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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Smye

  1. 1.7 mile walk felt great, but now incredibly bloated and nauseous.

  2. 1/2 mile stroll felt amazing, but WOW did it generate some gas.

  3. 120 pounds? Really? Yes! And then some...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. wascott


      That's exciting! Do you have a carb target that you try to stay under?

    3. Smye


      After looking at my VO2 and RMR, I dialed it in to right at 40 g - I don't want to starve my body of carbs but given my glucolytic rates it's about perfect for my body at this time. I'll test my VO2 and RMR monthly to check in on this number.

    4. wascott


      Thanks. I'm hoping to get my carbs below 50 gr once I'm able to eat a wider variety of foods.

  4. 180 pounds gone, holy hell! 15 to go.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. lealor


      holy hell.....that is frickin amazing

    3. Stevehud


      WOO HOO!!!!

      Rock ON

    4. wascott


      Very nice! Congrats!

  5. 2 kettlebells, 1 gada mace and 1 jori club made - now they just need to cure. Feels so good!

    1. Smye


      And it only cost me $22

    2. Smye


      And it only cost me $22

  6. 3 days in a row at 390.5, and then BAM, this morning 387.6.

  7. 385, jump 'n jive

  8. 386, pick up sticks!

  9. 57 pounds down, 22 since surgery at 22 days post-op. If only it kept up at this pace.

    1. Goatfarmer


      Holy Smoke!!!!! I am impressed. You go Smye!!!

  10. 60 lb since Jan 25? How on earth...?

  11. 7 weeks post op - Down 40 lb from surgery, 75 lb total in the 10 weeks since starting pre-op diet

    1. ProudGrammy


      that's terrific!!!!!

      keep up the good work

      i know you will


    2. Goatfarmer


      Congrats!!! Stay the course. You are an inspiration...

    3. Smye


      Thanks to you both!

  12. 9 lb to go until my first checkpoint goal... SWEET

    1. Djmohr


      Congratulations! You are so close!

  13. A new bread posted, you can even make grilled cheese with it - http://barideliciousfood.blogspot.com/2015/05/caulibread.html

  14. After nearly 2 months of stall, suddenly down another 5 lb - HOORAY

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christinamo7


      wonderful! It's always such a relief when the scale moves.

    3. jane13


      keep it up!

      how are you?

    4. Smye


      Thanks so much all!

      And Jane13, I'm making it. Just back from a 3-night solo B&B stay which was, to be frank, delightful

  15. Amazing Smoked Chicken now posted

  16. And now, maybe, possibly, the dating begins...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Smye


      @jane13, thank you and - although I've never been there - I agree!

    3. OKCPirate


      After many years of searching I finally found one who makes my heart sing every time I see her. But what is interesting in hind sight is I would not have known why if I didn't have the bad experiences. Take your time and really get to know her and enjoy the experience of getting to know another human being first, romance can follow if all works well.

    4. Smye
  17. Anyone happen to have a spare kettlebell? I've gone and outgrown mine already. #ExpensiveNSV

    1. AELee


      I want one so bad but they are quite pricey.

  18. Apparently my timing is terrible... http://bit.ly/1n6VsaA #GayWifeConfusingLife

  19. Are YOU able to help with the cookbook? http://barideliciousfood.blogspot.com/2015/11/a-request.html

    1. liannatx


      Do you have Mock baked potato made with Cauliflower?

    2. Smye


      I do indeed - though it's not quite a 'baked potato' texture, it's closer to a lightly smashed potato

  20. As of this morning, I've lost the equivalent of my wife! Now THAT feels weird, realizing that the two of us on the couch together is the same as what used to be when I sat on the couch alone...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rsb0807


      Fantastic!!! You are doing great!!



    3. Kushka


      I'm just starting my journey, but some day I want to weight less than my husband (will need to drop about 40 pounds). This is much cooler. :)

    4. Debiann813


      That is amazing! Good for you :)

  21. Bibim Bop, bariatric-style - wow, that was excellent! It's good to still have good food.

    1. Teachamy


      Take out the rice and add extra kimchi? Sounds pretty delicious right about now!

    2. Smye


      Not only that, but sub the rice with cauliflower rice that I first broil, YUM!

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