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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to dc0520 in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    My face pic is where I see it the most
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    BloomingLotus reacted to gowalking in Nobody puts baby in a corner..   
    ..but that's where I seem to wind up now. Anytime we go out to eat, if there's a tight corner, I wind up there because I'm smaller than everyone else in the family or with my friends. And that's compared to even the 'normal' sized people. I don't mean I'm skin and bones but at just five feet tall and 117 or so lbs., I fit where no one else does. What an amazing transformation from when I needed a chair because I didn't fit in a booth or where I had to squeeze past people if the restaurant was busy...or people would have to get up to let me pass by or the fear of a wobbly chair breaking on me.
    Twice last week and again this past Friday, I was in the smallest space. And I fit just fine.
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    BloomingLotus reacted to heatonsgal in 8 Months Out   
    I'm about 8 months out. Down 66 lbs. Feeling good! Just wanted to share my progress.

    Everyone have a great day.
  4. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to laurenella82 in Countdown to a new me!   
    I FINALLY got my date! February 10 is the day! I'm so excited!!! I start my 4 WEEK pre-op diet on 13 January!
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    BloomingLotus got a reaction from Elode in Medical Escort?   
    @@Elode - I plan on being alone once I'm home, but it's the hospitals CYA (cover your hiney) policy to only discharge you with an adult escort. Since 99% of the universe has family with them, it's usually not an issue. I just need a competent human to stand beside me when I leave. The service will take me home, fill my prescriptions and all that, but it's expensive.
    I'm pretty self-sufficient and I do have friends very nearby should I need help after the fact.
    Unfortunately I do need someone to take me home, and a cab driver doesn't count apparently ha!
  6. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to newat52 in Lying about what type of surgery..   
    Dont lie. It isn't necessary.
    I am almost 2 years out and the only people in my life that know is my husband and our younger son. Our oldest still doesn't know and won't. Only reason one knows is because he lived with us at the time. I believe one's personal business is just that.
    I was out and about normally within about a week. I just declined any social events that included food for the first 6 weeks. I have lost weight many, many, many times throughout my life. (Who among us has not, yes?) When people ask me how much I have lost I say "a bunch." If they ask how I am doing it, my reply is one pound at a time. You get my drift....
    What I am getting at is that just because someone asks you a question, you are not obligated to answer it. I will give someone two chances and then my reply is my weight is not a topic of discussion that I care to talk about.
    My surgery was the best thing I have ever done for my health and I am very proud to have had it done. I am also just a very private person and don't feel the need to be the poster child for weight loss surgery.
    Best of luck to you, it is not the easy way out by any means and it will take all the strength you can muster at times.
    It will be worth it. Very worth it!
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    BloomingLotus reacted to Qtpie28 in My Dr's post op diet EXTREMEMLY conservative   
    My doc does 2 weeks full liquid 2 week purée and 2 weeks soft food
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    BloomingLotus reacted to Luana526 in I've had my moments, but I'm SOOO happy I did this!   
    My surgery was September 26. Looking back (even though it's very recent), I can honestly say that the the biggest adjustment comes when you are given freedom to eat solid foods. What a challenge! When the diet was dicated to me (liquids, then soft solids, etc.) I ate from the list and that was that. But when you begin to explore what works for you and what doesn't (as far as the permanent diet), that's when the real adjustment comes in. And those first few weeks after begin given that freedom I had a few episodes where I either ate too much at once, too fast, or didn't chew well enough (good news: it's so unpleasant, you'll be sure to only do that ONCE!). But here I am 47 and a half pounds down and I am so deliriously happy. And I have a very unusual frame/body, apparently, because I lost close to 30 pounds before people even started to notice. I lose it all over, very evenly. I'm down one size (although ready to go into next size), but I'm okay with that. It really comes from all over on me--my rings are big, I'm even sliding around in my shoes. I have two friends who are ready to take the plunge because they see my success and like me, they've tried just about everything. They are both post-menopausal and the weight just wants to stay put. I know, I was there.
    It's a little bit of a challenge getting in my Protein, although God knows I concentrate all day long on doing that. I find that some of my tastes have changed a bit. I never had a "sweet tooth" before, and now I have even less of a tolerance for sweets. So getting down a Protein Bar or shake is literally an all-day task for me. I'm trying to finish a Protein Bar right now that I started yesterday. I take a bite here and a bite there.
    You know what the best part about this whole journey is? Besides that I feel fantastic and I'm so happy I did this, the best part is not having that old love/hate relationship with food. I can be around it, have it in the house, go to parties, and never, ever fear that I'm going to overeat and hate myself afterwards. Aside from concentrating on the Protein, I can honestly say I eat what I want and when I want and I have been losing consistently. I make better choice now, because who wants to go through all this and then eat junk food? Even then, I am very, very cognizant of the fact that I am eating a fraction of what I would eat before.
