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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    ProjectMe reacted to PuraVida37 in Your dream outfit   
    I already got into my dream outfit: running shoes, tights, and a tank top. Makes me feel FIERCE!!!!!!!!!!
    Some day I would like a vintage style dress (a la Audrey Hepburn) with heels, but I'm a little ways off that.
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    ProjectMe reacted to Miss Mac in Your dream outfit   
    White skinny jeans. I have a size 12 stashed in my closet. I have been stuck in size 14 for too long. Size 12 day will be a great celebration. I am not giving up.
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    ProjectMe reacted to Samantha Ann in Your dream outfit   
    I'm a cosmetologist, so fashion is huge for me. However, I cant wait to wear boots with skinny jeans, and a cute top.
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    ProjectMe reacted to bobbyswife in Your dream outfit   
    I can't wait to be able to wear boots that go to my knee!!!
    What do you wear now or what do you want to be able to wear one day that you couldn't wear as an overweight person?
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Anyone stop all Thyroid Rx post op?   
    Definitely not a possibility for those of us without a thyroid. I am a thyroid cancer survivor and will have to take synth roil for the rest of my life.
    The amount of synthroid depends on the weight of the person. I've lost 40+ lbs and my dosage decreased by 25mcg. Endocrinologist said he will need to decrease again when I lose another 10lbs.
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from Packerfan61964 in Can you choose your goal weight or does it choose you?   
    Your bmi at your desired weight would be 28.3 - 30. According to bmi categories:
    Normal weight= 18.5-24.9
    Overweight= 25 - 29.9
    Personally, WLS is such a serious surgery I would choose the healthy BMI over the aesthetically pleasing curves.
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from bobbyswife in Your dream outfit   
    Anything Victoria Secret that my husband wants me to wear
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from bobbyswife in Your dream outfit   
    Anything Victoria Secret that my husband wants me to wear
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    ProjectMe reacted to roundisashape in Your dream outfit   
    Good question! I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, but I want to look GOOD in them.
  10. Like
    ProjectMe got a reaction from bobbyswife in Your dream outfit   
    Anything Victoria Secret that my husband wants me to wear
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from bobbyswife in Your dream outfit   
    Anything Victoria Secret that my husband wants me to wear
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from babe58 in December 16th Surgery Date!   
    I am seriously lactose intolerant. I am using lactose free milk, almond, or soy milk. Un jury Protein works for me and I haven't had any problems with Muscle Milk. To be honest, I am more concerned about the aspartame in the sugar free stuff I have to eat...too much really upsets my stomach.
  13. Like
    ProjectMe got a reaction from Ky89 in What's wrong with me?   
    I don't think anything is wrong with you. I remember my single days and how uncomfortable it was to talk to the opposite sex....particularly in that type of atmosphere. I found bars to be completely not my thing. But, if I was talking about something that interests me (I.e. books, sports, politics) and was in a comfortable environment, I could talk with anyone. I am now married, with 3 kids, a husband, a dog and a mortgage. I began this wonderful life by arguing with a guy (my future husband) which made me forget how shy I am
    Life & dating isn't like a movie. There's is no right way to talk with someone. Just relax and be yourself. Believe you are worthy and he should be honored to have a moment of your time. Peace & Blessings
  14. Like
    ProjectMe got a reaction from BeagleLover in Having near panic attacks about my surgery on Tuesday! Would love some advice and experiences from you   
    Hello . I can totally relate to your post. I began the journey back in June. Through attending nutrition classes and support meetings, eating less than 1200 calories a day, and exercising on a regular basis, I've lost 40 pounds. My sleeve surgery will happen on Dec. 16th. The same thoughts of being able to do this w/o surgery have paused me a moment or two. Here's why getting the surgery is a must for me:
    There is no such thing as a healthy obese person...as high instances of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and other diseases may not present right now but chances are will present themselves in the future
    I survived thyroid cancer, and truly feel God has given me the opportunity to live the next 50 years as a healthy active person. I will not throw His opportunity away.
    According to my nutritionist, 99% of those who lost a significant amount of weight on their own, gain it back and then some. On the other hand, 50% of those who had WLS keep the weight off for the rest of their lives. I personally like those odds!
    Plus I have had 14 surgeries in my lifetime...what's one more? LOL
    Anyhoo, I hope this helps. Btw, I'm hoping that with the tool of Wls combined with the habits I have developed, will result in reaching my goal weight of 50 more lbs lost.
