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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    traveler60 reacted to #9grammy in New to fifties group   
    I am on the other side!
    Just took a walk down the hallway, first one. Sitting up in a chair and so tired it's hard to keep eyes open.
    I did GREAT! If it weren't for the new stomach hurting I would have no pain at all.
    Thank you for all the best wishes they sure have worked wonders.
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    traveler60 got a reaction from auntjanny in New to fifties group   
    I'm awake #9 Grammy. Im lying here with a throbbing ankle wondering if I am crazy for pushing on with my ankle but knowing if I back out now I'll probably never do it. Good luck tomorrow. I head for Mexico early Wednesday morning with surgery on Thursday so I'm not far behind you.
  3. Like
    traveler60 got a reaction from auntjanny in New to fifties group   
    I'm awake #9 Grammy. Im lying here with a throbbing ankle wondering if I am crazy for pushing on with my ankle but knowing if I back out now I'll probably never do it. Good luck tomorrow. I head for Mexico early Wednesday morning with surgery on Thursday so I'm not far behind you.
  4. Like
    traveler60 reacted to Embrace in Nerves   
    It makes sense that your fears are magnified with so little support at home. Good for you for coming to a safe place and asking for feedback from people who have actually had sleeve surgery. Everyone's journey is unique but we KNOW what we're talking about.
    I am a band to sleeve revision. (Band failed to produce weight loss and 6 years later caused serious complications.) I wasn't sure the sleeve would work for me either. I feared another failure. It had to make a conscious decision that whether or not the sleeve produced weight loss, I was giving myself the best chance possible to avoid diabetes, heart disease or stroke - all of which contributed to my mom's death. it was the mental adjustment I needed and I went into surgery 100% at peace.
    Recovery was so easy. I had localized pain where the port was removed from the abdominal wall but it wasn't unbearable and resolved completely in a couple of weeks. My nurses had me up and walking, which I think jumpstarted my healing. I would do it again tomorrow because my experience was so positive. Really, I would do it again with no hesitation.
    Weight loss has been slower than I'd like but I'm losing 1 - 1.5 pounds a week. Plus, my joints don't hurt, my clothes are getting loose, I'm starting to recognize my face in the mirror. I feel terrifi. I made the right choice for me. You considered this choice in consultation with your doctor for a reason. Listen to your inner voice and have the confidence in yourself to know that you'll make this happen. The sleeve is a powerful tool if you work your program. Don't give up and keep coming back here! We'll support you!!!!
    Band to Sleeve Revision
    Surgery 7/28/14
    Before surgery 211. Now 173
    Pounds Lost: 38 and counting
  5. Like
    traveler60 reacted to Queen of Crop in Nerves   
    I think you should just JUMP OFF THAT LEDGE! And what you will find is a new found freedom! A new life, new hope, new friends, new support......you are on the cusp of a very exciting, healthy new life. There are many many success stories here (and very few stories that were not successful, if any at all!). Not trying to toot my own horn, but I am one of the success stories and I wrote about my journey every Sunday for the first year.....please read it; I think you will find it inspirational. When I was waiting for my surgery....(I only had to wait 3 weeks from decision to surgery) I read another woman's blog and it got me so excited!!!! And that's what you need right now.
    I am now 3 years out and I just wrote a new blog entry (first time in 2 years). My husband is editing it now, but this is part of it:
    It changed my life. It changed my marriage. It changed my knees, my feet, my health. It changed the way I live. It changed the way I eat. It changed the way I dress, how I act with other people. It changed our sex life. It changed how happy I am to be alive. IT SAVED MY LIFE.
    Now here I am exactly 3 years from those days of transition. We are living in Amsterdam permanently now, I will be 61 years old in a few days, and I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life.
    Please read my blog (or any one elses and you will see that you have so much to look forward to! Start at www.queenofcrop.com/about And by tomorrow you can sign up for new posts if you like. STAY STRONG and remember this forum is all about support!
