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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    aclinton16 got a reaction from BLERDgirl in How long was your liquid stage?   
    Funny, I asked this question Wednesday at my pre-op appt and the bariatric nurse said due to the unique techniques each surgeon uses, they derive plan based upon their surgical methods. That's why people advise that you only follow the directive of your physician.
    when we probably all were thinking, hey don't the all just cut part of your stomach off... LMAO... well nope ...surgeons are just like artists, that's what they do but all have different methods....
    My physician also requires
    Clear Liquids PO 1 day
    Full liquids 14 days as tolerated
    Mash/soft 14 days as tolerated.
    At 5 weeks our forever diet.
    My date is this Tuesday 12/23
  2. Like
    aclinton16 reacted to Ronab in Advice for first 2 weeks post-op?   
    I too am having no real problems. Never had to take any of the pain pills they sent me home with. I have had no problems drinking and I am wondering if there is something wrong with me because I can't tell if I am full or not. Still have this anesthesia gas inside and still trying to get it out. Drinking Protein Shake and creamed Soups. Haven't gotten all my Protein or Water in since surgery. Had surgery last Thursday and no complaints. I feel hunger pains, but really can't tell dif between hunger and gas.
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    aclinton16 reacted to Forsythia in Upper Arm Flabby Skin   
    I'm a big proponent of weights, but I had a disproportionate amount of fat deposit itself there. I do all the bicep and triceps work I can. Chest and shoulder work, but I have loose skin in the bat wing area. The muscle underneath is great, but the skin is so stretched. I'm 37. It's not going to bounce back like it might have if I were only 27. I try to keep them moisturized and supple as possible. Maybe some of the elasticity will shrink them back, but I have low expectations for them.
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    aclinton16 reacted to 920amy in 2 year surgiversary tomorrow, 1/2 my size and proud with pics   
    Wow! 2 years out! I can't beleive how much has happened and how much has changed in these past 2 years! I'm still slowly losing a pound or two here and there, I've gone up a bit and then keep going down a bit. It doesn't get easier, that's for sure! I still have to watch what I eat, I still have to be mindful to go to the gym. This surgery has been a lot of things for me, it certainly hasn't been what I started thinking it would be. Everyone always talked about it being a 'tool' and it really is. There is no easy way out, there is no easy path. I can easily see myself regaining and being big again, but the love I have for my new body is incredible so everyday I wake up and keep on keeping on. Being a Mexico sleever, my Dr. never set a 'goal' for me, so I set myself at 115. I'm not sure that's realistic as I'm pretty comfortable bouncing around the low 130's, but we'll see if I get there. I'm not 'fighting' to lose anymore, I feel happy where I'm at. My real goal I kept in the back of my head is that I wanted to weigh 1/2 of my starting weight, and I do, so if I don't kick these remaining 17 lbs, I'm okay. I'm AMAZED at how relatively little loose skin I have. I have a little turkey chin, and saggy arms, legs and ladies, I have a sad flappy belly pooch and no butt to speak of, but all in all I think I'm VERY lucky as far as loose skin goes. Now that I'm more or less stable, I think I'll wait at least another year or so before doing any plastics, but really it would be for vanity purposes. I think I look amazing in clothes, and my husband doesn't mind me without All this being said, I've always been into Fairies and of course the ultimate fairy being Tinkerbell, this year I decided to go for it! The before pictures are from a plus size fashion show I did 2 weeks before my surgery, and the Tinkerbell pics are from a party I went to last night. I'm still self concious about my legs so I designed and sewed my own costume to keep them still hidden a little. I designed the wings and made them too, THAT was a chore! After losing 1/2 myself, I feel I can do anything now and haven't stopped yet! I hope this inspires some of you to keep going!!

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    aclinton16 got a reaction from Brandie Harris in Pre op liquids   
    @ lynziv all Doctors are different. I have found some do not require a liquid diet at all, some 2 days before, some 1 week prior, and 2 weeks is the MOST I have ever heard. Mine does not require it, but I think I will do a 48 hour liquid diet anyway. It's supposed to help the liver shrink and u can kinda get used to or determine which Protein shakes you like or dislike.
    My date is next week 12/23.
  6. Like
    aclinton16 reacted to Aranks in Advice for first 2 weeks post-op?   
    I'm just over two weeks post op (11/28). I didn't have any problems once leaving the hospital really. In the hospital the first morning after surgery was rough (because I was anti pain meds so I didn't want to take them the first night, don't grin and bare the pain, take them!), also had a lot of nausea but just from the anesthesia. Was released from the hospital on Sunday afternoon and had my brother drive me all over cause I missed black Friday and wanted to go shopping. I returned to work on Wednesday, would have been Tuesday but that's when my surgeon meets with those who had surgery. I'm meeting my Protein requirements but still working on my Fluid intake (had trouble with that initially but like somebody else told me, you're healing and swollen). Never had any serious gas pains. I got the hiccups once because I guzzled too much Water in one gulp. Really no horror stories. I'm getting tired of liquids but definitely not hungry. So far so good! I drink Pure Protein or Premier Protein shakes (ready made shakes), haven't ever tried Bariatric Advantage. I know lots of people also like Isopure (I did not!). But this whole process is trial and error and find what works and is agreeable to you. :-) Good luck!
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    aclinton16 reacted to Cody's mom in Advice for first 2 weeks post-op?   
