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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Mel24

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  1. Hi all! I am 6 days post op, so I am on the liquids stage. B Premier Protein shake & 2 Fiber gummies AM Snack 16 oz iced SF 2% Irish cream latte L Oxylent Vitamin packet in 8 oz of Water Afternoon snack SF Popsicle and 1/4 c of a shake, hated the taste, dumped it D pacific creamy tomato soup with 1 T of grated Parmesan PM snack Protein Shake Plus an additional 30 oz of water Lost 9.6 in week 1
  2. I hurt in the same spot, and I am 2 days ahead of you! Heating pad helps.
  3. Mel24

    Puréed phase

    I am a week from puréed too, and I can't wait! I feel hungry or empty often and can't wait to have something with substance!
  4. Mel24

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    272.6 for me! Sleeved on Monday, lost 9.6! I might need to adjust my goal down another 15 lb!!
  5. I tried the Syntrax nectar grapefruit, and it was so foamy and didn't taste very good. It was gritty too. I am wondering if I got a bad sample. I have 1 more of that flavor but a few others, so I will try it again. Any advice?
  6. Mel24

    Feeling better already

    I am 6 days post op too, I think I have been doing a bit too much, but I blame my kids and hubby! ???? I went shopping today and I was pooped once I was done. It's 7 pm, and I am laying in bed. I hope the energy returns in a couple days! But physically, I feel awesome! Tummy, and incisions are great! Whew!
  7. This is all I used: Chapstick, they actually gave me my own in recovery, even though I brought my fave, pj pants and comfy shirt/tank ( I run hot, so my tank was my friend), slippers, Jambox to play my own music to relax, hair brush (forgot mine). I brought magazines, iPad, phone and chargers used the technology only 6-7 hours once I was in my room. Never touched the magazines. Plan on sleeping a bunch, and resting. Good luck!
  8. Mel24

    Extreme Diarrhea

    I was sleeved on the 27th, yesterday I finally pooped, then afterwards it's been liquid, 3 times in 2 days. I was going to ask the same question. I am glad I am not alone!
  9. Mel24

    Post op questions

    I am 6 days post op and I get it! Mine is on the left side, and it's a dull ache, like muscular. Then when I get up, cough, sneeze, etc, it hurts unless I brace it with my hands. My dr. Told me this is normal, because this is where they removed the stomach, and the incision site is larger and there was more "trauma" to the muscles. When in doubt call your dr. Good luck!
  10. Mel24

    Can we talk undies?

    I wear boy shorts or hipsters by Lane Bryant. Can't wait to get out of that store!
  11. Mel24

    Panic attacks and anxiety post-op

    I am doing good. I was released yesterday, and spent most of the day sleeping on and off. I didn't have any panic or nerves going into the OR, I was quite surprised! Now I am just coming to terms with what I have done to myself. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it at all. But drinking Protein shakes are tough, everything is really sweet tasting. So I am doing lots of Water, and about 4 oz of Protein shake (25 grams protein for 4 oz). I am keeping up on my meds, and that is proving to be important. I am also going to try walking more today, maybe get dressed! ???? But the anxiety is fine, presently surprised actually. I will keep you posted!
  12. Mel24

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    283.2 this week. Ugh.
  13. Ok, it makes me nervous to eat Protein. I figured, I would stay with broth and light liquids for a couple days, then add the shakes by the weekend. Does gas x help the bubbles??
  14. I was released this afternoon from the hospital. I hated their protein shakes, way too sweet, so drank milk. Now that I am home, I am noticing a ton of loud gurgling noises coming from my new stomach. I want to finish half of my shake, but these noises are freaking me out. Help? Advice? Should I just do broth for a couple days and slowly add the shakes?
  15. @@jjflamingoVSG, Thanks! Iam exhausted, how long did this last for??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