  6. Like
    traveler60 reacted to McButterpants in Nerves   
    You're going to be OK - it's perfectly normal to feel nervous and anxious...this is a big decision, it's a life changer. I think it's perfectly normal to have 2nd thoughts. I certainly did - I think I changed my mind 100 times!
    I'm not sure what the motivation behind your sisters comments about not being successful with the sleeve if you couldn't eat less before the sleeve. I find that coming here helps immensely - we're all going thru the same thing and we understand the struggles. Talking to my thin brother about weight loss issues is futile - he doesn't understand my issues. Even my husband doesn't understand my emotional attachment to food. I can explain it and he listens, but he doesn't understand it.
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    traveler60 reacted to desert19 in Nerves   
    You have all kinds of support here. Even though I had tons of family support it was me who was telling myself I would fail this time because I had in the past. I second guessed myself right up until the second they sedated me on the way to surgery. But guess what, I didn't fail and you won't either, because this time there will be something different to help you succeed, and that is your bariatric surgery. This will provide you with a powerful tool to succeed. You will have built-in Portion Control, which is something no other weightloss program has been able to give you. You will start to see that weight coming off which in turn will inspire you to continue to follow your program and keep succeeding. You will start to have that self image and confidence improve, and soon you will be able to do anything you set your mind to. Have confidence in yourself because you will succeed. The first step is showing up for surgery despite how scared you are you may fail. We are here to back you up. Good luck!!!
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    traveler60 reacted to Queen of Crop in Nerves   
    BTW, TRAVELER 60, WE ARE VERY SIMILAR! I was 207 date of surgery, I am 5'3, I was in my 50's (will be 61 on Monday) and my weight this morning was the same as your goal weight! And I was sleeved on October 27!
  9. Like
    traveler60 reacted to Queen of Crop in New to fifties group   
    Hello everyone.....just wanted to pop in and say I am reading your posts....just have not had time to comment....and I am going to start up my blog again in a week or two....reading all these posts about pre-op diets, shakes, shots is so interesting for me because I know soon you will all be beyond those questions, issues, decisions, and just living a life like a thin person and not even thinking about those things. (I do realize they are important now, so forgive me if I don't seem supportive). I just never really went down that path......I was traveling within a month of my surgery and carrying a blender was not an option!). Never did a pre-op diet (48 hours was all), never had the shots, so my story was very different, but it all turned out OK. Every October I have my blood work done and I will get my results on Tuesday....so I'll report in.....until then, I am thinking of all the October surgeries and reliving what an amazing time that was for me! I am SO loving my life and so will you, and these things will be behind you in no time!
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    traveler60 got a reaction from jspitznogle in Taking the train!   
    I wish I could take the train. I'm having mine done by Dr Garcia on October 30. It takes 14 hours and 3 different planes just to fly for me
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    traveler60 reacted to Kathy812 in New to fifties group   
    Best wishes on your surgery. Bring a book that you enjoy, if you like reading, sleep. Just do something to distract yourself. I agree flying is miserable but if you keep yourself busy hopefully the time will fly.
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    traveler60 reacted to Chimera in Lack of Support   
    I am so sorry you have a lack of support - the boards are a great place to get that much needed support.
    I am still working my way to goal - gee if this was easy one would think I would have gotten there smooth sailing in the first 6 months to a year. Even with this marvelous tool - you are still the one who gets to do the work, thats all it is. A valuable tool to assist in this difficult process.
    I too thought WL surgery was risky, and thought it was a very bad idea until my sister in law had a bypass and experienced
    stunning success, with no complications.
    I had bad co-morbidities going in to surgery - which as one gets older only get worse if you are obese. Every single one has been resolved within 6 months, well osteo-arthritis is not reversible, but its like I have a new set of knees. When my husband and I went to the informational seminar and our surgeon (he got a sleeve too) outlined the statistics of how much long term success is achieved and maintained through diet and exercise when you have 100+ lbs to lose...something around 2% (and who hasn't experienced this themselves in their own lose/regain cycle - I know I have) and the stats of success with better health post WL surgery I was convinced.
    WL surgery was hands down the best thing many of my own family members have ever done for themselves. Bar None.
