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    zedqueen reacted to DENISEMIC in Two weeks and three days out. ...   
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    zedqueen reacted to annelisem in Ppl having bariatric surgery in their twenties!   
    Aww , you poor things!! I hope you're feeling better now.
    I had an infection inside - they gave me 2 antibiotics though every time they'd make me throw up.
    How weird is it?!!... I am such a worried!... Every time I feel a twinge or gas moving I think I need to go to ER now haha!!
    Have to start thinkin about purée recipes soon
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    zedqueen got a reaction from cbp0229 in Hello from Christopher   
    Welcome! Praying for a speedy recovery
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    zedqueen reacted to annelisem in Ppl having bariatric surgery in their twenties!   
    I'm 25 and had my surgery last Saturday.
    It's all very fresh for me, and I'm quite sore but never have I regretted it!!
    I hate needles as my veins are a pain, but I got through it
    I've never been able to lose weight, but this month I've now lost 24 pounds!!!
    How are you getting on??? As I think you're a bit further ahead now!
    No idea what I have coming next!!

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    zedqueen got a reaction from freshair in 1 year Surgiversary!   
    hey I'm doing much better. Just a little pain here and there. Thanks for asking. :-D
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    zedqueen got a reaction from blashlee in New in town :)   
    Hey doll! I am 22 here. Currently residing in Indiana. Welcome! I'm kind of new Here also. Just had surgery January 13. So I'm pretty fresh off the boat. This is truly a life changing journey and it can be a positive journey if you follow the doctors orders. You'll get to meet some pretty amazing ppl and your eyes will open to many things you never thought before. You will have your ups and downs. But hopefully more ups. I just had my down today when I went through a terrible two hr dumping syndrome session. But afterwards you feel better and you learn lessons. I'm two weeks and three days out and I've already lost 27 pounds. This can be a blessing if you remain strong
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    zedqueen reacted to HYCIERRA in I DID IT! I DID IT!   
    Today is the day I've been waiting for, for a very, very long time. And it's finally here. Officially, this morning I've lost 100 POUNDS!!! Please friends, there is no need in sending out a search party. There is absolutely no reward in their return. In fact, I've got 34 more to lose to hit my goal. DON'T look for them, don't find them. They are no good, bad news!! Today is a blessed day. <3
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    zedqueen reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in New in town :)   
    @@blashlee Hi there and welcome to the rest of your life! WLS has been both a blessing a somewhat of a curse for me at times. But the best thing I've learned in this is that I am much stronger than I ever imagined. If you need a friend, I'm here! Cute pup too. I have some Maltese that I just adore.
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    zedqueen reacted to Lebim in They warn you for a reason   
    Before you have gastric bypass they warn you of a few things.
    1. You can gain the weight back
    2. Alcoholism is a possible side effect after surgery
    3. food that used to fill you up or make you sick won't do that as much after awhile
    4. Smoking cigarettes causes ulcers post-op
    My mom always says no matter how much I'm warned - I've always had to learn every lesson the hard way. Gastric bypass was that way too.
    My story is just a warning for all you newbies out there - all the stuff they warn you about is real.
    Hey, I'm Kaylee and I had my surgery when I was 20 years old on June 11, 2012. I was 280lbs. In less than 8 months I got down to 150 lbs, 130lbs lost.
    For the first 9 months I was insanely strict. If it wasn't a lean Protein or a non-starchy vegetable I wouldn't eat it. Couldn't pay me to eat a carb. While this is good health wise and I'm sure made my surgical team sing - it was the start of my inevitable failure. I was so strict that after awhile all the foods I had denied myself even a nibble of became so enticing I felt ravenous.
    My first screw up was picking up smoking again almost a year after I quit. Pure stupidity, I was just bored and thought I could do it socially, wrong. Got ulcers and have had them for over a year and a half. Without acid reducer pills I'm in a lot of pain.
    Breaking that golden rule led me to break other rules because hey, I already screwed up right? I started having those forbidden foods I had not allowed myself to even look at for such a long time. Bites turned into mouth fulls turned into plate fulls.
    Then came introducing wine back into my life. I suffer from depression and when you don't have to put effort into getting drunk anymore it is so appealing. I fought depression with wine and started drinking every single night - going through a box of wine every 3 days or so.
    I then moved from sunny south Florida, away from all my friends, to cold Missouri in the middle of January 2014. I fell into a deep depression and my drinking got worse, and since I was waiting for all my stuff to arrive in the moving truck I lived off hot pockets, Bagels, pretty much anything I could toss in a microwave or toaster. I ate crap, drank daily and smoked like a chimney for pretty much the entire year of 2014, all the while pretending my scale didn't exist and convincing myself my clothes were shrinking and I wasn't getting bigger. I was too ashamed and terrified to look at the scale.< /p>
    I finally got up the courage to face what I had done to myself the start of January 2015 and got on the scale. 204lbs. In the span of one year I had gained 54lbs. I felt disgusted with myself and cried for days and days and beat myself up emotionally. I failed everyone, especially myself.