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from Babbs in Omg so much pain   
    Babbs, thanks for your response. I was wondering how this surgery compares to hysterectomy, pain wise. I've had 13 surgeries for various reasons, all of which, the pain was manageable with meds. It's the immediate nausea right after surgery that is worse to me than any pain. I have learned to tell the anesthesiologist just how bad I get before hand and the last few surgeries were without vomiting. I'm hoping this surgery the nausea will be at least manageable...
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    ProjectMe reacted to EverLearning in Having near panic attacks about my surgery on Tuesday! Would love some advice and experiences from you   
    I think you are normal!
    Change is hard. Unknown is hard.
    I have a sign I see each morning as I get ready it says "Don't let doubt keep you from your potential." I like it because it reminds me to take risks, to try, to forgive myself and try again when I fail, and that I am not yet at my potential - life just gets better and better.
    With your anxiety and mixed feelings I would suggest writing. Write all your worries, concerns, hopes, frustrations, goals, the whys of what you are doing, just write. No one ever needs to see it but you. It is a safe way to dump and process a lot and I find by the end of my writing session I have totally sorted myself out and feel better.
    I have also found when the rough spots in life come, if I go back and see where I was emotionally and why I made the choices I did, it confirms to me I am OK, on the right path for me, and this is just a rough patch! Or it is time to make a course correction as I am off base in my current thinking!
    I have used this for all my BIG decisions and I can say I made the correct decision at the time ---and each had a rough patch to prove it to me where I thought I had totally messed up and questioned myself.
    Look forward, place your worries in a safe spot where you don't have to carry them, remind yourself of your WHY you have gotten to this point and if the reasons are still valid, and move forward.
    Good Luck!
  17. Like
    ProjectMe reacted to RJ'S/beginning in To the man that has stood beside me through all of this!   
    37 years today I married my husband Roy. He has stood beside me through everything I have experienced in this world. The good days the bad. The good times and not so good times. The heavy times and the thin times. And just when I thought it could not get any worse. He stood beside me through the last 14 years of hell with my mental health as well as my physical health.
    I want to thank him for the last two years mostly as I have tested his strength and love more then any woman should. But he was there almost every day accept 4 or 5 at my bed side encouraging me to move forward. 5.5 months he came and held my hand, rubbed my feet and combed my hair. He had a regular routine he did to help me get through it all. He kept the extreme Hair loss from me so that I would not know how bad it all was. He even read me Moby d**k. Which I had read before but did not tell him....lol The staff at the hospital said they had never seen a man like him. I am sure they are out there and if you are then the woman who has your love is fortunate to be sure.
    He cried with me. Smiled with me and never let me think I would not make it. For this I am truly thankful. He made me fall in love with him all over again. As I continue to fight the many complications I can see the pride in his face when people say nice things to me. I have seen him break down in tears as he relives the last 2 years. And I have seen the worry he shows for the next upcoming procedure.
    Last night he told me not to worry that this was a positive surgery. One that will make things better for me....I love him for thinking that and never giving up.
    Thank you and much love your way!

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    ProjectMe got a reaction from get2chris in Dec. 15th anyone?   
    Yes, I'd love too! I'm adding everyone as a friend. Should I msg you my cell? Don't know how this works
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    ProjectMe got a reaction from get2chris in Dec. 15th anyone?   
    I'm Dec. 16th too nice to know there will be others going through this the same day I am!
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    ProjectMe reacted to Grandma2tweeties in Dec. 15th anyone?   
    Projectme. I'm excited your on the same time as me did you want to be part of our text group to stay close with the group that's all within days of each other?
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    ProjectMe reacted to RJ'S/beginning in NSV   
    Saturday my hubby took me to Breakfast at a market we work at every Saturday. We are vendors there and so once a year we get a free breakfast. I ordered bacon and pancakes. He ordered a breakfast burrito. As my hubby got up to get coffee and tea out food was being set before me.
    the lady who delivered it said this is a lot of food for such a little thing like yourself. she then smiled and walked away. I stared in disbelief because I still see myself most times as fat. oops. when my hubby came over I told him what she said and he smiled and said you are tiny. I looked at him and then stared at the woman who had said it. Then it dawned on me that I recognized her from somewhere but could not put my finger on it....Then I broke down crying. It just happened. I remembered her. she was one of my favorite nurses who looked after me when I finally came home from the hospital.
    I called her over and asked if she remembered me and was she still a nurse. She said no she did not know me and yes she worked part time as a nurse. I told her who I was and of course it was not hard to place me as I was the only patient who had a category 5 bed sore. She stood there and clasp her hand over her mouth and said OMG I would have never known it was you. I told her how much I liked her and how much I appreciated her honesty with my health and that she meant a lot to me. She came over and hugged me hard and thanked me for the compliment. I turned to my hubby and repeated what she said and she said yup. It's true I did say that. We laughed and she asked me to remind her husband that she was a gem....We laughed and she went back to work serving.
