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Status Updates posted by Smye

  1. Dumb therapist (she's actually incredible, but hey) encouraging me to look into match.com now...

    1. Smye


      @lauraellen80 and @Mountaingal, agreed on all counts - dating websites can be fantastic! I'm just frustrated given the context (see 'so it turns out my wife is gay' in the Mars & Venus collide section, or else gaywifeconfusinglife.blogspot.com.

    2. dancingqueene


      I've done that eHarmony....I prefer match but they both are good. For me, I live in a very small city, so venturing out this way had made a world of difference!!

    3. Smye


      Well, despite my therapist's recommendations, I'm not ready to look for dating just yet. OKC, however, has the option to 'look for friends' so I'm giving that a shot. I'll pay the mulah for match once I'm solidly ready for romance.

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  2. Starting C25K, anyone up to join me?

    1. Stevehud


      Good luck man. personally i cant do that, i cant watch someone else exercise and follow along or whatever , i get mad and spiteful. lol

    2. Smye


      I hear you, and thanks for the well wishes

  3. Are YOU able to help with the cookbook? http://barideliciousfood.blogspot.com/2015/11/a-request.html

    1. liannatx


      Do you have Mock baked potato made with Cauliflower?

    2. Smye


      I do indeed - though it's not quite a 'baked potato' texture, it's closer to a lightly smashed potato

  4. Can YOU help with the cookbook?

    1. dancingqueene


      Such as??? Modifying the recipes? I can and have been...loving things I am coming up with!!


    2. Smye


      Such as giving feedback, blurbs, taking photos, and sharing your tweaks that you're willing to have in the cookbook. http://barideliciousfood.blogspot.com/2015/11/a-request.html

  5. Love sought through comments: http://gaywifeconfusinglife.blogspot.com/

    1. Stevehud


      Ill post here well, because . You're going through more than can be imagined, and doing it with a dignity that is seldom seen. I know this isn't easy or even describable. Keep moving forward man.

    2. Smye


      Thank you Steve

  6. What's harder and/or more valuable? To sit with the grieving in their grief? Or to try to fix it?

    1. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Depends what the grief is for.

    2. dancingqueene


      There is no fixing grief...it's a journey on the griever has go through. Supporting them and being there to soothe, hug, or encourage is the support another can give. Don't take the grief on for yourself, but rather take the experience and be grateful for not feeling their pain.

    3. Smye


      Ha! I meant it rhetorically as a way to vent frustrations at some folks in the post below, but you are all dead on! http://gaywifeconfusinglife.blogspot.com/


      @pink dahlia, Touche`!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
    1. OutsideMatchInside


      thanks for sharing!

    2. OKCPirate


      That's a cool little blog, thanks

    3. Smye


      Thanks! Do let me know what you think if/when you try anything.

  7. Coming tonight: Eggs Benedict

  8. Interested in helping send kids in an alt high school to an art museum? http://www.monroepsf.org/core/ler04.html (Alex, please let me know if this is inappropriate and I will remove)

  9. Holy cow - now less than my drivers license - finally under 250. I haven't weighed this amount since I was 17.

    1. dancingqueene


      Way to go!!! So very happy for you!! :)


    2. Sreeves


      Smye that's awesome!!! Congratulations! :)

    3. Smye


      Thank you both! It's a little surreal - once you sleeve the fun don't leave?

  10. Sinus infection, go away! You're making it hard to get in my steps today.

    1. ProudGrammy


      feel better - keep a box of kleenex with you at all times

      don't worry about your steps for now - you'll be well and go go go with the walking - take care - kathy

  11. Wasn't surgery supposed to be the hardest thing I did this year?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dancingqueene


      @Pink dahila- love your response!!!

    3. Smye


      @SLIPSHOD, congrats on the new name, and I'm so sorry about your son - I cannot imagine how excruciating and isolating that must be. Do let me know how/if I can provide any support.


      @proudgrammy, thanks!