    But nothing good comes from beating yourself up over what you cannot take back. I can't take back living on bagels and wine for an entire year. What I can do is fight to get back to 150lbs though.
    So on January 12 I quit smoking, quit drinking every day and have reduced it to just Saturday's with my boyfriend at home versus my downtown-bad-habit-factory, and have gotten close to back to basics but allow myself some freedom - for example for lunch on days I work out I let myself have my chicken and veggies inside a wrap [carbs are my crack] instead of depriving myself of anything I want.
    I want very badly to get back down to 150lbs... I'm terrified I never will and have somehow ruined this "one and only chance" I've made up in my head. Like I had this wonderful gift of being thin and now that I messed it up I'll never get it back, but I know that type of thinking won't help me. So I'm going to keep going and hopefully someday get back to it.
    If you've actually made it this far, thank you, I really needed to get this horrible guilt off my chest. I feel like an absolute failure but getting it out helps.
    So advice to all you n00bs:
    1. Yes you can gain it back, I'm an example.
    2. Becoming an alcoholic is a real risk you need to watch out for post op.
    3. You will be surprised how much food you can get into your body if you really try
    4. If you quit smoking never pick it up again, I didn't even have a desire to smoke and managed to become a pack a day smoker again within a month. Not even one after you quit.
    And most of all - NEVER EVER stop using your scale. I ignored what I was doing for so long and that's how I ended up gaining the amount I did. If I had just looked a couple months before and saw 175lbs I would've done what I'm doing now back then. I would have never let it get this bad if I had just swallowed my pride and looked. I'm lucky that I caught myself when I did because I was headed towards being morbidly obese again.
    Good luck to you all - try not to make all the mistakes I did.
    Here's to hoping I can look like this again
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    zedqueen reacted to carolk36 in I just wanted to shout...   
    I've lost 75 pounds as of this morning!!!
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    zedqueen reacted to acbayliss in Two weeks and three days out. ...   
    Hi. I had my surgery two weeks and 4 days ago. I am having that type of pain on my left side. Over the past 5 days it has gotten better. People keep telling me to just give my body more time to heal. I keep reading about people going back to work after one week and they just jump right back into life. So then I freak out thinking what went wrong with me? I think each persons experience is going to be different. I don't know if I have helped you at all, but since our surgery dates were so close I thought I would let you know my experience. Good luck to you and I hope you feel better soon!
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    zedqueen reacted to Lebim in Ppl having bariatric surgery in their twenties!   
    I had my surgery 2 months before my 21st birthday, I am 2.5 years out now at 23 years old. Honestly I was dying for the surgery for a very long time before actually realizing it could be a reality. My older brother had his gastric bypass 5 years prior to me and he did so well and I envied him so much. I've been fat my entire life and bullied relentlessly for it and treated differently than all my friends. I am crippled by fear around needles and I sucked it up and got stuck what felt like a thousand times for all my tests prior to surgery and all the blood tests and heparin shots while in the hospital just for a shot at a normal life I had craved for just short of 21 years. I feared I would die on the table and loathed how many needles would get shoved in my arms and I hated that I had to quit smoking cigarettes but god I wanted it so badly I'd do anything. Maybe that makes me odd, haha. There wasn't an ounce of hesitation for me.
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    zedqueen got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in I'm baaaaaack   
    Hey y'all. I'm back! I'm feeling so much better. Thank you so much for the well wishes and prayers. I really appreciate it. My infectious wound is healing fast. It's no longer even painful. I was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday. And ever since I got home I have not taken the strong pain meds. Only Tylenol here and there I couldn't stand feeling weak from the oxycodon and valium. So I dropped that real quick when I gOt home. I'm starting to eat. I was having serious trouble eating. And getting my Protein in. My body has rejected eggs, chicken, and fish. Lol ugh. And I so don't even want to touch any type of red meat ever.
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    zedqueen got a reaction from donnamaria65 in Back in the hospital:'(   
    Alright so Friday I was discharged. But I was in an incredible amount of pain. Too much to sleep or eat. My temperature kept escalating. So Sunday things got really bad. I went to the er with a 103.6 temperature. Turns out I have an infection underneath one of my incisions. It's being treated. They're packing the wound which is the worst experience I've been through. Idk how long I can do this packing thing. Please keep me in your prayers
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    zedqueen reacted to PrincessSweetPea3 in Ppl having bariatric surgery in their twenties!   
    I'm 18 almost 19, I was not the youngest patient at my surgeon's office ,either. Initially, I was embarrassed and felt like a failure for having to resort to surgery at such a young age but I looked at my options, surgery or an early death.
    My entire family is large and several have had bypass surgery with varying results. So, the surgery wasn't completely foreign to me. I used to be one of those people that said surgery was the easy way out and I was gonna do it on my own.