    I would encourage anyone considering the sleeve: it will be the best gift you will ever give yourself. I am enjoying life in a whole new way. Good luck!!
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    BloomingLotus reacted to kikicoates78 in 2 months PO down 4 jeans sizes! In total shock!   
    So hubby took me shopping yesterday, I went the day before and found NOTHING. was in a total funk. Nothing looked right on me. Everything fit weird. Well he said i will take u...(13 years this is a FIRST) well we shopped in Reg sizes!! Not plus sizes and OMG sz 16 petite skinny jeans fit meeee!!! I'm only down 38 pounds. But it's coming off in good places! He then took me to a shoe store and bought me some knee boots!! My calves have always been too big for them. Considering I wear a size 6. Even "wide calf" wouldn't come close. It was a great day for a little confidence boost. Hope everyone is doing great!!!!!
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    BloomingLotus reacted to Kindle in Horrible eating over Christmas   
    I am 12 months postop and I went to visit family for the holidays. I had no intentions of eating on plan and even spent the last month dropping below my bounce range so I could pig out guilt free this week. It's my first Christmas home in nearly 15 years and there are just too many holiday food traditions I'm not giving up. I've spent the last 5 days basically stuffing myself with sugar and carbs. I still managed to get in a few Protein smoothies, some sushi, shrimp, smoked brisket, chicken, veggies and fruit, but really nothing that resembled a balanced, healthy menu.
    I fly back to my place tomorrow and back to work on Monday. I'll step on the scale, enter it in the Holiday Challenge thread, and get right back on my normal healthy diet plan. I'm certainly not going to let 1 week off the wagon diminish all that i've accomplished. And neither should you. Just put it behind you and start back fresh this week.
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    BloomingLotus reacted to Brandie Harris in Today is my day   
    It's finally here cannot believe it!!! Surgery I'd at 9:30 am, please say a prayer for me. I will update as I go
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    BloomingLotus reacted to JCP in NSV :)   
    My husband took me to The Nutcracker last night. Sixty pounds ago it would have been very difficult. We parked a block away, then climbed flights of stairs at the venue, then down those scary little nearly vertical stairs into balcony seats. But I had no problem, even though I wore (not very high) heels. And I consented to having a picture taken. (Wildly out of character.) This surgery has saved my life in so many ways. I can't wait to see what next Christmas brings. Here's hoping you all had a wonderful holiday, and here's to our bright days ahead.
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    BloomingLotus reacted to CheleLynn45 in Some posts make me so sad, thank God for this site.........   
    I have been reading posts on here well before my surgery which was on Oct 27th 2014, and reading and posting on here since my surgery. I come across posts that have people struggling and when I read that they have no support system, or barely any support at home it really upsets me.
    This is such a HUGE life change I could not imagine going thru this without my support system. I try to get on here and post where I can hoping to make a difference, because I know first hand how just one comment or compliment or Way To Go, can go a long way.
    I know how lucky I am. My husband and daughter support me 110% in this journey and have since day one. My parents have also been supportive and very positive. I have friends that encourage me and help me where and when they can. Even my coworkers have been great. I haven't run into one person who has said a negative thing to me yet. (well at least to my face, you never know behind my back, but I would hope not.)
    it is just so hard for me to read when people are struggling and the people in their lives that should be lifting them up and helping seem to be tearing them down. That is what I LOVE about this site. I love the help, the encouragement, the advice, and the YOU CAN DO IT attitude. We all struggle no matter how well you are doing. I just want to reach thru this computer and HUG them.
    Please for those of us that have done well or are doing well please please continue to post to help out those that need it. Our positive posts can really help you never know who you might be making a difference to at any time.
    For anyone struggling be strong, I am not a very strong person, I have always had people to depend on and that made me nervous going into this, but I have found I can do this and you can too!!
    And for all you looking into this, starting your journey, remember this site can be helpful and there seems to always be someone here when you need them. No question is stupid, your feelings matter!!
    Okay sorry this is so long, but I just had to get that out.
    Thanks to all who have supported me with your kind words and encouragement!! And even when it sounds like someone might giving you tougher love than you would like, remember they did take the time to comment and try to help!!!
    Good luck everyone!!!!
  14. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to Kindle in What a wonderful year it's been!   
    Even though my surgiversary is December 20, I consider today my 1 year mark since it was December 4 that I started my preop diet. Hey, 16 days of liquids and leafy greens and 22 pounds lost deserve to be counted! I really don't know where to begin to describe how wonderful this past year has been, but here are some highlights...
    My surgical experience at Obesity Control Center in TJ was better than I could have hoped for. It was more of a fun mini-vacation with my sister than anything. Recovery was nearly painless and I have had no reflux, food intolerances or Hair loss. My sincere thanks goes out to everyone there who took such good care of me.