      @pink dahlia, I don't even want to think about it :)


      @Kathy812, Thank you, I appreciate it!


      @dancingqueene, Thank you. We'll just have to wait and see. Too bad I hate being in pain in the meantime.

    4. jane13


      thanks, just by offering your support even through BP is greatly appreciated. I am here too if you need someone outside to give you their prospective ;/

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  12. Which should I post first? Bari-friendly eggs benedict? Or make-ahead bell pepper breakfast boats?

    1. siddarhi


      Ooo, I'd vote Bell Peppers! They sound so good.

    2. wascott


      Both sound delicious but I'm leaning towards the eggs benedict.

    3. Smye
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  13. Pizza Bagels recipe (115 cal/bagel, 5 g carbs, 11 g protein) coming tomorrow. My apologies for the hiatus

    1. jane13


      How are you? My drama is still in full blown stupid mode...

    2. Stevehud


      looking forward to it.

  14. Well it's about time, life is settling down and a new recipe is coming tomorrow

    1. ProudGrammy


      glad to hear your "news" about you and life-- can't wait to see your latest and greatest recipe - kathy

    2. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Glad to hear that you're doing well, hope your recipe is good and easy !

  15. OKCupid, here I come... soon... I think...

    1. ProudGrammy


      hmmmm, does that mean you found some you can like as a platonic friend"? hope life brings you to a good "place" - who deserves it more - stay well - more recipes please!!! kathy

    2. dancingqueene


      You will have to tell us more!! :) I've been meaning to message you privately but the last 2 times I did my computer was on the fritz and shut down on me. ugh.

    3. Smye


      @dancingqueene, I certainly will. I hope to hear from you soon. In the meantime, the thread linked below has most of the updates


  16. NSV - bought new slacks today, AT COSTCO! Say goodbuy CasualMaleXL. Pictured on my profile are my pants from February

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mountaingal


      Congratulations. Boy you have come along way.

    3. dancingqueene


      Congrats!! So happy for you!!!

    4. Stevehud


      its the most amazingly fun thing to shop off the rack and never go back to casual male. or to the big and tall section. I actually picked up a pair of calvin klein jeans ( regularly 110 bucks) at marshalls, they were amazingly soft, slim fit even! 36 waist and i normally wont pay 39.99 for a pair of jeans, but my wife made me try them on and Wow! , so i had to get them. but even to be able to go to thrift stores and the like is amazing.

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  17. NSV - just licked the 'pit' of my knee

    1. lauraellen80


      Um, congrats? And, ew?

    2. magicalwoman


      OMG that is wonderful! If I was closer to you, I'd give you a big hug and maybe even lick your knee. LOL

    3. Smye


      @mykdsmom, yes indeed!

      @lauraellen80, yes, yes yes. Don't ask me why I did it, it was a spur of the moment thing.

      And @magicalwoman, the hug would be appreciated, but as lauraellen suggested, the flavor left much to be desired, I don't recommend it

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  18. Does the exhaustion from stress mean I've burned more calories?

    1. Mountaingal


      I'd love to think so but I doubt it. In fact I seem to remember "stress hormones" tend to make us gain weight.

    2. katladee


      I have read that stress is what causes belly fat. Having the belly fat causes more stress, it's a vicious cycle! LOL

  19. So stinking exhausted! I haven't even done much these last few days.

  20. So it wasn't all a dream, but may well be a dream come true.

    1. jane13


      I heard some better news today - hope yours works out too!

    2. Smye


      @jane13, I'm thrilled to hear it, my thoughts are with you. And yes, mine is working out painfully and beautifully

    3. jane13


      @Smye - painfully and beautifully? I am letting my son sit in jail. He wants to be bailed out....not happening. the charges are supposed to be reduced and he will probably be released near end of Sept and be on probation (again). he just got off about 13 months ago...he was raised knowing right from wrong and I am "painfully" frustrated, but in a way relieved he is somewhere thinking about his actions and his consequences. that's BIG BOY timeout.

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