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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to Jefferyc79 in Husband rant   
    Here's my take on it. I hope that I don't offend anyone. But I'm just being honest. What we all have in common is the issues we've had with our weight. Some of us also have other issues i.e. insecurity, and depression. The people we are with in our relationship have learned to like those things about us. A man that is with a heavy woman might love heavy women. But he may love more what that heavy woman does to his ego. If your man can't give you a compliment after losing 80 pounds as a man in my mind it's saying that he doesn't want you losing weight. Your weight lost is now making him become insecure and he can't deal with that. It's OK for you to be insecure though to stroke his ego but he can't fathom that for himself. You need to sit him down and ask the tough questions. First starting with how your weight lost is effecting him. That's my take. Congrats on your current weight lost you should be proud of yourself. Hopefully your man can get on board and realize that not everyone is trying to lose weight to go find a new person. Good luck to you @@Sophie74656
  2. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to Elode in I wore a dress!   
    I would just like to share my newest NSV. I wore this dress to my best friends wedding last night. It may not seem like a big deal to some of you but I haven't worn a dress since I was 12. I wore it and I liked it!! I will be adding more to my wardrobe I blocked out the others for privacy. It was pretty exciting for me. At 267lbs I didn't look good in anything form fitting. It was a special night all around. It's the little things that mean so much!
    Update: Picture of the back of it for the ladies interested in it.

  3. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from stephh in Halloween Challenge!   
    238.8 today's weight
  4. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to Elode in Funniest NSV yet!   
    So last night I took my teenage daughter (14) to the movies. We were in the process of getting ready and she starts freaking out! She says " MOM!!! What the heck?!" I being in shock was like "What , what happened?!" She says "You're wearing my freaking underwear!!" I immediately flipped the tag over and sure enough they were hers! She bought the same ones as me only two sizes smaller. I, being thoroughly amused started doing the booty shaking victory dance. She however was not near as amused as I was. That's ok though because I got a new NSV AND I inherited a new pair of undies!! For some reason she insisted that I keep them! So when I say "funniest" what I really mean is funniest for me. Ha!! Winning!!!
  5. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from tiffanyt in Embrace the Stall   
    Great advice. Sometimes we want all the weight off so bad, that we don't acknowledge and appreciate the weight that has come off.
    I am thankful to be down 74 pounds. And I am earning to change how I communicate that. Over the weekend my cousin asked how much I had lost? My response was I have lost about 70 pounds but I still have 100 more to lose!
    I will stop discounting my sucess today. The next time someone asks my answer will be "I have lost over 70 pounds and I look and feel great!" Period. Because that is the truth.
  6. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from BLERDgirl in How did you deal with hair loss?   
    I got a weave two weeks before surgery so I wouldn't have to deal with my hair and it would be easier for working out. That was in May.
    Last week I has my weave reinstalled for the 2nd time and noticed Hair loss at my temples. I was disappointed and upset. My hair stylist (whom I absolutely love) asked do you want the weight back or the hair? He assured me that the hair would grow back and that the weight I have lost is a great trade off for the hair I loss.
    So I will continue to wear weaves for the rest of the year. I will make a decision about cutting it after than.
    Thank God for weave!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from tiffanyt in Embrace the Stall   
    Great advice. Sometimes we want all the weight off so bad, that we don't acknowledge and appreciate the weight that has come off.
    I am thankful to be down 74 pounds. And I am earning to change how I communicate that. Over the weekend my cousin asked how much I had lost? My response was I have lost about 70 pounds but I still have 100 more to lose!
    I will stop discounting my sucess today. The next time someone asks my answer will be "I have lost over 70 pounds and I look and feel great!" Period. Because that is the truth.
  8. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to Babbs in I feel very guilty and upset   
    Uh, you just got a cancer diagnosis. You get a pass from me.
    But really, use this as an opportunity to get healthy and eat healthy. Putting real, nutritious food in your body instead of sugar and processed foods will help you get through the chemo a little easier. Being at a fighting weight will help you heal and fight, also.
    Good luck to you! We are all here for you if you need to rant or just talk about things. I will be thinking about you!
  9. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from tiffanyt in Embrace the Stall   
    Great advice. Sometimes we want all the weight off so bad, that we don't acknowledge and appreciate the weight that has come off.
    I am thankful to be down 74 pounds. And I am earning to change how I communicate that. Over the weekend my cousin asked how much I had lost? My response was I have lost about 70 pounds but I still have 100 more to lose!
    I will stop discounting my sucess today. The next time someone asks my answer will be "I have lost over 70 pounds and I look and feel great!" Period. Because that is the truth.
  10. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from stephh in Halloween Challenge!   
    241.4 current weight.
  11. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from tiffanyt in Embrace the Stall   
    Great advice. Sometimes we want all the weight off so bad, that we don't acknowledge and appreciate the weight that has come off.
    I am thankful to be down 74 pounds. And I am earning to change how I communicate that. Over the weekend my cousin asked how much I had lost? My response was I have lost about 70 pounds but I still have 100 more to lose!
    I will stop discounting my sucess today. The next time someone asks my answer will be "I have lost over 70 pounds and I look and feel great!" Period. Because that is the truth.
  12. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to Indieflickers in Embrace the Stall   
    Excellent post! I think the hardest part about a stall, if you've been doing everything right, is accepting that it's out of your control and letting go.
  13. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to Babbs in Embrace the Stall   
    EXCELLENT post! Spot on!
  14. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to *Lexie* in Embrace the Stall   
    Great post! I have discovered that I have a cycle of losing really well for around 2 weeks and then 2 weeks or so of no weight loss. I have had to remind myself a few times to take a deep breath and just keep doing what I'm doing and not go crazy and try something radical to get the weight loss going again. It all evens out.
