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Samantha Ann

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by Samantha Ann

  1. I'm back! Been over a year. 170lbs gone!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bayougrl
    3. ProudGrammy


      nice to see you again - congrats on your weight loss- 170 lbs - !!!! wow - hang around the board, newbies et al love to hear success stories - and words of wisdom from vets :) congrats - kathy

    4. magtart
  2. Been awhile since I have been on here. New things: quit my job, got a new one. Turned 30. became single again. and officially 84 lbs down.

    1. Packerfan61964


      you are doing an awesome job!! hope your new job is going well!!

  3. three months post op...i feel amazing! working again, on my feet, not as tired as I once was. And Im finally able to eat meat again! I have missed meats!

  4. So excited to start training for the 5k!!

  5. enjoying this snowy day with hot tea and a good book :)

    1. ProjectMe


      Oooohhh! What book? I'm a librarian :)

    2. Samantha Ann

      Samantha Ann

      right now im reading if i stay. I watched the movie. cried Now on to the book and then the second one

    3. ProjectMe


      Aww, yes. Fabulous read!


  6. Tomorrow I'm going to be going to my PCP for my six month check up. Its going to be awesome to see his face from my transformation!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samantha Ann

      Samantha Ann

      I've lost more :)


    3. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Well, that's because you're fabulous. Just sayin '.

    4. Samantha Ann

      Samantha Ann

      Well thank you darlin!

  7. my best friend is going in for her gastric sleeve tomorrow! so excited to be able to be there for her and help her as much as I can.

    1. Elode


      That's great that you have a friend to go through this with!

    2. Elode


      Good luck to her tomorrow.

  8. Went to the store today with one of my best friends. She has encouraged me to try on a size 22. I used to wear a size 26/28. 8 weeks since surgery and I'm proud to say that I am now wearing a size 22

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RJ'S/beginning


      Soon 22 will be swimming on you too. Great job :)

    3. kira10062014


      awesome!!!!!!!!!! :) great job and congrats!!! the feeling is wonderful when you try on sizes that are smaller than you are used to being in!!! :)


    4. Packerfan61964


      You are so stunning!!! Congratulations on one of many accomplishments!!!!

  9. FINALLY found a protein powder my body doesnt hate. Dr should be very happy when I see him next month!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samantha Ann

      Samantha Ann

      Im using the isopure unflavored. I was already had issues with lactose before my surgery, and this is so light. I add it into my smoothies. 30 g of protein pure serving. Im doing 2-3 drinks a day plus my food

    3. maggie0210


      Thanks for the tip. I haven't been good with protein either. I'm going to try this.

    4. Samantha Ann

      Samantha Ann

      Its at GNC and so far its amazing.

  10. feeling a little discouraged tonight

    1. Sleeve_Sistah85


      Sorry you're feeling down

    2. ProjectMe


      Today's a new day! Hope you are feeling better

    3. ProudGrammy


      we all have those days - sorry today is your day

      hope you feel better soon - you've lost 44 lbs!!

      that should put a smile on your pretty face

  11. First day without pain. Felt amazing. New jump in my step!

    1. BeagleLover


      Terrific! You look great!

    2. Samantha Ann

      Samantha Ann

      Thank you thank you!

    3. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Great job so far ! Keep it up !

  12. You know its the holidays when momma is making her chex mix! yummy!

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