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Mz. NuNu

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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Stephanie Kandace in Sick and tired of explaining myself...   
    No one understands unless they go through this themselves. I am sick and tired of my family and their comments and afraid I will end up blowing up on them. Surgery was 10/29 I lost 25lbs in the first 3 weeks and stalled. Doctor says it's normal but on Thanksgiving a few family members asked my sister why I wasn't losing any weight yet. Then last night at a family gathering there were pork chops, rice, brownies a whole bunch of crap and I didn't have any, just ate my Protein pack and my aunts are telling me I shouldn't be eating cheese and had the nerve to say, 'You know you've been eating this stuff', I was boiling inside so badly but was saved by the doorbell. None of them have a clue about anything regarding this surgery and/or my body. How do I tell them all to shut the hell up and stop watching me in a respectful way because I'm ready to blow up on everyone. And the problem is my family has so many functions, I have to be around them so my daughters can participate also.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to IcanMakeit in Heading back to ER again, prayers please   
    I'm late finding this thread. What a horror show you have been through. I hope and believe that things will turn around soon.
    I too had h pylori discovered during my sleeve surgery. They said it did not show up during my pre-op EGD. The surgeon prescribed a very aggressive course of antibiotics, which I was told to crush and take along with all my other crushed meds. The antibiotics made me so nauseous that I couldn't keep anything down.
    After a week of failing to get in an appreciable amount of medication or nutrition, and becoming severely dehydrated, I ended up delaying the treatment of the h pylori until after my stomach had recovered. I don't know if your case is similar to mine, but you might ask your doctor if you could just concentrate on healing now and treat the h pylori later.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to ProudGrammy in Heading back to ER again, prayers please   
    thanx for sending update
    same ol' same ol' that everyone has said
    support and good thoughts and wishes toward your improved health
    feel better
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to nprcowboy in Heading back to ER again, prayers please   
    Sorry folks. Haven't been on in a few days. Been a rough go. Still struggling with fluids but a bit better. Living on Water and a bit of chicken broth maybe 100 calories a day. Cut tolerate much. Also hit a wall each evening and cut complete my med regiment at end of night or will throw it up. The nausea and hunger are killing me. Cant even tolerate Protein Shakes. Hoping I wake up one day and I can resume normal stage stuff. 5 weeks so far on liquids is killing me. My wife is doing great I her recoveey and is ahead of schedule. On day I went to get her for discharge wound up being a nightmare. She was so excited to go home and on morning of discharge they say they found tumor cells from the liver biopsy. They did a full body scan. No masses found but she has to follow up with oncologist. I've lost 50 lbs since preop diet. It look haggard and sickly. I'd trade it all back to not feel sick like this. I cant live on water and nausea. So still not out of the woods. Your support and prayers Have been appreciated.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Kathy812 in Heading back to ER again, prayers please   
    @@nprcowboy, awwww that was so nice of your wife!
    I'll send my letter to Santa tomorrow asking him to please speed up your healing.
    sleep well & praying tomorrow is a better day.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to nprcowboy in Heading back to ER again, prayers please   
    I love you guys. The support i have recd here is heart warming. And gives this "horse" the courage to keep racing. I am blessed for this site. I tried my first Protein in almost 2 weeks as I was hungry so made a strawberry Protein Drink with milk. Yeah, wasn't having it. Made me on the verge of vomiting for next 2 hours after only a few sips. Sticking to Water and gatorade rest of night though starving. Due to size of pills they gave me , 5 new scripts to fight the h pylori and other symptoms, and quantity after breaking them up to smaller than than a hole punch I wind up with 18 pieces to swallow. That alone is tough and nauseating. Have to do that twice a day on moat and 4 times daily on others. Tough whwn already hard to dronk fluids. I'm just upset that they could have prevented this misery I've been going through and an extra 6 days on hospital had they just done their diligence and started me on this regiment 3 weeks ago. On On a happier note , The pic attached brightened my day as on the eve of her surgery my wife decorated the whole house for the holidays. As ibwas hospitalized, so when I came home to an empty house the tree and decor did brighten my mood. All I want from Santa is a few days of feeling well. Not much to ask I don't think. Night all. And will update you all tomorrow.

