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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    aclinton16 reacted to CheleLynn45 in Newer You... older habits...   
    I like this post......can't wait to see everone's responses!!
    The main thing I find myself still doing is before sitting down in a booth I still eyeball it quickly and decide which side is bigger. The other day my daughter and I were at Chili's, she is 15 and quite slim, well they sat us in this booth and we were fighting over pulling the table closer to us since there was sooooo much room. we had to sit on the very edge of the seat to reach the table. If I sat back there was like 12" between me and the table. Where was this table when I was 300+?? LOL
    The other thing I am struggling with is my daughter keeps picking me out clothes that are a little more fitted and I am not ready for that. I do see where they look better but I am just not comfortable yet. I am wearing clothes that fit better but not ready for fitted.
    It also feels strange to me when I take my jeans out of the dryer, yes I can put them in the dryer, and hold them up to fold and they look smaller to me than what would fit me. I can't even imagine how it will feel as they get smaller.
  2. Like
    aclinton16 reacted to KeeWee in You know you lost weight when   
    When you can finally get pregnant after trying for 17 years and all it took was a major weight loss. My doc always said it was possible but it seems losing 20-30 lbs never did it but losing 100 lbs was the remedy!! Going on 11 weeks and super excited!!! What a great reason to gain weight...I just have to tell myself, I am not getting fat, I'm just pregnant!!
    I did what it takes to get down 100 lbs and I wasn't even stopping so I know after the baby, Imma be on the road again....EASY as 123!!! GOOOOOOO VSG!!! LOL
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    aclinton16 reacted to Susanfnp13 in You know you lost weight when   
    When all of the sudden you notice that you are sitting with your legs crossed!
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    aclinton16 reacted to Susanfnp13 in You know you lost weight when   
    When you are at work late and it's dark outside and you see your reflection in the glass door and think someone is trying to get in. Happened to me last week!
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    aclinton16 got a reaction from gobsmacked in No Energy 3 weeks post sleeve surgery   
    Yes, make sure to take B-12 for energy.... but this may pass soon as everyone else said please take your Vitamins
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    aclinton16 reacted to hunneybee81 in FUNNY question for post op 3 weeks or less   
    I'm 3 weeks post op on Monday. I started to see a difference right away. I drove myself crazy with the scale because it was on the fritz. I ended up literally throwing it out the window. It was liberating and I loved the breaking noises. Then I bought a new scale. I dont really care what the scale says because i can SEE a difference. The scale hasn't dissapointed me yet, though. And I step on it often because I like the blinky lights on the display. Ha.
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    aclinton16 reacted to Elode in I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.   
    I concur! I can handle different opinions what I can't handle is fake kiss a** people and hypocrites. Ex: a person who make Bold statements, causes drama, and then all the sudden agrees with everyone ...and that's all I'm gonna say about that! @@LipstickLady I like the way you think!
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    aclinton16 reacted to BLERDgirl in I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.   
    I know my eating habits may seem off to many. They were before WLS and since I'm still eating most of the things I ate pre-surgery I didn't expect that to change. I honestly do not care if you want to eat meat or use equal. I certainly am not concerned if someone drinks coffee or soda with or without a straw. But if you ask me why I eat the way I do, I'll tell you. If you ask if you can eat clean on a bariatric diet I'll tell you what I'm doing.
    Last I checked I wasn't the boss of anybody but my cat and she doesn't even listen to me half the time.
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    aclinton16 reacted to LipstickLady in I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.   
    It amazes me that so many get their panties in a wad when they post their opinion on a public discussion board and someone else disagrees or posts a counter opinion.

    Seriously! It's OK. In most cases, that counter opinion is just that -- opinion. While I do take issue with those who take themselves very seriously and post their opinion as fact, I am happy to say they are few and far between.

    We, for the most part, have different surgeons, different NUTs, different metabolisms, different builds, different backgrounds, different thought processes, different psychosis... (JOKING! Kind of.)
    There are very few doctors or therapists here. There are NO experts on YOU here, with the exception of yourself. No one is qualified to give you *absolute do or die* advice. No one is in a position to tell you that you are !!!WRONG!!! or that everyone else is.

    Relax. Breathe. Discuss. Share. Vent. Listen. Learn.

    We all have our hot buttons, we are human. We all have topics we are passionate about. Debate is fun! It's healthy. It's how we learn and grow. It's a positive form of interaction until someone takes it personally. (I'm guilty at times -- I know it!) As long as it's respectful, there is no name calling involved, and there are no personal attacks, there is nothing wrong with it.