    Best of luck and don't listen to the fretting of people who don't have experience with a procedure and lifestyle such as ours. There is a lot of friendship and wisdom here if one cant find it within our family/friends/co-workers
  13. Like
    traveler60 reacted to finediva in Lack of Support   
    Hi, I had my surgery two months ago. To this day I have shared my decision with NO ONE. I did this for me and did not want anyone's opinion on my decision. I thank God for this forum, because it gave me a place to come and be with people going through similar experiences. I have deal with the lack of friend and family support well. The only two people who I would of shared this with, and received total support from, left this life 9 yrs ago. So, I chose to go it alone.
    Try to get into your own head and simply focus on your goals and dreams. Keep the debbie downers and negative nellies far away!. Some people don't know how to be kind and supportive and some just don't want to.
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    traveler60 reacted to poppie380 in I'm 55 And Had My Sleeve Done On August 8   
    I am home, successfully sleeved.
    All went well on the day of surgery. I arrived at the hospital on time and was wheeled away into surgery. The next thing I remember is waking up in recovery feeling like I had done 2 or 3 rounds with Mike Tyson (minus the ear biting). Have to say the 2 days from surgery were the hardest. But I am amazed at how fast the body heals itself. I did everything the instructions to the letter. On the second half of the second day I started to feel human again. Started sipping (very very tiny sips) of Water, apple juice and Sustagen. The bottled Water I normally drink has a horrible metallic taste, so apple juice has been my salvation and my meals consist of a popper pack (250ml) of chocolate Sustagen - a Protein milk drink. Am more concerned at this stage of just staying hydrated than weight loss.
    I was luck to be allocated a private room at the hospital of my choice. It was a wonderful room. I could shut the door and shut out all the noise so I slept and slept and slept - except for when they woke me what felt like every 5mins to take my blood pressure and temp. Also I had a pain button which at first was my best friend. I did however on the last day of my hospital stay develop a terrible headache. This I have put down to lack of caffeine. Oh it was a killer and still nags away at the back of my skull. Panadol is what I am using to keep it at bay.
    Its nice to be home in my own bed. However my husband came to bed with some herbal insect spray on his ankle which I find far to over powering hence why I am now sitting up at 11pm writing this journal update.
    For those about to be sleeved my suggestions are ...
    1. Try and get a private room in the hospital - it makes a HUGE difference in your recovery.
    2. Go in with a positive attitude
    3. Don't fight the pain, don't trying to be heroic - use the pain button or ask nurses for stronger pain meds.
    4. sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep - its what your body is crying out for.
    5. Follow all the instructions to the letter.
    6. Dont rush recovery - take it gently and your body will thank you later.
    Now I just have to get through the liquid stage. 2 more weeks then its Hello baby food.
    I know its early days but I am still incredibly positive and know that I have made the right decision.
  15. Like
    traveler60 reacted to Queen of Crop in New to fifties group   
    Hola ladies! I am back from Barcelona....had a GREAT time! Felt like Hawaii it was so warm......I walked over 100,000 steps this past week, and didn't lose a lb.....pretty discouraging, but to be honest, I drank Sangria, and ate Spanish pastries......so it all balances out.
    Thank you very much for everyone who is encouraging me to start writing my blog again.....I am tempted because I have to admit, my life is very full at the moment and we are living a dream life.....however, it wouldn't be focused so much on weight loss, my sleeve, but on what life is like after post surgery......and what I am doing now that I could not do before....I am trying to lost 5-10 more lbs, but I'm not trying THAT hard.....but if I did start writing again, it might help keep me focused so I don't gain.....let me think about it. If I did, I would start in October, which will be my 3 year anniversary of my surgery.
  16. Like
    traveler60 reacted to Sas322 in Lack of Support   
    Traveler I worried about people thinking I took the easy way too but after years and years of struggles I made this decision for me. It's not easy and it's not like you sit around and weight just melts off. (I wish). It's just now when I diet correctly and exercise I will see results and be able to live a long healthy life. I've told very few people because it's no ones business. I'm eating healthy for my life and I'm happy about it. Proud of you for doing something for you. Your overweight friend knows the struggle but probably doesn't have the courage to take control of her own problems and doesn't want you to leave her alone in "overweight land". Misery loves company, right. Hang in there and do what you need for you.
