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  1. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to lissa863 in October Surgery Date   
    Just a quick question. Did any one have an upset stomach or were you nauseated during the whole liquid diet prior to surgery?
  2. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to freelyme in October Surgery Date   
    Lol, I bought 50 shades of grey for my surgery recuperation too. Lol good luck and speedy recovery to everyone.
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    Naynay31 reacted to Larly109 in Eating chicken   
    I was cleared to try it at 4 weeks. Took tiny bites and chewed really, really well. Was able to eat about an ounce and it settled well. It was grilled and juicy by the way - anything too dry is more likely to cause you problems.
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    Naynay31 reacted to notgonnafindit in Help with my Hair!   
    @@shmily That was incredibly rude. I am new here (3 weeks) and I would have no idea that this has been posted before. I was only repeating what I was told by my doctor's office to try and help someone. It wasn't necessary to "yell".
  5. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to Sensarah in PREGNANT AND ONLY 1 MONTH POST OP!   
    I have decided to keep it. I hear that since I'm overweight the baby will feed off my current fat and I will just have to make sure to eat Protein PROTEIN PROTEIN! Since my body will be more tired since it's making a whole nother' little life inside of me.
    I hear i'm okay in the food department but Vitamins are gonna be crucial. What are y'all thoughts?? I'm really against abortion and want to keep it.
  6. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to tacycakes in OCTOBER 2014   
    Yes! I also have a very rumbly tumbly. I have pain and cramping on my left side incision sites. Most of the time they are "grit and bear it" pains but every so often it feels like someone shot me with a 38 special. Where I can't even breathe. Fortunately, that's only happened twice. My liquid shots of Protein are so sweet that they're disgusting. That and the liquid oxycodeine. Grossss.
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    Naynay31 reacted to amylynns in OCTOBER 2014   
    Layknee- I just tried drinking some regular Water. I had the same thing happen as I think you are. A tightness/cramping in the upper chest? I added some cranberry juice and I'm good now. But how weird is that?? I wonder what's up with that?
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    Naynay31 reacted to CafeCathey in October Surgery Date   
    @"Beni" peel and freeze the bananas. they will by great in a Protein smoothie and easy on the tummy.
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    Naynay31 reacted to Bronxmerci in OCTOBER 2014   
    I haven't tried prune juice even though I wanted to. My plan says no juice whatsoever, I'm pretty sure olive oil and coconut oil and lemon juice are not on my plan either. However, I was so cramped up and lying on the floor for hours that I couldn't gather myself up to go to the store and get some. My mom has my son, and I was pretty much alone. The good news is that my concoction worked within minutes, I have gone 4 times already and my abdominal pain is slowly leaving and becoming tolerable. I still feel like there's some stuff up there in my tubes lol. I am drinking more fluids but Water is starting to taste weird and I'm over the crystal light. I went ahead and had some greek yogurt, like 1oz because I had gone too long without food and was getting real light headed. I just want my stomach to feel normal again, I needed relief and now I have bubble guts but I know there's more so I still feel yucky.
  10. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to VASCRN in OCTOBER 2014   
    Wow, I am so happy for all you on here. I had surgery on October 22 and am still in the hospital. I have terrible nausea and have been getting medication around the clock. I hope to go home in the next couple of days. Right now I am experiencing buyers remorse.
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    Naynay31 got a reaction from kimodell69 in October Surgery Date   
    I'm ready to go home too drink my chicken broth and crystal light I want my Popsicle lol they didn't bring this morning
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    Naynay31 reacted to superbariatricbabe in OCTOBER 2014   
    Tasty Protein packed recipe: Spicy Black Bean Purée (3 servings, 1/2 cup)
    1 can organic black Beans, rinsed and drained
    2 tbsp fat free Greek yogurt
    1 tsp balsamic vinegar
    1 scoop Protein power (unjur.y unflavored) - you can add 2 if u want but 1 disappears completely
    Salt, pepper, dried parsley, cayenne to taste
    Purée in a cuisinart until smooth- adjust Greek yogurt if you want it creamier. Delicious, and a half cup serving has 12g protein.
    The spiciness of the cayenne hides the Protein powder taste really well.
  13. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to layknee in OCTOBER 2014   
    I puréed Boston market spinach and mashed potatoes no problem. But I still cramp when drinking plain Water.
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    Naynay31 reacted to amylynns in OCTOBER 2014   
    Oh yeah! I just tried like maybe an 1/8 of a cup of chicken broth and it was yummy.And I'm stuffed. But I'll definitely try the ramen broth tomorrow. :-)
  15. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to amylynns in October Surgery Date   
    You 2 look so much better than I feel!!! I've had more pain and discomfort since I've been home. I can't even handle broth at this point. Only watered down juice, room temp. Here's a pic of my belly on day 2 post op. The drain is by far the worst thing ever. It's all covered up with the bandage but I have to pretty much carry the bulb thing around or it pulls at the site. Cannot freaking wait until Monday to get it out!