    I'll tell you a few things about me that are "wrong" and I don't give a rat's patoot if you want to tell me so:
    I drink soda. GASP! Even worse, I drink it through a straw! I would never tell anyone else to do the same. That's between you and your doctor.
    I graze all day. My sleeve is small, my restriction is fierce. I graze to keep myself from getting too hungry, eating too fast and then vomiting it all back up.
    I eat while I work, when I drive, when I watch TV. I find that when I do this, I get distracted and I eat slower. Weird, I know.
    I weigh myself 2-4 times a day. First thing in the morning (usually fully dressed in my PJs as I get up at a ridiculously early time of day to get my kids out of the door.) I weigh myself buck naked after kissing them goodbye when it's time to get myself dressed. I weigh myself before and after a poo (giggle) because I have a middle school boy sense of humor. I weigh myself at night, again buck nekky, just before I get in the shower. I call it my step aerobics. It works for me. I don't get frustrated or upset. I never have, even at my fattest.
    I eat real chocolate every day. Just a few Hershey Kisses or a Dove Promise (dark!). It quiets the sweet tooth I didn't have pre-op and keeps me from thinking about sweets all day. It's better to feed the beast a nibble and shut it up. FOR ME.
    I eat full fat everything except the things I don't.

    I am choosing not to be a WLS advocate. I don't care HOW people think I am losing weight, I don't care who supports me. I don't tell my business to everyone and it's not up to me to save the world from obesity one fatty at a time. I'm not embarrassed, ashamed or a liar.

    Your personal experience, your advice from your NUT/surgeon/NP may differ completely. You may be of the opinion that I will be the size of a small whale in 5 year's time. You may think that I am failing myself and my surgery. You may think I am a hypocrite. It's OK.

    You do you, I'll do me. We can talk and share and be opinionated together, even when our opinions don't match.

    This is a public DISCUSSION board. It's ok to discuss, it's ok to be opinionated. Just expect the same in return.
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    aclinton16 reacted to tart in YOURE GETTIN SO FAT YOURE GETTIN UGLY!   
    You can loose weight, you can't fix stupid
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    aclinton16 reacted to newlanashegog in YOURE GETTIN SO FAT YOURE GETTIN UGLY!   
    Lololol at the responses! I would have spoke loudly and said don't worry about my weight, I'm fine. I'm more concerned about you, you don't have long...how are you feeling? Is your hearing aid working today? I'd be that "bitch"
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    aclinton16 reacted to LipstickLady in YOURE GETTIN SO FAT YOURE GETTIN UGLY!   
    So....I'm a fit size 8/10, you are only 2.5 inches shorter than me and 15 pounds heavier.
    I'd hardly call that SOOOO fat.
    I'd tell her to suck my ass, but I'm rude like that.
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    aclinton16 reacted to Miss Mac in YOURE GETTIN SO FAT YOURE GETTIN UGLY!   
    Just remember........most people are no darn good.
    How about....."I am not fat or ugly. I am just allergic to you and I swell up."
  14. Like
    aclinton16 reacted to AgentShepard in No Energy 3 weeks post sleeve surgery   
    Totally normal to feel extra tired when you start resuming normal activities. I was shocked how tiring sitting at a desk for eight or nine hours really was!!
    My advice is to take things as slow as you can and give yourself time to recover. Build your activity level up gradually so you don't push yourself so hard you end up in bed for a day recovering! (Voice of experience on that one.)
    I know that I didn't get back to my normal energy levels until about six weeks after the surgery. Fortunately I have a very supportive workplace that was flexible with me during that time!
  15. Like
    aclinton16 got a reaction from DesWill in Alcohol?   
    @ beachgurl84
    I do think it varies for individuals and it has nothing to do with brain damage. My co-workers who by the way drink like fish, husband was sleeved Nov 2013 she was dec 2013. They began driking 6/8 weeks out and she has lost 105 lbs. and he has lost 185 lbs. So while I would not encourage anyone to drink and bar hop often as much as they do, well again to each his own but it's not going to kill you and I suppose it varies as far as stopping weight loss progression. It sure has NOT stopped theirs.. they r still losing...
  16. Like
    aclinton16 got a reaction from hdd55146 in Alcohol?   
    WOW! @ beachgurl84 u sound so disgruntled. My statement was to answer is that why doctor says do not drink. Not to u specifically. And we ALL POST what we think, knowing that none of us are medical professionals. I don't THINK docs are telling their patients not to drink due to brain damage issues. Of course alcohol and sooo many other drugs can cause these and many more sever issues. Do I think that why ur doc says x amount of time and others doc say 6 months, some say 3, some say 6 weeks. No I don't THINK so...
    But common sense says we should ALL follow our own doc orders... no one else.
    Hope you have calmed down. This forum is to help and everyone provides their opinion. It is NOT to be hostile towards one another since we are all in this together.
    Good luck to you.
  17. Like
    aclinton16 got a reaction from hdd55146 in Alcohol?   
    WOW! @ beachgurl84 u sound so disgruntled. My statement was to answer is that why doctor says do not drink. Not to u specifically. And we ALL POST what we think, knowing that none of us are medical professionals. I don't THINK docs are telling their patients not to drink due to brain damage issues. Of course alcohol and sooo many other drugs can cause these and many more sever issues. Do I think that why ur doc says x amount of time and others doc say 6 months, some say 3, some say 6 weeks. No I don't THINK so...
    But common sense says we should ALL follow our own doc orders... no one else.
    Hope you have calmed down. This forum is to help and everyone provides their opinion. It is NOT to be hostile towards one another since we are all in this together.
    Good luck to you.
  18. Like
    aclinton16 reacted to twinsmama05 in Beat thing i ever did!   
    41. Start 277. Today 174 !!!