    After breakfast I got up to get my coat on and a lady behind me asked me how I was doing. I said fine. Do we know each other? She said you don't know me then? I said no. She said I worked at the drug store but no longer do. I have been wondering how you are doing. You were so sick. We thought you were not going to make it. I said me either and I laughed. She told me I looked amazing and so healthy and she was so pleased to see that. I thanked her for remembering me and for the kind words. My day was wonderful yesterday. All this hard work and trouble has been so worth it.
    I face surgery ( repair work on my butt from the bed sore ) on Thursday and no longer feel bad or fearful. I am going forward not backward and these people helped me see that....
    Sorry for being long winded but it was an amazing feeling for people to say such lovely things.....
  22. Like
    ProjectMe reacted to Breezy31 in Having near panic attacks about my surgery on Tuesday! Would love some advice and experiences from you   
    I had the am thoughts before my surgery! I was sleeved on 7/31 and lost 37lbs on the pre op diet. The day before my surgery I contemplated backing out. I thought I had things under control. I lost almost 40lbs by myself. Then I realized that I did not lose it on my own. I had assistance from my surgeon and my NUT. I was making excuses in my head to not go through with it. I was a food addict. I loved to eat. I decided to go through with it and I am so thankful I did! I have lost a total of 88lbs and I am the smallest I have ever been in my adult life. My weight when I began this journey was 316lbs and today I weigh 228lbs. I feel amazing! Stay positive! View this as a tool to help you continue the journey. I have absolutely no regrets!
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    ProjectMe reacted to Thinkingthinner1109 in I am sooooo happy!   
    I fit into my Abercrombie and Fitch jeans today and they fit perfect. Got some really cute shoes today at a Marshals. My husband bought me a new winter coat today. It's super cute and in normal people's size. I walk by the stores in the mall and see myself in the store windows and cannot believe it's me. Lol. ALL of my clothes fit from years ago. I have a whole new wardrobe and I have so many clothes. Everytime my husband and I go to the store he wants to buy everything for me. I have to rein him in. I am so incredibly happy. This sleeve thing works awesome! A few bumps in the beginning and YES I had regrets the first couple of days but it is a distant memory now, I am about 24 pounds to goal but I tell you if I didn't lose another pound I would be ecstatic. I am 13 weeks post op. My restriction is great. No nausea, slides and no stalls. Exercising and feeling great! A whole new me! Love that I look good for my husband again. Having the time of my life and we are leaving for vacation to Vegas and Californina in less that two weeks! Good luck everyone on your decisions to have this surgery, it works and even though some may have bumps in the road stick with it, best decision ever!
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    ProjectMe reacted to ggflores in popcorn.   
    I know that popcorn is not allowed. And why do so many of us have different information from our NUTs? It is because the data on the VSG is still too new and I believe that all NUTs are not the most informed or the best at giving advice. I did not go through this process to break rules or reward myself with food. I told myself on Day 1 at the first seminar that I would not be one of those people in the 25% group who failed.
    This is from my doctor. Blockage of the anastomosis (connection between the stomach pouch and the small intestine) may occur if fibrous or tough foods are eaten. Fibrous foods include: dry or tough meat, coconut, hot dog skins, nuts, seeds, popcorn, and skins of some fruit and vegetables. If food has blocked the anastomosis try adding one spoonful of Adolf's meat tenderizer to 1/4 cup warm Water and sip slowly. If the vomiting continues throughout the day, stop eating solid foods and sip only Clear Liquids for the next 4 hours. If vomiting continues for more than 24 hours, call your doctor. Continued vomiting may indicate that the outlet from your stomach pouch into your small intestine has become blocked and you may be at risk for dehydration. Sometimes blockages must be remove using an instrument called an endoscope that is passed through your mouth into your stomach. The best way avoid to avoid this is to chew all foods to the consistency of baby food, and avoid food that are fibrous or hard to digest. In some cases, the outlet to the small intestine becomes narrowed over time even though you are following the dietary guidelines. This condition is called stenosis
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    ProjectMe reacted to dsmith_rn in popcorn.   
    What struck me about your post was these words: "I think I deserve a little popcorn."
    The "I deserve (food item of choice here)" attitude is what got us all fat to begin with. As post-ops, we should never be thinking of any food item as something we DESERVE. food is fuel. It can (and should) be enjoyable, but it is energy for our body, period. We should not be rewarding ourselves with food anymore! Our relationship with food has to change. I would say find something else to reward yourself with besides food, or you'll be one of those statistics that scares the bejeebers out of all WLS folks........................good luck!

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