    And I'd rather have a stall than a gain any day. :-)
  15. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Embrace the Stall   
    It seems that at least 50% of the posts on BariatriPal are bemoaning a stall. Daily, and sometimes hourly, I am reading about how someone ONLY lost x number of pounds and now the scale hasn't moved in ___ [fill in the blank] days/months, etc. Oh no, they write, I am a failure/unique/my surgery didn't work/life is not fair, ... Why am I in a stall?
    I know I am exaggerating but I think you get the idea.
    Guess what? STALLS are a NORMAL part of the PROCESS of losing weight. If you want to lose weight, you will stall. Not just once, but over and over. And, guess what? A stall is where your body actually does the hard work of becoming smaller. It takes a lot of work and energy to dismantle a structure that has been holding up, in some cases, hundreds of pounds.
    For those who think they have to DO something to somehow "break a stall" (in my opinion, you do not break a stall, you just ride them out), here is my response:
    What can you do to "break" a stall?
    Relax and stay off the scale if it bothers you so much. Weigh no more than once a week, or even less often. Weighing only at your doctor's appointments early in the process is a good strategy if your mood and self-worth are dictated by the numbers on the scale.
    In addition to using the numbers on the scale to measure your progress, take your measurements. Inches lost are also a great way to see physical progress when the scale isn't moving. Most people see the biggest physical changes in their body when the scale seems stuck.
    As long as you are getting in all your protein and water and following your NUT and surgeon's instructions, you are doing what you are supposed to do.
    If you aren't getting in all your protein and water, then increasing your protein and water is something you can do (and should be doing anyway whether or not you are in a stall).
    If you aren't exercising, then you can exercise (and should be whether or not you are in a stall). You can start slowly by walking or even moving more around the house. Exercising will help you feel better, tone your skin and build fat-burning muscle.
    If you are unsure or unclear about what you are supposed to be, or should not be eating, then make an appointment with your NUT (which you should be doing whether or not you are in a stall).
    About the only good result I see that comes from complaining about a stall is when you take an honest look at what you are doing and realign with the program recommended by your NUT and surgeon. Have you started eating more outside of your plan? Are you restricting calories? Are you eating enough carbs and protein for your exercise? Are you taking your Vitamins? Are you eating often enough? Are you eating slowly with protein first? Sometimes, all you need to DO is go back to basics.
    7) JOURNAL
    One of the biggest things I have noticed from the various posts is how anxious and out-of-control some people feel when they notice a stall. Journaling can help you gain some perspective and deal with some of the emotional turmoil.
    -- Write about how you are feeling about the stall and your weight loss, and surgery in general.
    -- Write about why you had the surgery in the first place.
    -- Write about what life was like before surgery.
    -- Write about what you hope and dream about accomplishing in the future.
    -- Write about your fears.
    -- Write about your NSVs.
    -- Make a gratitude list.
    -- Make a bucket list.
    -- Write a letter to your old self; write a letter to your new self.
    Just write.
    8) SEEK HELP
    Stalls are when too many people seem to revert to old, counterproductive dieting behaviors (restricting calories, over exercising, bingeing, etc.). If this is you, then another thing you can DO is to talk to a counselor or therapist or consider joining a bariatric support group or a twelve-step group like Overeater's Anonymous.
    The discomfort of being in a stall can also drive people to develop new, unhealthy coping habits or even transfer addictions. This is where you want to marshall all the resources you have available to you and use them.
    The last, and most important thing you can DO is:
    Stalls are a normal and natural part of the process.
    Our bodies are complex systems and not simple machines.
    Stalls go hand-in-hand with weight loss.
    If you had Weight Loss Surgery, then you probably want to lose a significant amount of weight. So, get ready to embrace the many stalls you will experience as your body is transformed. It will be worth it.
  16. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from stephh in Halloween Challenge!   
    Starting Weight: 243.6
    Goal Weight: 225
  17. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from stephh in Halloween Challenge!   
    I'm in. Goal weight 225.00
  18. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    How easy it is to forget to eat and drink.
  19. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from Jovie62 in Weight loss app   
    My calories are set for 700 on myfitnesspal.
  20. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from NoMoreWeightNJ in Labor Day Challenge!   
    244. Didn't make my goal but got close
  21. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from NoMoreWeightNJ in Labor Day Challenge!   
    244. Didn't make my goal but got close
  22. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to BigViffer in I have a gift for many of you...   
    Many people posting on here appear to need this. I have plenty, so I will share with anyone who needs it!
    There. It's a big chunk of spaces and line breaks! You can use these to end paragraphs, begin new sentences and even change the thoughts you are trying to communicate!
    But wait! There's more! Take advantage of this one time offer and I will throw in the complete set of standard English punctuation!
    , . ? ! & ( ) : " ; '
    And if you order in the next 5 minutes, I will show you how to disable the CAPS LOCK KEY!
    All joking aside, I realize this is a web forum and it is meant to be more casual and laid back, but if you put just a little effort into making your posts easier to read, you will not only get more replies to your threads, you will most likely get better replies as well.
  23. Like
    SmilingBeauty got a reaction from kimby1029 in May Sleevers - We are 90 days out, lets catch up!   
    Surgery was May 26th. I have lost 53 pounds since surgery. 67 pounds from my highest weight.
  24. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to atontor in May Sleevers - We are 90 days out, lets catch up!   
    Surgery was 5/29/15. SW 305
    12 week post op visit was on August 24 CW 215
  25. Like
    SmilingBeauty reacted to mtraverse in May Sleevers - We are 90 days out, lets catch up!   
    I just had my three month on friday. Was sleeved on May 26th! I am down almost 40lbs. Not as big of weight loss as some but still happy with it and so was the surgeon so I can't complain. Feeling good, having struggles some days to stay on the right path though!

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