    No problems, up walking as soon as they'd let me, no pain, no problems (okay, it did feel like I had done massive amounts of sit-ups, but that was it). Still haven't found a Protein drink I like, but that's about the worse of my problems and woe's. I was able to drive, shop, etc a few days after surgery, and sadly doing laundry and vaccuming right away as well. I'm not one for laying around so I was back to my normal life as soon as I got home (I went to Mexico). Everyone is different, but those that had it done on the same day I did, we were all up and mobile in just a few hours and have had absolutely no problems.. Good luck!
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    aclinton16 reacted to roundisashape in Advice for first 2 weeks post-op?   
    One of the most helpful things I got was one of those reachers at the hospital - I found it hard to bend over for stuff the first couple of weeks. Mine came from the hospital but you can get them at the pharmacy too (if you go to the CVS website and just search for "reacher", you'll see what I'm talking about). Especially since my dog was a little out of sorts after I got home and kept getting into the trash.
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    aclinton16 got a reaction from Brandie Harris in Pre op liquids   
    @ lynziv all Doctors are different. I have found some do not require a liquid diet at all, some 2 days before, some 1 week prior, and 2 weeks is the MOST I have ever heard. Mine does not require it, but I think I will do a 48 hour liquid diet anyway. It's supposed to help the liver shrink and u can kinda get used to or determine which Protein shakes you like or dislike.
    My date is next week 12/23.
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    aclinton16 reacted to Bufflehead in Advice for first 2 weeks post-op?   
    Honestly I didn't have a lot of problems. I think most people don't have a lot of problems, but you tend to (understandably) hear more from those that do. So, of your list of potential problems, I suffered from exactly zero of them. So my first bit of advice would be to not borrow trouble -- and if you don't have any problems, don't come back here and post about how you are worried because you aren't suffering enough! You are fine!
    I did try the Bariatric Advantage shakes and thought they were horrendous, but I know lots of people like them. I would suggest buying samples of many different brands - here is one place you can buy samples:
    If you are going to sample them before surgery, make sure you buy at least 2 samples so that you can sample again after surgery. Your tastes and tolerances may very well change with surgery.
    Maybe have thought through some alternatives for warm/hot Protein Drinks such as Unjury chicken Soup, the hot Soups and Hot Drinks (HealthSmart brand) you can buy at Nashua Nutrition, or adding plain, vanilla, or chocolate Protein Powder to tea or coffee, or plain powder to broth or soup. Remember that for hot drinks (except the HealthSmart brand) you'll need to use a food thermometer to keep the liquid under 140 degrees.
    Do you know what you plan to mix your Protein drinks with? You may want to test out and consider your options - skim milk, Water, soy milk, almond milk, etc. If you have a Kroger near you, check out their CarbMaster milk, which is ideally formulated for wls patients.
    Other than that, walk and sip as much as you can, take care of yourself rather than letting other people wait on you, stay sitting up in a chair rather than lying down in bed when you are in the hospital (unless you need to sleep), and give yourself permission to rest and feel tired when you get home. Take your painkillers - don't be a hero. Suffering isn't going to help you recover
    That's my word vomit on the first two weeks . . . good luck!
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    aclinton16 reacted to Elode in What shocks you now that you were able to eat in a sitting?   
    Well this isn't FAIR!! I didn't get to eat huge portions like that EVER and I still got fat!! Wth?! I don't even drink soda! Dang my moms, moms, grandmas moms , genes!
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    aclinton16 got a reaction from Aussie chick in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    OMG! and I thought I was the only one who sweats all the time! smh.. that is the FIRST thing I cannot wait to stop doing. It is so embarrassing to be so cute and cant look anyone in the store or anywhere else in face cuz i'm sweating profusely!!!!! ugh.
    Airplane seat second... YES! I travel alot and i try to have friends or family fly with me so we can sit together so i wont be so embarrassed by asking for an extend-a-belt and the worries of offending others... how many pounds do i need to lose for that to happen? 100?? Lol whatever it is I can't wait!
    FEET.. ok this may sound weird but did anyone's feet get smaller too? Past 6 years my feet have widened and makes it hard for shoes and cannot fit in old shoes.. now I have to wear 1/2 size larger and a wide width instead of medium. Please tell me this will change too!
    I'm so ready to see "my" face again.. Lol I dont know the strange face that has taken control of me... :-)
  13. Like
    aclinton16 reacted to Stephanie Kandace in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    I agree with mostly everything above, but most of all, I will not miss sweating excessively, throughout the years, the more weight I gain the more I sweat, I cannot even wear makeup to work because by the time I get there, it's all off and on my napkins. And I definitly won't miss the guilty feeling after stuffing my face. I would eat and eat and once I realize it's all gone, i'll feel horrible knowing I ate it all. Hate that feeling.
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    aclinton16 reacted to Packerfan61964 in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    I heard this tonight from someone and I thought that I would share it. What I definitely won't miss is a woman telling me that I "would be such a good looking man if I just lost some weight". Well tonight it really rubbed me the wrong way.....and I said, " ya know, I'm handsome now and in 6 months I WILL BE SKINNY and in shape and you will still be a bitch!!!"
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    aclinton16 reacted to kyrickchick64 in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    I will not miss sweating. I swear I sweat in any store like I just ran a marathon, like running down my face sweat. Even in below freezing weather. It's embarrassing.

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