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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Jachut reacted to B-52 in How do you motivate yourself to exercise???   
    Exercise, however difficult it may be...is always rewarding as an accomplishment...
    And with every accomplishment, you want to reward yourself with doing just a little better....
    It will boost your confidence.....boost your self esteem.....relieves stress....fights / prevents depression.....improves coordination...fights disease and improves overall health
    Improves memory....clears the mind and even gives time for deep thought and problem solving....or Meditation if you wish...
    And I'm not even close describing the "Runners High"...that is something else...an incredible - ADDICTIVE drug....
    You have to start somewhere....however small...and build upon that....
    I'm a runner..only started running about 1 year ago....I run 4-5 mils a day....
    There are days...many days, I do not want to get out of bed let alone go to the gym....but I do..why? Because I have done it many times before and I know there is no reason not to do it again.....
    Once there, I get on the treadmill, and after 3 minutes I tell myself "Today is just not my day." I'm gonna stop, everyone is entitled to those days, right?
    But then I tell myself I will go 5 minutes....I've done that before, no reason I can't do it today....
    At 5 minutes I tell myself I can go another 5, let's make it an even 10....I can do it, I've been doing it everyday no reason I can't do 10 minutes today....
    At 10 minutes I tell myself I might as well go for 15....nice 1/4 figure......I've done it before, no reason I can't do it again....
    At 15 minutes I tell myself I might as well go 20....
    After 15-20 minutes I completely forget everything....I'm in a groove...can go an hour if I want...a trance...only thing that stops me is I don't want to hog the machine....
    so now, I tell myself I'm gonna run for an hour, did it yesterday, and the day before that, no reason I can't do it today....
    Bottom line...when all is finished...I am so into myself for what I just did...self esteem - confidence...overwhelming euphoric feelings....can't wait for tomorrow to show myself (and the world)
    that I can do it again...and again....
    Why do we see so many people running on the side of the roads in so many different places? For their health? (well yea, of course) but it is so much more than that!!
    But you have to start small....and build one accomplishment - reward on top of another...then you'll want more...and more...you'll want those little rewards to become bigger rewards...
    I should be happy to run 20 minutes and move on...but I'm not...I want as much of.."Whatever This Is"
    But trust me, it has not always been so....2 years ago I was out of breath carrying groceries into the house...I'm the guy everyone had to stop and wait for while I needed to pause and catch my breath....I had a Myocardial Infarction and did not know it! SILENT which is common among Diabetics and women...only did a stress test reveal it , they freaked and rushed me into surgery....
    Oh, and BTW, did I mention I'm 61 years old? And getting younger everyday???
  2. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from labwalker in Weight watchers and the Band I cannot believe this!!!!   
    Oh, I dont know, at the heart of WW, as with the lapband, its really just Portion Control. There's no magic in where WW recommends you get your calories from, in the end, its calorie restriction. They go by the guidelines for the general public, but you can certainly do WW in a more lapband recommended way - Protein first, you can do low carb, but what you're really doing is counting points to keep calories down.
    You can do WW eating nothing but Cookies and you will still lose weight.
    So I wouldnt say its not compatible, I'd just not be very vocal about what you're actually eating at a meeting, since in my experience WW tend to be VERY stubborn about what you must eat. Like when I did the Lactation program and was told to eat 8 slices of bread a day. I struggled with that PRE band sheesh! And of course, I lost no weight, so then I was accused of not eating ALL my points.
    If I did WW with the band, I'd just keep quiet about my band and my diet regime.
  3. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from Cazzy in Even after losing weight. Why do i still look and feel fat?   
    My BMi is 21 and I feel fat - I have love handles/muffin top and saddlebags.
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    Jachut got a reaction from mariedebbie in Anyone Have Chronic Diarrhea Long After Lap Band Surgery?   
    I now have an official diagnosis of ibs and have the dubious honor of being gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant and fodmap intolerant with fructose malabsorption, all thanks to chemo and radiation.
    I m new a this but it is often the fodmaps - short chain carbohydrates - which can be the remaining culprit when gluten and dairy are cut without full resolution of symptoms. Along with a c omplicated elimination diet i have been given a stern talking to about including a soluble fibre source at each meal - non wheat contaminated oats, rice, gluten free bread, quinoa etc. This bulks your stool to reduce diarrhoea. The dietician i see is an expert with post colorectal issues, but not with lapbands, and she nearly pitched a fit when she saw my food diary - at how little i eat overall and the lack of grain foods, she has convinced me that for some of us, the health of our guts needs to override fast weight loss and the typical bandster diet can cause real problems for some people. Those healthy green smoothies i thought would heal my post cancer woes - not so much for me. Protein powders, not that i ever use them, another minefield.