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    Mz. NuNu reacted to nprcowboy in Heading back to ER again, prayers please   
    I saw the surgeons fellow this morning. And told him I still wanted it done today, but an hour later they cancelled it and tentatively scheduled for tomorrow now. so frustrated. Day of my surgery I guess I tested for H Pylori. Which they should have been treating me for the past few weeks at home. But they missed the results 4 weeks ago, hence why I am here now and going through this. I hate this place. I would not wish my worst enemy to utilize Tampa General Hospitals program or facilities. This "center of excellence" sucks. Nurse told us last night when my wife asked if she sees a lot of bariatric surgery patients come back for re-admits, and she said yes. Hell was in ER here last Monday and they sent me home said they didn't see anything and I was just dehydrated. SOMETHING IS CAUSING ME not to get fluids down hence dehydration. May be the H Pylori but would be nice to know they have looked inside to rule anything else out.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to nprcowboy in Heading back to ER again, prayers please   
    was able to get some fluids down yesterday. about 20 oz maybe which is a major improvement. Been waiting for days to get EGD today so surgeon can see whats going on, but they said this morning since I got some fluids down yesterday, they may want to wait a couple days to see how it goes. Being treated for H Pylori. But no harm in doing EGD. Id hate to wait again only to have to have it. I rather have peace of mind after a scope. So we will see. My wife comes here for her bypass tomorrow morning at 5am. I am seeing if they will let me go down to OR waiting room tomorrow morning. Making it tough as I wasn't supposed to be sick and would take her to surgery and be there but Im in here too,
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to nprcowboy in Heading back to ER again, prayers please   
    Hey all. Thanks for the prayers and wishes. They admitted me and will be here at least until Monday or Tuesday. Surgeon will do EGD when he returns beginning of week. Right now they believe I have an ulcer/abscess. Also was told I had tested positive for h pylori from pre op EGD biopsy but they just noticed now? ? So I am on IV fluids anti biotics and some PPI drip. I've maybe got 10 oz of fluids today. Just getting worse so best I am here I guess. Haven't had any food or Protein in a week. Starving but can't even tolerate Water. Will keep u all posted. Thanks all!
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to BitterSweet* in Heading back to ER again, prayers please   
    What do they think is going on? So worried about you. =( Please hang in there.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to MINI-Me in Gastric Sleeve Experts... Please Chime In!   
    If you went on the charts, I needed to lose 48 pounds to get to a "normal" BMI of 24.9 or 155 pounds at 5'6". At 65%, that would have only lost 31.2 pounds in a year. Well, I lost 70.8 pounds in less than 9 months. Seems like a lot of us on here have met our goal or are very close to it in 1 year or less.
    I wonder if this is a stat for all WLS as a whole? I know there are some who struggle with losing the weight on VSG, but it seems to be a small percentage. And, I don't mean that to sound as trite as it probably does in writing. I so feel for anyone struggling with any weightloss - VSG, RYN, DS, Band, calorie counting etc. We've all been there and know the scars of those battles.
    As far as getting to where I am ... I wish I could say it was all me and my strict compliance, but I haven't done very well at all on the exercise and haven't been such a stickler on the carbohydrate counting either. Having said that, I know that more exercise will help tone me up more & get off the last 7 I want to have gone by Christmas.
    All of that is to say, I don't know why your nut told you this. It does sound a bit defeating, doesn't it? Maybe use it as a way to motivate yourself to "beat the numbers". Show them that your sleeve will take you to your goal!
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to chilo1 in Gastric Sleeve Experts... Please Chime In!   
    I'm only 3 months out and my surgeon said the same, but if you look here a lot of people lost their excess weight and more! That is what the average person loses but I'm hoping to lose most of my excess by going to the gym and working my sleeve to the max. I lost more than half of what i want to lose now(about 60% of my excess), so I'm quite confident that I'll lose more, and I'm even thinking now that I don't wa\nt to lose that much more cause i think I'll be too skinny. So i guess it depends mostly on us and the way we work our sleeve and not so much on the statistics
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to SuzeMuze in Which one is right?   