    I discovered what a wonderful, supportive community I live and work in. I was very ashamed and angry about letting myself get so fat. But despite the initial embarrassment, I chose to be honest about my surgery and talk about it openly. Turns out that was great therapy. I am now proud of my decision rather than feel it's something I need to hide. Literally hundreds of people know I had WLS....friends, family, clients, fellow beauty shop patrons.... and no one has made me feel bad about it. Nobody treats me any differently and turns out people like and respect me whether I'm fat or thin. Everyone is just happy for me that I feel better, both physically and mentally. I see from a lot of posts that not everyone has such accepting, non-judgemental people in their lives so I am incredibly grateful that I do.
    The first first 3-4 months postop were certainly not without struggles.... Feeling bloated and full all the time that first month, Trying to get in all my Protein and Water despite having no appetite, learning how to chew and eat slow, almost 2 months of diarrhea from a C. diff infection from antibiotics for a tooth infection 6 weeks after VSG, being on medications that made me nauseous, getting IV fluids 3 times for dehydration because I couldn't drink enough water with my tiny sleeve, and needing a fecal transplant to finally cure the C. diff. It was at least 4 months before I felt normal, but I never once regretted surgery and would do it all again. Although I wouldn't particularly care to relive the two excruciatingly painful gall bladder attacks I've had....by far the WORST part of this journey.
    First NSV....my rings fit! (they have since become too big and I've had to resize them down...even my high school ring)
    I learned from these forums that stalls are normal, so I never worried about them. In fact, I never even bothered to buy a scale. NSV's are much more satisfying and mean more than numbers on a scale.
    Went from size 22 relaxed/curvy fit jeans to 6 or 7 slims. XXL tops to mediums. Size 44DD to a very saggy 36B (but I still consider this a good thing). I can shop in regular stores and even online because I know the clothes will fit and look good!
    I can wear tall boots because they fit over my calves.
    I can swing up into my saddle without having to find a log or rock to climb on. Even had to buy a new saddle to fit my new skinny butt. And I have no doubt that my horse is at least as thrilled with my weight loss as I am.
    I am saving hundreds of dollars every month on groceries....good thing since I've had to buy a whole new wardrobe.
    I can easily cross my legs, kneel, squat and sit "Indian style". I can bound (yes, bound!) up several flights of steps without even breathing hard.
    My blood pressure is normal and my PCP is thrilled with my bloodwork. I had my first normal PAP and negative HPV test in 7 years....eating healthy has allowed my immune system to finally clear the virus and abnormal cells from my system.
    My feet and ankles and knees haven't hurt in at least 10 months. I'm on my feet all day and went from daily NSAIDS and occasional tramadol to zero of both.
    Blew past my surgeon's goal weight at 6 months, passed my personal goal around 7 months and have settled in the middle of a normal BMI range....100 pounds lost forever! More than I ever dreamed possible.
    I have maintained within a 5 pound bounce range over the last 3 months with very little effort. Getting enough protein and water, taking my Vitamins, eating a well balanced diet of protein, veggies, fruit and whole grains and limiting white carbs seems to work for me. No counting calories, tracking or measuring. The sleeve does its job of Portion Control and I do my job of making good choices. I live and eat like a normal person and enjoy everything in moderation.
    And somewhere along the way I've learned how to deal with life's stresses without turning to food and alcohol. I never thought I could feel this good about myself. I am truly blessed and I sincerely wish everyone as much success, confidence and happiness as I have found. (Sorry this was so long, but I just have so much to be grateful for)
    Before/after pictures taken Dec 4, 2013 and 2014. Competitive Trail Ride Event pictures taken September 2013 and 2014.
  15. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to MrsB2007 in Final weigh-in   
    Today is my last weigh in also... In 1.5hr actually. I gathered everything to take to the surgeon to submit to insurance. Quicker than requesting everything from the drs office. Wish me luck!! Looking at the first part or middle of Jan if ins approves.
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    BloomingLotus got a reaction from MrsB2007 in Final weigh-in   
    It went well! I had all my questions saved in a note on my phone ???? I was given a January 29th date!!
    Also, my new insurance doesn't delay my processing AND my surgery will now be covered at 100% rather than at the 80% it would have been under my old plan!!!
    Today rocks ????????????
    Now on to the submission/approval!
  17. Like
    BloomingLotus got a reaction from MrsB2007 in Final weigh-in   
    It went well! I had all my questions saved in a note on my phone ???? I was given a January 29th date!!
    Also, my new insurance doesn't delay my processing AND my surgery will now be covered at 100% rather than at the 80% it would have been under my old plan!!!
    Today rocks ????????????
    Now on to the submission/approval!
  18. Like
    BloomingLotus got a reaction from BLERDgirl in Final weigh-in   
    When I first started researching this process, it felt like it would take forever. Today is my final weigh-in and it feels like the last few months flew! I expect to get a surgery date today and I'm incredibly excited! I upgraded my insurance starting Jan 1 so I'm *slightly* concerned that will somehow delay me, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it!
    I have a few last-visit questions for the surgeon, but does anyone have any "I wish I asked that" questions for your last visit with the surgeon?
  19. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to joatsaint in Discouraged Already   
    You said you are losing more than 1lb a day after surgery. To help us answer your questions, please remind us of how much you were losing per day before surgery?
  20. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to ProudGrammy in proudgrammy still proud 3 yr surgiversary   
    who would have thought??