    Will keep you posted as to how my gut ( and its output) improves.
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    Jachut got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Anyone reach their goal? but the doctor said...   
    Yes m too, I've got. BMi of 21
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    Jachut got a reaction from kll724 in Help my band is outta my control   
    A lot of people can't tolerate such a level of restriction without heartburn and reflux, so willpower is a big component of success for many people.
  7. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from kll724 in Help my band is outta my control   
    A lot of people can't tolerate such a level of restriction without heartburn and reflux, so willpower is a big component of success for many people.
  8. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from kll724 in Help my band is outta my control   
    A lot of people can't tolerate such a level of restriction without heartburn and reflux, so willpower is a big component of success for many people.
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    Jachut got a reaction from realestwoman71 in I just don't feel my band working anymore!!!i   
    Its hard this far out - I'm in the same boat so I can sympathies. I'm at a good weight but don't feel terribly in control of it t the moment, my band is very little help, it just doesn't work like it used to. Menopause has sent my metabolism spinning and carb cravings soaring.
    I rely on very heavy exercise to control my weight - and it's exhausting me!
    My band is nearly full - I wonde if revision is the way to go. I just want it to be as easy and natural as it was.
  10. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from JennyBee in Why yogurt????   
    I struggle with it too - and Soup.
    I also add Cereal to my yogurt and it goes down fine.
    I cannot get any sort of cooked or stewed fruit down either and smoothies are torture.
    But I can eat a whole sandwich for lunch!
  11. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from Maddysgram in To Tell or not To Tell my surgeon what went on tonight at support meeting-please advise   
    If you read Paul O Brien's book The LapBand solution it ok's low calorie soft drinks, bread, Pasta and rice, which mirrors the advice we are given at his clinic - eat healthy in smll portions, 40g or so of Protein a day should be ok, tc. It even reports that based on clinic anecdotal data moderate wine drinkers lose more weight. Paul o brien is a band pioneer and trained a lot of US docs so it's a credible source. Australians lose weight with lapbands just like Americans do despite this differing approach. We don't lose all our muscle either.
    Do what suits you and stay true to your own nutritional philosophy - eat the way you believe you lose and feel best and you wont go wrong but don't be so sure that she is wrong and you are right - you may end up looking a bit arrogant and rather silly if you make a big song and dance over this.
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    Jachut got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Finding restriction the second time around?!?!?   
    Same here -I can eat a hole sandwich with 3.8 in my 4cc band!
    I say I have maintained but when i was very skinny from cancer treatment, at lest 10lb underweight. Since I refilled my band iv gained 20lb - back to my norml weight. I think that would have happened anyway but I've got to be careful from here.
  13. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from donna12 in Can Menopause hinder weight loss?   
    Yes definitely. I was thrown into early menopause by pelvic radiation. Now that was followed by sme pretty awful surgery and chemo, got to the point I was 25lb underweight. I've put that back on at an alarming rate but am hanging on by the skin of my teeth not to gain more! And no matter what I do I cannot lose a few pounds.
    I get extremely upset and frustrated but when I put it in perspective all my peri menopausal friends (I'm 45 now) have gotten decidedly fat and I'm still a BMI of 22, so it's not took bad but I enjoyed the experience of being model thin and didn't want to regain it all, just half maybe.
  14. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from donna12 in Can Menopause hinder weight loss?   
    Yes definitely. I was thrown into early menopause by pelvic radiation. Now that was followed by sme pretty awful surgery and chemo, got to the point I was 25lb underweight. I've put that back on at an alarming rate but am hanging on by the skin of my teeth not to gain more! And no matter what I do I cannot lose a few pounds.
    I get extremely upset and frustrated but when I put it in perspective all my peri menopausal friends (I'm 45 now) have gotten decidedly fat and I'm still a BMI of 22, so it's not took bad but I enjoyed the experience of being model thin and didn't want to regain it all, just half maybe.
  15. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from Angelizz10 in What Would You Wear If You Lose Weight?   
    Do you know, I got there quite a few years back now and wear mostly whatever I like to wear - although we all have some limitations and some things that just dont suit us. What is really really good though is not having to shop in fat stores. I still appreciate the freedom of being able to shop anywhere - particularly my one or two favourite designers and being able to go on holidays and fossick around in resort towns and stuff like that.