    The thinning/losing of hair can be attributed to a couple of different things, if it happens to you at all. Human hair "lives" on a roughly 3 month cycle. The hair you were just popping out at the time of surgery will tend to fall out anyway at about your 3 month post-surgery mark. What adds to normal Hair loss this is...because of the massive changes your diet goes through with bypass surgery, your body will go into "Shock" mode and try to preserve any and all Protein for muscle mass & organ function- not for things like pretty skin, lovely nails and full, lush hair. This is one of the reasons surgeons stress to be sure you eat Protein first and get your full recommended grams. Every. Single. Day. If you give your body the protein it needs, you'll not only be helping to preserve muscle mass, but you may also limit/reduce the amount of "shock" you put your body through and therefore potentially lessen the additional hair loss. With that being said, there's a compound available at places like GNC called Biotin. It's created specifically to promote healthy skin, hair and nails. But remember... nothing is guaranteed. You could take Biotin, get all your protein, and still experience hair loss, or not take it and be perfectly fine. No two people are the same.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to teresa929 in Insurance   
    My insurance is BCBS of Minnessota . I am going to try to do good and not call till at least Friday I don't want to make anyone mad.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Jersrose43 in Insurance   
    Teresa every insurance is different. What one company jumps on right away the next does not
    Depends on how big they are, how well staffed
    Many of them were closed last Friday and certainly last Thursday. They still have doctors offices who fax in on Friday and Saturday. So they work those first.
    Chill. Give it a couple days. Call on Friday. If they don't have t by then- Call your surgeon and have them send it again.
    Who is your carrier?
  16. Like
    Mz. NuNu reacted to Brandyjune in December 2014 Surgery   
    My surgery date is set for December 30th!
    I just have to wait in my biopsy results on the h pylori. I'm so hoping they come back negative!
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Brandyjune in December 2014 Surgery   
    @@leemcel I don't have a date yet but I was approved by Cigna this week I have to wait until Dec 1st to hear back from my Dr about h pylori bacteria in my stomach. If I still have it I will have to do another round of antibiotics and won't get my surgery this year. The important thing is to get rid of that so I don't have any complications. If it comes back clear, I'll be able to get my December date. Just have to wait and see, and pray for good news!
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to mommy2jab in December 2014 Surgery   
    I'm having surgery December 29th. My pre-op tests are Dec 9, I start pre-op diet on the 15th, and have final meeting with surgeon on the 12th.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Asher325 in December 2014 Surgery   
    I am having the Gastric Bypass. Just got my surgery date yesterday! December 23rd! What a Christmas gift! I'm so excited, yet so nervous! I had a blood blot in my lung a little over a month ago and am now on blood thinners most likely for the rest of my life. I also had a blood clot in my leg last year that traveled to my lung. So, just nervous with the history of blood clots and surgery. I am so so excited though! I am so ready to get healthy! God has blessed me and gotten me through so much, I know he will this surgery as well! Its all in God's hands! I look forward to hearing from others who are having surgery in December too!
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to iammomof3 in Before and After Pics   
    Everyone looks great!! This is me before (right) and almost 5 months post-op down 90 pounds (left.) Still have aways to go but feeling great!!
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Debbie Jean in Worried about prescriptions - antidepressants   
    This was what my surgeon advised as well since for the first week she does not allow pills in any form. I spoke with my pharmacist over the weekend and she said there was no problem crushing the tablets I take, Synthroid, Lipitor, Metformin, Exforge-HCT, Elavil, Zoloft. My surgeon also gave me a script for Nexium in powder form.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to BLERDgirl in EGD questions.   
    I had the upper GI as well. Nearly barfed up the barium because it already taste nasty but the positioning and re-positioning was triggering my BPPV (vertigo).
    Sorry to hear about the delays for you guys. On the positive side it's best to take these precaution to ensure you have the most positive outcome possible.
  23. Like
    Mz. NuNu reacted to Forsythia in Sleeve   
    I stopped using the pain meds the same day as the surgery. They made me want to vomit (both dalaudid and morphine) and I wasn't in pain anyhow.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to BLERDgirl in Sleeve   
    I had no pain. Seriously I've had worse menstruation cramps. I also experienced no gas, Constipation or nausea. I was up and walking in recovery and felt great.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to joatsaint in Sleeve   
    The pain I felt came from the leftover gas in my torso. It was VERY uncomfortable, but I've been in worse pain before. And the pain meds wiped the pain right out. Just remember to get up and walk as much as you can, it really helps move the gas out of your system. In 6 months you'll be telling everyone that it was worth every bit of it!
    This is me, minutes after surgery:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