    3 years ago, a scared little (big) rabbit had WLS

    i was scared about the unknown - what to expect in my future

    i crept down 105 lbs/GOAL in one year
    past two years fluctuating/maintaining 3-5 lbs
    at times i have weighed a "little" more

    honesty, confession is good for the sole
    i'm not perfect, welllll actually
    i do graze sometimes
    or eat more than i should during the day
    i don't enjoy not drinking while eating
    i don't always get my 64 oz of Water
    i don't exercise
    i don't weigh 235 lbs anymore

    many wonderful things have been going on in my new life
    my health is wonderful
    this "sexy at 60" looks pretty HOT!!

    we built a beautiful new house last year but.............
    I don't hide in the house anymore
    i find reasons to leave the house
    drive here there and everywhere
    love running errands
    of course clothes shopping toooooo!!!
    I do volunteer work
    (I would never have put myself "out" amongst people pre WLS)
    my confidence, happiness have gone through the roof
    many other things i can't think of
    (my memory hasn't improved )

    with the "assistance" of the sleeve - my new world is amazing
    that is my story and i'm stick' to it!!!

    my wishes/thought/hopes
    that everyone in the "world"/especially my fellow sleevers
    be as happy as i am today - for the rest of your healthier, happier, longer, life

    congrats to me
  21. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to emily.paige in Post-op drinking   
    Thanks guys! The "vodka" (water) on the rocks worked just fine
  22. Like
    BloomingLotus got a reaction from Kindle in Post-op drinking   
    You can always ask for watered down cranberry juice on the rocks. For all your friends know, it's a vodka cranberry!
  23. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to laurenelizabeth in PRE-OP & New to BariatricPal!   
    Hey y'all!
    My name is Lauren! I'm getting the sleeve in a little over a week! (December 22, 2014) I'm excited, scared, hopeful! Just a whole bunch of emotions! Super thankful this site exists though!
  24. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to Kindle in Food help!   
    I was encouraged to have drinkable yogurt starting day 4 to help replace normal flora. Nut didn't care if it was FF, you can't possibly take in enough calories at this point for that to matter. But not all yogurts are the same...read ingredients. Siggy's was the best option I found, with Kefir coming in second. The rest were way too sweet for me and more geared towards making parents "think" they are giving their kids a healthy snack when it's actually loaded with sugar.
    As for the frozen Protein drink idea, that's all I ever did. Never once had a store-bought SF Popsicle. And I make Protein "ice cream" all the time with Protein powder, milk, Greek yogurt and Torani syrups. Just finished a batch of banana with chopped peanuts and started a batch of red velvet cake with Carmel Syrup and chopped walnuts. I think I'll do mint chocolate next.
  25. Like
    BloomingLotus reacted to boosh10 in Submitting request to Aetna today   
    Hello, just emailed my patient navigator at my Dr.s office and she's submitting my request today to Aetna. She said 7-10 business days, maybe sooner. . Wish me luck!!!! Im praying that I'm approved!!!

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