depressing state, sounds like it's time for a "spring-ahead"! What I mean is, it's time to start focusing on the future. This time of year can be so depressing, especially as summer seems so far away. So check your body measurements, and check them periodically. This should perk up your outlook, because the measurements will change even if the scale doesn't. Then start planning for good things, like what clothing styles you like (you could start adding pieces to your wardrobe that can carry you through several sizes - stretchy slacks, flowy tops...), or, if you're not ready to spend yet, go and try on things (and don't forget to try styles you never dared to before - you might be REALLY surprised!!!). Take a day to splurge on happy feelings - you don't have to spend money to do it! If you have a general idea of styles you want to focus on, but don't want to spend on sizes you'll soon "shrink" out of, then maybe get a cute pair of shoes (my true passion in life - no kidding!!!) to gear your future purchases around. Most importantly, HAVE FUN with all this, it IS a great thing you have done!
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    newrose2427 reacted to staceymeaux in Everyone needs support   
    My 19 year old son sent me this text this morning. Support is critical in this journey. Feeling blessed.

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    newrose2427 reacted to blashlee in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"   
    I'm the queen of sass and snark. I'm honestly waiting for the day someone tries to step to me and tell me what I'm about to do in about a month from now (gastric bypass) is easy or asks me why I did it. And I hope they do it on a day that I don't feel well or am already struggling so I can give them a full blown response. And I hope it makes them wish they never ran into me in the break room. Or regret that they ever learned to express an unwanted opinion again. Ever. I almost hope it's strong enough to get me warned by a supervisor. Cuz then maybe word will get out that I'm not someone to be bothered or quizzed.
    :-D but still just as sweet as Splenda, I promise.
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    newrose2427 reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"   
    Chai.... if you don't want anyone to know..... TELL NO ONE. people like to gossip... Even your bestest friends with eventually tell. Especially when they are large people too. When you start losing.. and people start noticing and those people hear and get jealous.... you can bet you last dollar the will say.....Well i could lose too if i had WLS.... then that's all it takes.
    Just be prepared with an answer... Smile when you do. My standard answer was.... I'm watching what i eat , controlling my portions and exercising.... Which are all completely true.
    Now when people ask me.... hey, how's your day.... i say... I'M Fabulous.. Thanks Even to my A** hole husband....... Because I am...
  24. Like
    newrose2427 reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"   
    im over 5 years post op... and at first when people would say that, it would hurt my feelings. Now it's a whole new ball game... When someone dares to say that WLS is the easy way out ... I turn to them and say Oh really, tell me what you think you know about WLS.... That normally catches them way off guard. I love watching them back stroke.... Then i say.. Well, im free tomorrow for you to follow me around and if it's so easy, you will have no trouble adhering to all the rules that i have to..... Such as... No drinking with meals.. EVER!! No straws... small plates, small utensils, chewing and chewing till your jaw hurts. Eating so slow that by the time your finished it's all cold. to just name a few. then at 5 you can come to the gym with me and exercise...
    if that don't work i just tell them to "f" off and mind their own damn business.
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    newrose2427 reacted to Rogofulm in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"   
    To someone who says something like that unsolicited, I'd be tempted to say, "Really? Tell me what you think you know about bariatric surgery, and what's so easy about it. The quarter of a million people on my Forum think it's hard, so what do you know that they don't? Are you pulling this ignorant sh!t out of your a$$? Then I suggest that you stuff it back where it came from." But what I'd really say is, "Why would you say such an insulting and ignorant thing? Is that your way of being helpful? Well it's not." Then I'd turn and walk away. And please, please don't let an ignoramus affect how you feel about yourself or the surgery. He's just not worth it! You're making an excellent decision for your health and for your life. Always remember that. And in a few months, you'll be reaping the benefits while jerk-boy watches and stews.

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