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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. I use to have a skin condition similar to psoriasis that has cleared up completely due to a better diet, hormone balance, and overall effect of surgery. In fact, one of my worst inflammation days was the actual DAY OF SURGERY. It was so embarrassing because it made my face terribly splotchy and I felt like the ugliest and fattest person on earth. Upon my release from the hospital two days later, the nurses were amazed how clear my face looked. It may have been just due to lowered anxiety and stress, but it has still never returned to this day.
  2. My sleeve surgery was such a shock to my system that I went into early menopause at 38 years old. I was hoping the surgery would lead to an opportunity to get pregnant and carry a child to full term, however, it seems like its not in the cards for me. I've decided to focus on the positive aspects of what the surgery has done for me and take advantage of my new healthy life.
  3. You have to realize that you are not going to have a BM (or much of one) on a liquid diet. I did liquids for seven weeks after surgery and only went a couple of times. You should become more regular once you move on to soft foods.

    Struggling with SNACKING.

    Graham crackers are my weakness. I don't know if you have had surgery yet, but surgery will not prevent you from eating a whole pack. It's more of a slider food that doesn't keep you very full and passes through your stomach quickly. The best thing to do is to simply not buy them and keep them out of your house. That same strategy is what works best with all snack food. If you are in a snacking mood and the Snacks are not available to you, then you can more easily overcome that "snacky" feeling. When the feeling hits you, distract yourself by calling up a friend, going on a walk, work on hobbies, clean the house, etc. If all else fails, go ahead and grab something like a cucumber or other green vegetable. If I want a snack, but am not hungry enough to where an apple doesn't sound appetizing enough, then I'm not really hungry enough for a snack at all. I'm just bored or emotional. That is when I know that it is time to distract myself.

    Aetna of Missouri

    I used a different plan through Missouri Health net that covered everything and didn't require any dieting or meetings before surgery. I think the open enrollment period is coming up, so you may want to consider switching.
  6. No, quite the opposite really. I am almost 1.5 years post op and can tolerate just about any food at larger quantities. I am much more careful about my food choices as compared to before surgery and it makes all the difference. I'm sorry you are going through this. Are you still taking your bariatric Vitamins? How are your labs? Have you notified your bariatric doctor about your complications? I do find that my energy is lacking on days that I don't get at least 100 grams of Protein. How much protein are you consuming everyday?

    How Many Calories One Year Out?

    I've been maintaining at goal weight for the past four months at 1800-2000 calories a day. However, I've pretty much stopped keeping track this past month. As long as I get in my Protein and stick with healthy food choices, I pretty much stay at the same weight. I dread the day when my metabolism starts slowing down. My main form of exercise is one hour of walking a day. I've tried to do more intense forms of exercise, but never stick to it long term.
  8. Clemintine Sky, It's interesting that you mention spironaldactone. My period actually stopped after being on that med for a few months. So, now I am thinking it was the medication and not the surgery that caused my period to stop. I'm still taking the medication because it helps me to have clear skin. It's been a year since my last period and I am 38. I don't know if stopping the medication would bring my period back or not. The doctor says that I don't have enough fat on my body to produce estrogen, which would bring on a menstrual cycle.
  9. My period stopped completely at 3 months post op. Even at 16 months out now, it has never returned. My bariatrican and PCP say that it should return once I maintain for awhile. I'm not sure about that since I've been maintaining on a 1800 calorie diet for almost 10 months.

    Fat Doctor

    What are your favorite episodes of Fat Doctor? I don't have time to binge watch entire seasons and would like to just hit the highlights or best liked episodes. I have seen the first few episodes a few years back. Also, could anybody share the stone to pound conversion?

    Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?

    Netflix just added "Better Call Saul" to its instant streaming playlist. This drama series centers around the lawyer character from "Breaking Bad." The first few shows that I have seen are fantastic. :

    Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?

    I love FRINGE. I had some intense dental surgery Friday afternoon (eight tooth extractions, four implants, two bone graphs, 55 stitches) and finished the last two seasons this weekend while taking it easy on my couch. It's funny that I never had one second of regret after my sleeve surgery, but am filled with regret about this dental surgical procedure. BLACK MIRROR also has a new season out on Netflix. If you like X-Files or Twilight Zone, don't miss this show.

    Become a vegetarian maybe?

    If you thinking of going more vegetarian, then you should check out Dr. Weiner's youtube videos and book. I don't know how far out you are, but it is NOT recommended to try a plant based diet until you are 6 months out. I do somewhat of a plant based diet. This is probably because fresh fruits and vegetables cost more and have lower quality during this time of year. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=753&v=3_aahPETzH0

    Any Missouri people

    Aren't the makers of Formula 1 in St. Louis, Missouri?. I got a free taste of Formula 1 at Supplement Superstore in Jefferson City. They actually have a Cinnamon Toast Crunch Flavor. Which is both good and bad because Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal is one of those foods I overate in my morbidly obese days. Also, it is terribly expensive. Not sure if the price is really worth it. I may change my mind.

    Any Missouri people

    I'm from the Columbia area and had my surgery done through the University of Missouri Bariatric clinic. Anyone else near my area or go through the same clinic? It appears that they rarely do sleeves anymore. I've only heard of one other person.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