    I'm not even taking my old bikinis to Thailand in a few weeks - can buy nice new ones there! I never could have dreamed of doing that with anything, let alone bikinis.
    For me anyway, this was one of the BEST things bout weigh loss - I wasnt on medication, nor did I have any real comorbidities. But not being able to buy nice clothes was a truly dreadful dilemma!
  16. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from elcee in Cereal and the Lap Band ?   
    Obviously we Aussies are a nation of muesli eaters!
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    Jachut got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Cereal and the Lap Band ?   
    I just don't eat the box/flake type of cereal - I make my own muesli with oats, nuts, coconut, pumpkin and sunflower seeds and LSA, that type of cereal goes down better and sticks with me and provides a burst if top class nutrition. I have it with yogurt.
  18. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in I had my lap band tuesday. how do I shower?   
    You turn it on and stand under the Water, lol.
    Only joking, but I remember being hauled out of bed and into a shower the morning after my Caesar. If you can shower that, you don't need to worry about a few lap incisions. Just be gentle.
  19. Like
    Jachut reacted to sp1587 in Adjusting calories for work outs?   
    I have been getting the recommended caloric intake, usually between 8-1200 depending on the day (i know recommendations vary here).
    However, some workouts I do burn between 6-900 calories, which concerns me as I have long days and am feeling fairly fatigued. Has anyone adjusted their intake based on work outs?
    I'm using Protein Shakes with fruit for recovery shakes (replacing Protein and simple sugars as you should), and hitting recommended goals for all other food groups in the day.
    Hoping to talk to my nutritionist soon, but wanted to see what you all experienced...
  20. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from t2dav in No Exercise   
    I got a lapband and took up running. I now also do spinning and strength training. I lost over 100 lbs and have stayed at a bmi of 21, I did not just lose wight, I am truly thin and fit. People marvel that I was ever big.
    My hubby got a band and did not exercise. He lost 50 lb and has put 25 back on. He is still "obese". Five years later.
    You don't have to be as hard core as I am. Just walk. But it really helps and it's even more important for maintenance.
  21. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from OldMomOf3 in Did .1 cc make a difference for you?   
    Well, it does to me but I ave a 4cc band.
    In the past the two unfills ive had have allowed any inflammation in my stomach to calm down and I've been able to have the entire fill back.
    I would definitely be inclined to try 0.1 cc
  22. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Who has been super successful?   
    I got to a bmi of 21 - but my diet looks normal, I eat bread, rice, Pasta, sugar, everything in moderation. It's portion size that matters. I don't count,weigh or measure, just tried to restore food to its rightful place. I eat three meals no Snacks apart from an occasional glass of wine after dinner.
    I do run 10km several times a week, do spin classes and strength training three times a week.
    It took a bit over 2 years to lose about 100lb.
    Sorry, it's not sexy, there's no magic trick nd it wasn't fast. But very doable and easy to maintain.
  23. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Who has been super successful?   
    I got to a bmi of 21 - but my diet looks normal, I eat bread, rice, Pasta, sugar, everything in moderation. It's portion size that matters. I don't count,weigh or measure, just tried to restore food to its rightful place. I eat three meals no Snacks apart from an occasional glass of wine after dinner.
    I do run 10km several times a week, do spin classes and strength training three times a week.
    It took a bit over 2 years to lose about 100lb.
    Sorry, it's not sexy, there's no magic trick nd it wasn't fast. But very doable and easy to maintain.
  24. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Who has been super successful?   
    I got to a bmi of 21 - but my diet looks normal, I eat bread, rice, Pasta, sugar, everything in moderation. It's portion size that matters. I don't count,weigh or measure, just tried to restore food to its rightful place. I eat three meals no Snacks apart from an occasional glass of wine after dinner.
    I do run 10km several times a week, do spin classes and strength training three times a week.
    It took a bit over 2 years to lose about 100lb.
    Sorry, it's not sexy, there's no magic trick nd it wasn't fast. But very doable and easy to maintain.
  25. Like
    Jachut got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Who has been super successful?   
    I got to a bmi of 21 - but my diet looks normal, I eat bread, rice, Pasta, sugar, everything in moderation. It's portion size that matters. I don't count,weigh or measure, just tried to restore food to its rightful place. I eat three meals no Snacks apart from an occasional glass of wine after dinner.
    I do run 10km several times a week, do spin classes and strength training three times a week.
    It took a bit over 2 years to lose about 100lb.
    Sorry, it's not sexy, there's no magic trick nd it wasn't fast. But very doable and easy to maintain.

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