  17. Like
    traveler60 got a reaction from boricuagirl956 in Lack of Support   
    Thank you all for the support. I know this is the right decision for me and the only way for me to have a healthy life. I think over the past 40 years, like many of us, I tried everything else. I guess I just need to not care what anyone else thinks
  18. Like
    traveler60 reacted to Queen of Crop in Lack of Support   
    Hello Traveler......you are the SAME weight and SAME height I was when I was sleeved 3 years ago.....it changed my life....at first I only told a few trusted friends.....I was lucky to have a support group, but as time went on I realized I had nothing to be ashamed about....I was taking control of my own life and if someone felt I was taking the easy way out or was judgemental in anyway, then hey, that was THEIR problem. For me? I love my life now and my only regret is that I did not do it sooner. You will gain your health back, your looks, and your confidence and then you will feel better about surrounding yourself with new friends! Go get 'em!!!!
  19. Like
    traveler60 reacted to finediva in post op hotel   
    Won't you like the comfort of knowing you were close to your surgeon for a couple of days? I stayed overnight and liked the constant medical care I received. I almost wished I stayed two nights, I'm the one who choose to go home.
  20. Like
    traveler60 reacted to BrittanyG in post op hotel   
    Stay 2 nights. I was sleeved in Mexico, and was glad I stayed 2 nights.
  21. Like
    traveler60 reacted to SwanRose in Sleeved 4 August by Dr Fernando Garcia   
    I was sleeved at the Florence Hospital in Tijuana on Monday 4 August by Dr Fernando Garcia, and I can only say that my experience was PERFECT.
    Dr Garcia, his team, Dr Velazco, the nurses, Eduardo, Irene and Samuel from Ready 4 a Change - they all worked to make this a truly trouble free and excellent event all round. The florence Hospital is nothing swish but it's very clean, and all the staff are helpful and very pleasant. Everything that happened was explained to me beforehand so I was never left in any confusion. I travelled alone and felt completely okay about it.
    I was the only patient scheduled for Dr Garcia that day, so the morning was taken up with pre-op tests, a medical history and exam with Dr Velazco and a visit from Dr Garcia. He is so nice and reassuring. I was given my 'relaxing pill' - and whatever it was it was good stuff - and got wheeled happily to the OR at about midday. Victor, the anesthesiologist, did a bang up job. There was no counting backwards from ten - one second I was on the table, the next second, or so it seemed, I was back in my room, waking up and sliding back onto the bed. Ten minutes later I was up and walking.
    I had no pain, no nausea, no vomiting or heaving, no problems with gas - a couple of ladylike burps and one discreet fart and that was it!
    Post-op the nurses were very attentive, frequently checking on me and adding meds to my iv fluids - anti-biotics, pain meds, anti-nausea meds and something 'to protect your stomach' - don't know what that was but it worked. Dr Garcia came to check on me and advise about the post-op diet.
    (He recommended I do 3 days on clear fluids, then on day 4 add Protein Shakes. (Just the shakes, not other full Fluid items.) This is to prevent my body from using muscle tissue as a Protein source. I had a Premier shake this morning, very slowly, and it went down fine. I don't know if he makes the same recommendation to everyone, though.)
    I had one pre-op and one post-op night at the Marriott Hotel and was extremely comfortable. The staff really go out of their way to make your stay as pleasant as possible.
    All in all I feel so fortunate and blessed in my choice of Dr Garcia and the Ready 4 A Change company. If anyone is considering surgery in Mexico, I wholeheartedly recommend Dr Garcia. My whole experience just couldn't have been better.
    Update: I only just got around to taking a detailed look at the written post-op diet instructions - it's in very pale type and I found it difficult to see without a strong light! Yes, Dr Garcia does say to add protein shakes on day 4.

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