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    aclinton16 reacted to peki31 in Does the weight loss look differently post WLS?   
    Maybe it's different from different people. The last time I was on a diet and lost weight was 4 years ago. I lost about 30 pounds and it was quite a big difference. I went from a size 18 to a 14. My waist became tiny. Unfortunately I gained it all back and an additional 15. So far I am 24 down since surgery and don't see much difference yet. My clothes are getting loose though.
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    aclinton16 reacted to LidiBell in Alcohol?   
    I drank this past Saturday and I am not brain dead. If that matters. Although, I may have been a lil brain dead before I drank. lol...I enjoy vodka with a splash of cranberry w/ lemon. I have no problems with those. Definitely can't eat and drink though. Priorities....I drink 1st. lol...J/K. Every doctor is different. Every patient is different. No need to get panties in a wad. If you want to have a drink, have one. If not, don't. Some people are strictly by the book, then theres us who live on the edge. lol...
    BTW...I am 9 months post op.
  21. Like
    aclinton16 got a reaction from hdd55146 in Alcohol?   
    WOW! @ beachgurl84 u sound so disgruntled. My statement was to answer is that why doctor says do not drink. Not to u specifically. And we ALL POST what we think, knowing that none of us are medical professionals. I don't THINK docs are telling their patients not to drink due to brain damage issues. Of course alcohol and sooo many other drugs can cause these and many more sever issues. Do I think that why ur doc says x amount of time and others doc say 6 months, some say 3, some say 6 weeks. No I don't THINK so...
    But common sense says we should ALL follow our own doc orders... no one else.
    Hope you have calmed down. This forum is to help and everyone provides their opinion. It is NOT to be hostile towards one another since we are all in this together.
    Good luck to you.
  22. Like
    aclinton16 reacted to allyray in Sweating   
    I haven't had surgery yet but I friggin can't wait to not sweat this summer.
  23. Like
    aclinton16 reacted to onmywaytoonederland in Sweating   
    I have been having hot flashes for a couple of years and I swear they lasted all day. Don't even get me started on the night sweats, I would wake up with my head soaking wet and in between my breasts, icky. I have not had a problem since the night before surgery. No more sweating for me. I don't know what changed but I am knocking on wood that it continues. Now, I am more often than not, very cold. I actually have the heat turned up to 70 degrees and layer my clothes. No one can believe how quickly this has turned around. It is so amazing to not have beads of sweat dripping down my face while at work. I am thankful.
  24. Like
    aclinton16 reacted to simply_Me in FUNNY question for post op 3 weeks or less   
    I avoid the scale by all means the only time I weigh myself is at my Docters appointment I feel like that is better for me. Doing good so far I lost 25 pounds and I'm 1 month post-op as of today.
  25. Like
    aclinton16 reacted to roundisashape in FUNNY question for post op 3 weeks or less   
    Oh my gosh, I'm STILL like a kid running home every night to see if my Sea Monkeys look like monkeys yet! Wake up, check the mirror, then slap down that little part of me that goes, "why am I not skinny yet?", lol!!!!
    Seems like a pretty normal reaction to me. Or we're both nuts, but I can live with it!

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