    Then, my mother,42, passed away when I was 15 due to complication from morbid obesity and that motivated me to lose almost 100lbs on my own,in a very unhealthy manner, but I gained it all back within a year. I've been dieting from the age of 9 and it hasn't worked. I'd lose 20-30lbs and then gain 40-50lbs.So i started researching gastric bypass and spent a year contemplating it before I even had my consultation.
    Then another life changing thing happened for me, I hit 18 and 282lbs in the same month. At that point, It hit me I was almost 300lbs and steadily gaining regardless of what crash diets I did. It finally accepted that I needed help and had to make a major life change.
    Now, for the first time in my life I'm steadily losing weight and truly feel I can maintain this lifestyle for the rest of my life. I started a new lifestyle not a diet and I accept that I needed surgery to do that. I'm very happy I made the change now instead of waiting until my 30s and losing more of my life to obesity.
    Also, I feel like in 10-15. years WLS in the late teens and early twenties will sadly, no longer be an oddity. People in america are becoming morbidly obese at younger and younger ages.High calorie food and a very sedentary lifestyle is becoming extremely prevalent in our culture.
    That's another reason I'm glad I made this decision because i'll be able to guide my future children to a healthy lifestyle and teach them from my mistakes.
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    zedqueen reacted to anaxila in Ppl having bariatric surgery in their twenties!   
    Wow, just I read this I remember a conversation with my doctor about 15 years ago where she suggested RNY and wanted to know why I wouldn't consider it. I was offended at the time and completely put it out of my head until this moment.
    Oh, how much I wish I had taken her suggestion to heart. I'm 43 now and would love to have those years back.
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    zedqueen reacted to MisforMimi in Back in the hospital:'(   
    Zedqueen, I know you will pull through. Sending prayers. Good on you for being aware and catching your symptoms. Now will you sit and rest??? :-) :-) :-) :-)
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    zedqueen reacted to lovingme2014 in I survived! !   
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    zedqueen reacted to DENISEMIC in I survived! !   
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    zedqueen reacted to leag78 in I survived! !   
    Congrats I hope to get there soon. Still waiting on surgery date.
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    zedqueen reacted to maggie0210 in Going Home Today   
    When your'e on this site, you are not alone. Keep us updated on your recovery. There will be a lot less of you!
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    zedqueen got a reaction from MisforMimi in My journey is not over but how things are going so far...   
    Hey there! I just had mine on Tuesday and I just came home yesterday. How are you feeling? I'm having period pain to where like even going for a walk is difficult. Are you going through such periods
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    zedqueen reacted to emilypaige in My journey is not over but how things are going so far...   
    I have been preparing for gastric bypass surgery since Feb. of 2014. My visits for my 6 months of dr appointments started in March, and ended in Sept. My final visit was Sept 25th 2014. My doctor sent my all of my papers/file to the surgeon and everything was going great. Sept 27th I was walking my dog and cracked my fifth metatarsal on my left foot in half. The office manager called that monday the 29th and said I was approved and we needed to schedule. I told her about what happened. The doctor called and said I wasn't able to have my surgery during the time of my broken foot because I would not be mobile enough. I was devastated to say the least. I stayed in a cast from sept 27th until the end of November. I also had to have surgery on my foot during that time to screw the bone back together. Finally after I was out of the cast and healed my surgery was scheduled for Dec 12th. I got a call a few days beforehand that the surgeon was overbooked that day and they scheduled me by mistake. It would be the 22nd before I would have surgery. I felt like at this point it would just not happen, something would always keep coming up. But, Dec. 22nd I was FINALLY able to get my surgery. Since then I have lost from 279.5 lbs to 246. 33.5 lb weight loss in almost 4 weeks. That is not too bad in my opinion Moral of the story: good things come to those who wait!!! lol
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    zedqueen reacted to Beni in Gastric Bypass was the worst decision of my Life!   
    I am so sorry you had such a horrible experience. You have to eat and drink even if your appetite is suppressed. Taking Vitamins and supplements is also very important. Yes, nausea can happen to some people but there are meds for it and saltine crackers. Smaller portions help too. If all you can eat is two spoon fulls. That's okay, you can eat 6 to 8 times per day.
    I remember my Nutritionist saying 3 meals per day, if you are hungry or not. In the beginning it was two or 3 baby spoons only.
    We have to eat and drink to live.
    I am very happy with my bypass surgery, it has changed my life and I am only 11 weeks post surgery. I feel amazing.
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    zedqueen reacted to scrap2bhappy68 in Gastric Bypass was the worst decision of my Life!   
    While I understand the issues you had and they were very serious I have to say that doesn't happen to every person. I sympathize with you and feel terrible this happed but it doesn't happen to everyone. I had this surgery done is Jan of 2011m, so 4 years ago and its the best thing that's ever happened to me. I have had none, zero issues or complications what so ever. I still have never had dumping syndrome or anything negative happen as a result of having the surgery. So I don't want to discourage people who want to do this just because of the misfortunate circumstances you experienced.

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