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    Naynay31 reacted to SimplySue in October Surgery Date   
    @@Naynay31, lookin good
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    Naynay31 got a reaction from kimodell69 in October Surgery Date   
    got tried of that hospital gown lol feeling good
  18. Like
    Naynay31 got a reaction from kimodell69 in October Surgery Date   
    I'm ready to go home too drink my chicken broth and crystal light I want my Popsicle lol they didn't bring this morning
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    Naynay31 reacted to AuriP in OCTOBER 2014   
    So I wrote this on the pre op post but I thought I would share here too. I'm outgrowing my pants, I only have 3 since I work so much and my work clothes are scrubs. I found a pair in my closet that I haven't worn in 4+years, they were a size 20. Well I never thought they would fit but they did. Then this morning I went to Old Navy (they are having an awesome sale going on right now) I went in so thinking I was about to purchase some size 20 pants, I picked up so 18's to see how longer I had to go to get in them and they fit as well. Apparently old navy ' pants stretch so the sales associate said to get pants that fit well because they will stretch and get looser as the day goes on. I bought 2 of the size 18's and they will have to last me until I go shopping again in Janurary. Ahhh, I'm so excited.

  20. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to AuriP in OCTOBER 2014   
    I'm so sorry for the people who are going through rough times right now, while I didn't have to be placed in the hospital I was where you are right now. I still cramp with Water and other fluids first thing in the morning. I will be sending good vibes your way and if you believe in God I will send a prayer up for you ladies tonight.
  21. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to dc0520 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have had 3 c sections and a gallbladder removal years ago. This pain is not even close. I have that stitch and the pain attacked full force on day 5. I went to my 2 wk post op and was given another two weeks of Vicodin. I don't need it everyday but when I do I'm so glad I asked. With three young ones homeschooling I'm super active when I don't want to be so I pay for it in a lot of ways. Rest up when you can!
  22. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to layknee in OCTOBER 2014   
    I left a message over on the other thread. I'm doing okay I was having some incisional pain and maybe some gas pain. They took me off of the PCA today around 430pm. I am now taking Norco 7.5 mg liquid oral medication. Trying to get down this I infiltrated two IVs already so I'm on my third IV. Miss my kids. They won't let anyone under 18 up here because of the enterovirus that's been spreading among gradeschool kids. I do have my own room though. chicken broth is disgusting because there's no salt or pepper in it.
    Of course I still do not like sugar-free Jell-O. changed into my pajamas. My O2 sats staying in the upper 80s and lower 90s. Trying to keep up with my deep breathing and coughing exercises. They took my catheter out. Went to the bathroom on my own. Walked up and down the hallway.
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    Naynay31 reacted to misstvb in OCTOBER 2014   
    I forgot to mention that when I do start to hurt I walk on my treadmill for ten minutes to see if that helps any, it usually does.
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    Naynay31 reacted to smiley922 in OCTOBER 2014   
    I have to be at the hospital in 5 hours so need to get some shuteye, nighty night! wish me well, hope my doc feels that I have cleansed enough.
  25. Like
    Naynay31 reacted to amylynns in OCTOBER 2014   
    I can't wait to cross over here! :D
    Auri--My family had taco freaking pizza tonight!!! :angry: But you know what, we're going to look SO amazing very soon and we won't care about what foods we're missing out on!!

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